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Create your own Color Config File

First download the template:



curl -O

Now, to apply it run:

bytop --config YOUR_CONFIG_FILE

Color Sequence


BYTop uses ANSI Escape Sequences for that reson you need to follow the next format to avoid any issues. If you want to know more about this topic, please see the original document.

Standard escape codes are prefixed with Escape the only supported is Unicode:

  • Unicode: \u001b

Colors / Graphics Mode

ESC Code Sequence Reset Sequence Description
ESC[1;34;{...}m Set graphics modes for cell, separated by semicolon (;).
ESC[0m reset all modes (styles and colors)
ESC[1m ESC[22m set bold mode.
ESC[2m ESC[22m set dim/faint mode.
ESC[3m ESC[23m set italic mode.
ESC[4m ESC[24m set underline mode.
ESC[5m ESC[25m set blinking mode
ESC[7m ESC[27m set inverse/reverse mode
ESC[8m ESC[28m set hidden/invisible mode
ESC[9m ESC[29m set strikethrough mode.

Note: Some terminals may not support some of the graphic mode sequences listed above.

Note: Both dim and bold modes are reset with the ESC[22m sequence. The ESC[21m sequence is a non-specified sequence for double underline mode and only work in some terminals and is reset with ESC[24m.

Color codes

Most terminals support 8 and 16 colors, as well as 256 (8-bit) colors. These colors are set by the user, but have commonly defined meanings.

8-16 Colors

Color Name Foreground Color Code Background Color Code
Black 30 40
Red 31 41
Green 32 42
Yellow 33 43
Blue 34 44
Magenta 35 45
Cyan 36 46
White 37 47
Default 39 49
Reset 0 0

Note: the Reset color is the reset code that resets all colors and text effects, Use Default color to reset colors only.

Most terminals, apart from the basic set of 8 colors, also support the "bright" or "bold" colors. These have their own set of codes, mirroring the normal colors, but with an additional ;1 in their codes:

# Set style to bold, red foreground.
# Set style to dimmed white foreground with red background.

Terminals that support the aixterm specification provides bright versions of the ISO colors, without the need to use the bold modifier:

Color Name Foreground Color Code Background Color Code
Bright Black 90 100
Bright Red 91 101
Bright Green 92 102
Bright Yellow 93 103
Bright Blue 94 104
Bright Magenta 95 105
Bright Cyan 96 106
Bright White 97 107

256 Colors

The following escape codes tells the terminal to use the given color ID:

ESC Code Sequence Description
ESC[38;5;{ID}m Set foreground color.
ESC[48;5;{ID}m Set background color.

Where {ID} should be replaced with the color index from 0 to 255 of the following color table:

256 Color table

The table starts with the original 16 colors (0-15).

The proceeding 216 colors (16-231) or formed by a 3bpc RGB value offset by 16, packed into a single value.

The final 24 colors (232-255) are grayscale starting from a shade slighly lighter than black, ranging up to shade slightly darker than white.

Some emulators interpret these steps as linear increments (256 / 24) on all three channels, although some emulators may explicitly define these values.

RGB Colors

More modern terminals supports Truecolor (24-bit RGB), which allows you to set foreground and background colors using RGB.

These escape sequences are usually not well documented.

ESC Code Sequence Description
ESC[38;2;{r};{g};{b}m Set foreground color as RGB.
ESC[48;2;{r};{g};{b}m Set background color as RGB.

Note that ;38 and ;48 corresponds to the 16 color sequence and is interpreted by the terminal to set the foreground and background color respectively. Where as ;2 and ;5 sets the color format.