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Fast and scalable retrieval techniques for file global properties


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1. Fast Global File Status
     Large-scale systems typically mount many different file systems 
     with distinct performance characteristics and capacity. High 
     performance computing (HPC) applications must efficiently use 
     this storage in order to realize their full performance potential. 
     Users must take into account potential file replication throughout
     the storage hierarchy as well as contention in lower levels of the
     I/O system, and must consider communicating the results of file
     I/O between application processes to reduce file system accesses.
     Addressing these issues and optimizing file accesses requires
     detailed run-time knowledge of file system performance
     characteristics and the location(s) of files on them.

     We developed Fast Global File Status (FGFS) to provide a scalable
     mechanism to retrieve such information of a file, including its
     degree of distribution or replication and consistency. FGFS uses
     a novel node-local technique that turns expensive, non-scalable
     file system calls into simple string comparison operations.
     FGFS raises the namespace of a locally-defined file path to a
     global namespace with little or no file system calls to obtain
     global file properties efficiently. Our evaluation on a large
     multi-physics application showed that most FGFS file status queries
     on its executable and 848 shared library files complete in 272
     milliseconds or faster at 32,768 MPI processes. Even the most
     expensive operation, which checks global file consistency, completes
     in under 7 seconds at this scale, an improvement of several orders
     of magnitude over the traditional checksum technique.

2. Dependencies

   A. Mount Point Attributes module
     The main abstractions that enable raising the namespace of local
     file names are packaged up into the MountPointAttributes module.
     Because some tools wish to use this module by itself, we have 
     created its own repostory. 

     You can download the latest version of MountPointAttributes in 

   B. MRNet

     This package has been ported to both MPI and MRNet. To build the 
     complete package, you must have MRNet installed on your system. 

     You can download a version of MRNet in

   C. OpenSSL

     Fast Global File Status allows its user to define a function that
     computes consistency between two physically different files. To 
     develop unit test cases for this functionality, we have used the
     MD5 function that comes w/ OpenSSL. Thus to build test cases, you 
     must have OpenSSL on your system. 

3. Compatibility

     Fast Global File Status v1.1.1
       - MountPointAttributes (v1.1.1)
       - MRNet (v3.1.0, v4.0.0 w/ performance patch, v5.x)
       - OpenSSL (v1.0.0)

4. Configuration 

     * Please follow README of MountPointAttributes (MPA) to configure, 
       build and install this dependent module.

     * If building from the GIT repository, first run:

       % bootstrap

     * Assuming MPA has been installed in <your_install_path> and also MPI
       is available through normal installations, the following command 
       should configure this package for both MPI and MRNet:

       % mkdir <platform> (e.g., RHEL6_x86_64_ib)
       % cd <platform>
       % ../configure --prefix=<your_install_path> \
                      --with-mrnet=<MRNet installation root> \

       Note that --with-max-dist-degree=intVal sets the maximum number of 
       remote servers on which a file can be possibly distributed or duplicated. 
       This should be the site-wide worse case. When the file is served locally 
       via some local file systems such as RAMDISK, FGFS has ways to 
       determine this condition. So the maintainer must set this value with respect to
       the worst "remote-server" case (e.g., a set of NFS file servers serve
       a file to the processes), which is typically much smaller than the 
       the worse "local" case. For LLNL Linux clusters, we set this to 20, as 
       the worst case is when one NFS server per scalable unit (SU: 156 16-way 
       compute nodes) serves files to the processes.

       Note that if MPA is installed somewhere other than <your_install_path>, 
       you can use the optional --with-mpa=<mpa path>.

5. Build and Installation

    % make
    % make install

6. Testing

    % cd share/FastGlobalFileStatus/tests

    Test cases are installed into this directory. If you want to 
    increase the verbosity level, use the MPA_TEST_ENABLE_VERBOSE
    environment variable. E.g., 


    The current test cases:
    * sets up scaling experiments for 
        FGFS global file status queries with MPI in ./FGFS.Scaling.MPI.
        The generated scripts/batchscripts are for MOAB/SLURM environment.
        We appreciate any effort to port these experiments to other grid 
        software and/or resource manager software. See the header of 
        this testing script for more details.

    * sets up scaling experiments for 
        FGFS global file status queries with MRNet in ./FGFS.Scaling.MRNet.
        The generated scripts/batchscripts are for MOAB/SLURM environment.
        We appreciate any effort to port these experiments to other grid 
        software and/or resource manager software. See the header of
        this testing script for more details.

    * st_classifier_constmem_per_proc: tests FGFS global file systems 
        status queries. Processes perform 4 separate file systems 
        status queries with equal per-process storage requirements:
        1MB, 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB. This test is configured with MPI 
        and also requires manual validation whether the returned match 
        vector meets the requirement. 

    * st_classifier_big_on_oneproc: tests FGFS global file systems 
        status queries. Processes perform 6 separate file systems 
        status queries with only one process asking for much larger 
        amounts. All but one process (MPI rank process 1) alwasy ask 
        for 1MB whereas MPI rank 1 requests 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, 
        1TB and 4TB across these 6 queries. This test is configuted 
        with MPI and also requires manual validation 
        whether the returned match vector meets the requirement. 

    * st_classifier_c_lang: tests calling from within a C routine FGFS
        global file systems status queries which are written in C++.
        This is configured with MPI and also requires manual validation 
        whether the returned match vector meets the requirement.

    * st_mountpoint_classifier: prints out the classifier information 
        on all of the mount points. This requires manual validation.

7. Documents 

    To build the programming guide documents, assuming you have a recent
    version of doxygen installed on your build system:

    % cd doc
    % doxygen doxy_conf.txt

    Above commands will produce html directory. You can access
    the main page by pointing html/index.html to your favorate
    web browser.  In addition, man directory contains the same
    information in the manpage format.  Further, if you want to build
    a latex-based reference manual

    % cd latex
    % make