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An object-oriented Agent Based Model for land use/land cover change and multisector dynamics


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janus was designed to simulate land cover changes over time. These land cover changes are carried out by individual agents that choose to either continue planting the same crop, or choose to switch to a new crop based on expected profits.


Getting Started

The janus package uses only Python 3.3 and up.

Step 1:

Clone the repository into your desired directory:

git clone

Step 2:

You can install janus by running the following from your cloned directory (NOTE: ensure that you are using the desired python instance):

python install

Step 3:

Confirm that the module and its dependencies have been installed by running from your prompt:

from janus import Janus

If no error is returned then you are ready to go!

Step 4:

If you choose to install the example data run the following (you must have write access to the directory you choose to store the data in):

from janus import InstallSupplement

InstallSupplement(<directory you wish to install the data to>)

Setting up a run

Setup the config.yml file

There is an example config file in the janus/example directory of this package that describes each input. To conduct a test run, install the data supplement as described above and replace the paths in the example config file with the location of where you installed the example data. See the description below to match the example data file name with what is included with the package.

Key Description Example Data Name
f_counties_shp full path with file name and extension to the counties shapefile shp/counties_srb.shp
f_key_file full path with file name and extension to the land class category key file data/CDL2GCAM_categories.csv
f_gcam_file GCAM raster file data/gcam_2010_domain_3000.tiff
f_profits_file Profits file data/GenerateSyntheticPrices_test_output.csv
nt Number of time steps
switch_params list of lists for switching averse, tolerant parameters (alpha, beta)
p Proportion of each switching type, lower than p is averse, higher is tolerant
fmin The fraction of current profit at which the CDF of the beta distribution is zero
fmax The fraction of current profit at which the CDF of the beta distribution is one
n The number of points to generate in the CDF
crop_seed_size Seed to set for random number generators for unit testing
target_yr Initialization year associated with landcover input
scale Scale of land cover grid in meters. Current options are 1000 and 3000 m
county_list List of counties to evaluate
agent_variables NASS variables to characterize agents with. Currently set to use "TENURE" and "AREA OPERATED"
nass_year Year that NASS data are pulled from. This data is collected every 5 years, with the Initialization year here being 2007
nass_county_list List of counties in the domain that NASS data is collected from, these have to be capitalized
nass_api_key A NASS API is needed to access the NASS data, get yours here

Setup the input files

  • counties_shp.shp: Shapefile of counties within the area of interest. This should have county names and a single identifier for each polygon.

  • cdl.txt: Cropland Data Layer

  • key_file.csv: This file must have the following column titles 'CDL_id', 'CDL_name', 'GCAM_id', 'local_GCAM_id', 'GCAM_id_list', 'GCAM_name', 'GCAM_cat', 'local_GCAM_id_list', 'local_GCAM_name', 'local_cat'.

    'GCAM_id' and 'local_GCAM_id' are the conversion columns where the destination id is matched with each original CDL id.

    CDL_id, CDL_name, GCAM_id and GCAM_name are set based on the original CDL data and GCAM categorization.

    'id_list' are numeric identifiers for each category associated with names ('GCAM_name', 'local_GCAM_name') of output categorization.

    Columns that start with 'local' are where the file can be modified to create location specific land cover categories.

    'cat' is the generic category for assigning agents.'ag' for agricultural, 'nat' for natural (e.g. water, wetland), or 'urb' for urban land covers.

  • profits_file.csv: csv with the number of rows equal to number of crops. This contains the crop name, crop ID number, price function of choice and parameters for that function.

Run Preprocessing Packages

Run preprocessing scripts to set up initial land cover data and profits data.

Janus is currently setup to use the NASS Cropland Data Layer, this data should be downloaded for the area of interest and the key_file should be updated to reflect the land cover categories of interest. If other land cover data is being used this step is not necessary. The aggregation step may take upwards of an hour depending on the extent.

from janus.preprocessing.get_gis_data import get_gis_data
get_gis_data('<full path and filename of counties_shp>', '<full path and filename of key file>', '<county_list>', <scale>, <year>, '<full path to raw_lc_di>', '<full path to processed_lc_dir>', '<full path to init_lc_dir>',

Janus can either convert profit data from GCAM-USA or generate synthetic profit signals. Again, the key_file will need to be modified to convert GCAM catergories to local land cover categories of interest.

from janus.preprocessing.convert_gcam_usa_prices import gcam_usa_price_converter
convert_gcam_usa_prices('<full path and file name of gcam_profits.csv', '<full path and filename of profits_out.csv>', '<full path and filename of key_file,csv>', <nc>, <nt>, <year>)

Running janus

Running from terminal or command line

Ensure that you are using the desired python instance then run:

python <path-to-janus-module>/ --config_file <path-to-the-config-file>

All parameters can be passed to the Janus class using terminal or command line instead of by a configuration file if you so desire. Simply exclude the config_file argument from the required parameters. Run the following for assistance:

python <path-to-janus-module>/ --help

Running from a Python Prompt or from another script

from janus import Janus


  • landcover.npy: Numpy array of landcover through time [Nt, Ny, Nx]
  • domain.npy: Numpy array of class type dcell that contain information about agents [Nt, Ny, Nx]
  • profits.npy: Numpy array of profits through time [Nt, Ny, Nx]

Community involvement

janus was built to be extensible. It is our hope that the community will continue the development of this software. Please submit a pull request for any work that you would like have considered as a core part of this package. You will be properly credited for your work and it will be distributed under our current open-source license. Any issues should be submitted through standard GitHub issue protocol and we will deal with these promptly.


An object-oriented Agent Based Model for land use/land cover change and multisector dynamics







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