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Wagtail RSS feed

Wagtail RSS feed is a Django app that provides custom content block that can be used with any Wagtail page model.

This way you can load any RSS feed and display it on a any Wagtail page.

Quick start

  1. Install "wagtail_rss_feed_block" using pip

    $ pip install wagtail-rss-feed-block
  2. Add "wagtail_rss_feed_block" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  3. Use RSSFeedBlock in your Wagtail Page model for example like this:

    from wagtail.models import Page
    from wagtail.fields import StreamField
    from wagtail_rss_feed_block.blocks import RSSFeedBlock
    class BlogPage(Page):
        body = StreamField([
            ('rss_feed', RSSFeedBlock()),
        content_panels = [       
  4. Make and apply database migrations with new changes:

    $ python makemigrations
    $ python migrate


  1. Clone this repo:

    $ git clone
  2. Use pip to install this package from newly cloned repo folder to your local Django project ( -e argument stands for --editable and it's handy for local development. It will reload your Django project every time you make changes to wagtail-rss-feed-block.):

    $ pip install -e <path to repo folder>
  3. Now you can continue from step no. 2 of Quick start guide above.