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Android Login Form in Java

Simple login form in Java only

Keep in mind that it is mainly for APK modding and not for general app development purposes

okhttp dependency is no longer required, we use URL instead. You can still use okhttp if you want, uncomment the okhttp codes related

Note: This project is for experienced modders and programmers only and you must be able to do yourself and be able to search for help. This project will not be maintained much, we will NOT offer help and support with this project, and the Example will not be updated.


Add login.php to your server that supports PHP, use for free webserver. Repo based hosting such as Github does not support PHP

Change URL on public static String URL on file

Merging into your project

It's easy, just copy and paste the code of public static void Start(final Context context) into your project and make some changes

See the example folder how the login code was merged into the mod menu project on file

How to implement to APK:

Build the project to APK file.

Build -> Build Bundle(s)/APK(s) -> Build APK(s)

If no errors occured, you did everything right and build will succeded. You will be notified that it build successfully

Click on locate to show you the location of build.apk. It is stored at (your-project)\app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk

Now decompile your app-debug.apk.

Copy all your smali folders to the game's smali folder to the game's decompiled directory (game name)\smali. If the game have multidexes, add your smali to the last classes dex if possible to prevent compilation errors such as Unsigned short value out of range: xxxxx

If the game has already okhttp smalis, don't add it.

Now, you must know the game's launch activity/main activity

You can either use APK Easy Tool to view main activity like screenshot below:

Or decompile your game APK using apktool.jar, or any 3rd party CLI or GUI tools, and open androidmanifest.xml and search after <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>

In this case, my game's main activity was com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity

On the game's androidmanifest.xml, besure that <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> exist

Locate to the game's path of main activity and open the smali file.

Example if it was com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity, the path would be (decompiled game)/com/unity3d/player/UnityPlayerActivity.smali

If the game have multi dexes, it may be located in smali_classes2... please check all

Open the main acitivity's smali file, search for OnCreate method and paste this code inside (change the package name if you had changed it)

invoke-static {p0}, Lcom/example/androidloginjava/MainActivity;->Start(Landroid/content/Context;)V

Save the file

Now compile the game APK

It should launch the login screen and successfully launch the activity after login :)

Simple protection in lib

See native-lib.cpp for example how to check if the user has logged in

There are the codes called Check() and System.loadLibrary("yourlib");. They are commented out

You may need to protect your dex and lib files for that


Simple login form in Java only






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