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Ryan Shee edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 19 revisions


Welcome to the Juicy Shmup wiki!

I document/blog my progress here, hopefully somewhat consistently.

Juicy Shmup is, at its core, a top-down shoot 'em up. Taking inspiration from Juicy Breakout, I wanted to build a simple game that felt satisfying to play. That means crisp sounds, particle effects, screen shake, and all that good stuff--all while keeping the core loop the same.

Hit list of things I want

Feature Completion Notes
Box2DLights 100% All current entities done, will need to reduce this percentage when I'm adding more enemies.
Screen shake 90% Might need to tweak values when more space entities are added. Right now uses Math.random, I want to use Perlin noise instead. Inspired by this GDC talk.
Game speed controls 80% Implementation done for the most part, but I want a quadratic decrease in game speed after an enemy dies, as the current linear function doesn't look that good. I also want to toggle the normalization.
Particle effects 62.5% Most particle effects are done. Right now a point light plays during bullet death, and I'm not sure if I really need one.
Enemy logic 33.3% Kamikaze and dogfighters done, enemy director needs a bit more work though. A couple more enemies would be nice, anything extra is a stretch goal.
Weapons 7.6% Nothing yet on what different bullet logic, just have a simple bullet for now. Like enemies, a couple weapons should be good, any extras are nice stretch goals.
Scoring 99% Sort of done, needs a few more tweaks, especially score delta.
Power-ups 0% I have a bunch of ideas, but other things are priority. Mostly stretch goal.

Click the title for a link to the Trello board to watch my progress.

Click the title for a link to my dev blog for this project.