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Basic Administrative Tasks and System Setup

This is a how-to style chapter that covers basic LINSTOR® administrative tasks, including installing LINSTOR and how to get started using LINSTOR.

Before Installing LINSTOR

Before you install LINSTOR, there are a few things that you should be aware of that might affect how you install LINSTOR.


LINSTOR is packaged in both the RPM and the DEB variants:

  1. linstor-client contains the command line client program. It depends on Python which is usually already installed. In RHEL 8 systems you will need to symlink python.

  2. linstor-controller and linstor-satellite Both contain systemd unit files for the services. They depend on Java runtime environment (JRE) version 1.8 (headless) or higher.

For further details about these packages see the Installable Components section above.

If you have a LINBIT® support subscription, you will have access to certified binaries through LINBIT customer-only repositories.

FIPS Compliance

This standard shall be used in designing and implementing cryptographic modules…​

You can configure LINSTOR to encrypt storage volumes, by using LUKS (dm-crypt), as detailed in the Encrypted Volumes section of this user’s guide. Refer to the LUKS and dm-crypt projects for FIPS compliance status.

You can also configure LINSTOR to encrypt communication traffic between a LINSTOR satellite and a LINSTOR controller, by using SSL/TLS, as detailed in the Secure Satellite Connections section of this user’s guide.

LINSTOR can also interface with Self-Encrypting Drives (SEDs) and you can use LINSTOR to initialize an SED drive. LINSTOR stores the drive’s password as a property that applies to the storage pool associated with the drive. LINSTOR encrypts the SED drive password by using the LINSTOR master passphrase that you must create first.

By default, LINSTOR uses the following cryptographic algorithms:

  • HMAC-SHA2-512

  • PBKDF2

  • AES-128

A FIPS compliant version of LINSTOR is available for the use cases mentioned in this section. If you or your organization require FIPS compliance at this level, contact for details.

Installing LINSTOR

If you want to use LINSTOR in containers, skip this section and use the Containers section below for the installation.

Installing a Volume Manager

To use LINSTOR to create storage volumes, you will need to install a volume manager, either LVM or ZFS, if one is not already installed on your system.

Using a Script to Manage LINBIT Cluster Nodes

If you are a LINBIT® customer, you can download a LINBIT created helper script and run it on your nodes to:

  • Register a cluster node with LINBIT.

  • Join a node to an existing LINBIT cluster.

  • Enable LINBIT package repositories on your node.

Enabling LINBIT package repositories will give you access to LINBIT software packages, DRBD® kernel modules, and other related software such as cluster managers and OCF scripts. You can then use a package manager to fetch, install, and manage updating installed packages.

Downloading the LINBIT Manage Node Script

To register your cluster nodes with LINBIT, and configure LINBIT’s repositories, first download and then run the manage node helper script by entering the following commands on all cluster nodes:

# curl -O
# chmod +x ./
# ./
You must run the script as the root user.

The script will prompt you for your LINBIT customer portal username and password. After entering your credentials, the script will list cluster nodes associated with your account (none at first).

Enabling LINBIT Package Repositories

After you specify which cluster to register the node with, have the script write the registration data to a JSON file when prompted. Next, the script will show you a list of LINBIT repositories that you can enable or disable. You can find LINSTOR and other related packages in the drbd-9 repository. In most cases, unless you have a need to be on a different DRBD version branch, you should enable at least this repository.

Final Tasks Within Manage Nodes Script

After you have finished making your repositories selection, you can write the configuration to a file by following the script’s prompting. Next, be sure to answer yes to the question about installing LINBIT’s public signing key to your node’s keyring.

Before it closes, the script will show a message that suggests different packages that you can install for different use cases.

On DEB based systems you can install a precompiled DRBD kernel module package, drbd-module-$(uname -r), or a source version of the kernel module, drbd-dkms. Install one or the other package but not both.

Using a Package Manager to Install LINSTOR

After registering your node and enabling the drbd-9 LINBIT package repository, you can use a DEB, RPM, or YaST2 based package manager to install LINSTOR and related components.

If you are using a DEB based package manager, refresh your package repositories list by entering: apt update, before proceeding.
Installing DRBD Packages for Replicated LINSTOR Storage
If you will be using LINSTOR without DRBD, you can skip installing these packages.

If you want to be able to use LINSTOR to create DRBD replicated storage, you will need to install the required DRBD packages. Depending on the Linux distribution that you are running on your node, install the DRBD-related packages that the helper script suggested. If you need to review the script’s suggested packages and installation commands, you can enter:

# ./ --hints
Installing LINSTOR Packages

To install LINSTOR on a controller node, use your package manager to install the linbit-sds-controller package.

To install LINSTOR on a satellite node, use your package manager to install the linbit-sds-satellite package.

Install both packages if your node will be both a satellite and controller (Combined role).

Installing LINSTOR from Source Code

The LINSTOR project’s GitHub page is here:

LINBIT also has downloadable archived files of source code for LINSTOR, DRBD, and more, available here:

Upgrading LINSTOR

LINSTOR doesn’t support rolling upgrades. Controller and satellites must have the same version, otherwise the controller will discard the satellite with a VERSION_MISMATCH. But this isn’t a problem, as the satellite won’t do any actions as long it isn’t connected to a controller and DRBD will not be disrupted by any means.

If you are using the embedded default H2 database and the linstor-controller package is upgraded an automatic backup file of the database will be created in the default /var/lib/linstor directory. This file is a good restore point if for any reason a linstor-controller database migration should fail, then it is recommended to report the error to LINBIT and restore the old database file and roll back to your previous controller version.

If you use any external database or etcd, it is recommended to do a manual backup of your current database to have a restore point.

First, upgrade the linstor-controller and linstor-client packages on your controller host and then restart the linstor-controller. The controller should start and all of its clients should show OFFLINE(VERSION_MISMATCH). After that you can continue upgrading the linstor-satellite package on all satellite nodes and restart them, after a short reconnection time they should all show ONLINE again and your upgrade is finished.


LINSTOR and related software are also available as containers. The base images are available in LINBIT’s container registry,

LINBIT’s container image repository ( is only available to LINBIT customers or through LINBIT customer trial accounts. Contact LINBIT for information on pricing or to begin a trial. Alternatively, you can use LINSTOR SDS' upstream project named Piraeus, without being a LINBIT customer.

To access the images, you first have to login to the registry using your LINBIT Customer Portal credentials.

# docker login

The containers available in this repository are:










An up-to-date list of available images with versions can be retrieved by opening in your browser. Be sure to browse the image repository through HTTP, although the registry’s images themselves are pulled through HTTPS, using the associated docker pull command.

To load the kernel module, needed only for LINSTOR satellites, you’ll need to run a drbd9-$dist container in privileged mode. The kernel module containers either retrieve an official LINBIT package from a customer repository, use shipped packages, or they try to build the kernel modules from source. If you intend to build from source, you need to have the according kernel headers (for example, kernel-devel) installed on the host. There are four ways to execute such a module load container:

  • Building from shipped source

  • Using a shipped/pre-built kernel module

  • Specifying a LINBIT node hash and a distribution.

  • Bind-mounting an existing repository configuration.

Example building from shipped source (RHEL based):

# docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
  -v /usr/src:/usr/src:ro \

Example using a module shipped with the container, which is enabled by not bind-mounting /usr/src:

# docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \

Example using a hash and a distribution (rarely used):

# docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
  -e LB_DIST=rhel7.7 -e LB_HASH=ThisIsMyNodeHash \

Example using an existing repository configuration (rarely used):

# docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules \
  -v /etc/yum.repos.d/linbit.repo:/etc/yum.repos.d/linbit.repo:ro \
In both cases (hash + distribution, and bind-mounting a repository) the hash or repository configuration has to be from a node that has a special property set. Contact LINBIT customer support for help setting this property.
For now (that is, pre DRBD 9 version "9.0.17"), you must use the containerized DRBD kernel module, as opposed to loading a kernel module onto the host system. If you intend to use the containers you should not install the DRBD kernel module on your host systems. For DRBD version 9.0.17 or greater, you can install the kernel module as usual on the host system, but you need to load the module with the usermode_helper=disabled parameter (for example, modprobe drbd usermode_helper=disabled).

Then run the LINSTOR satellite container, also privileged, as a daemon:

# docker run -d --name=linstor-satellite --net=host -v /dev:/dev \
net=host is required for the containerized drbd-utils to be able to communicate with the host-kernel through Netlink.

To run the LINSTOR controller container as a daemon, mapping TCP port 3370 on the host to the container, enter the following command:

# docker run -d --name=linstor-controller -p 3370:3370

To interact with the containerized LINSTOR cluster, you can either use a LINSTOR client installed on a system using repository packages, or using the containerized LINSTOR client. To use the LINSTOR client container:

# docker run -it --rm -e LS_CONTROLLERS=<controller-host-IP-address> \ node list

From this point you would use the LINSTOR client to initialize your cluster and begin creating resources using the typical LINSTOR patterns.

To stop and remove a daemonized container and image:

# docker stop linstor-controller
# docker rm linstor-controller

Initializing Your Cluster

Before initializing your LINSTOR cluster, you must meet the following prerequisites on all cluster nodes:

  1. The DRBD9 kernel module is installed and loaded.

  2. The drbd-utils package is installed.

  3. LVM tools are installed.

  4. linstor-controller or linstor-satellite packages and their dependencies are installed on appropriate nodes.

  5. The linstor-client is installed on the linstor-controller node.

Enable and also start the linstor-controller service on the host where it has been installed:

# systemctl enable --now linstor-controller

Using the LINSTOR Client

Whenever you run the LINSTOR command line client, it needs to know on which cluster node the linstor-controller service is running. If you do not specify this, the client will try to reach a locally running linstor-controller service listening on IP address port 3370. Therefore use the linstor-client on the same host as the linstor-controller.

The linstor-satellite service requires TCP ports 3366 and 3367. The linstor-controller service requires TCP port 3370. Verify that you have this port allowed on your firewall.
# linstor node list

Output from this command should show you an empty list and not an error message.

You can use the linstor command on any other machine, but then you need to tell the client how to find the LINSTOR controller. As shown, this can be specified as a command line option, or by using an environment variable:

# linstor --controllers=alice node list
# LS_CONTROLLERS=alice linstor node list

If you have configured HTTPS access to the LINSTOR controller REST API and you want the LINSTOR client to access the controller over HTTPS, then you need to use the following syntax:

# linstor --controllers linstor+ssl://<controller-node-name-or-ip-address>
# LS_CONTROLLERS=linstor+ssl://<controller-node-name-or-ip-address> linstor node list

Specifying Controllers in the LINSTOR Configuration File

Alternatively, you can create the /etc/linstor/linstor-client.conf file and add a controllers= line in the global section.


If you have multiple LINSTOR controllers configured you can simply specify them all in a comma-separated list. The LINSTOR client will try them in the order listed.

Using LINSTOR Client Abbreviated Notation

You can use LINSTOR client commands in a much faster and convenient way by only entering the starting letters of the commands, subcommands, or parameters. For example, rather than entering linstor node list you can enter the LINSTOR short notation command linstor n l.

Entering the command linstor commands will show a list of possible LINSTOR client commands along with the abbreviated notation for each command. You can use the --help flag with any of these LINSTOR client commands to get the abbreviated notation for the command’s subcommands.

Adding Nodes to Your Cluster

After initializing your LINSTOR cluster, the next step is to add nodes to the cluster.

# linstor node create bravo

If you omit the IP address, the LINSTOR client will try to resolve the specified node name, bravo in the preceding example, as a hostname. If the hostname does not resolve to a host on the network from the system where the LINSTOR controller service is running, then LINSTOR will show an error message when you try to create the node:

Unable to resolve ip address for 'bravo': [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution

Naming LINSTOR Nodes

If you specify an IP address when you create a LINSTOR node, you can give your node an arbitrary name. The LINSTOR client will show an INFO message about this when you create the node:

    [...] 'arbitrary-name' and hostname 'node-1' doesn't match.

LINSTOR will automatically detect the created node’s local uname --nodename which will be later used for DRBD resource configurations, rather than the arbitrary node name. To avoid confusing yourself and possibly others, in most cases, it would make sense to just use a node’s hostname when creating a LINSTOR node.

Starting and Enabling a LINSTOR Satellite Node

When you use linstor node list LINSTOR will show that the new node is marked as offline. Now start and enable the LINSTOR satellite service on the new node so that the service comes up on reboot as well:

# systemctl enable --now  linstor-satellite

About 10 seconds later you will see the status in linstor node list becoming online. Of course the satellite process might be started before the controller knows about the existence of the satellite node.

In case the node which hosts your controller should also contribute storage to the LINSTOR cluster, you have to add it as a node and also start the linstor-satellite service.

If you want to have other services wait until the linstor-satellite had a chance to create the necessary devices (that is, after a boot), you can update the corresponding .service file and change Type=simple to Type=notify.

This will cause the satellite to delay sending the READY=1 message to systemd until the controller connects, sends all required data to the satellite and the satellite at least tried once to get the devices up and running.

Specifying LINSTOR Node Types

When you create a LINSTOR node, you can also specify a node type. Node type is a label that indicates the role that the node serves within your LINSTOR cluster. Node type can be one of controller, auxiliary, combined, or satellite. For example to create a LINSTOR node and label it as a controller and a satellite node, enter the following command:

# linstor node create bravo --node-type combined

The --node-type argument is optional. If you do not specify a node type when you create a node, LINSTOR will use a default type of satellite.

If you want to change a LINSTOR node’s assigned type after creating the node, you can enter a linstor node modify --node-type command.

Storage Pools

StoragePools identify storage in the context of LINSTOR. To group storage pools from multiple nodes, simply use the same name on each node. For example, one valid approach is to give all SSDs one name and all HDDs another.

Creating Storage Pools

On each host contributing storage, you need to create either an LVM volume group (VG) or a ZFS zPool. The VGs and zPools identified with one LINSTOR storage pool name might have different VG or zPool names on the hosts, but do yourself a favor, for coherency, use the same VG or zPool name on all nodes.

# vgcreate vg_ssd /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1 [...]

After creating a volume group on each of your nodes, you can create a storage pool that is backed by the volume group on each of your nodes, by entering the following commands:

# linstor storage-pool create lvm alpha pool_ssd vg_ssd
# linstor storage-pool create lvm bravo pool_ssd vg_ssd

To list your storage pools you can enter:

# linstor storage-pool list

or using LINSTOR abbreviated notation:

# linstor sp l

Using Storage Pools To Confine Failure Domains to a Single Back-end Device

In clusters where you have only one kind of storage and the capability to hot swap storage devices, you might choose a model where you create one storage pool per physical backing device. The advantage of this model is to confine failure domains to a single storage device.

Sharing Storage Pools with Multiple Nodes

Both the Exos and LVM2 storage providers offer the option of multiple server nodes directly connected to the storage array and drives. With LVM2 the external locking service (lvmlockd) manages volume groups created with the --shared options with vgcreate. The --shared-space can be used when configuring a LINSTOR pool to use the same LVM2 volume group accessible by two or more nodes. The example below shows using the LVM2 volume group UUID as the shared space identifier for a pool accessible by nodes alpha and bravo:

# linstor storage-pool create lvm --external-locking \
  --shared-space O1btSy-UO1n-lOAo-4umW-ETZM-sxQD-qT4V87 \
  alpha pool_ssd shared_vg_ssd
# linstor storage-pool create lvm --external-locking \
  --shared-space O1btSy-UO1n-lOAo-4umW-ETZM-sxQD-qT4V87 \
  bravo pool_ssd shared_vg_ssd

Exos pools will use the Exos pool serial number by default for the shared-space identifier.

As of the release of linstor-server v1.26.0, the Exos integration for LINSTOR is deprecated.

Creating Storage Pools by Using the Physical Storage Command

Since linstor-server 1.5.2 and a recent linstor-client, LINSTOR can create LVM/ZFS pools on a satellite for you. The LINSTOR client has the following commands to list possible disks and create storage pools, but such LVM/ZFS pools are not managed by LINSTOR and there is no delete command, so such action must be done manually on the nodes.

# linstor physical-storage list

Will give you a list of available disks grouped by size and rotational(SSD/Magnetic Disk).

It will only show disks that pass the following filters:

  • The device size must be greater than 1GiB.

  • The device is a root device (not having children), for example, /dev/vda, /dev/sda.

  • The device does not have any file system or other blkid marker (wipefs -a might be needed).

  • The device is not a DRBD device.

With the create-device-pool command you can create a LVM pool on a disk and also directly add it as a storage pool in LINSTOR.

# linstor physical-storage create-device-pool --pool-name lv_my_pool \
  LVMTHIN node_alpha /dev/vdc --storage-pool newpool

If the --storage-pool option was provided, LINSTOR will create a storage pool with the given name.

For more options and exact command usage refer to the LINSTOR client --help text.

Mixing Storage Pools

With some setup and configuration, you can use storage pools of different storage provider types to back a LINSTOR resource. This is called storage pool mixing. For example, you might have a storage pool on one node that uses an LVM thick-provisioned volume while on another node you have a storage pool that uses a thin-provisioned ZFS zpool.

Because most LINSTOR deployments will use homogenous storage pools to back resources, storage pool mixing is only mentioned here so that you know that the feature exists. It might be a useful feature when migrating storage resources, for example. You can find further details about this, including prerequisites, in Mixing Storage Pools of Different Storage Providers.

Using Resource Groups to Deploy LINSTOR Provisioned Volumes

Using resource groups to define how you want your resources provisioned should be considered the de facto method for deploying volumes provisioned by LINSTOR. Chapters that follow which describe creating each resource from a resource definition and volume definition should only be used in special scenarios.

Even if you choose not to create and use resource groups in your LINSTOR cluster, all resources created from resource definitions and volume definitions will exist in the 'DfltRscGrp' resource group.

A simple pattern for deploying resources using resource groups would look like this:

# linstor resource-group create my_ssd_group --storage-pool pool_ssd --place-count 2
# linstor volume-group create my_ssd_group
# linstor resource-group spawn-resources my_ssd_group my_ssd_res 20G

The commands above would result in a resource named 'my_ssd_res' with a 20GB volume replicated twice being automatically provisioned from nodes who participate in the storage pool named 'pool_ssd'.

A more useful pattern could be to create a resource group with settings you’ve determined are optimal for your use case. Perhaps you have to run nightly online verifications of your volumes' consistency, in that case, you could create a resource group with the 'verify-alg' of your choice already set so that resources spawned from the group are pre-configured with 'verify-alg' set:

# linstor resource-group create my_verify_group --storage-pool pool_ssd --place-count 2
# linstor resource-group drbd-options --verify-alg crc32c my_verify_group
# linstor volume-group create my_verify_group
# for i in {00..19}; do
    linstor resource-group spawn-resources my_verify_group res$i 10G

The commands above result in twenty 10GiB resources being created each with the crc32c verify-alg pre-configured.

You can tune the settings of individual resources or volumes spawned from resource groups by setting options on the respective resource definition or volume definition LINSTOR objects. For example, if res11 from the preceding example is used by a very active database receiving many small random writes, you might want to increase the al-extents for that specific resource:

# linstor resource-definition drbd-options --al-extents 6007 res11

If you configure a setting in a resource definition that is already configured on the resource group it was spawned from, the value set in the resource definition will override the value set on the parent resource group. For example, if the same res11 was required to use the slower but more secure sha256 hash algorithm in its verifications, setting the verify-alg on the resource definition for res11 would override the value set on the resource group:

# linstor resource-definition drbd-options --verify-alg sha256 res11
A guiding rule for the hierarchy in which settings are inherited is that the value "closer" to the resource or volume wins. Volume definition settings take precedence over volume group settings, and resource definition settings take precedence over resource group settings.

Configuring a Cluster

Available Storage Plugins

LINSTOR has the following supported storage plugins at the time of writing:

  • Thick LVM

  • Thin LVM with a single thin pool

  • Thick ZFS

  • Thin ZFS

Creating and Deploying Resources and Volumes

You can use the LINSTOR create command to create various LINSTOR objects, such as resource definitions, volume definitions, and resources. Some of these commands are shown below.

In the following example scenario, assume that you have a goal of creating a resource named backups with a size of 500GiB that is replicated among three cluster nodes.

First, create a new resource definition:

# linstor resource-definition create backups

Second, create a new volume definition within that resource definition:

# linstor volume-definition create backups 500G

If you want to resize (grow or shrink) the volume definition you can do that by specifying a new size with the set-size command:

# linstor volume-definition set-size backups 0 100G
The size of a volume definition can only be decreased if it has no associated resource. However, you can freely increase the size of a volume definition, even one having a deployed resource.

The parameter 0 is the number of the volume in the resource backups. You have to provide this parameter because resources can have multiple volumes that are identified by a so-called volume number. You can find this number by listing the volume definitions (linstor vd l). The list table will show volume numbers for the listed resources.

So far you have only created definition objects in LINSTOR’s database. However, not a single logical volume (LV) has been created on the satellite nodes. Now you have the choice of delegating the task of deploying resources to LINSTOR or else doing it yourself.

Manually Placing Resources

With the resource create command you can assign a resource definition to named nodes explicitly.

# linstor resource create alpha backups --storage-pool pool_hdd
# linstor resource create bravo backups --storage-pool pool_hdd
# linstor resource create charlie backups --storage-pool pool_hdd

Automatically Placing Resources

When you create (spawn) a resource from a resource group, it is possible to have LINSTOR automatically select nodes and storage pools to deploy the resource to. You can use the arguments mentioned in this section to specify constraints when you create or modify a resource group. These constraints will affect how LINSTOR automatically places resources that are deployed from the resource group.

Automatically Maintaining Resource Group Placement Count

Starting with LINSTOR version 1.26.0, there is a reoccurring LINSTOR task that tries to maintain the placement count set on a resource group for all deployed LINSTOR resources that belong to that resource group. This includes the default LINSTOR resource group and its placement count.

If you want to disable this behavior, set the BalanceResourcesEnabled property to false on the the LINSTOR controller, LINSTOR resource groups that your resources belong to, or the resource definitions themselves. Due to LINSTOR object hierarchy, if you set a property on a resource group, it will override the property value on the LINSTOR controller. Likewise, if you set a property on a resource definition, it will override the property value on the resource group that the resource definition belongs to.

There are other additional properties related to this feature that you can set on the LINSTOR controller:


The interval in seconds, at the LINSTOR controller level, that the balance resource placement task is triggered. By default, the interval is 3600 seconds (one hour).


The period in seconds for how long new resources (after being created or spawned) are ignored for balancing. By default, the grace period is 3600 seconds (one hour).

Placement Count

By using the --place-count <replica_count> argument when you create or modify a resource group, you can specify on how many nodes in your cluster LINSTOR should place diskful resources created from the resource group.

Creating a resource group with impossible placement constraints

You can create or modify a resource group and specify a placement count or other constraint that would be impossible for LINSTOR to fulfill. For example, you could specify a placement count of 7 when you only have three nodes in your cluster. LINSTOR will create such a resource group without complaining. However, LINSTOR will display an error message when you try to spawn a resource from the resource group. For example:

    Not enough available nodes
Storage Pool Placement

In the following example, the value after the --place-count option tells LINSTOR how many replicas you want to have. The --storage-pool option should be obvious.

# linstor resource-group create backups --place-count 3 --storage-pool pool_hdd

What might not be obvious is that you can omit the --storage-pool option. If you do this, then LINSTOR can select a storage pool on its own when you create (spawn) resources from the resource group. The selection follows these rules:

  • Ignore all nodes and storage pools the current user has no access to

  • Ignore all diskless storage pools

  • Ignore all storage pools not having enough free space

The remaining storage pools will be rated by different strategies.


This strategy maps the rating 1:1 to the remaining free space of the storage pool. However, this strategy only considers the actually allocated space (in case of thin-provisioned storage pool this might grow with time without creating new resources)


Unlike the "MaxFreeSpace", this strategy considers the reserved space. That is the space that a thin volume can grow to before reaching its limit. The sum of reserved spaces might exceed the storage pool’s capacity, which is as overprovisioning.


Simply the count of resources already deployed in a given storage pool


For this strategy, the storage pool’s Autoplacer/MaxThroughput property is the base of the score, or 0 if the property is not present. Every Volume deployed in the given storage pool will subtract its defined sys/fs/blkio_throttle_read and sys/fs/blkio_throttle_write property- value from the storage pool’s max throughput. The resulting score might be negative.

The scores of the strategies will be normalized, weighted and summed up, where the scores of minimizing strategies will be converted first to allow an overall maximization of the resulting score.

You can configure the weights of the strategies to affect how LINSTOR selects a storage pool for resource placement when creating (spawning) resources for which you did not specify a storage pool. You do this by setting the following properties on the LINSTOR controller object. The weight can be an arbitrary decimal value.

linstor controller set-property Autoplacer/Weights/MaxFreeSpace <weight>
linstor controller set-property Autoplacer/Weights/MinReservedSpace <weight>
linstor controller set-property Autoplacer/Weights/MinRscCount <weight>
linstor controller set-property Autoplacer/Weights/MaxThroughput <weight>
To keep the behavior of the Autoplacer compatible with previous LINSTOR versions, all strategies have a default-weight of 0, except the MaxFreeSpace which has a weight of 1.
Neither 0 nor a negative score will prevent a storage pool from getting selected. A storage pool with these scores will just be considered later.

Finally, LINSTOR tries to find the best matching group of storage pools meeting all requirements. This step also considers other auto-placement restrictions such as --replicas-on-same, --replicas-on-different, --do-not-place-with, --do-not-place-with-regex, --layer-list, and --providers.

Avoiding Colocating Resources When Automatically Placing a Resource

The --do-not-place-with <resource_name_to_avoid> argument specifies that LINSTOR should try to avoid placing a resource on nodes that already have the specified, resource_name_to_avoid resource deployed.

By using the --do-not-place-with-regex <regular_expression> argument, you can specify that LINSTOR should try to avoid placing a resource on nodes that already have a resource deployed whose name matches the regular expression that you provide with the argument. In this way, you can specify multiple resources to try to avoid placing your resource with.

Constraining Automatic Resource Placement by Using Auxiliary Node Properties

You can constrain automatic resource placement to place (or avoid placing) a resource with nodes having a specified auxiliary node property.

This ability can be particularly useful if you are trying to constrain resource placement within Kubernetes environments that use LINSTOR managed storage. For example, you might set an auxiliary node property that corresponds to a Kubernetes label. See the "replicasOnSame" section within the "LINSTOR Volumes in Kubernetes" LINSTOR User’s Guide chapter for more details about this use case.

The arguments, --replicas-on-same and --replicas-on-different expect the name of a property within the Aux/ namespace.

The following example shows setting an auxiliary node property, testProperty, on three LINSTOR satellite nodes. Next, you create a resource group, testRscGrp, with a placement count of two and a constraint to place spawned resources on nodes that have a testProperty value of 1. After creating a volume group, you can spawn a resource from the resource group. For simplicity, output from the following commands is not shown.

# for i in {0,2}; do linstor node set-property --aux node-$i testProperty 1; done
# linstor node set-property --aux node-1 testProperty 0
# linstor resource-group create testRscGrp --place-count 2 --replicas-on-same testProperty=1
# linstor volume-group create testRscGrp
# linstor resource-group spawn-resources testRscGrp testResource 100M

You can verify the placement of the spawned resource by using the following command:

# linstor resource list

Output from the command will show a list of resources and on which nodes resources LINSTOR has placed the resources.

| ResourceName      | Node   | Port | Usage  | Conns |    State | CreatedOn           |
| testResource      | node-0 | 7000 | Unused | Ok    | UpToDate | 2022-07-27 16:14:16 |
| testResource      | node-2 | 7000 | Unused | Ok    | UpToDate | 2022-07-27 16:14:16 |

Because of the --replicas-on-same constraint, LINSTOR did not place the spawned resource on satellite node node-1, because the value of its auxiliary node property, testProperty was 0 and not 1.

You can verify the node properties of node-1, by using the list-properties command:

# linstor node list-properties node-1
| Key              | Value   |
| Aux/testProperty | 0       |
| CurStltConnName  | default |
| NodeUname        | node-1  |
Unsetting Autoplacement Properties

To unset an autoplacement property that you set on a resource group, you can use the following command syntax:

# linstor resource-group modify <resource-group-name> --<autoplacement-property>

Alternatively, you can follow the --<autoplacement-property> argument with an empty string, as in:

# linstor resource-group modify <resource-group-name> --<autoplacement-property> ''

For example, to unset the --replicas-on-same autoplacement property on the testRscGrp that was set in an earlier example, you could enter the following command:

# linstor resource-group modify testRscGrp --replicas-on-same
Constraining Automatic Resource Placement by LINSTOR Layers or Storage Pool Providers

You can specify the --layer-list or --providers arguments, followed by a comma-separated values (CSV) list of LINSTOR layers or storage pool providers, to influence where LINSTOR places resources. The possible layers and storage pool providers that you can specify in your CSV list can be shown by using the --help option with the --auto-place option. A CSV list of layers would constrain automatic resource placement for a specified resource group to nodes that have storage that conformed with your list. Consider the following command:

# linstor resource-group create my_luks_rg --place-count 3 --layer-list drbd,luks

Resources that you might later create (spawn) from this resource group would be deployed across three nodes having storage pools backed by a DRBD layer backed by a LUKS layer (and implicitly backed by a "storage" layer). The order of layers that you specify in your CSV list is "top-down", where a layer on the left in the list is above a layer on its right.

The --providers argument can be used to constrain automatic resource placement to only storage pools that match those in a specified CSV list. You can use this argument to have explicit control over which storage pools will back your deployed resource. If for example, you had a mixed environment of ZFS, LVM, and LVM_THIN storage pools in your cluster, by using the --providers LVM,LVM_THIN argument, you can specify that a resource only gets backed by either an LVM or LVM_THIN storage pool, when using the --place-count option.

The --providers argument’s CSV list does not specify an order of priority for the list elements. Instead, LINSTOR will use factors like additional placement constraints, available free space, and LINSTOR’s storage pool selection strategies that were previously described, when placing a resource.
Automatically Placing Resources When Creating Them

While using resource groups to create templates from which you can create (spawn) resources from is the standard way to create resources, you can also create resources directly by using the resource create command. When you use this command, it is also possible to specify arguments that affect how LINSTOR will place the resource in your storage cluster.

With the exception of the placement count argument, the arguments that you can specify when you use the resource create command that affect where LINSTOR places the resource are the same as those for the resource-group create command. Specifying an --auto-place <replica_count> argument with a resource create command is the same as specifying a --place-count <replica_count> argument with a resource-group create command.

Using Auto-place to Extend Existing Resource Deployments

Besides the argument name, there is another difference between the placement count argument for the resource group and resource create commands. With the resource create command, you can also specify a value of +1 with the --auto-place argument, if you want to extend existing resource deployments.

By using this value, LINSTOR will create an additional replica, no matter what the --place-count is configured for on the resource group that the resource was created from.

For example, you can use an --auto-place +1 argument to deploy an additional replica of the testResource resource used in a previous example. You will first need to set the auxiliary node property, testProperty to 1 on node-1. Otherwise, LINSTOR will not be able to deploy the replica because of the previously configured --replicas-on-same constraint. For simplicity, not all output from the commands below is shown.

# linstor node set-property --aux node-1 testProperty 1
# linstor resource create --auto-place +1 testResource
# linstor resource list
| ResourceName      | Node   | Port | Usage  | Conns |    State | CreatedOn           |
| testResource      | node-0 | 7000 | Unused | Ok    | UpToDate | 2022-07-27 16:14:16 |
| testResource      | node-1 | 7000 | Unused | Ok    | UpToDate | 2022-07-28 19:27:30 |
| testResource      | node-2 | 7000 | Unused | Ok    | UpToDate | 2022-07-27 16:14:16 |
The +1 value is not valid for the resource-group create --place-count command. This is because the command does not deploy resources, it only creates templates from which to deploy them later.

Deleting Resources, Resource Definitions, and Resource Groups

You can delete LINSTOR resources, resource definitions, and resource groups by using the delete command after the LINSTOR object that you want to delete. Depending on which object you delete, there will be different implications for your LINSTOR cluster and other associated LINSTOR objects.

Deleting a Resource Definition

You can delete a resource definition by using the command:

# linstor resource-definition delete <resource_definition_name>

This will remove the named resource definition from the entire LINSTOR cluster. The resource is removed from all nodes and the resource entry is marked for removal from LINSTOR’s database tables. After LINSTOR has removed the resource from all the nodes, the resource entry is removed from LINSTOR’s database tables.

If your resource definition has existing snapshots, you will not be able to delete the resource definition until you delete its snapshots. See the Removing a Snapshot section in this guide.

Deleting a Resource

You can delete a resource using the command:

# linstor resource delete <node_name> <resource_name>

Unlike deleting a resource definition, this command will only delete a LINSTOR resource from the node (or nodes) that you specify. The resource is removed from the node and the resource entry is marked for removal from LINSTOR’s database tables. After LINSTOR has removed the resource from the node, the resource entry is removed from LINSTOR’s database tables.

Deleting a LINSTOR resource might have implications for a cluster, beyond just removing the resource. For example, if the resource is backed by a DRBD layer, removing a resource from one node in a three node cluster could also remove certain quorum related DRBD options, if any existed for the resource. After removing such a resource from a node in a three node cluster, the resource would no longer have quorum as it would now only be deployed on two nodes in the three node cluster.

After running a linstor resource delete command to remove a resource from a single node, you might see informational messages such as:

    Resource-definition property 'DrbdOptions/Resource/quorum' was removed as there are not enough resources for quorum
    Resource-definition property 'DrbdOptions/Resource/on-no-quorum' was removed as there are not enough resources for quorum

Also unlike deleting a resource definition, you can delete a resource while there are existing snapshots of the resource’s storage pool. Any existing snapshots for the resource’s storage pool will persist.

Deleting a Resource Group

You can delete a resource group by using the command:

# linstor resource-group delete <resource_group_name>

As you might expect, this command deletes the named resource group. You can only delete a resource group if it has no associated resource definitions, otherwise LINSTOR will present an error message, such as:

    Cannot delete resource group 'my_rg' because it has existing resource definitions.

To resolve this error so that you can delete the resource group, you can either delete the associated resource definitions, or your can move the resource definitions to another (existing) resource group:

# linstor resource-definition modify <resource_definition_name> \
--resource-group <another_resource_group_name>

You can find which resource definitions are associated with your resource group by entering the following command:

# linstor resource-definition list

Backup and Restore Database

Since version 1.24.0, LINSTOR has a tool that you can use to export and import a LINSTOR database.

This tool has an executable file called /usr/share/linstor-server/bin/linstor-database. This executable has two subcommands, export-db and import-db. Both subcommands accept an optional --config-directory argument that you can use to specify the directory containing the linstor.toml configuration file.

To ensure a consistent database backup, take the controller offline by stopping the controller service as shown in the commands below, before creating a backup of the LINSTOR database.

Backing Up the Database

To backup the LINSTOR database to a new file named db_export in your home directory, enter the following commands:

# systemctl stop linstor-controller
# /usr/share/linstor-server/bin/linstor-database export-db ~/db_export
# systemctl start linstor-controller
You can use the --config-directory argument with the linstor-database utility to specify a LINSTOR configuration directory if needed. If you omit this argument, the utility uses the /etc/linstor directory by default.

After backing up the database, you can copy the backup file to a safe place.

# cp ~/db_export <somewhere safe>

The resulting database backup is a plain JSON document, containing not just the actual data, but also some metadata about when the backup was created, from which database, and other information.

Restoring the Database From a Backup

Restoring the database from a previously made backup is similar to export-db from the previous section.

For example, to restore the previously made backup from the db_export file, enter the following commands:

# systemctl stop linstor-controller
# /usr/share/linstor-server/bin/linstor-database import-db ~/db_export
# systemctl start linstor-controller

You can only import a database from a previous backup if the currently installed version of LINSTOR is the same (or higher) version as the version that you created the backup from. If the currently installed LINSTOR version is higher than the version that the database backup was created from, when you import the backup the data will be restored with the same database scheme of the version used during the export. Then, the next time that the controller starts, the controller will detect that the database has an old scheme and it will automatically migrate the data to the scheme of the current version.

Converting Databases

Since the exported database file contains some metadata, an exported database file can be imported into a different database type than it was exported from.

This allows the user to convert, for example, from an etcd setup to an SQL based setup. There is no special command for converting the database format. You only have to specify the correct linstor.toml configuration file by using the --config-directory argument (or updating the default /etc/linstor/linstor.toml and specifying the database type that you want to use before importing). See the LINSTOR User’s Guide for more information about specifying a database type. Regardless of the type of database that the backup was created from, it will be imported in the database type that is specified in the linstor.toml configuration file.

Further LINSTOR Tasks

Creating a Highly Available LINSTOR Cluster

By default a LINSTOR cluster consists of exactly one active LINSTOR controller node. Making LINSTOR highly available involves providing replicated storage for the controller database, multiple LINSTOR controller nodes where only one is active at a time, and a service manager (here DRBD Reactor) that takes care of mounting and unmounting the highly available storage as well as starting and stopping the LINSTOR controller service on nodes.

Configuring Highly Available LINSTOR Database Storage

To configure the highly available storage, you can use LINSTOR itself. One of the benefits of having the storage under LINSTOR control is that you can easily extend the HA storage to new cluster nodes.

Creating a Resource Group For The HA LINSTOR Database Storage Resource

First, create a resource group, here named linstor-db-grp, from which you will later spawn the resource that will back the LINSTOR database. You will need to adapt the storage pool name to match an existing storage pool in your environment.

# linstor resource-group create \
--storage-pool my-thin-pool \
--place-count 3 \
--diskless-on-remaining true \

Next, set the necessary DRBD options on the resource group. Resources that you spawn from the resource group will inherit these options.

# linstor resource-group drbd-options \
--auto-promote=no \
--quorum=majority \
--on-suspended-primary-outdated=force-secondary \
--on-no-quorum=io-error \
--on-no-data-accessible=io-error \
--rr-conflict=retry-connect \
It is crucial that your cluster qualifies for auto-quorum and uses the io-error policy (see Section Auto-Quorum Policies), and that auto-promote is disabled.
Creating a Volume Group For The HA LINSTOR Database Storage Resource

Next, create a volume group that references your resource group.

# linstor volume-group create linstor-db-grp
Creating a Resource For The HA LINSTOR Database Storage

Now you can spawn a new LINSTOR resource from the resource group that you created. The resource is named linstor_db and will be 200MiB in size, Because of the parameters that you specified when you created the resource group, LINSTOR will place the resource in the my-thin-pool storage pool on three satellite nodes in your cluster.

# linstor resource-group spawn-resources linstor-db-grp linstor_db 200M

Moving the LINSTOR Database to HA Storage

After creating the linstor_db resource, you can move the LINSTOR database to the new storage and create a systemd mount service. First, stop the current controller service and disable it, as it will be managed by DRBD Reactor later.

# systemctl disable --now linstor-controller

Next, create the systemd mount service.

# cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/var-lib-linstor.mount
Description=Filesystem for the LINSTOR controller

# you can use the minor like /dev/drbdX or the udev symlink

# mv /var/lib/linstor{,.orig}
# mkdir /var/lib/linstor
# chattr +i /var/lib/linstor # only if on LINSTOR >= 1.14.0
# drbdadm primary linstor_db
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd/by-res/linstor_db/0
# systemctl start var-lib-linstor.mount
# cp -r /var/lib/linstor.orig/* /var/lib/linstor
# systemctl start linstor-controller

Copy the /etc/systemd/system/var-lib-linstor.mount mount file to all the cluster nodes that you want to have the potential to run the LINSTOR controller service (standby controller nodes). Again, do not systemctl enable any of these services because DRBD Reactor will manage them.

Installing Multiple LINSTOR Controllers

The next step is to install LINSTOR controllers on all nodes that have access to the linstor_db DRBD resource (as they need to mount the DRBD volume) and which you want to become a possible LINSTOR controller. It is important that the controllers are manged by drbd-reactor, so verify that the linstor-controller.service is disabled on all nodes! To be sure, execute systemctl disable linstor-controller on all cluster nodes and systemctl stop linstor-controller on all nodes except the one it is currently running from the previous step. Also verify that you have set chattr +i /var/lib/linstor on all potential controller nodes if you use LINSTOR version equal or greater to 1.14.0.

Managing the Services

For starting and stopping the mount service and the linstor-controller service, use DRBD Reactor. Install this component on all nodes that could become a LINSTOR controller and edit their /etc/drbd-reactor.d/linstor_db.toml configuration file. It should contain an enabled promoter plugin section like this:

id = "linstor_db"
start = ["var-lib-linstor.mount", "linstor-controller.service"]

Depending on your requirements you might also want to set an on-stop-failure action and set stop-services-on-exit.

After that restart drbd-reactor and enable it on all the nodes you configured it.

# systemctl restart drbd-reactor
# systemctl enable drbd-reactor

Check that there are no warnings from drbd-reactor service in the logs by running systemctl status drbd-reactor. As there is already an active LINSTOR controller things will just stay the way they are. Run drbd-reactorctl status linstor_db to check the health of the linstor_db target unit.

The last but nevertheless important step is to configure the LINSTOR satellite services to not delete (and then regenerate) the resource file for the LINSTOR controller DB at its startup. Do not edit the service files directly, but use systemctl edit. Edit the service file on all nodes that could become a LINSTOR controller and that are also LINSTOR satellites.

# systemctl edit linstor-satellite

After this change you should execute systemctl restart linstor-satellite on all satellite nodes.

Be sure to configure your LINSTOR client for use with multiple controllers as described in the section titled, Using the LINSTOR Client and verify that you also configured your integration plugins (for example, the Proxmox plugin) to be ready for multiple LINSTOR controllers.

DRBD Clients

By using the --drbd-diskless option instead of --storage-pool you can have a permanently diskless DRBD device on a node. This means that the resource will appear as block device and can be mounted to the file system without an existing storage-device. The data of the resource is accessed over the network on another node with the same resource.

# linstor resource create delta backups --drbd-diskless
The option --diskless is deprecated. Use the --drbd-diskless or --nvme-initiator commands instead.

DRBD Consistency Groups (Multiple Volumes within a Resource)

The so called consistency group is a feature from DRBD. It is mentioned in this user’s guide, due to the fact that one of LINSTOR’s main functions is to manage storage-clusters with DRBD. Multiple volumes in one resource are a consistency group.

This means that changes on different volumes from one resource are getting replicated in the same chronological order on the other Satellites.

Therefore you don’t have to worry about the timing if you have interdependent data on different volumes in a resource.

To deploy more than one volume in a LINSTOR-resource you have to create two volume-definitions with the same name.

# linstor volume-definition create backups 500G
# linstor volume-definition create backups 100G

Placing Volumes of One Resource in Different Storage Pools

This can be achieved by setting the StorPoolName property to the volume definitions before the resource is deployed to the nodes:

# linstor resource-definition create backups
# linstor volume-definition create backups 500G
# linstor volume-definition create backups 100G
# linstor volume-definition set-property backups 0 StorPoolName pool_hdd
# linstor volume-definition set-property backups 1 StorPoolName pool_ssd
# linstor resource create alpha backups
# linstor resource create bravo backups
# linstor resource create charlie backups
Since the volume-definition create command is used without the --vlmnr option LINSTOR assigned the volume numbers starting at 0. In the following two lines the 0 and 1 refer to these automatically assigned volume numbers.

Here the 'resource create' commands do not need a --storage-pool option. In this case LINSTOR uses a 'fallback' storage pool. Finding that storage pool, LINSTOR queries the properties of the following objects in the following order:

  • Volume definition

  • Resource

  • Resource definition

  • Node

If none of those objects contain a StorPoolName property, the controller falls back to a hard-coded 'DfltStorPool' string as a storage pool.

This also means that if you forgot to define a storage pool prior deploying a resource, you will get an error message that LINSTOR could not find the storage pool named 'DfltStorPool'.

Using LINSTOR Without DRBD

LINSTOR can be used without DRBD as well. Without DRBD, LINSTOR is able to provision volumes from LVM and ZFS backed storage pools, and create those volumes on individual nodes in your LINSTOR cluster.

Currently LINSTOR supports the creation of LVM and ZFS volumes with the option of layering some combinations of LUKS, DRBD, or NVMe-oF/NVMe-TCP on top of those volumes.

For example, assume you have a Thin LVM backed storage pool defined in your LINSTOR cluster named, thin-lvm:

# linstor --no-utf8 storage-pool list
| StoragePool | Node      | Driver   | PoolName          | ... |
| thin-lvm    | linstor-a | LVM_THIN | drbdpool/thinpool | ... |
| thin-lvm    | linstor-b | LVM_THIN | drbdpool/thinpool | ... |
| thin-lvm    | linstor-c | LVM_THIN | drbdpool/thinpool | ... |
| thin-lvm    | linstor-d | LVM_THIN | drbdpool/thinpool | ... |

You could use LINSTOR to create a Thin LVM on linstor-d that’s 100GiB in size using the following commands:

# linstor resource-definition create rsc-1
# linstor volume-definition create rsc-1 100GiB
# linstor resource create --layer-list storage \
          --storage-pool thin-lvm linstor-d rsc-1

You should then see you have a new Thin LVM on linstor-d. You can extract the device path from LINSTOR by listing your linstor resources with the --machine-readable flag set:

# linstor --machine-readable resource list | grep device_path
            "device_path": "/dev/drbdpool/rsc-1_00000",

If you wanted to layer DRBD on top of this volume, which is the default --layer-list option in LINSTOR for ZFS or LVM backed volumes, you would use the following resource creation pattern instead:

# linstor resource-definition create rsc-1
# linstor volume-definition create rsc-1 100GiB
# linstor resource create --layer-list drbd,storage \
          --storage-pool thin-lvm linstor-d rsc-1

You would then see that you have a new Thin LVM backing a DRBD volume on linstor-d:

# linstor --machine-readable resource list | grep -e device_path -e backing_disk
            "device_path": "/dev/drbd1000",
            "backing_disk": "/dev/drbdpool/rsc-1_00000",

The following table shows which layer can be followed by which child-layer:

Layer Child layer













One layer can only occur once in the layer list.
For information about the prerequisites for the LUKS layer, refer to the Encrypted Volumes section of this User’s Guide.


NVMe-oF/NVMe-TCP allows LINSTOR to connect diskless resources to a node with the same resource where the data is stored over NVMe fabrics. This leads to the advantage that resources can be mounted without using local storage by accessing the data over the network. LINSTOR is not using DRBD in this case, and therefore NVMe resources provisioned by LINSTOR are not replicated, the data is stored on one node.

NVMe-oF only works on RDMA-capable networks and NVMe-TCP on networks that can carry IP traffic. You can use tools such as lshw or ethtool to verify the capabilities of your network adapters.

To use NVMe-oF/NVMe-TCP with LINSTOR the package nvme-cli needs to be installed on every node which acts as a satellite and will use NVMe-oF/NVMe-TCP for a resource. For example, on a DEB-based system, to install the package, enter the following command:

# apt install nvme-cli
If you are not on a DEB-based system, use the suitable command for installing packages on your operating system, for example, on SLES: zypper; on RPM-based systems: dnf.

To make a resource which uses NVMe-oF/NVMe-TCP an additional parameter has to be given as you create the resource-definition:

# linstor resource-definition create nvmedata -l nvme,storage
As default the -l (layer-stack) parameter is set to drbd, storage when DRBD is used. If you want to create LINSTOR resources with neither NVMe nor DRBD you have to set the -l parameter to only storage.

To use NVMe-TCP rather than the default NVMe-oF, the following property needs to be set:

# linstor resource-definition set-property nvmedata NVMe/TRType tcp

The property NVMe/TRType can alternatively be set on resource-group or controller level.

Next, create the volume-definition for your resource:

# linstor volume-definition create nvmedata 500G

Before you create the resource on your nodes you have to know where the data will be stored locally and which node accesses it over the network.

First, create the resource on the node where your data will be stored:

# linstor resource create alpha nvmedata --storage-pool pool_ssd

On the nodes where the resource-data will be accessed over the network, the resource has to be defined as diskless:

# linstor resource create beta nvmedata --nvme-initiator

Now you can mount the resource nvmedata on one of your nodes.

If your nodes have more than one NIC you should force the route between them for NVMe-of/NVME-TCP, otherwise multiple NICs could cause troubles.

Writecache Layer

A DM-Writecache device is composed of two devices: one storage device and one cache device. LINSTOR can setup such a writecache device, but needs some additional information, like the storage pool and the size of the cache device.

# linstor storage-pool create lvm node1 lvmpool drbdpool
# linstor storage-pool create lvm node1 pmempool pmempool

# linstor resource-definition create r1
# linstor volume-definition create r1 100G

# linstor volume-definition set-property r1 0 Writecache/PoolName pmempool
# linstor volume-definition set-property r1 0 Writecache/Size 1%

# linstor resource create node1 r1 --storage-pool lvmpool --layer-list WRITECACHE,STORAGE

The two properties set in the examples are mandatory, but can also be set on controller level which would act as a default for all resources with WRITECACHE in their --layer-list. However, note that the Writecache/PoolName refers to the corresponding node. If the node does not have a storage pool named pmempool you will get an error message.

The four mandatory parameters required by DM-Writecache are either configured through a property or figured out by LINSTOR. The optional properties listed in the mentioned link can also be set through a property. Refer to linstor controller set-property --help for a list of Writecache/* property keys.

Using --layer-list DRBD,WRITECACHE,STORAGE while having DRBD configured to use external metadata, only the backing device will use a writecache, not the device holding the external metadata.

Cache Layer

LINSTOR can also setup a DM-Cache device, which is very similar to the DM-Writecache from the previous section. The major difference is that a cache device is composed by three devices: one storage device, one cache device and one meta device. The LINSTOR properties are quite similar to those of the writecache but are located in the Cache namespace:

# linstor storage-pool create lvm node1 lvmpool drbdpool
# linstor storage-pool create lvm node1 pmempool pmempool

# linstor resource-definition create r1
# linstor volume-definition create r1 100G

# linstor volume-definition set-property r1 0 Cache/CachePool pmempool
# linstor volume-definition set-property r1 0 Cache/Cachesize 1%

# linstor resource create node1 r1 --storage-pool lvmpool --layer-list CACHE,STORAGE
Rather than Writecache/PoolName (as when configuring the Writecache layer) the Cache layer’s only required property is called Cache/CachePool. The reason for this is that the Cache layer also has a Cache/MetaPool which can be configured separately or it defaults to the value of Cache/CachePool.

Refer to linstor controller set-property --help for a list of Cache/* property keys and default values for omitted properties.

Using --layer-list DRBD,CACHE,STORAGE while having DRBD configured to use external metadata, only the backing device will use a cache, not the device holding the external metadata.

Storage Layer

The storage layer will provide new devices from well known volume managers like LVM, ZFS or others. Every layer combination needs to be based on a storage layer, even if the resource should be diskless - for that type there is a dedicated diskless provider type.

For a list of providers with their properties refer to Storage Providers.

For some storage providers LINSTOR has special properties:


If LINSTOR expects a device to appear after creation (for example after calls of lvcreate, zfs create,…​), LINSTOR waits per default 500ms for the device to appear. These 500ms can be overridden by this property.


If set to true LINSTOR calls dmstats create $device after creation and dmstats delete $device --allregions after deletion of a volume. Currently only enabled for LVM and LVM_THIN storage providers.

Storage Providers

LINSTOR has a few storage providers. The most used ones are LVM and ZFS. But also for those two providers there are already sub-types for their thin-provisioned variants.

  • Diskless: This provider type is mostly required to have a storage pool that can be configured with LINSTOR properties like PrefNic as described in Managing Network Interface Cards.

  • LVM / LVM-Thin: The administrator is expected to specify the LVM volume group or the thin-pool (in form of "LV/thinpool") to use the corresponding storage type. These drivers support following properties for fine-tuning:

    • StorDriver/LvcreateOptions: The value of this property is appended to every lvcreate …​ call LINSTOR executes.

  • ZFS / ZFS-Thin: The administrator is expected to specify the ZPool that LINSTOR should use. These drivers support following properties for fine-tuning:

    • StorDriver/ZfscreateOptions: The value of this property is appended to every zfs create …​ call LINSTOR executes.

  • File / FileThin: Mostly used for demonstration or experiments. LINSTOR will reserve a file in a given directory and will configure a loop device on top of that file.

  • Exos [DEPRECATED]: This special storage provider is currently required to be run on a "special satellite". Refer to the EXOS Integration chapter.

  • SPDK: The administrator is expected to specify the logical volume store which LINSTOR should use. The usage of this storage provider implies the usage of the NVME Layer.

    • Remote-SPDK: This special storage provider currently requires to be run on a "special satellite". Refer to Remote SPDK Provider for more details.

Mixing Storage Pools of Different Storage Providers

While LINSTOR resources are most often backed by storage pools that consist of only one storage provider type, it is possible to user storage pools of different types to back a LINSTOR resource. This is called mixing storage pools. This might be useful when migrating storage resources but could also have some consequences. Read this section carefully before configuring mixed storage pools.

Prerequisites For Mixing Storage Pools

Mixing storage pools has the following prerequisites:

  • LINSTOR version 1.27.0 or later

  • LINSTOR satellite nodes need to have DRBD version 9.2.7 (or 9.1.18 if on the 9.1 branch) or later

  • The LINSTOR property AllowMixingStoragePoolDriver set to true on the LINSTOR controller, resource group, or resource definition LINSTOR object level

Because of LINSTOR object hierarchy, if you set the AllowMixingStoragePoolDriver property on the LINSTOR controller object (linstor controller set-property AllowMixingStoragePoolDriver true), the property will apply to all LINSTOR resources, except for any resource groups or resource definitions where you have set the property to false.
When Storage Pools Are Considered Mixed

If one of following criteria is met, LINSTOR will consider the setup as storage pool mixing:

  1. The storage pools have different extent sizes. For example, by default LVM has a 4MiB extent size while ZFS (since version 2.2.0) has a 16KiB extent size.

  2. The storage pools have different DRBD initial synchronization strategies, for example, a full initial synchronization, or a day 0 based partial synchronization. Using zfs and zfthin storage provider-backed storage pools together would not meet this criterion because they each use an initial day 0-based partial DRBD synchronization strategy.

Consequences of Mixing Storage Pools

When you create a LINSTOR resource that is backed by mixing storage pools, there might be consequences that affect LINSTOR features. For example, when you mix lvm and lvmthin storage pools, any resource backed by such a mix will be considered a thick resource. This is the mechanism by which LINSTOR allows for storage pool mixing.

An exception to this is the previously mentioned example of using zfs and zfsthin storage pools. LINSTOR does not consider this mixing storage pools because combining a zfs and a zfsthin storage pool does not meet either of the two storage pool mixing criteria described earlier. This is because the two storage pools will have the same extent size, and both storage pools will use the same DRBD initial synchronization strategy: day 0-based partial synchronization.

Remote SPDK Provider

A storage pool with the type remote SPDK can only be created on a "special satellite". For this you first need to start a new satellite using the command:

$ linstor node create-remote-spdk-target nodeName

This will start a new satellite instance running on the same machine as the controller. This special satellite will do all the REST based RPC communication towards the remote SPDK proxy. As the help message of the LINSTOR command shows, the administrator might want to use additional settings when creating this special satellite:

$ linstor node create-remote-spdk-target -h
usage: linstor node create-remote-spdk-target [-h] [--api-port API_PORT]
                                              [--api-user API_USER]
                                              [--api-user-env API_USER_ENV]
                                              [--api-pw [API_PW]]
                                              [--api-pw-env API_PW_ENV]
                                              node_name api_host

The difference between the --api-* and their corresponding --api-\*-env versions is that the version with the -env ending will look for an environment variable containing the actual value to use whereas the --api-\* version directly take the value which is stored in the LINSTOR property. Administrators might not want to save the --api-pw in plain text, which would be clearly visible using commands like linstor node list-property <nodeName>.

Once that special satellite is up and running the actual storage pool can be created:

$ linstor storage-pool create remotespdk -h
usage: linstor storage-pool create remotespdk [-h]
                                              [--shared-space SHARED_SPACE]
                                              node_name name driver_pool_name

Whereas node_name is self-explanatory, name is the name of the LINSTOR storage pool and driver_pool_name refers to the SPDK logical volume store.

Once this remotespdk storage pool is created the remaining procedure is quite similar as using NVMe: First the target has to be created by creating a simple "diskful" resource followed by a second resource having the --nvme-initiator option enabled.

Managing Network Interface Cards

LINSTOR can deal with multiple network interface cards (NICs) in a machine. They are called "net interfaces" in LINSTOR speak.

When a satellite node is created a first net interface gets created implicitly with the name default. You can use the --interface-name option of the node create command to give it a different name, when you create the satellite node.

For existing nodes, additional net interfaces are created like this:

# linstor node interface create node-0 10G_nic

Net interfaces are identified by the IP address only, the name is arbitrary and is not related to the NIC name used by Linux. You can then assign the net interface to a node so that the node’s DRBD traffic will be routed through the corresponding NIC.

# linstor node set-property node-0 PrefNic 10G_nic
It is also possible to set the PrefNic property on a storage pool. DRBD traffic from resources using the storage pool will be routed through the corresponding NIC. However, you need to be careful here. Any DRBD resource that requires Diskless storage, for example, diskless storage acting in a tiebreaker role for DRBD quorum purposes, will go through the default satellite node net interface, until you also set the PrefNic property for the default net interface. Setups can become complex. It is far easier and safer, if you can get away with it, to set the PrefNic property at the node level. This way, all storage pools on the node, including Diskless storage pools, will use your preferred NIC.

If you need to add an interface for only controller-satellite traffic, you can add an interface using the above node interface create command. Then you modify the connection to make it the active controller-satellite connection. For example, if you added an interface named 1G-satconn on all nodes, after adding the interface, you can then tell LINSTOR to use this interface for controller-satellite traffic by entering the following command:

# linstor node interface modify node-0 1G-satconn --active

You can verify this change by using the linstor node interface list node-0 command. Output from the command should show that the StltCon label applies to the 1G-satconn interface.

While this method routes DRBD traffic through a specified NIC, it is not possible through linstor commands only, to route LINSTOR controller-client traffic through a specific NIC, for example, commands that you issue from a LINSTOR client to the controller. To achieve this, you can either:

  • Specify a LINSTOR controller by using methods outlined in Using the LINSTOR Client and have the only route to the controller as specified be through the NIC that you want to use for controller-client traffic.

  • Use Linux tools such as ip route and iptables to filter LINSTOR client-controller traffic, port number 3370, and route it through a specific NIC.

Creating Multiple DRBD Paths with LINSTOR

To use multiple network paths for DRBD setups, the PrefNic property is not sufficient. Instead the linstor node interface and linstor resource-connection path commands should be used, as shown below.

# linstor node interface create alpha nic1
# linstor node interface create alpha nic2
# linstor node interface create bravo nic1
# linstor node interface create bravo nic2

# linstor resource-connection path create alpha bravo myResource path1 nic1 nic1
# linstor resource-connection path create alpha bravo myResource path2 nic2 nic2

The first four commands in the example define a network interface (nic1 and nic2) for each node (alpha and bravo) by specifying the network interface’s IP address. The last two commands create network path entries in the DRBD .res file that LINSTOR generates. This is the relevant part of the resulting .res file:

resource myResource {
  connection {
    path {
      host alpha address;
      host bravo address;
    path {
      host alpha address;
      host bravo address;
While it is possible to specify a port number to be used for LINSTOR satellite traffic when creating a node interface, this port number is ignored when creating a DRBD resource connection path. Instead, the command will assign a port number dynamically, starting from port number 7000 and incrementing up.
How Adding a New DRBD Path Affects the Default Path

The NIC that is first in order on a LINSTOR satellite node is named the default net interface. DRBD traffic traveling between two nodes that do not have an explicitly configured resource connection path will take an implicit path that uses the two nodes' default net interfaces.

When you add a resource connection path between two nodes for a DRBD-backed resource, DRBD traffic between the two nodes will use this new path only, although a default network interface will still exist on each node. This can be significant if your new path uses different NICs than the implicit default path.

To use the default path again, in addition to any new paths, you will need to explicitly add it. For example:

# linstor resource-connection path create alpha bravo myResource path3 default default

Although the newly created path3 uses net interfaces that are named default on the two nodes, the path itself is not a default path because other paths exist, namely path1 and path2. The new path, path3, will just act as a third possible path, and DRBD traffic and path selection behavior will be as described in the next section.

Multiple DRBD Paths Behavior

The behavior of a multiple DRBD paths configuration will be different depending on the DRBD transport type. From the DRBD User’s Guide[1]:

"The TCP transport uses one path at a time. If the backing TCP connections get dropped, or show timeouts, the TCP transport implementation tries to establish a connection over the next path. It goes over all paths in a round-robin fashion until a connection gets established.

"The RDMA transport uses all paths of a connection concurrently and it balances the network traffic between the paths evenly."

Encrypted Volumes

LINSTOR can handle transparent encryption of DRBD volumes. dm-crypt is used to encrypt the provided storage from the storage device.

To use dm-crypt, verify that cryptsetup is installed before you start the satellite.

Basic steps to use encryption:

  1. Create a master passphrase

  2. Add luks to the layer-list. Note that all plugins (e.g., Proxmox) require a DRBD layer as the top most layer if they do not explicitly state otherwise.

  3. Don’t forget to re-enter the master passphrase after a controller restart.

Encryption Commands

Below are details about the commands.

Before LINSTOR can encrypt any volume a master passphrase needs to be created. This can be done with the LINSTOR client.

# linstor encryption create-passphrase

crypt-create-passphrase will wait for the user to input the initial master passphrase (as all other crypt commands will with no arguments).

If you ever want to change the master passphrase this can be done with:

# linstor encryption modify-passphrase

The luks layer can be added when creating the resource-definition or the resource itself, whereas the former method is recommended since it will be automatically applied to all resource created from that resource-definition.

# linstor resource-definition create crypt_rsc --layer-list luks,storage

To enter the master passphrase (after controller restart) use the following command:

# linstor encryption enter-passphrase
Whenever the linstor-controller is restarted, the user has to send the master passphrase to the controller, otherwise LINSTOR is unable to reopen or create encrypted volumes.

Automatic Passphrase

It is possible to automate the process of creating and re-entering the master passphrase.

To use this, either an environment variable called MASTER_PASSPHRASE or an entry in /etc/linstor/linstor.toml containing the master passphrase has to be created.

The required linstor.toml looks like this:


If either one of these is set, then every time the controller starts it will check whether a master passphrase already exists. If there is none, it will create a new master passphrase as specified. Otherwise, the controller enters the passphrase.

If a master passphrase is already configured, and it is not the same one as specified in the environment variable or linstor.toml, the controller will be unable to re-enter the master passphrase and react as if the user had entered a wrong passphrase. This can only be resolved through manual input from the user, using the same commands as if the controller was started without the automatic passphrase.
In case the master passphrase is set in both an environment variable and the linstor.toml, only the master passphrase from the linstor.toml will be used.

Checking Cluster State

LINSTOR provides various commands to check the state of your cluster. These commands start with a 'list' precursor, after which, various filtering and sorting options can be used. The '--groupby' option can be used to group and sort the output in multiple dimensions.

# linstor node list
# linstor storage-pool list --groupby Size

Evacuating a Node

You can use the LINSTOR command node evacuate to evacuate a node of its resources, for example, if you are preparing to delete a node from your cluster, and you need the node’s resources moved to other nodes in the cluster. After successfully evacuating a node, the node’s LINSTOR status will show as "EVACUATE" rather than "Online", and it will have no LINSTOR resources on it.

If you are evacuating a node where LINSTOR is deployed within another environment, such as Kubernetes, or OpenNebula, you need to move the node’s LINSTOR-backed workload to another node in your cluster before evacuating its resources. For special actions and considerations within a Kubernetes environment, see the [s-kubernetes-evacuate-node] section. For a LINSTOR node in OpenNebula, you need to perform a live migration of the OpenNebula LINSTOR-backed virtual machines that your node hosts, to another node in your cluster, before evacuating the node’s resources.

Evacuate a node using the following steps:

  1. Determine if any resources on the node that you want to evacuate are "InUse". The "InUse" status corresponds to a resource being in a DRBD Primary state. Before you can evacuate a node successfully, none of the resources on the node should be "InUse", otherwise LINSTOR will fail to remove the "InUse" resources from the node as part of the evacuation process.

  2. Run linstor node evacuate <node_name>. You will get a warning if there is no suitable replacement node for a resource on the evacuating node. For example, if you have three nodes and you want to evacuate one, but your resource group sets a placement count of three, you will get a warning that will prevent the node from removing the resources from the evacuating node.

  3. Verify that the status of linstor node list for your node is "EVACUATE" rather than "Online".

  4. Check the "State" status of resources on your node, by using the linstor resource list command. You should see syncing activity that will last for sometime, depending on the size of the data sets in your node’s resources.

  5. List the remaining resources on the node by using the command linstor resource list --nodes <node_name>. If any are left, verify whether they are just waiting for the sync to complete.

  6. Verify that there are no resources on the node, by using the linstor resource list command.

  7. Remove the node from the cluster by using the command linstor node delete <node_name>.

Evacuating Multiple Nodes

Some evacuation cases might need special planning. For example, if you are evacuating more than one node, you can exclude the nodes from participating in LINSTOR’s resource autoplacer. You can do this by using the following command on each node that you want to evacuate:

# linstor node set-property <node_name> AutoplaceTarget false

This ensures that LINSTOR will not place resources from a node that you are evacuating onto another node that you plan on evacuating.

Restoring an Evacuating Node

If you already ran a node evacuate command that has either completed or still has resources in an "Evacuating" state, you can remove the "Evacuating" state from a node by using the node restore command. This will work if you have not yet run a node delete command.

After restoring the node, you should use the node set-property <node_name> AutoplaceTarget true command, if you previously set the AutoplaceTarget property to "false". This way, LINSTOR can again place resources onto the node automatically, to fulfill placement count properties that you might have set for resources in your cluster.

If LINSTOR has already evacuated resources when running a node restore command, evacuated resources will not automatically return to the node. If LINSTOR is still in the process of evacuating resources, this process will continue until LINSTOR has placed the resources on other nodes. You will need to manually "move" the resources that were formerly on the restored node. You can do this by first creating the resources on the restored node and then deleting the resources from another node where LINSTOR might have placed them. You can use the resource list command to show you on which nodes your resources are placed.

Working With Resource Snapshots and Backups

LINSTOR supports taking snapshots of resources that are backed by thin LVM or ZFS storage pools. By creating and shipping snapshots, you can back up LINSTOR resources to other storage: either to S3 storage or to storage in another (or the same!) LINSTOR cluster. The following sub-sections describe various aspects of working with snapshots and backups.

Creating a Snapshot

Assuming a resource definition named 'resource1' which has been placed on some nodes, you can create a snapshot of the resource by entering the following command:

# linstor snapshot create resource1 snap1

This will create a snapshot on all nodes where the resource is present. LINSTOR will create consistent snapshots, even when the resource is in active use.

Setting the resource definition property AutoSnapshot/RunEvery LINSTOR will automatically create snapshots every X minutes. The optional property AutoSnapshot/Keep can be used to clean up old snapshots which were created automatically. No manually created snapshot will be cleaned up or deleted. If AutoSnapshot/Keep is omitted (or ⇐ 0), LINSTOR will keep the last 10 snapshots by default.

# linstor resource-definition set-property AutoSnapshot/RunEvery 15
# linstor resource-definition set-property AutoSnapshot/Keep 5

Restoring a Snapshot

The following steps restore a snapshot to a new resource. This is possible even when the original resource has been removed from the nodes where the snapshots were taken.

First define the new resource with volumes matching those from the snapshot:

# linstor resource-definition create resource2
# linstor snapshot volume-definition restore --from-resource resource1 \
  --from-snapshot snap1 --to-resource resource2

At this point, additional configuration can be applied if necessary. Then, when ready, create resources based on the snapshots:

# linstor snapshot resource restore --from-resource resource1 \
  --from-snapshot snap1 --to-resource resource2

This will place the new resource on all nodes where the snapshot is present. The nodes on which to place the resource can also be selected explicitly; see the help (linstor snapshot resource restore --help).

Rolling Back to a Snapshot

LINSTOR can roll a resource back to a snapshot state. The resource must not be in use. That is, the resource must not be mounted on any nodes. If the resource is in use, consider whether you can achieve your goal by restoring the snapshot instead.

Rollback is performed as follows:

# linstor snapshot rollback resource1 snap1

A resource can only be rolled back to the most recent snapshot. To roll back to an older snapshot, first delete the intermediate snapshots.

Removing a Snapshot

An existing snapshot can be removed as follows:

# linstor snapshot delete resource1 snap1

Shipping Snapshots

Snapshots can be shipped between nodes in the same LINSTOR cluster, between different LINSTOR clusters, or to S3 storage such as Amazon S3 or MinIO.

The following tools need to be installed on the satellites that are going to send or receive snapshots:

  • zstd is needed to compress the data before it is being shipped

  • thin-send-recv is needed to ship data when using LVM thin-provisioned volumes

You need to restart the satellite node (or nodes) after installing these tools, otherwise LINSTOR will not be able to use them.

Working With Snapshot Shipping Remotes

In a LINSTOR cluster, a snapshot shipping target is called a remote. Currently, there are two different types of remotes that you can use when shipping snapshots: LINSTOR remotes and S3 remotes. LINSTOR remotes are used to ship snapshots to a different LINSTOR cluster or within the same LINSTOR cluster. S3 remotes are used to ship snapshots to AWS S3, MinIO, or any other service using S3 compatible object storage. A shipped snapshot on a remote is also called a backup.

Since a remote needs to store sensitive data, such as passwords, it is necessary to have encryption enabled whenever you want to use a remote in any way. How to set up LINSTOR’s encryption is described here.
Creating an S3 Remote

To create an S3 remote, LINSTOR will need to know the endpoint (that is, the URL of the target S3 server), the name of the target bucket, the region the S3 server is in, and the access-key and secret-key used to access the bucket. If the command is sent without adding the secret-key, a prompt will pop up to enter it in. The command should look like this:

# linstor remote create s3 myRemote \
  my-bucket us-west-2 admin password
Usually, LINSTOR uses the endpoint and bucket to create an URL using the virtual-hosted-style for its access to the given bucket (for example Should your setup not allow access this way, change the remote to path-style access (for example by adding the --use-path-style argument to make LINSTOR combine the parameters accordingly.
Creating a LINSTOR Remote

To create a LINSTOR remote, you only need to specify a name for the remote and the URL or IP address of the controller of the target cluster. An example command is as follows:

# linstor remote create linstor myRemote

To ship a snapshot between two LINSTOR clusters, or within the same LINSTOR cluster, besides creating a remote on the source cluster that points to the target cluster, on the target cluster, you also need to create a LINSTOR remote that points to the source cluster. This is to prevent your target cluster from accepting backup shipments from unknown sources. You can create such a remote on your target cluster by specifying the cluster ID of the source cluster in an additional argument to the remote create command. Refer to Shipping a Snapshot of a Resource to a LINSTOR Remote for details.

Listing, Modifying, and Deleting Remotes

To see all the remotes known to the local cluster, use linstor remote list. To delete a remote, use linstor remote delete myRemoteName. If you need to modify an existing remote, use linstor remote modify to change it.

Specifying a LINSTOR Passphrase When Creating a Remote

When the snapshot that you want to ship contains a LUKS layer, the remote on the target cluster also needs the passphrase of the source cluster set when you create the remote. This is because the LINSTOR passphrase is used to encrypt the LUKS passphrase. To specify the source cluster’s LINSTOR passphrase when you create a LINSTOR remote on the target cluster, enter:

$ linstor --controllers <TARGET_CONTROLLER> remote create linstor \

For LINSTOR to LINSTOR snapshot shipping, you must also create a LINSTOR remote on the source cluster. For simplicity sake, although not strictly necessary, you can specify the target cluster’s LINSTOR passphrase when you create a LINSTOR remote for the target cluster on the source cluster, before you ship backups or snapshots. On the source cluster, enter:

$ linstor --controllers <SOURCE_CONTROLLER> remote create linstor \
If you are specifying a LINSTOR controller node (perhaps because you have a highly available controller), when creating a remote, you can specify the controller either by an IP address or a resolvable hostname.

Shipping Snapshots to an S3 Remote

To ship a snapshot to an S3 remote, that is, to create a backup of a resource on an S3 remote, all you need to do is to specify an S3 remote that the current cluster can reach and then specify the resource that should be shipped. The following command will create a snapshot of a resource, myRsc, and ship it to the given S3 remote, myRemote:

# linstor backup create myRemote myRsc

If this isn’t the first time you shipped a backup of this resource (to that remote) and the snapshot of the previous backup hasn’t been deleted yet, an incremental backup will be shipped. To force the creation of a full backup, add the --full argument to the command. Getting a specific node to ship the backup is also possible by using --node myNode, but if the specified node is not available or only has the resource diskless, a different node will be chosen.

Shipping Snapshots to a LINSTOR Remote

You can ship a snapshot between two LINSTOR clusters by specifying a LINSTOR remote. Snapshot shipping to a LINSTOR remote also requires at least one diskful resource on the source side (where you issue the shipping command).

Creating a Remote for a LINSTOR Target Cluster

Before you can ship a snapshot to a LINSTOR target cluster, on the target side, you need to create a LINSTOR remote and specify the cluster ID of the source cluster as the remote:

$ linstor remote create linstor --cluster-id <SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID> <NAME> <URL>
If you do not specify the cluster ID of your source cluster when you create a LINSTOR remote on your target cluster, you will receive an "Unknown Cluster" error when you try to ship a backup. To get the cluster ID of your source cluster, you can enter the command linstor controller list-properties|grep -i cluster from the source cluster.
If you might be creating and shipping snapshots of resources that have a LUKS layer, then you also need to specify a passphrase when creating a remote, as described in the Specifying a LINSTOR Passphrase When Creating a Remote section.

In the remote create command shown above, <NAME> is an arbitrary name that you specify to identify the remote. <URL> is either the IP address of the source (remote) LINSTOR controller or its resolvable hostname. If you have configured a highly available LINSTOR controller, use its virtual IP address (VIP) or the VIP’s resolvable name.

Shipping a Snapshot of a Resource to a LINSTOR Remote

To create a snapshot of a resource from your source LINSTOR cluster and ship it to your target LINSTOR cluster, enter the following command:

# linstor backup ship myRemote localRsc targetRsc

This command essentially creates a backup of your local resource on your target LINSTOR remote.

Additionally, you can use --source-node to specify which node should send and --target-node to specify which node should receive the backup. In case those nodes are not available, the LINSTOR controller will choose different nodes automatically.

If targetRsc is already a deployed resource on the remote cluster, snapshots in the backup shipping for localRsc will ship to the remote cluster but they will not be restored to the remote cluster. The same is true if you specify the --download-only option with the linstor backup ship command.

Snapshot Shipping Within a Single LINSTOR Cluster

If you want to ship a snapshot inside the same cluster, you just need to create a LINSTOR remote that points to the local controller. To do this if you are logged into your LINSTOR controller, for example, enter the following command:

# linstor remote create linstor --cluster-id <CLUSTER_ID> <NAME> localhost

You can then follow the instructions to ship a snapshot to a LINSTOR remote.

Listing Backups on a Remote

To show which backups exist on a specific S3 remote, use linstor backup list myS3Remote. A resource-name can be added to the command as a filter to only show backups of that specific resource by using the argument --resource myRsc. If you use the --other argument, only entries in the bucket that LINSTOR does not recognize as a backup will be shown. LINSTOR always names backups in a certain way, and if an item in the remote is named according to this schema, it is assumed that it is a backup created by LINSTOR - so this list will show everything else.

To show which backups exist on a LINSTOR remote, use the linstor snapshot list command on your LINSTOR target cluster.

Deleting Backups on a Remote

There are several options when it comes to deleting backups:

  • linstor backup delete all myRemote: This command deletes ALL S3-objects on the given remote, provided that they are recognized to be backups, that is, fit the expected naming schema. There is the option --cluster to only delete backups that were created by the current cluster.

  • linstor backup delete id myRemote my-rsc_back_20210824_072543: This command deletes a single backup from the given remote - namely the one with the given id, which consists of the resource-name, the automatically generated snapshot-name (back_timestamp) and, if set, the backup-suffix. The option --prefix lets you delete all backups starting with the given id. The option --cascade deletes not only the specified backup, but all other incremental backups depending on it.

  • linstor backup delete filter myRemote …​: This command has a few different arguments to specify a selection of backups to delete. -t 20210914_120000 will delete all backups made before 12 o’clock on the 14th of September, 2021. -n myNode will delete all backups uploaded by the given node. -r myRsc will delete all backups with the given resource name. These filters can be combined as needed. Finally, --cascade deletes not only the selected backup(s), but all other incremental backups depending on any of the selected backups.

  • linstor backup delete s3key myRemote randomPictureInWrongBucket: This command will find the object with the given S3-key and delete it - without considering anything else. This should only be used to either delete non-backup items from the remote, or to clean up a broken backup that you are no longer able to delete by other means. Using this command to delete a regular, working backup will break that backup, so beware!

All commands that have the --cascade option will NOT delete a backup that has incremental backups depending on it unless you explicitly add that option.
All linstor backup delete …​ commands have the --dry-run option, which will give you a list of all the S3-objects that will be deleted. This can be used to ensure nothing that should not be deleted is accidentally deleted.

Restoring Backups From a Remote

Maybe the most important task after creating a backup is restoring it. To restore a backup from an S3 remote, you can use the linstor backup restore command.

With this command, you specify the name of the S3 remote to restore a backup from, the name of the target node, and a target resource to restore to on the node. If the resource name does not match an existing resource definition, LINSTOR will create the resource definition and resource.

Additionally, you need to specify the name of the resource on the remote that has the backup. You do this by using either the --resource or --id arguments but not both.

By using the --resource option, you can restore the latest backup of the resource that you specify, for example:

# linstor backup restore myRemote myNode targetRsc --resource sourceRsc

By using the --id option, you can restore the exact backup that you specify, for example, to restore a backup of a resource other than the most recent. To get backup IDs, refer to Listing Backups on a Remote.

# linstor backup restore myRemote myNode targetRsc --id sourceRsc_back_20210824_072543
When shipping a snapshot to a LINSTOR (not S3) remote, the snapshot is restored immediately to the specified resource on the target (remote) cluster, unless you use the --download-only option or else if the target resource has at least one replica.

When you restore a backup to a resource, LINSTOR will download all the snapshots from the last full backup of the resource, up to the backup that you specified (when using the --id option) or up to the latest backup (when using the --resource option). After downloading these snapshots, LINSTOR restores the snapshots into a new resource. You can skip restoring the snapshots into a new resources by adding the --download-only option to your backup restore command.

LINSTOR can download backups to restore from any cluster, not just the one that uploaded them, provided that the setup is correct. Specifically, the target resource cannot have any existing resources or snapshots, and the storage pool(s) used need to have the same storage providers. If the storage pool(s) on the target node has the exact same name(s) as on the cluster the backup was created on, no extra action is necessary. If the nodes have different storage pool names, then you need to use the --storpool-rename option with your backup restore command. This option expects at least one oldname=newname pair. For every storage pool of the original backup that is not named in that list, LINSTOR assumes that the storage pool name is exactly the same on the target node.

To find out exactly which storage pools you will need rename, and how big the download and the restored resource will be, you can use the command linstor backup info myRemote …​. Similar to the restore command, you need to specify either the --resource or --id option. When used with the backup info command, these options have the same restrictions as when used with the backup restore command. To show how much space will be left over in the local storage pools after a restore, you can add the argument -n myNode. The same as with an actual restore operation, the backup info command assumes that the storage pool names are exactly the same on the target and source nodes. If that is not the case, you can use the --storpool-rename option, just as with the restore command.

Restoring Backups That Have a LUKS Layer

If the backup to be restored includes a LUKS layer, the --passphrase argument is required. With it, the passphrase of the original cluster of the backup needs to be set so that LINSTOR can decrypt the volumes after download and re-encrypt them with the local passphrase.

Controlling How Many Shipments Are Active at the Same Time

There might be cases where an automated task (be it LINSTOR’s scheduled shipping or an external tool) starts too many shipments at once, leading to an overload of the network or some of the nodes sending the backups.

In a case such as this, the solution is to reduce the amount of shipments that can happen at the same time on the same node. This is done by using the property BackupShipping/MaxConcurrentBackupsPerNode. This property can be set either on the controller or on a specific node.

The expected value for this property is a number. Setting it to any negative number will be interpreted as "no limit", while setting it to zero will result in this specific node not being eligible to ship any backups - or completely disabling backup shipping if the property is set to 0 on the controller.

Any other positive number is treated as a limit of concurrently active shipments per node. To determine which node will send a backup shipment, LINSTOR uses the following logic in the order shown:

  1. The node specified in the command (--source-node for shipping to another LINSTOR cluster, --node for shipping to S3 compatible storage) will ship the backup.

  2. The node that has the most available backup slots will ship the backup.

  3. If no node has an available backup slot, the shipment will be added to a queue and started as soon as a different shipment has finished which leads to a backup slot becoming available.

Shipping a Snapshot in the Same Cluster

Before you can ship a snapshot to a different node within the same LINSTOR cluster, you need to create a LINSTOR remote object that specifies your LINSTOR cluster’s ID. Refer to the [s-shipping_snapshots-l2l] section for instructions on how to get your LINSTOR cluster’s ID and create such a remote. An example command would be:

# linstor remote create linstor self --cluster-id <LINSTOR_CLUSTER_ID>
self is a user-specified, arbitrary name for your LINSTOR remote. You can specify a different name if you want.

Both, the source and the target node have to have the resource for snapshot shipping deployed. Additionally, the target resource has to be deactivated.

# linstor resource deactivate nodeTarget resource1
You cannot reactivate a resource with DRBD in its layer-list after deactivating such a resource. However, a successfully shipped snapshot of a DRBD resource can still be restored into a new resource. To manually start the snapshot shipping, use:
# linstor backup ship self localRsc targetRsc
The snapshot ship command is considered deprecated and any bugs found with it will not be fixed. Instead, to ship a snapshot in the same LINSTOR cluster, use the backup ship command, as shown in the example above, with a remote pointing to your local controller. For more details about configuring a LINSTOR cluster as a remote, see the Shipping Snapshots to a LINSTOR Remote section.

By default, the snapshot shipping feature uses TCP ports from the range 12000-12999. To change this range, the property SnapshotShipping/TcpPortRange, which accepts a to-from range, can be set on the controller:

# linstor controller set-property SnapshotShipping/TcpPortRange 10000-12000

A resource can also be periodically shipped. To accomplish this, it is mandatory to set the properties SnapshotShipping/TargetNode and SnapshotShipping/RunEvery on the resource-definition. SnapshotShipping/SourceNode can also be set, but if omitted LINSTOR will choose an active resource of the same resource-definition.

To allow incremental snapshot-shipping, LINSTOR has to keep at least the last shipped snapshot on the target node. The property SnapshotShipping/Keep can be used to specify how many snapshots LINSTOR should keep. If the property is not set (or ⇐ 0) LINSTOR will keep the last 10 shipped snapshots by default.

# linstor resource-definition set-property resource1 SnapshotShipping/TargetNode nodeTarget
# linstor resource-definition set-property resource1 SnapshotShipping/SourceNode nodeSource
# linstor resource-definition set-property resource1 SnapshotShipping/RunEvery 15
# linstor resource-definition set-property resource1 SnapshotShipping/Keep 5

Scheduled Backup Shipping

Starting with LINSTOR Controller version 1.19.0 and working with LINSTOR client version 1.14.0 or above, you can configure scheduled backup shipping for deployed LINSTOR resources.

Scheduled backup shipping consists of three parts:

  • A data set that consists of one or more deployed LINSTOR resources that you want to backup and ship

  • A remote destination to ship backups to (another LINSTOR cluster or an S3 instance)

  • A schedule that defines when the backups should ship

LINSTOR backup shipping only works for deployed LINSTOR resources that are backed by thin-provisioned LVM and ZFS storage pools, because these are the storage pool types with snapshot support in LINSTOR.

Creating a Backup Shipping Schedule

You create a backup shipping schedule by using the LINSTOR client schedule create command and defining the frequency of backup shipping using cron syntax. You also need to set options that name the schedule and define various aspects of the backup shipping, such as on-failure actions, the number of local and remote backup copies to keep, and whether to also schedule incremental backup shipping.

At a minimum, the command needs a schedule name and a full backup cron schema to create a backup shipping schedule. An example command would look like this:

# linstor schedule create \
  --incremental-cron '* * * * *' \ (1)
  --keep-local 5 \ (2)
  --keep-remote 4 \ (3)
  --on-failure RETRY \ (4)
  --max-retries 10 \ (5)
  <schedule_name> \ (6)
  '* * * * *' # full backup cron schema (7)
Enclose cron schemas within single or double quotation marks.
  1. If specified, the incremental cron schema describes how frequently to create and ship incremental backups. New incremental backups are based on the most recent full backup.

  2. The --keep-local option allows you to specify how many snapshots that a full backup is based upon should be kept at the local backup source. If unspecified, all snapshots will be kept. [OPTIONAL]

  3. The --keep-remote option allows you to specify how many full backups should be kept at the remote destination. This option only works with S3 remote backup destinations, because you would not want to allow a cluster node to delete backups from a node in another cluster. All incremental backups based on a deleted full backup will also be deleted at the remote destination. If unspecified, the --keep-remote option defaults to "all". [OPTIONAL]

  4. Specifies whether to "RETRY" or "SKIP" the scheduled backup shipping if it fails. If "SKIP" is specified, LINSTOR will ignore the failure and continue with the next scheduled backup shipping. If "RETRY" is specified, LINSTOR will wait 60 seconds and then try the backup shipping again. The LINSTOR schedule create command defaults to "SKIP" if no --on-failure option is given. [OPTIONAL]

  5. The number of times to retry the backup shipping if a scheduled backup shipping fails and the --on-failure RETRY option has been given. Without this option, the LINSTOR controller will retry the scheduled backup shipping indefinitely, until it is successful. [OPTIONAL]

  6. The name that you give the backup schedule so that you can reference it later with the schedule list, modify, delete, enable, or disable commands. [REQUIRED]

  7. This cron schema describes how frequently LINSTOR creates snapshots and ships full backups.

If you specify an incremental cron schema that has overlap with the full cron schema that you specify, at the times when both types of backup shipping would occur simultaneously, LINSTOR will only make and ship a full backup. For example, if you specify that a full backup be made every three hours, and an incremental backup be made every hour, then every third hour, LINSTOR will only make and ship a full backup. For this reason, specifying the same cron schema for both your incremental and full backup shipping schedules would be useless, because incremental backups will never be made.

Modifying a Backup Shipping Schedule

You can modify a backup shipping schedule by using the LINSTOR client schedule modify command. The syntax for the command is the same as that for the schedule create command. The name that you specify with the schedule modify command must be an already existing backup schedule. Any options to the command that you do not specify will retain their existing values. If you want to set the keep-local or keep-remote options back to their default values, you can set them to "all". If you want to set the max-retries option to its default value, you can set it to "forever".

Configuring the Number of Local Snapshots and Remote Backups to Keep

Your physical storage is not infinite and your remote storage has a cost, so you will likely want to set limits on the number of snapshots and backups you keep.

Both the --keep-remote and --keep-local options deserve special mention as they have implications beyond what might be obvious. Using these options, you specify how many snapshots or full backups should be kept, either on the local source or the remote destination.

Configuring the Keep-Local Option

For example, if a --keep-local=2 option is set, then the backup shipping schedule, on first run, will make a snapshot for a full backup. On the next scheduled full backup shipping, it will make a second snapshot for a full backup. On the next scheduled full backup shipping, it makes a third snapshot for a full backup. This time, however, after successful completion, LINSTOR deletes the first (oldest) full backup shipping snapshot. If snapshots were made for any incremental backups based on this full snapshot, they will also be deleted from the local source node. On the next successful full backup shipping, LINSTOR will delete the second full backup snapshot and any incremental snapshots based upon it, and so on, with each successive backup shipping.

If there are local snapshots remaining from failed shipments, these will be deleted first, even if they were created later.

If you have enabled a backup shipping schedule and then later manually delete a LINSTOR snapshot, LINSTOR might not be able to delete everything it was supposed to. For example, if you delete a full backup snapshot definition, on a later full backup scheduled shipping, there might be incremental snapshots based on the manually deleted full backup snapshot that will not be deleted.

Configuring the Keep-Remote Option

As mentioned in the callouts for the example linstor schedule create command above, the keep-remote option only works for S3 remote destinations. Here is an example of how the option works. If a --keep-remote=2 option is set, then the backup shipping schedule, on first run, will make a snapshot for a full backup and ship it to the remote destination. On the next scheduled full backup shipping, a second snapshot is made and a full backup shipped to the remote destination. On the next scheduled full backup shipping, a third snapshot is made and a full backup shipped to the remote destination. This time, additionally, after the third snapshot successfully ships, the first full backup is deleted from the remote destination. If any incremental backups were scheduled and made between the full backups, any that were made from the first full backup would be deleted along with the full backup.

This option only deletes backups at the remote destination. It does not delete snapshots that the full backups were based upon at the local source node.

Listing a Backup Shipping Schedule

You can list your backup shipping schedules by using the linstor schedule list command.

For example:

# linstor schedule list
┊ Name                ┊ Full        ┊ Incremental ┊ KeepLocal ┊ KeepRemote ┊ OnFailure ┊
┊ my-bu-schedule      ┊ 2 * * * *   ┊             ┊ 3         ┊ 2          ┊ SKIP      ┊

Deleting a Backup Shipping Schedule

The LINSTOR client schedule delete command completely deletes a backup shipping schedule LINSTOR object. The command’s only argument is the schedule name that you want to delete. If the deleted schedule is currently creating or shipping a backup, the scheduled shipping process is stopped. Depending on at which point the process stops, a snapshot, or a backup, or both, might not be created and shipped.

This command does not affect previously created snapshots or successfully shipped backups. These will be retained until they are manually deleted.

Enabling Scheduled Backup Shipping

You can use the LINSTOR client backup schedule enable command to enable a previously created backup shipping schedule. The command has the following syntax:

# linstor backup schedule enable \
  [--node source_node] \ (1)
  [--rg resource_group_name | --rd resource_definition_name] \ (2)
  remote_name \ (3)
  schedule_name (4)
  1. This is a special option that allows you to specify the controller node that will be used as a source for scheduled backup shipments, if possible. If you omit this option from the command, then LINSTOR will choose a source node at the time a scheduled shipping is made. [OPTIONAL]

  2. You can set here either the resource group or the resource definition (but not both) that you want to enable the backup shipping schedule for. If you omit this option from the command, then the command enables scheduled backup shipping for all deployed LINSTOR resources that can make snapshots. [OPTIONAL]

  3. The name of the remote destination that you want to ship backups to. [REQUIRED]

  4. The name of a previously created backup shipping schedule. [REQUIRED]

Disabling a Backup Shipping Schedule

To disable a previously enabled backup shipping schedule, you use the LINSTOR client backup schedule disable command. The command has the following syntax:

# linstor backup schedule disable \
  [--rg resource_group_name | --rd resource_definition_name] \
  remote_name \ (3)
  schedule_name (4)

If you include the option specifying either a resource group or resource definition, as described in the backup schedule enable command example above, then you disable the schedule only for that resource group or resource definition.

For example, if you omitted specifying a resource group or resource definition in an earlier backup schedule enable command, LINSTOR would schedule backup shipping for all its deployed resources that can make snapshots. Your disable command would then only affect the resource group or resource definition that you specify with the command. The backup shipping schedule would still apply to any deployed LINSTOR resources besides the specified resource group or resource definition.

The same as for the backup schedule enable command, if you specify neither a resource group nor a resource definition, then LINSTOR disables the backup shipping schedule at the controller level for all deployed LINSTOR resources.

Deleting Aspects of a Backup Shipping Schedule

You can use the linstor backup schedule delete command to granularly delete either a specified resource definition or a resource group from a backup shipping schedule, without deleting the schedule itself. This command has the same syntax and arguments as the backup schedule disable command. If you specify neither a resource group nor a resource definition, the backup shipping schedule you specify will be deleted at the controller level.

It might be helpful to think about the backup schedule delete command as a way that you can remove a backup shipping schedule-remote pair from a specified LINSTOR object level, either a resource definition, a resource group, or at the controller level if neither is specified.

The backup schedule delete command does not affect previously created snapshots or successfully shipped backups. These will be retained until they are manually deleted, or until they are removed by the effects of a still applicable keep-local or keep-remote option.

You might want to use this command when you have disabled a backup schedule for multiple LINSTOR object levels and later want to affect a granular change, where a backup schedule enable command might have unintended consequences.

For example, consider a scenario where you have a backup schedule-remote pair that you enabled at a controller level. This controller has a resource group, myresgroup that has several resource definitions, resdef1 through resdef9, under it. For maintenance reasons perhaps, you disable the schedule for two resource definitions, resdef1 and resdef2. You then realize that further maintenance requires that you disable the backup shipping schedule at the resource group level, for your myresgroup resource group.

After completing some maintenance, you are able to enable the backup shipping schedule for resdef3 through resdef9, but you are not yet ready to resume (enable) backup shipping for resdef1 and resdef2. You can enable backup shipping for each resource definition individually, resdef3 through resdef9, or you can use the backup schedule delete command to delete the backup shipping schedule from the resource group, myresgroup. If you use the backup schedule delete command, backups of resdef3 through resdef9 will ship again because the backup shipping schedule is enabled at the controller level, but resdef1 and resdef2 will not ship because the backup shipping schedule is still disabled for them at the resource definition level.

When you complete your maintenance and are again ready to ship backups for resdef1 and resdef2, you can delete the backup shipping schedule for those two resource definitions to return to your starting state: backup shipping scheduled for all LINSTOR deployed resources at the controller level. To understand this it might be helpful to refer to the decision tree diagram for how LINSTOR decides whether or not to ship a backup in the How the LINSTOR Controller Determines Scheduled Backup Shipping subsection.

In the example scenario above, you might have enabled backup shipping on the resource group, after completing some maintenance. In this case, backup shipping would resume for resource definitions resdef3 through resdef9 but continue not to ship for resource definitions resdef1 and resdef2 because backup shipping was still disabled for those resource definitions. After you completed all maintenance, you could delete the backup shipping schedule on resdef1 and resdef2. Then all of your resource definitions would be shipping backups, as they were before your maintenance, because the schedule-remote pair was enabled at the resource group level. However, this would remove your option to globally stop all scheduled shipping at some later point in time at the controller level because the enabled schedule at the resource group level would override any schedule disable command applied at the controller level.

Listing Backup Shipping Schedules by Resource

You can list backup schedules by resource, using the LINSTOR client schedule list-by-resource command. This command will show LINSTOR resources and how any backup shipping schedules apply and to which remotes they are being shipped. If resources are not being shipped then the command will show:

  • Whether resources have no schedule-remote-pair entries (empty cells)

  • Whether they have schedule-remote-pair entries but they are disabled ("disabled")

  • Whether they have no resources, so no backup shipments can be made, regardless of whether any schedule-remote-pair entries are enabled or not ("undeployed")

If resources have schedule-remote-pairs and are being shipped, the command output will show when the last backup was shipped and when the next backup is scheduled to ship. It will also show whether the next and last backup shipments were full or incremental backups. Finally, the command will show when the next planned incremental (if any) and full backup shipping will occur.

You can use the --active-only flag with the schedule list-by-resource command to filter out all resources that are not being shipped.

How the LINSTOR Controller Determines Scheduled Backup Shipping

To determine if the LINSTOR Controller will ship a deployed LINSTOR resource with a certain backup schedule for a given remote destination, the LINSTOR Controller uses the following logic:

linstor controller backup schedule decision flowchart

As the diagram shows, enabled or disabled backup shipping schedules have effect in the following order:

  1. Resource definition level

  2. Resource group level

  3. Controller level

A backup shipping schedule-remote pair that is enabled or disabled at a preceding level will override the enabled or disabled status for the same schedule-remote pair at a later level.

Determining How Scheduled Backup Shipping Affects a Resource

To determine how a LINSTOR resource will be affected by scheduled backup shipping, you can use the LINSTOR client schedule list-by-resource-details command for a specified LINSTOR resource.

The command will output a table that shows on what LINSTOR object level a backup shipping schedule is either not set (empty cell), enabled, or disabled.

By using this command, you can determine on which level you need to make a change to enable, disable, or delete scheduled backup shipping for a resource.

Example output could look like this:

# linstor schedule list-by-resource-details my_linstor_resource_name
┊ Remote   ┊ Schedule   ┊ Resource-Definition ┊ Resource-Group ┊ Controller ┊
┊ rem1     ┊ sch1       ┊ Disabled            ┊                ┊ Enabled    ┊
┊ rem1     ┊ sch2       ┊                     ┊ Enabled        ┊            ┊
┊ rem2     ┊ sch1       ┊ Enabled             ┊                ┊            ┊
┊ rem2     ┊ sch5       ┊                     ┊ Enabled        ┊            ┊
┊ rem3     ┊ sch4       ┊                     ┊ Disabled       ┊ Enabled    ┊

Setting DRBD Options for LINSTOR Objects

You can use LINSTOR commands to set DRBD options. Configurations in files that are not managed by LINSTOR, such as /etc/drbd.d/global_common.conf, will be ignored. The syntax for this command is generally:

# linstor <LINSTOR_object> drbd-options --<DRBD_option> <value> <LINSTOR_object_identifiers>

In the syntax above, <LINSTOR_ object_identifiers> is a placeholder for identifiers such as a node name, node names, or a resource name, or a combination of these identifiers.

For example, to set the DRBD replication protocol for a resource definition named backups, enter:

# linstor resource-definition drbd-options --protocol C backups

You can enter a LINSTOR object along with drbd-options and the --help, or -h, flag to show the command usage, available options, and the default value for each option. For example:

# linstor controller drbd-options -h

Setting DRBD Peer Options for LINSTOR Resources or Resource Connections

The LINSTOR resource object is an exception to the general syntax for setting DRBD options for LINSTOR objects. With the LINSTOR resource object, you can use the drbd-peer-options to set DRBD options at the connection level between the two nodes that you specify. Specifying drbd-peer-options for a LINSTOR resource object between two nodes is equivalent to using the`linstor resource-connection drbd-peer-options` for a resource between two nodes.

For example, to set the DRBD maximum buffer size to 8192 at a connection level, for a resource named backups, between two nodes, node-0 and node-1, enter:

# linstor resource drbd-peer-options --max-buffers 8192 node-0 node-1 backups

The command above is equivalent to the following:

# linstor resource-connection drbd-peer-options --max-buffers 8192 node-0 node-1 backups

Indeed, when using the linstor --curl command to examine the two commands actions on the LINSTOR REST API, the output is identical:

# linstor --curl resource drbd-peer-options --max-buffers 8192 node-0 node-1 backups
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"override_props": {"DrbdOptions/Net/max-buffers": "8192"}}' http://localhost:3370/v1/resource-definitions/backups/resource-connections/node-0/node-1

# linstor --curl resource-connection drbd-peer-options --max-buffers 8192 node-0 node-1 backups
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"override_props": {"DrbdOptions/Net/max-buffers": "8192"}}' http://localhost:3370/v1/resource-definitions/backups/resource-connections/node-0/node-1

The connection section of the LINSTOR-generated resource file backups.res on node-0 will look something like this:

connection {
        _peer_node_id 1;
        path {
            _this_host ipv4;
            _remote_host ipv4;
        path {
            _this_host ipv4;
            _remote_host ipv4;
        net {
            max-buffers         8192;
            _name               "node-1";
If there are multiple paths between the two nodes, as in the example above, DRBD options that you set using the resource drbd-peer-options command will apply to all of them.

Setting DRBD Options for Node Connections

You can use the drbd-peer-options argument to set DRBD options at a connection level, between two nodes, for example:

# linstor node-connection drbd-peer-options --ping-timeout 299 node-0 node-1

The preceding command would set the DRBD ping-timeout option to 29.9 seconds at a connection level between two nodes, node-0 and node-1.

Verifying Options for LINSTOR Objects

You can verify a LINSTOR object’s set properties by using the list-properties command, for example:

# linstor resource-definition list-properties backups
| Key                               | Value            |
| DrbdOptions/Net/protocol          | C                |

Removing DRBD Options from LINSTOR Objects

To remove a previously set DRBD option, prefix the option name with unset-. For example:

# linstor resource-definition drbd-options --unset-protocol backups

The same syntax applies to any drbd-peer-options set either on a LINSTOR resource, resource connection, or node connection. For example:

# linstor resource-connection drbd-peer-options --unset-max-buffers node-0 node-1 backups

Removing a DRBD option or DRBD peer option will return the option to its default value. Refer to the linstor <LINSTOR_object> drbd-options --help (or drbd-peer-options --help) command output for the default values of options. You can also refer to the drbd.conf-9.0 man page to get information about DRBD options.

Over Provisioning Storage in LINSTOR

Since LINSTOR server version 1.26.0, it is possible to control how LINSTOR limits over provisioning storage by using three LINSTOR object properties: MaxOversubscriptionRatio, MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio, and MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio. You can set these properties on either a LINSTOR storage pool or a LINSTOR controller object. Setting these properties at the controller level will affect all LINSTOR storage pools in the cluster, unless the same property is also set on a specific storage pool. In this case, the property value set on the storage pool will take precedence over the property value set on the controller.

By setting values for over subscription ratios, you can control how LINSTOR limits the over provisioning that you can do with your storage pools. This might be useful in cases where you do not want over provisioning of storage to reach a level that you cannot account for physically, if you needed to.

The following subsections discuss the different over provisioning limiting properties.

Configuring a Maximum Free Capacity Over Provisioning Ratio

In LINSTOR server versions before 1.26.0, configuring over provisioning of a storage pool backed by a thin-provisioned LVM volume or ZFS zpool was based on the amount of free space left in the storage pool. In LINSTOR server versions from 1.26.0, this method of over provisioning is still possible. You do this by setting a value for the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property on either a LINSTOR storage pool or the LINSTOR controller. When you configure a value for this ratio, the remaining free space in a storage pool is multiplied by the ratio value and this becomes the maximum allowed size for a new volume that you can provision from the storage pool.

By default, the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio has a value of 20.

To configure a different value for the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property on a LINSTOR storage pool named my_thin_pool on three LINSTOR satellite nodes in a cluster, named node-0 through node-2, enter the following command:

# for node in node-{0..2}; do \
linstor storage-pool set-property $node my_thin_pool MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio 10

If you had already deployed some storage resources and the storage pool had 10GiB free capacity remaining (shown by entering linstor storage-pool list), then when provisioning a new storage resource from the storage pool, you could at most provision a 100GiB volume.

Before spawning new LINSTOR resources (and volumes) from a resource group, you can list the maximum volume size that LINSTOR will let you provision from the resource group. To do this, enter a resource-group query-size-info command. For example, to list information about the DfltRscGrp resource group, enter the following command:

# linstor resource-group query-size-info DfltRscGrp

Output from the command will show a table of values for the specified resource group:

| MaxVolumeSize | AvailableSize | Capacity | Next Spawn Result      |
|     99.72 GiB |      9.97 GiB | 9.97 GiB | my_thin_pool on node-0 |
|               |               |          | my_thin_pool on node-2 |

Configuring a Maximum Total Capacity Over Provisioning Ratio

Since LINSTOR server version 1.26.0, there is an additional way that you can limit over provisioning storage. By setting a value for the MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio on either a LINSTOR storage pool or LINSTOR controller, LINSTOR will limit the maximum size of a new volume that you can deploy from a storage pool, based on the total capacity of the storage pool.

This is a more relaxed way to limit over provisioning, compared to limiting the maximum volume size based on the amount of free space that remains in a storage pool. As you provision and use more storage in a storage pool, the free space decreases. However, the total capacity of a storage pool does not change, unless you add more backing storage to the storage pool.

By default, the MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio has a value of 20.

To configure a different value for the MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property on a LINSTOR storage pool named my_thin_pool on three LINSTOR satellite nodes in a cluster, named node-0 through node-2, enter the following command:

# for node in node-{0..2}; do \
linstor storage-pool set-property $node my_thin_pool MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio 4

If you had a storage pool backed by a thin-provisioned logical volume that had a total capacity of 10GiB, then each new storage resource that you created from the storage pool could have a maximum size of 40GiB, regardless of how much free space remained in the storage pool.

Configuring a Maximum Over Subscription Ratio for Over Provisioning

If you set the MaxOversubscriptionRatio property on either a LINSTOR storage pool or LINSTOR controller object, it can act as the value for both the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio and MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio properties. However, the MaxOversubscriptionRatio property will only act as the value for either of the other two over subscription properties if the other property is not set. By default, the value for the MaxOversubscriptionRatio property is 20, the same as the default values for the other two over subscription properties.

To configure a different value for the MaxOversubscriptionRatio property on a LINSTOR controller, for example, enter the following command:

# linstor controller set-property MaxOversubscriptionRatio 5

By setting the property value to 5 in the command example, you would be able to over provision a 10GiB storage pool, for example, by up to 40GiB.

The Effects of Setting Values on Multiple Over Provisioning Properties

As previously mentioned, the default value for each of the three over provisioning limiting LINSTOR properties is 20. If you set the same property on a storage pool and the controller, then the value of the property set on the storage pool takes precedence for that storage pool.

If either MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio or MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio is not set, the value of MaxOversubscriptionRatio is used as the value for the unset property or properties.

For example, consider the following commands:

# for node in node-{0..2}; do \
linstor storage-pool set-property $node my_thin_pool MaxOversubscriptionRatio 4
# for node in node-{0..2}; do \
linstor storage-pool set-property $node my_thin_pool MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio 3

Because you set the MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property to 3, LINSTOR will use that value for the property, rather than the value that you set for the MaxOversubscriptionRatio property. Because you did not set the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property, LINSTOR will use the value that you set for the MaxOversubscriptionRatio property, 4, for the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property.

When determining resource placement, that is, when LINSTOR decides whether or not a resource can be placed in a storage pool, LINSTOR will compare two values: the ratio set by the MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property multiplied by the total capacity of the storage pool, and the ratio set by the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio property multiplied by the available free space of the storage pool. LINSTOR will use the lower of the two calculated values to determine whether the storage pool has enough space to place the resource.

Consider the case of values set by earlier commands and given a total capacity of 10GiB for the storage pool. Also assume that there are no deployed LINSTOR resources associated with the storage pool and that the available free space of the storage pool is also 10GiB.

This example is simplistic. It might be the case that depending on the storage provider that backs the storage pool, for example, ZFS or LVM, free space might not be equal to total capacity in a storage pool with no deployed resources. This is because there might be overhead from the storage provider infrastructure that uses storage pool space, even before deploying resources.

In this example, MaxTotalCapacityOversubscriptionRatio, 3, multiplied by the total capacity, 10GiB, is less than the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio, 4, multiplied by the free capacity, 10GiB. Remember here that because the MaxFreeCapacityOversubscriptionRatio is unset, LINSTOR uses the MaxOversubscriptionRatio value.

Therefore, when deploying a new resource backed by the storage pool, LINSTOR would use the total capacity calculation, rather than the free capacity calculation, to limit over provisioning the storage pool and determine whether a new resource can be placed. However, as you deploy more storage resources and they fill up with data, the available free space in the storage pool will decrease. For this reason, it might not always be the case that LINSTOR will use the total capacity calculation to limit over provisioning the storage pool, even though its ratio is less that the free capacity ratio.

Adding and Removing Disks

LINSTOR can convert resources between diskless and having a disk. This is achieved with the resource toggle-disk command, which has syntax similar to resource create.

For instance, add a disk to the diskless resource backups on 'alpha':

# linstor resource toggle-disk alpha backups --storage-pool pool_ssd

Remove this disk again:

# linstor resource toggle-disk alpha backups --diskless

Migrating Disks Between Nodes

To move a resource between nodes without reducing redundancy at any point, LINSTOR’s disk migrate feature can be used. First create a diskless resource on the target node, and then add a disk using the --migrate-from option. This will wait until the data has been synced to the new disk and then remove the source disk.

For example, to migrate a resource backups from 'alpha' to 'bravo':

# linstor resource create bravo backups --drbd-diskless
# linstor resource toggle-disk bravo backups --storage-pool pool_ssd --migrate-from alpha

Configuring DRBD Proxy Using LINSTOR

LINSTOR expects DRBD Proxy to be running on the nodes which are involved in the relevant connections. It does not currently support connections through DRBD Proxy on a separate node.

Suppose your cluster consists of nodes 'alpha' and 'bravo' in a local network and 'charlie' at a remote site, with a resource definition named backups deployed to each of the nodes. Then DRBD Proxy can be enabled for the connections to 'charlie' as follows:

# linstor drbd-proxy enable alpha charlie backups
# linstor drbd-proxy enable bravo charlie backups

The DRBD Proxy configuration can be tailored with commands such as:

# linstor drbd-proxy options backups --memlimit 100000000
# linstor drbd-proxy compression zlib backups --level 9

LINSTOR does not automatically optimize the DRBD configuration for long-distance replication, so you will probably want to set some configuration options such as the protocol:

# linstor resource-connection drbd-options alpha charlie backups --protocol A
# linstor resource-connection drbd-options bravo charlie backups --protocol A

Contact LINBIT for assistance optimizing your configuration.

Automatically Enabling DRBD Proxy

LINSTOR can also be configured to automatically enable the above mentioned Proxy connection between two nodes. For this automation, LINSTOR first needs to know on which site each node is.

# linstor node set-property alpha Site A
# linstor node set-property bravo Site A
# linstor node set-property charlie Site B

As the Site property might also be used for other site-based decisions in future features, the DrbdProxy/AutoEnable also has to be set to true:

# linstor controller set-property DrbdProxy/AutoEnable true

This property can also be set on node, resource-definition, resource and resource-connection level (from left to right in increasing priority, whereas the controller is the leftmost, that is, the least prioritized level).

Once this initialization steps are completed, every newly created resource will automatically check if it has to enable DRBD Proxy to any of its peer-resources.

External Database Providers

It is possible to have LINSTOR working with an external database provider like PostgreSQL, MariaDB and since version 1.1.0 even etcd key value store is supported.

To use an external database there are a few additional steps to configure. You have to create a DB/Schema and user to use for linstor, and configure this in the /etc/linstor/linstor.toml.


A sample PostgreSQL linstor.toml looks like this:

user = "linstor"
password = "linstor"
connection_url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/linstor"

MariaDB and MySQL

A sample MariaDB linstor.toml looks like this:

user = "linstor"
password = "linstor"
connection_url = "jdbc:mariadb://localhost/LINSTOR?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true"
The LINSTOR schema/database is created as LINSTOR so verify that the MariaDB connection string refers to the LINSTOR schema, as in the example above.


etcd is a distributed key-value store that makes it easy to keep your LINSTOR database distributed in a HA-setup. The etcd driver is already included in the LINSTOR-controller package and only needs to be configured in the linstor.toml.

More information about how to install and configure etcd can be found here: etcd docs

And here is a sample [db] section from the linstor.toml:

## only set user/password if you want to use authentication, only since LINSTOR 1.2.1
# user = "linstor"
# password = "linstor"

## for etcd
## do not set user field if no authentication required
connection_url = "etcd://etcdhost1:2379,etcdhost2:2379,etcdhost3:2379"

## if you want to use TLS, only since LINSTOR 1.2.1
# ca_certificate = "ca.pem"
# client_certificate = "client.pem"

## if you want to use client TLS authentication too, only since LINSTOR 1.2.1
# client_key_pkcs8_pem = "client-key.pkcs8"
## set client_key_password if private key has a password
# client_key_password = "mysecret"

Configuring the LINSTOR Controller

The LINSTOR Controller has a configuration file that is and has to be placed into the following path: /etc/linstor/linstor.toml.

A recent configuration example can be found here: linstor.toml-example


To make LINSTOR’s administrative tasks more accessible and also available for web-frontends a REST API has been created. The REST API is embedded in the LINSTOR controller and since LINSTOR 0.9.13 configured through the linstor.toml configuration file.

  enabled = true
  port = 3370
  listen_addr = ""  # to disable remote access

If you want to use the REST API the current documentation can be found on the following link:


The HTTP REST API can also run secured by HTTPS and is highly recommended if you use any features that require authorization. To do so you have to create a Java keystore file with a valid certificate that will be used to encrypt all HTTPS traffic.

Here is a simple example on how you can create a self signed certificate with the keytool that is included in the Java Runtime:

keytool -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -genkey -keystore ./keystore_linstor.jks\
 -alias linstor_controller\
 -dname "CN=localhost, OU=SecureUnit, O=ExampleOrg, L=Vienna, ST=Austria, C=AT"

keytool will ask for a password to secure the generated keystore file and is needed for the LINSTOR Controller configuration. In your linstor.toml file you have to add the following section:

  keystore = "/path/to/keystore_linstor.jks"
  keystore_password = "linstor"

Now (re)start the linstor-controller and the HTTPS REST API should be available on port 3371.

More information about how to import other certificates can be found here:

After enabling HTTPS access, all requests to the HTTP v1 REST API will be redirected to the HTTPS redirect. If your have not specified a LINSTOR controller in the LINSTOR configuration TOML file (/etc/linstor/linstor.toml), then you will need to use a different syntax when using the LINSTOR client (linstor) as described in Using the LINSTOR Client.
LINSTOR REST API HTTPS Restricted Client Access

Client access can be restricted by using a SSL/TLS truststore on the Controller. Basically you create a certificate for your client and add it to your truststore and the client then uses this certificate for authentication.

First create a client certificate:

keytool -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -genkey -keystore client.jks\
 -storepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -alias client1\
 -dname "CN=Client Cert, OU=client, O=Example, L=Vienna, ST=Austria, C=AT"

Next, import this certificate to your controller truststore:

keytool -importkeystore\
 -srcstorepass linstor -deststorepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -srckeystore client.jks -destkeystore trustore_client.jks

And enable the truststore in the linstor.toml configuration file:

  keystore = "/path/to/keystore_linstor.jks"
  keystore_password = "linstor"
  truststore = "/path/to/trustore_client.jks"
  truststore_password = "linstor"

Now restart the Controller and it will no longer be possible to access the controller API without a correct certificate.

The LINSTOR client needs the certificate in PEM format, so before you can use it, you have to convert the java keystore certificate to the PEM format.

# Convert to pkcs12
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client.jks -destkeystore client.p12\
 -storepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -srcalias client1 -srcstoretype jks -deststoretype pkcs12

# use openssl to convert to PEM
openssl pkcs12 -in client.p12 -out client_with_pass.pem

To avoid entering the PEM file password all the time it might be convenient to remove the password.

openssl rsa -in client_with_pass.pem -out client1.pem
openssl x509 -in client_with_pass.pem >> client1.pem

Now this PEM file can easily be used in the client:

linstor --certfile client1.pem node list

The --certfile parameter can also added to the client configuration file, see Using the LINSTOR Client for more details.

Configuring LINSTOR Satellite

The LINSTOR Satellite software has an optional configuration file that uses the TOML file syntax and has to be put into the following path /etc/linstor/linstor_satellite.toml.

A recent configuration example can be found here: linstor_satellite.toml-example


LINSTOR uses SLF4J with logback as binding. This gives LINSTOR the possibility to distinguish between the log levels ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE (in order of increasing verbosity). The following are the different ways that you can set the logging level, ordered by priority (first has highest priority):

  1. Since LINSTOR client version 1.20.1, you can use the command controller set-log-level to change the log level used by LINSTOR’s running configuration. Various arguments can be used with this command. Refer to the command’s --help text for details. For example, to set the log level to TRACE on the LINSTOR controller and all satellites, enter the following command:

    $ linstor controller set-log-level --global TRACE

    To change the LINSTOR log level on a particular node, you can use the LINSTOR client (since version 1.20.1) command node set-log-level.

    Changes that you make to the log level by using the LINSTOR client will not persist LINSTOR service restarts, for example, if a node reboots.
  2. TRACE mode can be enabled or disabled using the debug console:

    Command ==> SetTrcMode MODE(enabled)
    SetTrcMode           Set TRACE level logging mode
    New TRACE level logging mode: ENABLED
  3. When starting the controller or satellite a command line argument can be passed:

    java ... com.linbit.linstor.core.Controller ... --log-level TRACE
    java ... com.linbit.linstor.core.Satellite  ... --log-level TRACE
  4. The recommended place is the logging section in the configuration file. The default configuration file location is /etc/linstor/linstor.toml for the controller and /etc/linstor/linstor_satellite.toml for the satellite. Configure the logging level as follows:

  5. As LINSTOR is using logback as an implementation, /usr/share/linstor-server/lib/logback.xml can also be used. Currently only this approach supports different log levels for different components, like shown in the example below:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration scan="false" scanPeriod="60 seconds">
     Values for scanPeriod can be specified in units of milliseconds, seconds, minutes or hours
     <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
       <!-- encoders are assigned the type
            ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder by default -->
         <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger - %msg%n</pattern>
     <appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
       <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder">
         <Pattern>%d{yyyy_MM_dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger - %msg%n</Pattern>
       <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy">
       <triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
     <logger name="LINSTOR/Controller" level="TRACE" additivity="false">
       <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
       <!-- <appender-ref ref="FILE" /> -->
     <logger name="LINSTOR/Satellite" level="TRACE" additivity="false">
       <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
       <!-- <appender-ref ref="FILE" /> -->
     <root level="WARN">
       <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
       <!-- <appender-ref ref="FILE" /> -->

See the logback manual to find more details about logback.xml.

When none of the configuration methods above is used LINSTOR will default to INFO log level.


Since LINSTOR 1.8.0, a Prometheus /metrics HTTP path is provided with LINSTOR and JVM specific exports.

The /metrics path also supports three GET arguments to reduce LINSTOR’s reported data:

  • resource

  • storage_pools

  • error_reports

These all default to true. To disable, for example, error report data use: http://localhost:3370/metrics?error_reports=false.

Health Checking

The LINSTOR-Controller also provides a /health HTTP path that will simply return HTTP-Status 200 if the controller can access its database and all services are up and running. Otherwise it will return HTTP error status code 500 Internal Server Error.

Secure Satellite Connections

It is possible to have the LINSTOR use SSL/TLS secure TCP connection between controller and satellite connections. Without going into further details on how Java’s SSL/TLS engine works we will give you command line snippets using the keytool from Java’s runtime environment on how to configure a three node setup using secure connections.

The node setup looks like this:

Node alpha is just the controller. Node bravo and node charlie are just satellites.

Here are the commands to generate such a keystore setup, values should of course be edited for your environment.

# create directories to hold the key files
mkdir -p /tmp/linstor-ssl
cd /tmp/linstor-ssl
mkdir alpha bravo charlie

# create private keys for all nodes
keytool -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -genkey -keystore alpha/keystore.jks\
 -storepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -alias alpha\
 -dname "CN=Max Mustermann, OU=alpha, O=Example, L=Vienna, ST=Austria, C=AT"

keytool -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -genkey -keystore bravo/keystore.jks\
 -storepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -alias bravo\
 -dname "CN=Max Mustermann, OU=bravo, O=Example, L=Vienna, ST=Austria, C=AT"

keytool -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -genkey -keystore charlie/keystore.jks\
 -storepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -alias charlie\
 -dname "CN=Max Mustermann, OU=charlie, O=Example, L=Vienna, ST=Austria, C=AT"

# import truststore certificates for alpha (needs all satellite certificates)
keytool -importkeystore\
 -srcstorepass linstor -deststorepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -srckeystore bravo/keystore.jks -destkeystore alpha/certificates.jks

keytool -importkeystore\
 -srcstorepass linstor -deststorepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -srckeystore charlie/keystore.jks -destkeystore alpha/certificates.jks

# import controller certificate into satellite truststores
keytool -importkeystore\
 -srcstorepass linstor -deststorepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -srckeystore alpha/keystore.jks -destkeystore bravo/certificates.jks

keytool -importkeystore\
 -srcstorepass linstor -deststorepass linstor -keypass linstor\
 -srckeystore alpha/keystore.jks -destkeystore charlie/certificates.jks

# now copy the keystore files to their host destinations
ssh root@alpha mkdir /etc/linstor/ssl
scp alpha/* root@alpha:/etc/linstor/ssl/
ssh root@bravo mkdir /etc/linstor/ssl
scp bravo/* root@bravo:/etc/linstor/ssl/
ssh root@charlie mkdir /etc/linstor/ssl
scp charlie/* root@charlie:/etc/linstor/ssl/

# generate the satellite ssl config entry
echo '[netcom]
' | ssh root@bravo "cat > /etc/linstor/linstor_satellite.toml"

echo '[netcom]
' | ssh root@charlie "cat > /etc/linstor/linstor_satellite.toml"

Now just start controller and satellites and add the nodes with --communication-type SSL.

Configuring LDAP Authentication

You can configure LINSTOR to use LDAP authentication to limit access to the LINSTOR Controller. This feature is disabled by default but you can enable and configure it by editing the LINSTOR configuration TOML file. After editing the configuration file, you will need to restart the linstor-controller.service. An example LDAP section within the configuration file looks like this:

  enabled = true (1)

  # allow_public_access: if no authorization fields are given allow
  # users to work with the public context
  allow_public_access = false (2)

  # uniform resource identifier: LDAP URI to use
  # for example, "ldaps://hostname" (LDAPS) or "ldap://hostname" (LDAP)
  uri = "ldaps://"

  # distinguished name: {user} can be used as template for the username
  dn = "uid={user}" (3)

  # search base for the search_filter field
  search_base = "dc=example,dc=com" (4)

  # search_filter: ldap filter to restrict users on memberships
  search_filter = "(&(uid={user})(memberof=ou=storage-services,dc=example,dc=com))" (5)
  1. enabled is a Boolean value. Authentication is disabled by default.

  2. allow_public_access is a Boolean value. If set to true, and LDAP authentication is enabled, then users will be allowed to work with the LINSTOR Controller’s public context. If set to false and LDAP authentication is enabled, then users without LDAP authenticating credentials will be unable to access the LINSTOR Controller for all but the most trivial tasks, such as displaying version or help information.

  3. dn is a string value where you can specify the LDAP distinguished name to query the LDAP directory. Besides the user ID (uid), the string can consist of other distinguished name attributes, for example:

    dn = "uid={user},ou=storage-services,o=ha,dc=example"
  4. search_base is a string value where you can specify the starting point in the LDAP directory tree for the authentication query, for example:

    search_base = "ou=storage-services"
  5. search_filter is a string value where you can specify an LDAP object restriction for authentication, such as user and group membership, for example:

    search_filter = "(&(uid={user})(memberof=ou=storage-services,dc=example,dc=com))"
It is highly recommended that you configure LINSTOR REST API HTTPS and LDAPS to protect potentially sensitive traffic passing between the LINSTOR Controller and an LDAP server.

Running LINSTOR Commands as an Authenticated User

After configuring the LINSTOR Controller to authenticate users through LDAP (or LDAPS), and the LINSTOR REST API HTTPS, you will need to enter LINSTOR commands as follows:

$ linstor --user <LDAP_user_name> <command>

If you have configured LDAP authentication without also configuring LINSTOR REST API HTTPS, you will need to explicitly enable password authentication over HTTP, by using the --allow-insecure-path flag with your linstor commands. This is not recommended outside of a secured and isolated LAN, as you will be sending credentials in plain text.

$ linstor --allow-insecure-auth --user <LDAP_user_name> <command>

The LINSTOR Controller will prompt you for the user’s password, in each of the above examples. You can optionally use the --password argument to supply the user’s password on the command line, with all the warnings of caution that would go along with doing so.

Automatisms for DRBD Resources

This section details some of LINSTOR’s automatisms for DRBD resources.

Auto-Quorum Policies

LINSTOR automatically configures quorum policies on resources when quorum is achievable. This means, whenever you have at least two diskful and one or more diskless resource assignments, or three or more diskful resource assignments, LINSTOR will enable quorum policies for your resources automatically.

Inversely, LINSTOR will automatically disable quorum policies whenever there are less than the minimum required resource assignments to achieve quorum.

This is controlled through the, DrbdOptions/auto-quorum, property which can be applied to the linstor-controller, resource-group, and resource-definition LINSTOR objects. Accepted values for the DrbdOptions/auto-quorum property are disabled, suspend-io, and io-error.

Setting the DrbdOptions/auto-quorum property to disabled will allow you to manually, or more granularly, control the quorum policies of your resources should you want to.

The default policies for DrbdOptions/auto-quorum are quorum majority, and on-no-quorum io-error. For more information about DRBD’s quorum features and their behavior, refer to the {url-drbd-ug}#s-feature-quorum[quorum section of the DRBD User’s Guide].
The DrbdOptions/auto-quorum policies will override any manually configured properties if DrbdOptions/auto-quorum is not disabled.

For example, to manually set the quorum policies of a resource group named my_ssd_group, you would use the following commands:

# linstor resource-group set-property my_ssd_group DrbdOptions/auto-quorum disabled
# linstor resource-group set-property my_ssd_group DrbdOptions/Resource/quorum majority
# linstor resource-group set-property my_ssd_group DrbdOptions/Resource/on-no-quorum suspend-io

You might want to disable DRBD’s quorum features completely. To do that, you would need to first disable DrbdOptions/auto-quorum on the appropriate LINSTOR object, and then set the DRBD quorum features accordingly. For example, use the following commands to disable quorum entirely on the my_ssd_group resource group:

# linstor resource-group set-property my_ssd_group DrbdOptions/auto-quorum disabled
# linstor resource-group set-property my_ssd_group DrbdOptions/Resource/quorum off
# linstor resource-group set-property my_ssd_group DrbdOptions/Resource/on-no-quorum
Setting DrbdOptions/Resource/on-no-quorum to an empty value in the commands above deletes the property from the object entirely.


If a satellite is offline for a prolonged period of time, LINSTOR can be configured to declare that node as evicted. This triggers an automated reassignment of the affected DRBD resources to other nodes to ensure a minimum replica count is kept.

This feature uses the following properties to adapt the behavior.

  • DrbdOptions/AutoEvictMinReplicaCount sets the number of replicas that should always be present. You can set this property on the controller to change a global default, or on a specific resource definition or resource group to change it only for that resource definition or resource group. If this property is left empty, the place count set for the Autoplacer of the corresponding resource group will be used.

  • DrbdOptions/AutoEvictAfterTime describes how long a node can be offline in minutes before the eviction is triggered. You can set this property on the controller to change a global default, or on a single node to give it a different behavior. The default value for this property is 60 minutes.

  • DrbdOptions/AutoEvictMaxDisconnectedNodes sets the percentage of nodes that can be not reachable (for whatever reason) at the same time. If more than the given percent of nodes are offline at the same time, the auto-evict will not be triggered for any node , since in this case LINSTOR assumes connection problems from the controller. This property can only be set for the controller, and only accepts a value between 0 and 100. The default value is 34. If you want to turn the auto-evict-feature off, simply set this property to 0. If you want to always trigger the auto-evict, regardless of how many satellites are unreachable, set it to 100.

  • DrbdOptions/AutoEvictAllowEviction is an additional property that can stop a node from being evicted. This can be useful for various cases, for example if you need to shut down a node for maintenance. You can set this property on the controller to change a global default, or on a single node to give it a different behavior. It accepts true and false as values and per default is set to true on the controller. You can use this property to turn the auto-evict feature off by setting it to false on the controller, although this might not work completely if you already set different values for individual nodes, since those values take precedence over the global default.

After the LINSTOR controller loses the connection to a satellite, aside from trying to reconnect, it starts a timer for that satellite. As soon as that timer exceeds DrbdOptions/AutoEvictAfterTime and all of the DRBD connections to the DRBD resources on that satellite are broken, the controller will check whether or not DrbdOptions/AutoEvictMaxDisconnectedNodes has been met. If it has not, and DrbdOptions/AutoEvictAllowEviction is true for the node in question, the satellite will be marked as EVICTED. At the same time, the controller will check for every DRBD-resource whether the number of resources is still above DrbdOptions/AutoEvictMinReplicaCount. If it is, the resource in question will be marked as DELETED. If it isn’t, an auto-place with the settings from the corresponding resource-group will be started. Should the auto-place fail, the controller will try again later when changes that might allow a different result, such as adding a new node, have happened. Resources where an auto-place is necessary will only be marked as DELETED if the corresponding auto-place was successful.

The evicted satellite itself will not be able to reestablish connection with the controller. Even if the node is up and running, a manual reconnect will fail. It is also not possible to delete the satellite, even if it is working as it should be. The satellite can, however, be restored. This will remove the EVICTED-flag from the satellite and allow you to use it again. Previously configured network interfaces, storage pools, properties and similar entities, non-DRBD-related resources, and resources that LINSTOR could not autoplace somewhere else will still be on the satellite. To restore a satellite, use the following command:

# linstor node restore [nodename]

Should you want to instead throw everything that once was on that node, including the node itself, away, you need to use the node lost command instead.

Auto-Diskful and Related Options

You can set the LINSTOR auto-diskful and auto-diskful-allow-cleanup properties for various LINSTOR objects, for example, a resource definition, to have LINSTOR help automatically make a Diskless node Diskful and perform appropriate cleanup actions afterwards.

This is useful when a Diskless node has been in a Primary state for a DRBD resource for more than a specified number of minutes. This could happen in cases where you integrate LINSTOR managed storage with other orchestrating and scheduling platforms, such as OpenStack, OpenNebula, and others. On some platforms that you integrate LINSTOR with, you might not have a way to influence where in your cluster a storage volume will be used.

The auto-diskful options give you a way to use LINSTOR to sensibly delegate the roles of your storage nodes in response to an integrated platform’s actions that are beyond your control.

Setting the Auto-Diskful Option

By setting the DrbdOptions/auto-diskful option on a LINSTOR resource definition , you are configuring the LINSTOR controller to make a Diskless DRBD resource Diskful if the resource has been in a DRBD Primary state for more than the specified number of minutes. After the specified number of minutes, LINSTOR will automatically use the resource toggle-disk command to toggle the resource state on the Diskless node, for the given resource.

To set this property, for example, on a LINSTOR resource definition named myres with a threshold of five minutes, enter the command:

# linstor resource-definition set-property myres DrbdOptions/auto-diskful 5
Setting the Auto-Diskful Option on a Resource Group or Controller

You can also set the DrbdOptions/auto-diskful option on LINSTOR controller or resource-group objects. By setting the option at the controller level, the option will affect all LINSTOR resource definitions in your LINSTOR cluster that do not have this option set, either on the resource definition itself, or else on the resource group that you might have created the resource from.

Setting the option on a LINSTOR resource group will affect all resource definitions that are spawned from the group, unless a resource definition has the option set on it.

The order of priority, from highest to lowest, for the effect of setting the auto-diskful option is:

  • Resource definition

  • Resource group

  • Controller

Unsetting the Auto-Diskful Option

To unset the LINSTOR auto-diskful option, enter:

# linstor <controller|resource-definition|resource-group> set-property DrbdOptions/auto-diskful
Setting the Auto-Diskful-Allow-Cleanup Option

A companion option to the LINSTOR auto-diskful option is the DrbdOptions/auto-diskful-allow-cleanup option.

You can set this option on the following LINSTOR objects: node, resource, resource definition, or resource group. The default value for this option is True, but the option has no effect unless the auto-diskful option has also been set.

After LINSTOR has toggled a resource to Diskful, because the threshold number of minutes has passed where a Diskless node was in the Primary role for a resource, and after DRBD has synchronized the data to this previously Diskless and now Primary node, LINSTOR will remove the resource from any Secondary nodes when that action is necessary to fulfill a replica count constraint that the resource might have. This could be the case, for example, if you have specified number of replicas for a resource by using the --auto-place option.


If a device is throwing I/O errors, for example, due to physical failure, DRBD detects this state and automatically detaches from the local disk. All read and write requests are forwarded to a still healthy peer, allowing the application to continue without interruption.

This automatic detaching causes new event entries in the drbdsetup events2 stream, changing the state of a DRBD volume from UpToDate to Failed and finally to Diskless. LINSTOR detects these state changes, and automatically sets the DrbdOptions/SkipDisk property to True on the given resource. This property causes the LINSTOR satellite service running on the node with the device throwing I/O errors to attach a --skip-disk to all drbdadm adjust commands.

If this property is set, the linstor resource list command also shows it accordingly:

# linstor r l
┊ ResourceName ┊ Node  ┊ Port ┊ Usage  ┊ Conns ┊                   State ┊ CreatedOn           ┊
┊ rsc          ┊ bravo ┊ 7000 ┊ Unused ┊ Ok    ┊ UpToDate, Skip-Disk (R) ┊ 2024-03-18 11:48:08 ┊

The (R) in this case already states that the property is set on the resource. The indicator would change to (R, N) if the property DrbdOptions/SkipDisk were to be set on the resource and on node levels.

Although this property is automatically enabled by LINSTOR, after you resolve the cause of the I/O errors, you need to manually remove the property to get back to a healthy UpToDate state:

# linstor resource set-property bravo rsc DrbdOptions/SkipDisk

Using External DRBD Metadata

By default, LINSTOR uses internal DRBD metadata when creating DRBD resources. If you want to use external DRBD metadata, you can do this by setting the StorPoolNameDrbdMeta property to the name of a LINSTOR storage pool within your cluster.

You can set the StorPoolNameDrbdMeta property on the following LINSTOR objects, listed in increasing order of priority:

  • node

  • resource-group

  • resource-definition

  • resource

  • volume-group

  • volume-definition

For example, setting the property at the node level will apply to all LINSTOR objects higher in the order of priority. However, if the property is also set on a higher-priority LINSTOR object or objects, then the property value set on the highest-priority LINSTOR object takes precedence for applicable DRBD resources.

When using LINSTOR to create a new DRBD resource, if the StorPoolNameDrbdMeta property applies to the DRBD resource, based on which LINSTOR object you set the property, then LINSTOR will create two new logical volumes within the storage pool. One volume will be for resource data storage and a second volume will be for storing the resource’s DRBD metadata.

Setting, modifying, or deleting the StorPoolNameDrbdMeta property will not affect existing LINSTOR-managed DRBD resources.

Setting the External DRBD Metadata LINSTOR Property

To set the property at the node level, for example, enter the following command:

# linstor node set-property <node-name> StorPoolNameDrbdMeta <storage-pool-name>

Listing the External DRBD Metadata LINSTOR Property

To verify that the property is set on a specified LINSTOR object, you can use the list-properties subcommand.

# linstor node list-properties node-0

Output from the command will show a table of set properties and their values for the specified LINSTOR object.

┊ Key                  ┊ Value        ┊
┊ StorPoolNameDrbdMeta ┊ my_thin_pool ┊

Unsetting the External DRBD Metadata LINSTOR Property

To unset the property, enter the same command but do not specify a storage pool name, as in the following example:

# linstor node set-property <node-name> StorPoolNameDrbdMeta

QoS Settings

LINSTOR implements QoS for managed resources by using sysfs properties that correspond to kernel variables related to block I/O operations. These sysfs properties can be limits on either bandwidth (bytes per second), or IOPS, or both.

The sysfs files and their corresponding LINSTOR properties are as follows:

sysfs (/sys/fs/) LINSTOR Property









Setting QoS Using LINSTOR sysfs Properties

These LINSTOR properties can be set by using the set-property command and can be set on the following objects: volume, storage pool, resource, controller, or node. You can also set these QoS properties on resource groups, volume groups, resource definitions, or volume definitions. When you set a QoS property on a group or definition, resources created from the group or definition will inherit the QoS settings.

Settings made to a group or definition will affect both existing and new resources created from the group or definition.

The following example shows creating a resource group, then creating a volume group, then applying QoS settings to the volume group, and then spawning resources from the resource group. A verification command will show that the spawned resources inherit the QoS settings. The example uses an assumed previously created LINSTOR storage pool named pool1. You will need to replace this name with a storage pool name that exists in your environment.

# linstor resource-group create qos_limited --storage-pool pool1 --place-count 3
# linstor volume-group create qos_limited
# linstor volume-group set-property qos_limited 0 sys/fs/blkio_throttle_write 1048576
# linstor resource-group spawn-resources qos_limited qos_limited_res 200M

To verify that the spawned resources inherited the QoS setting, you can show the contents of the corresponding sysfs file, on a node that contributes storage to the storage pool.

# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/blkio.throttle.write_bps_device
252:4 1048576
As the QoS properties are inherited and not copied, you will not see the property listed in any "child" objects that have been spawned from the "parent" group or definition.

QoS Settings for a LINSTOR Volume Having Multiple DRBD Devices

A single LINSTOR volume can be composed of multiple DRBD devices. For example, DRBD with external metadata will have three backing devices: a data (storage) device, a metadata device, and the composite DRBD device (volume) provided to LINSTOR. If the data and metadata devices correspond to different backing disks, then if you set a sysfs property for such a LINSTOR volume, only the local data (storage) backing device will receive the property value in the corresponding /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio/ file. Neither the device backing DRBD’s metadata, nor the composite backing device provided to LINSTOR would receive the value. However, when DRBD’s data and its metadata share the same backing disk, QoS settings will affect the performance of both data and metadata operations.

QoS Settings for NVMe

In case a LINSTOR resource definition has an nvme-target and an nvme-initiator resource, both data (storage) backing devices of each node will receive the sysfs property value. In case of the target, the data backing device will be the volume of either LVM or ZFS, whereas in case of the initiator, the data backing device will be the connected nvme-device, regardless of which other LINSTOR layers, such as LUKS, NVMe, DRBD, and others (see Using LINSTOR Without DRBD), are above that.

Getting Help

From the Command Line

A quick way to list available commands on the command line is to enter linstor.

Further information about subcommands, for example, listing nodes) can be retrieved in two ways:

# linstor node list -h
# linstor help node list

Using the 'help' subcommand is especially helpful when LINSTOR is executed in interactive mode (linstor interactive).

One of the most helpful features of LINSTOR is its rich tab-completion, which can be used to complete nearly every object that LINSTOR knows about, for example, node names, IP addresses, resource names, and others. The following examples show some possible completions, and their results:

# linstor node create alpha 1<tab> # completes the IP address if hostname can be resolved
# linstor resource create b<tab> c<tab> # linstor assign-resource backups charlie

If tab-completion does not work upon installing the LINSTOR client, try to source the appropriate file:

# source /etc/bash_completion.d/linstor # or
# source /usr/share/bash_completion/completions/linstor

For Z shell users, the linstor-client command can generate a Z shell compilation file, that has basic support for command and argument completion.

# linstor gen-zsh-completer > /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Linux/_linstor

Generating SOS Reports

If something goes wrong and you need help finding the cause of the issue, you can enter the following command:

# linstor sos-report create

The command above will create a new sos-report in the /var/log/linstor/controller directory on the controller node. Alternatively you can enter the following command:

# linstor sos-report download

This command will create a new SOS report and download that report to the current working directory on your local machine.

This SOS report contains logs and useful debug-information from several sources (LINSTOR logs, dmesg, versions of external tools used by LINSTOR, ip a, database dump and many more). These information are stored for each node in plain text in the resulting .tar.gz file.

From the Community

For help from the community, subscribe to the DRBD user mailing list located here:


To file bug or feature request, check out the LINBIT GitHub page

Paid Support and Development

Alternatively, if you need to purchase remote installation services, 24x7 support, access to certified repositories, or feature development, contact us: +1-877-454-6248 (1-877-4LINBIT) , International: +43-1-8178292-0 |