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A sane, batteries-included starter template for using Nix to create reproducible cloud development machines in corporate environments

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This repository is intended to be a sane, batteries-included starter template for creating reproducible cloud development machines in corporate environments where users may be restricted to the use of a single company-approved Linux distribution.

This starter assumes some knowledge of the Nix ecosystem. If you are new to Nix, I recommend checking out my nixos-hetzner-cloud-starter template which is aimed at people who are completely new to Nix.

Make sure to look at all the FIXME notices in the various files which are intended to direct you to places where you may want to make configuration tweaks.

If you found this starter template useful, please consider sponsoring and subscribing to my YouTube channel.

Macbook Setup

For Macbook users, in order to deploy a home-manager configuration to a remote host, you need to have nix installed on your Macbook.

sh <(curl -L

Clone this repo, update all of the # FIXME notices for your default user information and the hostname of your machine, and then build and apply the configuration.

The applied configuration ensures that we are able to use the linux-builder module to build any packages for both x86_64-linux and aarch64-linux architectures. (Check out ./modules/darwin.nix for details)

nix build .#darwinConfigurations.<YOUR HOSTNAME GOES HERE>.system --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes"
./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake .

You should ssh into your cloud development machine at least once before continuing to ensure that the hostkeys are added to ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

Cloud Development Machine Preparation

Run ./ to prepare the host to receive home-manager configurations.

This script installs the Nix package manager, home-manager and ensures that nix-* binaries are symlinked to /usr/bin to allow for smooth remote home-manager activations.

Take a look at ./ to make any tweaks for your specific company use case.

Applying the Home Manager Configuration

Once the host has been prepared, you can run the following command on your Macbook to build and apply the home-manager configuration to the host.

deploy -s .#corp

I recommend not making too many changes the first time you apply your configuration; the committed configuration has been tested to work on first apply.

ssh into your machine and run fish, then check out all the generated dotfiles under ~/.config and all the binaries in your $PATH.

You may want to make updates where there are # FIXME notices in ./modules/home.nix, ./modules/shell.nix, ./modules/corp.nix, and ./modules/home-fish.nix.

In particular you may want to add configuration files to your fork of this repo in ./files/* and have them automatically synced over to the host.

Note that any new files added must be git added before they will be considered deployable.

Making and Deploying Changes

Whenever you have new configuration changes to deploy (new packages, new dotfiles etc.), run the same deploy -s .#corp command.

Multiple Hosts, Multiple Architectures

You can also target multiple hosts, for example, below we target an x86-64-linux host and an aarch64-linux host. Both will have exactly the same configurations and the cross-compilations of all packages will be handled transparently.

The new host can be targeted by using the node name: deploy -s .#arm-corp.

    homeConfigurations.corp = mkHomeManagerConfiguration {
        system = "x86_64-linux";
        modules = [

    homeConfigurations.arm-corp = mkHomeManagerConfiguration {
        system = "aarch64-linux";
        # we can include an override for the hostname here
        hostname = "";
        modules = [

    deploy = {
        autoRollback = false;
        magicRollback = false;
        nodes = {
          corp = rec {
            inherit (self.homeConfigurations.corp.options._module.specialArgs.value) hostname;
            sshUser = self.homeConfigurations.corp.config.home.username;
            user = self.homeConfigurations.corp.config.home.username;
            remoteBuild = true;
   = {
              path = (nixpkgsWithOverlays self.homeConfigurations.corp.activationPackage.system).deploy-rs.lib.activate.home-manager self.homeConfigurations.corp;
              profilePath = "/home/${user}/.local/state/nix/profiles/dev";

          arm-corp = rec {
            inherit (self.homeConfigurations.arm-corp.options._module.specialArgs.value) hostname;
            sshUser = self.homeConfigurations.arm-corp.config.home.username;
            user = self.homeConfigurations.arm-corp.config.home.username;
            remoteBuild = true;
   = {
              path = (nixpkgsWithOverlays self.homeConfigurations.arm-corp.activationPackage.system).deploy-rs.lib.activate.home-manager self.homeConfigurations.arm-corp;
              profilePath = "/home/${user}/.local/state/nix/profiles/dev";


A sane, batteries-included starter template for using Nix to create reproducible cloud development machines in corporate environments






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