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Meshes, Variables and Materials

If you are interested in learning how to deal with these objects in parallel, See Multi-Block Objects and Parallel I/O.

This section of the Silo API manual describes all the high-level Silo objects that are sufficiently self-describing as to be easily shared between a variety of applications.

Silo supports a variety of mesh types including simple 1D curves, structured meshes including block-structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) meshes, point (or gridless) meshes consisting entirely of points, unstructured meshes consisting of the standard zoo of element types, fully arbitrary polyhedral meshes and Constructive Solid Geometry meshes described by boolean operations of primitive quadric surfaces.

In addition, Silo supports both piecewise constant (e.g. zone-centered) and piecewise-linear (e.g. node-centered) variables (e.g. fields) defined on these meshes. Silo also supports the decomposition of these meshes into materials (and material species) including cases where multiple materials are mixing within a single mesh element. Finally, Silo also supports the specification of expressions representing derived variables.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a curve object into a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutCurve (DBfile *dbfile, char const *curvename,
        void const *xvals, void const *yvals, int datatype,
        int npoints, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputcurve(dbid, curvename, lcurvename, xvals,
       yvals, datatype, npoints, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    curvename Name of the curve object
    xvals Array of length npoints containing the x-axis data values. Must be NULL when either DBOPT_XVARNAME or DBOPT_REFERENCE is used.
    yvals Array of length npoints containing the y-axis data values. Must be NULL when either DBOPT_YVARNAME or DBOPT_REFERENCE is used.
    datatype Data type of the xvals and yvals arrays. One of the predefined Silo types.
    npoints The number of points in the curve
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the compound array object written into the Silo file. Use NULL is there are no options.
  • Returned value:

    DBPutCurve returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutCurve function writes a curve object into a Silo file. A curve is a set of x/y points that describes a two-dimensional curve.

    Both the xvals and yvals arrays must have the same datatype.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section titled "Using the Silo Option Parameter" for details on the use of this construct.

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_LABEL int Problem cycle value 0
    DBOPT_XLABEL char * Label for the x-axis NULL
    DBOPT_YLABEL char * Label for the y-axis NULL
    DBOPT_XUNITS char * Character string defining the units for the x-axis NULL
    DBOPT_YUNITS char * Character string defining the units for the y-axis NULL
    DBOPT_XVARNAME char * Name of the domain (x) variable. This is the problem variable name, not the code variable name passed into the xvals argument. NULL
    DBOPT_YVARNAME char * Name of the domain (y) variable. This is problem variable name, not the code variable name passed into the yvals argument. NULL
    DBOPT_REFERENCE char * Name of the real curve object this object references. The name can take the form of "<file:/path-to-curve-object>" just as mesh names in the DBPutMultiMesh call. Note also that if this option is set, then the caller must pass NULL for both xvals and yvals arguments but must also pass valid information for all other object attributes including not only npoints and datatype but also any options. NULL
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_MISSING_VALUE double Specify a numerical value that is intended to represent "missing values" in the x or y data arrays DB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET

    In some cases, particularly when writing multi-part silo files from parallel clients, it is convenient to write curve data to something other than the "master" or "root" file. However, for a visualization tool to become aware of such objects, the tool is then required to traverse all objects in all the files of a multi-part file to find such objects. The DBOPT_REFERENCE option helps address this issue by permitting the writer to create knowledge of a curve object in the "master" or "root" file but put the actual curve object (the referenced object) wherever is most convenient. This output option would be useful for other Silo objects, meshes and variables, as well. However, it is currently only available for curve objects.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a curve from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBcurve *DBGetCurve (DBfile *dbfile, char const *curvename)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbgetcurve(dbid, curvename, lcurvename, maxpts,
       xvals, yvals, datatype, npts)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    curvename Name of the curve to read.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBcurve structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetCurve function allocates a DBcurve data structure, reads a curve from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a point mesh object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutPointmesh (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name, int ndims,
        void const * const coords[], int nels,
        int datatype, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputpm(dbid, name, lname, ndims,
       x, y, z, nels, datatype, optlist_id,
    void* x, y, z (if ndims<3, z=0 ok, if ndims<2, y=0 ok)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the mesh.
    ndims Number of dimensions.
    coords Array of length ndims containing pointers to coordinate arrays.
    nels Number of elements (points) in mesh.
    datatype Datatype of the coordinate arrays. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the mesh object written into the Silo file. Typically, this argument is NULL.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutPointmesh function accepts pointers to the coordinate arrays and is responsible for writing the mesh into a point-mesh object in the Silo file.

    A Silo point-mesh object contains all necessary information for describing a point mesh. This includes the coordinate arrays, the number of dimensions (1,2,3,...) and the number of points.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section about Options Lists for details on the use of the DBoptlist construct.

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_XLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the X dimension. NULL
    DBOPT_YLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Y dimension. NULL
    DBOPT_ZLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Z dimension. NULL
    DBOPT_NSPACE int Number of spatial dimensions used by this mesh. ndims
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_XUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the X dimension. NULL
    DBOPT_YUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Y dimension. NULL
    DBOPT_ZUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Z dimension. NULL
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_MRGTREE_NAME char* Name of the mesh region grouping tree to be associated with this mesh. NULL
    DBOPT_NODENUM void* An array of length nnodes giving a global node number for each node in the mesh. By default, this array is treated as type int. NULL
    DBOPT_LLONGNZNUM int Indicates that the array passed for DBOPT_NODENUM option is of long long type instead of int. 0
    DBOPT_LO_OFFSET int Zero-origin index of first non-ghost node. All points in the mesh before this one are considered ghost. 0
    DBOPT_HI_OFFSET int Zero-origin index of last non-ghost node. All points in the mesh after this one are considered ghost. nels-1
    DBOPT_GHOST_NODE_LABELS char* Optional array of char values indicating the ghost labeling (DB_GHOSTTYPE_NOGHOST or DB_GHOSTTYPE_INTDUP) of each point NULL
    DBOPT_ALT_NODENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBpointvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for nodes. NULL

    The following optlist options have been deprecated. Instead use MRG trees DBOPT_GROUPNUM|int|The group number to which this pointmesh belongs.|-1 (not in a group)

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a point mesh from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBpointmesh *DBGetPointmesh (DBfile *dbfile, char const *meshname)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    meshname Name of the mesh.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBpointmesh structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetPointmesh function allocates a DBpointmesh data structure, reads a point mesh from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a scalar/vector/tensor point variable object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutPointvar (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, int nvars, void const * cost vars[],
        int nels, int datatype, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the variable set.
    meshname Name of the associated point mesh.
    nvars Number of variables supplied in vars array.
    vars Array of length nvars containing pointers to value arrays.
    nels Number of elements (points) in variable.
    datatype Datatype of the value arrays. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. Typically, this argument is NULL.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutPointvar function accepts pointers to the value arrays and is responsible for writing the variables into a point-variable object in the Silo file.

    A Silo point-variable object contains all necessary information for describing a variable associated with a point mesh. This includes the number of arrays, the datatype of the variable, and the number of points. This function should be used when writing vector or tensor quantities. Otherwise, it is more convenient to use DBPutPointvar1.

    For tensor quantities, the question of ordering of tensor components arises. For symmetric tensor's Silo uses the Voigt Notation ordering. In 2D, this is T11, T22, T12. In 3D, this is T11, T22, T33, T23, T13, T12. For full tensor quantities, ordering is row by row starting with the top row.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section about Options Lists for details on the use of the DBoptlist construct.

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_NSPACE int Number of spatial dimensions used by this mesh. ndims
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_ASCII_LABEL int Indicate if the variable should be treated as single character, ascii values. A value of 1 indicates yes, 0 no. 0
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES char** A null-pointer terminated array of pointers to strings specifying the pathnames of regions in the mrg tree for the associated mesh where the variable is defined. If there is no mrg tree associated with the mesh, the names specified here will be assumed to be material names of the material object associated with the mesh. The last pointer in the array must be null and is used to indicate the end of the list of names. See DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES NULL
    DBOPT_CONSERVED int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that must be conserved under various operations such as interpolation. 0
    DBOPT_EXTENSIVE int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that is extensive (as opposed to intensive). Note, while it is true that any conserved quantity is extensive, the converse is not true. By default and historically, all Silo variables are treated as intensive. 0
    DBOPT_MISSING_VALUE double Specify a numerical value that is intended to represent "missing values" variable data array(s). Default is DB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET DB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a scalar point variable object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutPointvar1 (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, void const *var, int nels, int datatype,
        DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputpv1(dbid, name, lname, meshname,
       lmeshname, var, nels, datatype, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the variable.
    meshname Name of the associated point mesh.
    var Array containing data values for this variable.
    nels Number of elements (points) in variable.
    datatype Datatype of the variable. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. Typically, this argument is NULL.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutPointvar1 function accepts a value array and is responsible for writing the variable into a point-variable object in the Silo file.

    A Silo point-variable object contains all necessary information for describing a variable associated with a point mesh. This includes the number of arrays, the datatype of the variable, and the number of points. This function should be used when writing scalar quantities. To write vector or tensor quantities, one must use DBPutPointvar.

    See DBPutPointvar to a description of the options accepted by this function.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a point variable from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBmeshvar *DBGetPointvar (DBfile *dbfile, char const *varname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    varname Name of the variable.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBmeshvar structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetPointvar function allocates a DBmeshvar data structure, reads a variable associated with a point mesh from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a quad mesh object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutQuadmesh (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const * const coordnames[], void const * const coords[],
        int dims[], int ndims, int datatype, int coordtype,
        DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputqm(dbid, name, lname, xname,
       lxname, yname, lyname, zname, lzname, x,
       y, z, dims, ndims, datatype, coordtype,
       optlist_id, status)
    void* x, y, z (if ndims<3, z=0 ok, if ndims<2, y=0 ok)
    character* xname, yname, zname (if ndims<3, zname=0 ok, etc.)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the mesh.
    coordnames Array of length ndims containing pointers to the names to be provided when writing out the coordinate arrays. This parameter is currently ignored and can be set as NULL.
    coords Array of length ndims containing pointers to the coordinate arrays.
    dims Array of length ndims describing the dimensionality of the mesh. Each value in the dims array indicates the number of nodes contained in the mesh along that dimension. In order to specify a mesh with topological dimension lower than the geometric dimension, ndims should be the geometric dimension and the extra entries in the dims array provided here should be set to 1.
    ndims Number of geometric dimensions. Typically geometric and topological dimensions agree. Read the description for dealing with situations where this is not the case.
    datatype Datatype of the coordinate arrays. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    coordtype Coordinate array type. One of the predefined types: DB_COLLINEAR or DB_NONCOLLINEAR. Collinear coordinate arrays are always one-dimensional, regardless of the dimensionality of the mesh; non-collinear arrays have the same dimensionality as the mesh.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the mesh object written into the Silo file. Typically, this argument is NULL.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutQuadmesh function accepts pointers to the coordinate arrays and is responsible for writing the mesh into a quad-mesh object in the Silo file.

    A Silo quad-mesh object contains all necessary information for describing a mesh. This includes the coordinate arrays, the rank of the mesh (1,2,3,...) and the type (collinear or non-collinear). In addition, other information is useful and is therefore optionally included (row-major indicator, time and cycle of mesh, offsets to real zones, plus coordinate system type.)

    Typically, the number of geometric dimensions (e.g. size of coordinate tuple) and topological dimensions (e.g. dimension of elements shapes the mesh) agree. For example, this function is typically used to define a 3D arrangement of hexahedra or a 2D arrangement of quadrilaterals. However, this function can also be used to define a surface of quadrilaterals embedded in 3-space or a path of line segments embedded in 2- or 3-space. In these less common cases, the topological dimension is lower than the geometric dimension. The correct way to use this function to define such meshes is to use the ndims argument to specify the number of geometric dimensions and then to set those entries in the dims array that represent extra dimensions to one. For example, to specify a mesh of quadrilaterals in 3-space, set ndims to 3 but set dims[2] to 1. To specify a mesh of lines defining a path embedded in 3-space, ndims would again be 3 but dims[1] and dims[2] would both be 1. In fact, this works in general. For N geometric dimensions and N-k topological dimensions, set ndims=N and dims[N-1-k]...dims[N-1] to 1.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section about Options Lists for details on the use of the DBoptlist construct.

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_FACETYPE int Zone face type. One of the predefined types: DB_RECTILINEAR or DB_CURVILINEAR DB_RECTILINEAR
    DBOPT_HI_OFFSET int * Array of length ndims which defines zero-origin offsets from the last node for the ending index along each dimension. {0,0,...}
    DBOPT_LO_OFFSET int * Array of ndims which defines zero-origin offsets from the first node for the starting index along each dimension. {0,0,...}
    DBOPT_XLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the X dimension NULL
    DBOPT_YLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Y dimension NULL
    DBOPT_ZLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Z dimension NULL
    DBOPT_MAJORORDER int Indicator for row-major (0) or column-major (1) storage for multidimensional arrays. 0
    DBOPT_NSPACE int Number of spatial dimensions used by this mesh. ndims
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_PLANAR int Planar value. One of: DB_AREA or DB_VOLUME DB_OTHER
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_XUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the X dimension NULL
    DBOPT_YUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Y dimension NULL
    DBOPT_ZUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Z dimension NULL
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_BASEINDEX int[3] Indicate the indices of the mesh within its group. 0,0,0
    DBOPT_MRGTREE_NAME char* Name of the mesh region grouping tree to be associated with this mesh NULL
    DBOPT_GHOST_NODE_LABELS char* Optional array of char values indicating the ghost labeling DB_GHOSTTYPE_NOGHOST DB_GHOSTTYPE_INTDUP) of each nodeNULL
    DBOPT_GHOST_ZONE_LABELS char* Optional array of char values indicating the ghost labeling DB_GHOSTTYPE_NOGHOST DB_GHOSTTYPE_INTDUP) of each zoneNULL
    DBOPT_ALT_NODENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBquadvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for nodesNULL
    DBOPT_ALT_ZONENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBquadvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for zonesNULL
    The following options have been deprecated. Use MRG trees instead
    DBOPT_GROUPNUM int The group number to which this quadmesh belongs. -1 (not in a group)

    The options DB_LO_OFFSET and DB_HI_OFFSET should be used if the mesh being described uses the notion of "phoney" zones (i.e., some zones should be ignored.) For example, if a 2-D mesh had designated the first column and row, and the last two columns and rows as "phoney", then we would use: lo_off = {1,1} and hi_off = {2,2}.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a Quad mesh from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBquadmesh *DBGetQuadmesh (DBfile *dbfile, char const *meshname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    meshname Name of the mesh.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBquadmesh structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetQuadmesh function allocates a DBquadmesh data structure, reads a quadrilateral mesh from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a scalar/vector/tensor quad variable object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutQuadvar (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, int nvars,
        char const * const varnames[], void const * const vars[],
        int dims[], int ndims, void const * const mixvars[],
        int mixlen, int datatype, int centering,
        DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputqv(dbid, vname, lvname, mname,
       lmname, nvars, varnames, lvarnames, vars, dims,
       ndims, mixvar, mixlen, datatype, centering, optlist_id,

    varnames contains the names of the variables either in a matrix of characters form (if fortran2DStrLen is non-zero) or in a vector of characters form (if fortran2DStrLen is zero) with the varnames length(s) being found in the lvarnames integer array, var is essentially a matrix of size x where var-size is determined by dims and ndims. The first row of the var matrix is the first component of the quadvar. The second row of the var matrix goes out as the second component of the quadvar, etc.

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the variable.
    meshname Name of the mesh associated with this variable (written with DBPutQuadmesh or DBPutUcdmesh). If no association is to be made, this value should be NULL.
    nvars Number of sub-variables which comprise this variable. For a scalar array, this is one. If writing a vector quantity, however, this would be two for a 2-D vector and three for a 3-D vector.
    varnames Array of length nvars containing pointers to character strings defining the names associated with each sub-variable.
    vars Array of length nvars containing pointers to arrays defining the values associated with each subvariable. For true edge- or face-centering (as opposed to DB_EDGECENT centering when ndims is 1 and DB_FACECENT centering when ndims is 2), each pointer here should point to an array that holds ndims sub-arrays, one for each of the i-, j-, k-oriented edges or i-, j-, k-intercepting faces, respectively. Read the description for more details.
    dims Array of length ndims which describes the dimensionality of the data stored in the vars arrays. For DB_NODECENT centering, this array holds the number of nodes in each dimension. For DB_ZONECENT centering, DB_EDGECENT centering when ndims is 1 and DB_FACECENT centering when ndims is 2, this array holds the number of zones in each dimension. Otherwise, for DB_EDGECENT and DB_FACECENT centering, this array should hold the number of nodes in each dimension.
    ndims Number of dimensions.
    mixvars Array of length nvars containing pointers to arrays defining the mixed-data values associated with each subvariable. If no mixed values are present, this should be NULL.
    mixlen Length of mixed data arrays, if provided.
    datatype Datatype of the variable. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    centering Centering of the subvariables on the associated mesh. One of the predefined types:DB_NODECENT, DB_EDGECENT, DB_FACECENT or DB_ZONECENT. Note that DB_EDGECENT centering on a 1D mesh is treated identically to DB_ZONECENT centering. Likewise for DB_FACECENT centering on a 2D mesh.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. Typically, this argument is NULL.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutQuadvar function writes a variable associated with a quad mesh into a Silo file. A quad-var object contains the variable values.

    For node- (or zone-) centered data, the question of which value in the vars array goes with which node (or zone) is determined implicitly by a one-to-one correspondence with the multi-dimensional array list of nodes (or zones) defined by the logical indexing for the associated mesh's nodes (or zones).

    Edge- and face-centered data require a little more explanation. We can group edges according to their logical orientation. In a 2D mesh of Nx by Ny nodes, there are (Nx-1)Ny i-oriented edges and Nx(Ny-1) j-oriented edges. Likewise, in a 3D mesh of Nx by Ny by Nz nodes, there are

    (Nx-1)NyNz i-oriented edges, Nx(Ny-1)Nz, j-oriented edges and NxNy(Nz-1) k-oriented edges. Each group of edges is almost the same size as a normal node-centered variable. So, for conceptual convenience we in fact treat them that way and treat the extra slots in them as phony data. So, in the case of edge-centered data, each of the pointers in the vars argument to DBPutQuadvar is interpreted to point to an array that is ndims times the product of nodal sizes (NxNyNz). The first part of the array (of size NxNy nodes for 2D or NxNyNz nodes for 3D) holds the i-oriented edge data, the next part the j-oriented edge data, etc.

    A similar approach is used for face centered data. In a 3D mesh of Nx by Ny by Nz nodes, there are Nx(Ny-1)(Nz-1) i-intercepting faces, (Nx-1)Ny(Nz-1) j-intercepting faces and (Nx-1)(Ny-1)Nz k-intercepting faces. Again, just as for edge-centered data, each pointer in the vars array is interpreted to point to an array that is ndims times the product of nodal sizes. The first part holds the i-intercepting face data, the next part the j-interception face data, etc.

    Unlike node- and zone-centered data, there does not necessarily exist in Silo an explicit list of edges or faces. As an aside, the DBPutFacelist call is really for writing the external faces of a mesh so that a downstream visualization tool need not have to compute them when it displays the mesh. Now, requiring the caller to create explicit lists of edges and/or faces in order to handle edge- or face-centered data results in unnecessary additional data being written to a Silo file. This increases file size as well as the time to write and read the file. To avoid this, we rely upon implicit lists of edges and faces.

    Finally, since the zones of a one dimensional mesh are basically edges, the case of DB_EDGECENT centering for a one dimensional mesh is treated identically to the DB_ZONECENT case. Likewise, since the zones of a two dimensional mesh are basically faces, the DB_FACECENT centering for a two dimensional mesh is treated identically to the DB_ZONECENT case.

    Other information can also be included. This function is useful for writing vector and tensor fields, whereas the companion function, DBPutQuadvar1, is appropriate for writing scalar fields.

    For tensor quantities, the question of ordering of tensor components arises. For symmetric tensor's Silo uses the Voigt Notation ordering. In 2D, this is T11, T22, T12. In 3D, this is T11, T22, T33, T23, T13, T12. For full tensor quantities, ordering is row by row starting with the top row.


    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section about Options Lists for details on the use of the DBoptlist construct.

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_FACETYPE int Zone face type. One of the predefined types: DB_RECTILINEAR or DB_CURVILINEAR DB_RECTILINEAR
    DBOPT_LABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with this variable NULL
    DBOPT_MAJORORDER int Indicator for row-major (0) or column-major (1) storage for multidimensional arrays. 0
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_UNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with this variable NULL
    DBOPT_USESPECMF int Boolean DB_OFF orDB_ON) value specifying whether or not to weight the variable by the species mass fraction when using material species data DB_OFR
    DBOPT_ASCII_LABEL int Indicate if the variable should be treated as single character, ascii values. A value of 1 indicates yes, 0 no. 0
    DBOPT_CONSERVED int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that must be conserved under various operations such as interpolation. 0
    DBOPT_EXTENSIVE int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that is extensive (as opposed to intensive). Note, while it is true that any conserved quantity is extensive, the converse is not true. By default and historically, all Silo variables are treated as intensive. 0
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES char** A null-pointer terminated array of pointers to strings specifying the pathnames of regions in the mrg tree for the associated mesh where the variable is defined. If there is no mrg tree associated with the mesh, the names specified here will be assumed to be material names of the material object associated with the mesh. The last pointer in the array must be null and is used to indicate the end of the list of names. See DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES NULL
    DBOPT_MISSING_VALUE double Specify a numerical value that is intended to represent "missing values" variable data array(s). Default isDB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET DB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a scalar quad variable object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutQuadvar1 (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, void const *var, int const dims[],
        int ndims, void const *mixvar, int mixlen, int datatype,
        int centering, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputqv1(dbid, name, lname, meshname,
       lmeshname, var, dims, ndims, mixvar, mixlen,
       datatype, centering, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the variable.
    meshname Name of the mesh associated with this variable (written with DBPutQuadmesh or DBPutUcdmesh.) If no association is to be made, this value should be NULL.
    var Array defining the values associated with this variable. For true edge- or face-centering (as opposed to DB_EDGECENT centering when ndims is 1 and DB_FACECENT centering when ndims is 2), each pointer here should point to an array that holds ndims sub-arrays, one for each of the i-, j-, k-oriented edges or i-, j-, k-intercepting faces, respectively. Read the description for DBPutQuadvar more details.
    dims Array of length ndims which describes the dimensionality of the data stored in the var array. For DB_NODECENT centering, this array holds the number of nodes in each dimension. For DB_ZONECENT centering, DB_EDGECENT centering when ndims is 1 and DB_FACECENT centering when ndims is 2, this array holds the number of zones in each dimension. Otherwise, for DB_EDGECENT and DB_FACECENT centering, this array should hold the number of nodes in each dimension.
    ndims Number of dimensions.
    mixvar Array defining the mixed-data values associated with this variable. If no mixed values are present, this should be NULL.
    mixlen Length of mixed data arrays, if provided.
    datatype Datatype of sub-variables. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    centering Centering of the subvariables on the associated mesh. One of the predefined types:DB_NODECENT, DB_EDGECENT, DB_FACECENT or DB_ZONECENT. Note that DB_EDGECENT centering on a 1D mesh is treated identically to DB_ZONECENT centering. Likewise for DB_FACECENT centering on a 2D mesh.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. Typically, this argument is NULL.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutQuadvar1 function writes a scalar variable associated with a quad mesh into a Silo file. A quad-var object contains the variable values, plus the name of the associated quad-mesh. Other information can also be included. This function should be used for writing scalar fields, and its companion function, DBPutQuadvar, should be used for writing vector and tensor fields.

    For edge- and face-centered data, please refer to the description for DBPutQuadvar for a more detailed explanation.


    See DBPutQuadvar for a description of options accepted by this function.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a Quad mesh variable from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBquadvar *DBGetQuadvar (DBfile *dbfile, char const *varname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    varname Name of the variable.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBquadvar structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetQuadvar function allocates a DBquadvar data structure, reads a variable associated with a quadrilateral mesh from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a UCD mesh object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutUcdmesh (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name, int ndims,
        char const * const coordnames[], void const * const coords[],
        int nnodes, int nzones, char const *zonel_name,
        char const *facel_name, int datatype,
        DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputum(dbid, name, lname, ndims,
       x, y, z, xname, lxname, yname,
       lyname, zname, lzname, datatype, nnodes nzones, zonel_name,
       lzonel_name, facel_name, lfacel_name, optlist_id, status)
    void *x,y,z (if ndims<3, z=0 ok, if ndims<2, y=0 ok)
    character* xname,yname,zname (same rules)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the mesh.
    ndims Number of spatial dimensions represented by this UCD mesh.
    coordnames Array of length ndims containing pointers to the names to be provided when writing out the coordinate arrays. This parameter is currently ignored and can be set as NULL.
    coords Array of length ndims containing pointers to the coordinate arrays.
    nnodes Number of nodes in this UCD mesh.
    nzones Number of zones in this UCD mesh.
    zonel_name Name of the zonelist structure associated with this variable [written with DBPutZonelist]. If no association is to be made or if the mesh is composed solely of arbitrary, polyhedral elements, this value should be NULL. If a polyhedral-zonelist is to be associated with the mesh, do not pass the name of the polyhedral-zonelist here. Instead, use the DBOPT_PHZONELIST option described below. For more information on arbitrary, polyhedral zonelists, see below and also see the documentation for DBPutPHZonelist.
    facel_name Name of the facelist structure associated with this variable [written with DBPutFacelist]. If no association is to be made, this value should be NULL.
    datatype Datatype of the coordinate arrays. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the mesh object written into the Silo file. See the table below for the valid options for this function. If no options are to be provided, use NULL for this argument.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutUcdmesh function accepts pointers to the coordinate arrays and is responsible for writing the mesh into a UCD mesh object in the Silo file.

    A Silo UCD mesh object contains all necessary information for describing a mesh. This includes the coordinate arrays, the rank of the mesh (1,2,3,...) and the type (collinear or non-collinear.) In addition, other information is useful and is therefore included (time and cycle of mesh, plus coordinate system type).

    A Silo UCD mesh may be composed of either zoo-type elements or arbitrary, polyhedral elements or a mixture of both zoo-type and arbitrary, polyhedral elements. The zonelist (connectivity) information for zoo-type elements is written with a call to DBPutZonelist. When there are only zoo-type elements in the mesh, this is the only zonelist information associated with the mesh. However, the caller can optionally specify the name of an arbitrary, polyhedral zonelist written with a call to DBPutPHZonelist using the DBOPT_PHZONELIST option. If the mesh consists solely of arbitrary, polyhedral elements, the only zonelist associated with the mesh will be the one written with the call to DBPutPHZonelist.

    When a mesh is composed of both zoo-type elements and polyhedral elements, it is assumed that all the zoo-type elements come first in the mesh followed by all the polyhedral elements. This has implications for any DBPutUcdvar calls made on such a mesh. For zone-centered data, the variable array should be organized so that values corresponding to zoo-type zones come first followed by values corresponding to polyhedral zones. Also, since both the zoo-type zonelist and the polyhedral zonelist support hi- and lo- offsets for ghost zones, the ghost-zones of a mesh may consist of zoo-type or polyhedral zones or a mixture of both.


    See DBCalcExternalFacelist or "DBCalcExternalFacelist2" on page 2-230 for an automated way of computing the facelist needed for this call.

    :name: ucdmesh-example
    :align: "center"
    :alt: "Example usage of UCD zonelist and external facelist variables."
    Example usage of UCD zonelist and external facelist variables.

    The order in which nodes are defined in the zonelist is important, especially for 3D cells. Nodes defining a 2D cell should be supplied in either clockwise or counterclockwise order around the cell. The node, edge and face ordering and orientations for the predefined 3D cell types are illustrated below.

    :name: ucdzoo
    :align: "center"
    :alt: "Node, edge and face ordering for zoo-type UCD zone shapes."
    Node, edge and face ordering for zoo-type UCD zone shapes.

    Given the node ordering in the left-most column, there is indeed an algorithm for determining the other orderings for each cell type.

    For edges, each edge is identified by a pair of integer indices; the first being the "tail" of an arrow oriented along the edge and the second being the "head" with the smaller node index always placed first (at the tail). Next, the ordering of edges is akin to a lexicographic ordering of these pairs of integers. This means that we start with the lowest node number of a cell shape, zero, and find all edges with node zero as one of the points on the edge. Each such edge will have zero as its tail. Since they all start with node 0 as the tail, we order these edges from smallest to largest "head" node. Then we go to the next lowest node number on the cell that has edges that have yet to have been placed in the ordering. We find all the edges from that node (that have not already been placed in the ordering) from smallest to largest "head" node. We continue this process until all the edges on the cell have been placed in the ordering.

    For faces, a similar algorithm is used. Starting with the lowest numbered node on a face, we enumerate the nodes over a face using the right hand rule for the normal to the face pointing away from the innards of the cell. When one places the thumb of the right hand in the direction of this normal, the direction of the fingers curling around it identify the direction we go to identify the nodes of the face. Just as for edges, we start identifying faces for the lowest numbered node of the cell (0). We find all faces that share this node. Of these, the face that enumerates the next lowest node number as we traverse the nodes using the right hand rule, is placed first in the ordering. Then, the face that has the next lowest node number and so on.

    An example using arbitrary polyhedrons for some zones is illustrated, below. The nodes of a DB_ZONETYPE_POLYHEDRON are specified in the following fashion: First specify the number of faces in the polyhedron. Then, for each face, specify the number of nodes in the face followed by the nodes that make up the face. The nodes should be ordered such that they are numbered in a counter-clockwise fashion when viewed from the outside (e.g. right-hand rules yields an outward facing normal). For a fully arbitrarily connected mesh, see DBPutPHZonelist(). In addition, for a sequence of consecutive zones of type DB_ZONETYPE_POLYHEDRON in a zonelist, the shapesize entry is taken to be the sum of all the associated positions occupied in the nodelist data. So, for the example in Figure 0-3 on page 106, the shapesize entry for the DB_ZONETYPE_POLYEDRON segment of the zonelist is '53' because for the two arbitrary polyhedral zones in the zonelist, 53 positions in the nodelist array are used.

    :name: ucdmesh-warbzone
    align: "center"
    alt: "Example usage of UCD zonelist combining a hex and 2 polyhedra."
    Example usage of UCD zonelist combining a hex and 2 polyhedra.

    This example is intended to illustrate the representation of arbitrary polyhedra. So, although the two polyhedra represent a hex and pyramid which would ordinarily be handled just fine by a 'normal' zonelist, they are expressed using arbitrary connectivity here.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function:

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_NODENUM void* An array of length nnodes giving a global node number for each node in the mesh. By default, this array is treated as type int NULL
    DBOPT_LLONGNZNUM int Indicates that the array passed for DBOPT_NODENUM option is of long long type instead of int. 0
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value 0
    DBOPT_FACETYPE int Zone face type. One of the predefined types: DB_RECTILINEAR or DB_CURVILINEAR DB_RECTILINEAR
    DBOPT_XLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the X dimension NULL
    DBOPT_YLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Y dimension NULL
    DBOPT_ZLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Z dimension NULL
    DBOPT_NSPACE int Number of spatial dimensions used by this mesh. ndims
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_PLANAR int Planar value. One of: DB_AREA or DB_VOLUME DB_NONE
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_XUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the X dimension NULL
    DBOPT_YUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Y dimension NULL
    DBOPT_ZUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Z dimension NULL
    DBOPT_PHZONELIST char* Character string holding the name for a polyhedral zonelist object to be associated with the mesh NULL
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_MRGTREE_NAME char* Name of the mesh region grouping tree to be associated with this mesh NULL
    DBOPT_TOPO_DIM int Used to indicate the topological dimension of the mesh apart from its spatial dimension. -1 (not specified)
    DBOPT_TV_CONNECTIVTY int A non-zero value indicates that the connectivity of the mesh varies with time 0
    DBOPT_DISJOINT_MODE int Indicates if any elements in the mesh are disjoint. There are two possible modes. One is DB_ABUTTING indicating that elements abut spatially but actually reference different node ids (but spatially equivalent nodal positions) in the node list. The other is DB_FLOATING where elements neither share nodes in the nodelist nor abut spatially DB_NONE
    DBOPT_GHOST_NODE_LABELS char* Optional array of char values indicating the ghost labeling DB_GHOSTTYPE_NOGHOST or DB_GHOSTTYPE_INTDUP) of each point NULL
    DBOPT_ALT_NODENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBpointvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for nodes NULL
    The following options have been deprecated. Use MRG trees instead
    DBOPT_GROUPNUM int The group number to which this quadmesh belongs. -1 (not in a group)

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a subset of a parent, ucd mesh, to a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutUcdsubmesh(DBfile *file, const char *name,
        const char *parentmesh, int nzones, const char *zlname,
        const char *flname, DBoptlist const *opts)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    file The Silo database file handle.
    name The name of the ucd submesh object to create.
    parentmesh The name of the parent ucd mesh this submesh is a portion of.
    nzones The number of zones in this submesh.
    zlname The name of the zonelist object.
    fl [OPT] The name of the facelist object.
    opts Additional options.
  • Returned value:

    A positive number on success; -1 on failure

  • Description:

    Do not use this method.

    It is an extremely limited, inefficient and soon to be retired way of trying to define subsets of a ucd mesh. Instead, use a Mesh Region Grouping (MRG) tree. See DBMakeMrgtree.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a UCD mesh from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBucdmesh *DBGetUcdmesh (DBfile *dbfile, char const *meshname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    meshname Name of the mesh.
  • Returned value:

    Rreturns a pointer to a DBucdmesh structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetUcdmesh function allocates a DBucdmesh data structure, reads a UCD mesh from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a zonelist object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutZonelist (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name, int nzones,
        int ndims, int const nodelist[], int lnodelist, int origin,
        int const shapesize[], int const shapecnt[], int nshapes)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputzl(dbid, name, lname, nzones,
       ndims, nodelist, lnodelist, origin, shapesize, shapecnt,
       nshapes, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the zonelist structure.
    nzones Number of zones in associated mesh.
    ndims Number of spatial dimensions represented by associated mesh.
    nodelist Array of length lnodelist containing node indices describing mesh zones.
    lnodelist Length of nodelist array.
    origin Origin for indices in the nodelist array. Should be zero or one.
    shapesize Array of length nshapes containing the number of nodes used by each zone shape.
    shapecnt Array of length nshapes containing the number of zones having each shape.
    nshapes Number of zone shapes.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success or -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    Do not use this method. Use DBPutZonelist2() instead.

    The DBPutZonelist function writes a zonelist object into a Silo file. The name assigned to this object can in turn be used as the zonel_name parameter to the DBPutUcdmesh function.

    See DBPutUcdmesh for a full description of the zonelist data structures.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a zonelist object containing ghost zones into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutZonelist2 (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name, int nzones,
        int ndims, int const nodelist[], int lnodelist, int origin,
        int lo_offset, int hi_offset, int const shapetype[],
        int const shapesize[], int const shapecnt[], int nshapes,
        DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputzl2(dbid, name, lname, nzones,
       ndims, nodelist, lnodelist, origin, lo_offset, hi_offset,
       shapetype, shapesize, shapecnt, nshapes, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the zonelist structure.
    nzones Number of zones in associated mesh.
    ndims Number of spatial dimensions represented by associated mesh.
    nodelist Array of length lnodelist containing node indices describing mesh zones.
    lnodelist Length of nodelist array.
    origin Origin for indices in the nodelist array. Should be zero or one.
    lo_offset The number of ghost zones at the beginning of the nodelist.
    hi_offset The number of ghost zones at the end of the nodelist.
    shapetype Array of length nshapes containing the type of each zone shape. See description below.
    shapesize Array of length nshapes containing the number of nodes used by each zone shape.
    shapecnt Array of length nshapes containing the number of zones having each shape.
    nshapes Number of zone shapes.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. See the table below for the valid options for this function. If no options are to be provided, use NULL for this argument.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success or -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutZonelist2 function writes a zonelist object into a Silo file. The name assigned to this object can in turn be used as the zonel_name parameter to the DBPutUcdmesh function.

    The allowed shape types are described in the following table:

    Optlist options:

    Type Description
    DB_ZONETYPE_BEAM A line segment
    DB_ZONETYPE_POLYGON A polygon where nodes are enumerated to form a polygon
    DB_ZONETYPE_QUAD A quadrilateral
    DB_ZONETYPE_POLYHEDRON A polyhedron with nodes enumerated to form faces and faces are enumerated to form a polyhedron
    DB_ZONETYPE_TET A tetrahedron
    DB_ZONETYPE_HEX A hexahedron


    The following table describes the options accepted by this function:

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_ZONENUM void* Array of global zone numbers, one per zone in this zonelist. By default, this is assumed to be of type int NULL
    DBOPT_LLONGNZNUM int Indicates that the array passed for DBOPT_ZONENUM option is of long long type instead of int. 0
    DBOPT_GHOST_ZONE_LABELS char* Optional array of char values indicating the ghost labeling DB_GHOSTTYPE_NOGHOST or DB_GHOSTTYPE_INTDUP) of each zone NULL
    DBOPT_ALT_ZONENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBucdvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for zones NULL

    For a description of how the nodes for the allowed shapes are enumerated, see DBPutUcdmesh.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write an arbitrary, polyhedral zonelist object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutPHZonelist (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name, int nfaces,
        int const *nodecnts, int lnodelist, int const *nodelist,
        char const *extface, int nzones, int const *facecnts,
        int lfacelist, int const *facelist, int origin,
        int lo_offset, int hi_offset, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the zonelist structure.
    nfaces Number of faces in the zonelist. Note that faces shared between zones should only be counted once.
    nodecnts Array of length nfaces indicating the number of nodes in each face. That is nodecnts[i] is the number of nodes in face i.
    lnodelist Length of the succeeding nodelist array.
    nodelist Array of length lnodelist listing the nodes of each face. The list of nodes for face i begins at index Sum(nodecnts[j]) for j=0...i-1.
    extface An optional array of length nfaces where extface[i]!=0x0 means that face i is an external face. This argument may be NULL.
    nzones Number of zones in the zonelist.
    facecnts Array of length nzones where facecnts[i] is number of faces for zone i.
    lfacelist Length of the succeeding facelist array.
    facelist Array of face ids for each zone. The list of faces for zone i begins at index Sum(facecnts[j]) for j=0...i-1. Note, however, that each face is identified by a signed value where the sign is used to indicate which ordering of the nodes of a face is to be used. A face id >= 0 means that the node ordering as it appears in the nodelist should be used. Otherwise, the value is negative and it should be 1-complimented to get the face's true id. In addition, the node ordering for such a face is the opposite of how it appears in the nodelist. Finally, node orders over a face should be specified such that a right-hand rule yields the outward normal for the face relative to the zone it is being defined for.
    origin Origin for indices in the nodelist array. Should be zero or one.
    lo-offset Index of first real (e.g. non-ghost) zone in the list. All zones with index less than (<) lo-offset are treated as ghost-zones.
    hi-offset Index of last real (e.g. non-ghost) zone in the list. All zones with index greater than (>) hi-offset are treated as ghost zones.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success or -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutPHZonelist function writes a polyhedral-zonelist object into a Silo file. The name assigned to this object can in turn be used as the parameter in the DBOPT_PHZONELIST option for the DBPutUcdmesh function.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function:

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_ZONENUM void* Array of global zone numbers, one per zone in this zonelist. By default, it is assumed this array is of type int* NULL
    DBOPT_LLONGNZNUM int Indicates that the array passed for DBOPT_ZONENUM option is of long long type instead of int. 0
    DBOPT_GHOST_ZONE_LABELS char* Optional array of char values indicating the ghost labeling DB_GHOSTTYPE_NOGHOST or DB_GHOSTTYPE_INTDUP) of each zone NULL
    DBOPT_ALT_ZONENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBucdvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for zones NULL

    In interpreting the diagram above, numbers correspond to nodes while letters correspond to faces. In addition, the letters are drawn such that they will always be in the lower, right hand corner of a face if you were standing outside the object looking towards the given face. In the example code below, the list of nodes for a given face begin with the node nearest its corresponding letter.

    For toplogically 2D meshes, two different approaches are possible for creating a polyhedral zonelist. One is to simple have a single list of "faces" representing the polygons of the 2D mesh. The other is to create an explicit list of "edges" and then define each polygon in terms of the edges it comprises. Either is appropriate.

    #define NNODES 12
    #define NFACES 11
    #define NZONES 2
    /* coordinate arrays */
    float x[NNODES] = {0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0};
    float y[NNODES] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
    float z[NNODES] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
    /* facelist where we enumerate the nodes over each face */
    int nodecnts[NFACES] = {4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4};
    int lnodelist = 4*NFACES;
    /*                           a           b           c      */
    int nodelist[4*NFACES] = {1,7,6,0,    2,8,7,1     4,1,0,3,
    /*                           d           e           f      */
    5,2,1,4,    3,9,10,4,   4,10,11,5,
    /*                           g           h           i      */
    9,6,7,10,   10,7,8,11,  0,6,9,3,
    /*                            j          K                  */
    1,7,10,4,   5,11,8,2};
    /* zonelist where we enumerate the faces over each zone */
    int facecnts[NZONES] = {6,6};
    int lfacelist = 6*NZONES;
    int facelist[6*NZONES] = {0,2,4,6,8,-9,   1,3,5,7,9,10};


    Figure 0-4: Example of a polyhedral zonelist representation for two hexahedral elements.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a polyhedral-zonelist from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBphzonelist *DBGetPHZonelist (DBfile *dbfile,
        char const *phzlname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    phzlname Name of the polyhedral-zonelist.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBphzonelist structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetPHZonelist function allocates a DBphzonelist data structure, reads a polyhedral-zonelist from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a facelist object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutFacelist (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name, int nfaces,
        int ndims, int const nodelist[], int lnodelist, int origin,
        int const zoneno[], int const shapesize[],
        int const shapecnt[], int nshapes, int const types[],
        int const typelist[], int ntypes)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputfl(dbid, name, lname, ndims nodelist,
       lnodelist, origin, zoneno, shapesize, shapecnt, nshaps,
       types, typelist, ntypes, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the facelist structure.
    nfaces Number of external faces in associated mesh.
    ndims Number of spatial dimensions represented by the associated mesh.
    nodelist Array of length lnodelist containing node indices describing mesh faces.
    lnodelist Length of nodelist array.
    origin Origin for indices in nodelist array. Either zero or one.
    zoneno Array of length nfaces containing the zone number from which each face came. Use a NULL for this parameter if zone numbering info is not wanted.
    shapesize Array of length nshapes containing the number of nodes used by each face shape (for 3-D meshes only).
    shapecnt Array of length nshapes containing the number of faces having each shape (for 3-D meshes only).
    nshapes Number of face shapes (for 3-D meshes only).
    types Array of length nfaces containing information about each face. This argument is ignored if ntypes is zero, or if this parameter is NULL.
    typelist Array of length ntypes containing the identifiers for each type. This argument is ignored if ntypes is zero, or if this parameter is NULL.
    ntypes Number of types, or zero if type information was not provided.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success or -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutFacelist function writes a facelist object into a Silo file. The name given to this object can in turn be used as a parameter to the DBPutUcdmesh function.

    See DBPutUcdmesh for a full description of the facelist data structures.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a scalar/vector/tensor UCD variable object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutUcdvar (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, int nvars,
        char const * const varnames[], void const * const vars[],
        int nels, void const * const mixvars[], int mixlen,
        int datatype, int centering, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the variable.
    meshname Name of the mesh associated with this variable (written with DBPutUcdmesh).
    nvars Number of sub-variables which comprise this variable. For a scalar array, this is one. If writing a vector quantity, however, this would be two for a 2-D vector and three for a 3-D vector.
    varnames Array of length nvars containing pointers to character strings defining the names associated with each subvariable.
    vars Array of length nvars containing pointers to arrays defining the values associated with each subvariable.
    nels Number of elements in this variable.
    mixvars Array of length nvars containing pointers to arrays defining the mixed-data values associated with each subvariable. If no mixed values are present, this should be NULL.
    mixlen Length of mixed data arrays (i.e., mixvars).
    datatype Datatype of sub-variables. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    centering Centering of the sub-variables on the associated mesh. One of the predefined types:DB_NODECENT, DB_EDGECENT, DB_FACECENT, DB_ZONECENT or DB_BLOCKCENT. See below for a discussion of centering issues.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. See the table below for the valid options for this function. If no options are to be provided, use NULL for this argument.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutUcdvar function writes a variable associated with an UCD mesh into a Silo file. Note that variables can be node-centered, zone-centered, edge-centered or face-centered.

    For node- (or zone-) centered data, the question of which value in the vars array goes with which node (or zone) is determined implicitly by a one-to-one correspondence with the list of nodes in the DBPutUcdmesh call (or zones in the DBPutZonelist or DBPutZonelist2 call). For example, the 237th value in a zone-centered vars array passed here goes with the 237th zone in the zonelist passed in the DBPutZonelist2 (or DBPutZonelist) call.

    Edge- and face-centered data require a little more explanation. Unlike node- and zone-centered data, there does not exist in Silo an explicit list of edges or faces. As an aside, the DBPutFacelist call is really for writing the external faces of a mesh so that a downstream visualization tool need not have to compute them when it displays the mesh. Now, requiring the caller to create explicit lists of edges and/or faces in order to handle edge- or face-centered data results in unnecessary additional data being written to a Silo file. This increases file size as well as the time to write and read the file. To avoid this, we rely upon implicit lists of edges and faces.

    We define implicit lists of edges and faces in terms of a traversal of the zonelist structure of the associated mesh. The position of an edge (or face) in its list is determined by the order of its first occurrence in this traversal. The traversal algorithm is to visit each zone in the zonelist and, for each zone, visit its edges (or faces) in local order. See figure showing UCD zoo and node, edge and face orderings Because this traversal will wind up visiting edges multiple times, the first time an edge (or face) is encountered is what determines its position in the implicit edge (or face) list.

    If the zonelist contains arbitrary polyhedra or the zonelist is a polyhedral zonelist (written with DBPutPHZonelist), then the traversal algorithm involves visiting each zone, then each face for a zone and finally each edge for a face.

    Note that DBPutUcdvar() can also be used to define a block-centered variable on a multi-block mesh by specifying a multi-block mesh name for the meshname and DB_BLOCKCENT for the centering. This is useful in defining, for example, multi-block variable extents.

    Other information can also be included. This function is useful for writing vector and tensor fields, whereas the companion function, DBPutUcdvar1, is appropriate for writing scalar fields.

    For tensor quantities, the question of ordering of tensor components arises. For symmetric tensor's Silo uses the Voigt Notation ordering. In 2D, this is T11, T22, T12. In 3D, this is T11, T22, T33, T23, T13, T12. For full tensor quantities, ordering is row by row starting with the top row.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function:

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_LABEL char* Character strings defining the label associated with this variable NULL
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_UNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with this variable NULL
    DBOPT_USESPECMF int Boolean DB_OFF orDB_ON) value specifying whether or not to weight the variable by the species mass fraction when using material species data DB_OFF
    DBOPT_ASCII_LABEL int Indicate if the variable should be treated as single character, ascii values. A value of 1 indicates yes, 0 no. 0
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES char** A null-pointer terminated array of pointers to strings specifying the pathnames of regions in the mrg tree for the associated mesh where the variable is defined. If there is no mrg tree associated with the mesh, the names specified here will be assumed to be material names of the material object associated with the mesh. The last pointer in the array must be null and is used to indicate the end of the list of names. See DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES NULL
    DBOPT_CONSERVED int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that must be conserved under various operations such as interpolation. 0
    DBOPT_EXTENSIVE int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that is extensive (as opposed to intensive). Note, while it is true that any conserved quantity is extensive, the converse is not true. By default and historically, all Silo variables are treated as intensive. 0
    DBOPT_MISSING_VALUE double Specify a numerical value that is intended to represent "missing values" in the variable data arrays. Default isDB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET DB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a scalar UCD variable object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutUcdvar1 (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, void const *var, int nels,
        void const *mixvar, int mixlen, int datatype, int centering,
        DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputuv1(dbid, name, lname, meshname,
       lmeshname, var, nels, mixvar, mixlen, datatype,
       centering, optlist_id, staus)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the variable.
    meshname Name of the mesh associated with this variable (written with either DBPutUcdmesh).
    var Array of length nels containing the values associated with this variable.
    nels Number of elements in this variable.
    mixvar Array of length mixlen containing the mixed-data values associated with this variable. If mixlen is zero, this value is ignored.
    mixlen Length of mixvar array. If zero, no mixed data is present.
    datatype Datatype of variable. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    centering Centering of the sub-variables on the associated mesh. One of the predefined types:DB_NODECENT, DB_EDGECENT, DB_FACECENT or DB_ZONECENT.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the variable object written into the Silo file. See the table below for the valid options for this function. If no options are to be provided, use NULL for this argument.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    DBPutUcdvar1 writes a variable associated with an UCD mesh into a Silo file. Note that variables will be either node-centered or zone-centered. Other information can also be included. This function is useful for writing scalar fields, whereas the companion function, DBPutUcdvar, is appropriate for writing vector and tensor fields.

    See DBPutUcdvar for a description of options accepted by this function.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a UCD variable from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBucdvar *DBGetUcdvar (DBfile *dbfile, char const *varname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    varname Name of the variable.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBucdvar structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetUcdvar function allocates a DBucdvar data structure, reads a variable associated with a UCD mesh from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a CSG mesh object to a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBPutCsgmesh(DBfile *dbfile, const char *name, int ndims,
        int nbounds,
        const int *typeflags, const int *bndids,
        const void *coeffs, int lcoeffs, int datatype,
        const double *extents, const char *zonel_name,
        DBoptlist const *optlist);
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputcsgm(dbid, name, lname, ndims,
       nbounds, typeflags, bndids, coeffs, lcoeffs, datatype,
       extents, zonel_name, lzonel_name, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    name Name to associate with this DBcsgmesh object
    ndims Number of spatial and topological dimensions of the CSG mesh object
    nbounds Number of boundaries in the CSG mesh description.
    typeflags Integer array of length nbounds of type information for each boundary. This is used to encode various information about the type of each boundary such as, for example, plane, sphere, cone, general quadric, etc as well as the number of coefficients in the representation of the boundary. For more information, see the description, below.
    bndids Optional integer array of length nbounds which are the explicit integer identifiers for each boundary. It is these identifiers that are used in expressions defining a region of the CSG mesh. If the caller passes NULL for this argument, a natural numbering of boundaries is assumed. That is, the boundary occurring at position i, starting from zero, in the list of boundaries here is identified by the integer i.
    coeffs Array of length lcoeffs of coefficients used in the representation of each boundary or, if the boundary is a transformed copy of another boundary, the coefficients of the transformation. In the case where a given boundary is a transformation of another boundary, the first entry in the coeffs entries for the boundary is the (integer) identifier for the referenced boundary. Consequently, if the datatype for coeffs isDB_FLOAT, there is an upper limit of about 16.7 million (2^24) boundaries that can be referenced in this way.
    lcoeffs Length of the coeffs array.
    datatype The data type of the data in the coeffs array.
    zonel_name Name of CSG zonelist to be associated with this CSG mesh object
    extents Array of length 2*ndims of spatial extents, xy(z)-minimums followed by xy(z)-maximums.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the CSG mesh object written into the Silo file. Use NULL if there are no options.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The word mesh in this function name is probably somewhat misleading because it suggests a discretization of a domain into a mesh. In fact, a CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) mesh in Silo is a continuous, analytic representation of the geometry of some computational domain. Nonetheless, most of Silo's concepts for meshes, variables, materials, species and multi-block objects apply equally well in the case of a CSG mesh and so that is what it is called, here. Presently, Silo does not have functions to discretize this kind of mesh. It has only the functions for storing and retrieving it. Nonetheless, a future version of Silo may include functions to discretize a CSG mesh.

    A CSG mesh is constructed by starting with a list of analytic boundaries, that is curves in 2D or surfaces in 3D, such as planes, spheres and cones or general quadrics. Each boundary is defined by an analytic expression (an equation) of the form f(x,y,z)=0 (or, in 2D, f(x,y)=0) in which the highest exponent for x, y or z is 2. That is, all the boundaries are quadratic (or quadric) at most.

    The table below describes how to use the typeflags argument to define various kinds of boundaries in 3 dimensions.

    Optlist options:

    typeflag num-coeffs coefficients and equation
    DBCSG_CYLINDER_PNLR 8 to be completed
    DBCSG_CYLINDER_PPR 7 to be completed
    DBCSG_BOX_XYZXYZ 6 to be completed
    DBCSG_CONE_PNLA 8 to be completed
    DBCSG_CONE_PPA to be completed
    DBCSG_HEX_6F 36 to be completed
    DBCSG_TET_4F 24 to be completed
    DBCSG_PYRAMID_5F 30 to be completed
    DBCSG_PRISM_5F 30 to be completed

    The table below defines an analogous set of typeflags for creating boundaries in two dimensions..

    typeflag num-coeffs coefficients and equation
    DBCSG_BOX_XYXY 4 to be completed
    DBCSG_TRI_3P 6 to be completed
    DBCSG_QUAD_4P 8 to be completed

    By replacing the '=' in the equation for a boundary with either a '<' or a '>', whole regions in 2 or 3D space can be defined using these boundaries. These regions represent the set of all points that satisfy the inequality. In addition, regions can be combined to form new regions by unions, intersections and differences as well other operations (See DBPutCSGZonelist).

    In this call, only the analytic boundaries used in the expressions to define the regions are written. The expressions defining the regions themselves are written in a separate call, DBPutCSGZonelist.

    If you compare this call to write a CSG mesh to a Silo file with a similar call to write a UCD mesh, you will notice that the boundary list here plays a role similar to that of the nodal coordinates of a UCD mesh. For the UCD mesh, the basic geometric primitives are points (nodes) and a separate call, DBPutZonelist, is used to write out the information that defines how points (nodes) are combined to form the zones of the mesh.

    Similarly, here the basic geometric primitives are analytic boundaries and a separate call, DBPutCSGZonelist, is used to write out the information that defines how the boundaries are combined to form regions of the mesh.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section titled "Using the Silo Option Parameter" for details on the use of the DBoptlist construct.

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value 0
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_XLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the X dimension NULL
    DBOPT_YLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Y dimension NULL
    DBOPT_ZLABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with the Z dimension NULL
    DBOPT_XUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the X dimension NULL
    DBOPT_YUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Y dimension NULL
    DBOPT_ZUNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with the Z dimension NULL
    DBOPT_BNDNAMES char** Array of nboundaries character strings defining the names of the individual boundaries NULL
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_MRGTREE_NAME char* Name of the mesh region grouping tree to be associated with this mesh NULL
    DBOPT_TV_CONNECTIVTY int A non-zero value indicates that the connectivity of the mesh varies with time 0
    DBOPT_DISJOINT_MODE int Indicates if any elements in the mesh are disjoint. There are two possible modes. One is DB_ABUTTING indicating that elements abut spatially but actually reference different node ids (but spatially equivalent nodal positions) in the node list. The other is DB_FLOATING where elements neither share nodes in the nodelist nor abut spatially DB_NONE
    DBOPT_ALT_NODENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBcsgvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for boundaries NULL
    The following options have been deprecated. Use MRG trees instead
    DBOPT_GROUPNUM int The group number to which this quadmesh belongs. -1 (not in a group)

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Get a CSG mesh object from a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBcsgmesh *DBGetCsgmesh(DBfile *dbfile, const char *meshname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    meshname Name of the CSG mesh object to read
  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a DBcsgmesh structure on success and NULL on failure.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Put a CSG zonelist object in a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutCSGZonelist(DBfile *dbfile, const char *name, int nregs,
        const int *typeflags,
        const int *leftids, const int *rightids,
        const void *xforms, int lxforms, int datatype,
        int nzones, const int *zonelist,
        DBoptlist *optlist);
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputcsgzl(dbid, name, lname, nregs,
       typeflags, leftids, rightids, xforms, lxforms, datatype,
       nzones, zonelist, optlist_id, status)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    name Name to associate with the DBcsgzonelist object
    nregs The number of regions in the regionlist.
    typeflags Integer array of length nregs of type information for each region. Each entry in this array is one of either DB_INNER, DB_OUTER, DB_ON, DB_XFORM, DB_SWEEP, DB_UNION, DB_INTERSECT, and DB_DIFF.

    The symbols,DB_INNER, DB_OUTER, DB_ON, DB_XFORM and DB_SWEEP represent unary operators applied to the referenced region (or boundary). The symbols DB_UNION, DB_INTERSECT, and DB_DIFF represent binary operators applied to two referenced regions.

    For the unary operators, DB_INNER forms a region from a boundary (See DBPutCsgmesh) by replacing the '=' in the equation representing the boundary with '<'. Likewise, DB_OUTER forms a region from a boundary by replacing the '=' in the equation representing the boundary with '>'. Finally, DB_ON forms a region (of topological dimension one less than the mesh) by leaving the '=' in the equation representing the boundary as an '='. In the case ofDB_INNER, DB_OUTER and DB_ON, the corresponding entry in the leftids array is a reference to a boundary in the boundary list (See DBPutCsgmesh).

    For the unary operator,DB_XFORM, the corresponding entry in the leftids array is a reference to a region to be transformed while the corresponding entry in the rightids array is the index into the xform array of the row-by-row coefficients of the affine transform. The unary operator DB_SWEEP is not yet implemented.
    leftids Integer array of length nregs of references to other regions in the regionlist or boundaries in the boundary list (See DBPutCsgmesh). Each referenced region in the leftids array forms the left operand of a binary expression (or single operand of a unary expression) involving the referenced region or boundary.
    rightids Integer array of length nregs of references to other regions in the regionlist. Each referenced region in the rightids array forms the right operand of a binary expression involving the region or, for regions which are copies of other regions with a transformation applied, the starting index into the xforms array of the row-by-row, affine transform coefficients. If for a given region no right reference is appropriate, put a value of '-1' into this array for the given region.
    xforms Array of length lxforms of row-by-row affine transform coefficients for those regions that are copies of other regions except with a transformation applied. In this case, the entry in the leftids array indicates the region being copied and transformed and the entry in the rightids array is the starting index into this xforms array for the transform coefficients. This argument may be NULL.
    lxforms Length of the xforms array. This argument may be zero if xforms is NULL.
    datatype The data type of the values in the xforms array. Ignored if xforms is NULL.
    nzones The number of zones in the CSG mesh. A zone is really just a completely defined region.
    zonelist Integer array of length nzones of the regions in the regionlist that form the actual zones of the CSG mesh.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in this object when it is written to the Silo file. Use NULL if there are no options.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    A CSG mesh is a list of curves in 2D or surfaces in 3D. These are analytic expressions of the boundaries of objects that can be expressed by quadratic equations in x, y and z.

    The zonelist for a CSG mesh is constructed by first defining regions from the mesh boundaries. For example, given the boundary for a sphere, we can create a region by taking the inside DB_INNER) of that boundary or by taking the outside DB_OUTER). In addition, regions can also be created by boolean operations (union, intersect, diff) on other regions. The table below summarizes how to construct regions using the typeflags argument.

    Optlist options:

    op. symbol name type meaning
    DBCSG_INNER unary specifies the region created by all points satisfying the equation defining the boundary with < replacing =, left operand indicates the boundary, right operand ignored
    DBCSG_OUTER unary specifies the region created by all points satisfying the equation defining the boundary with > replacing =, left operand indicates the boundary, right operand ignored
    DBCSG_ON unary specifies the region created by all points satisfying the equation defining the boundary left operand indicates the boundary, right operand ignored
    DBCSG_UNION binary take the union of left and right operands left and right operands indicate the regions
    DBCSG_INTERSECT binary take the intersection of left and right operands left and right operands indicate the regions
    DBCSG_DIFF binary subtract the right operand from the left left and right operands indicate the regions
    DBCSG_COMPLIMENT unary take the compliment of the left operand, left operand indicates the region, right operand ignored
    DBCSG_XFORM unary to be implemented
    DBCSG_SWEEP unary to be implemented

    However, not all regions in a CSG zonelist form the actual zones of a CSG mesh. Some regions exist only to facilitate the construction of other regions. Only certain regions, those that are completely constructed, form the actual zones. Consequently, the zonelist for a CSG mesh involves both a list of regions (as well as the definition of those regions) and then a list of zones (which are really just completely defined regions).

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function. See the section titled "Using the Silo Option Parameter" for details on the use of the DBoptlist construct.

    Option Name Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_REGNAMES char** Array of nregs character strings defining the names of the individual regions NULL
    DBOPT_ZONENAMES char** Array of nzones character strings defining the names of individual zones NULL
    DBOPT_ALT_ZONENUM_VARS char** A null terminated list of names of optional array(s) or DBcsgvar objects indicating (multiple) alternative numbering(s) for zones NULL

    Figure 0-5: A relatively simple object to represent as a CSG mesh. It models an A/C vent outlet for a 1994 Toyota Tercel. It consists of two zones. One is a partially-spherical shaped ring housing (darker area). The other is a lens-shaped fin used to direct airflow (lighter area).

    The table below describes the contents of the boundary list (written in the DBPutCsgmesh call)

    typeflags id coefficients name (optional)
    DBCSG_SPHERE_PR 0 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0 "housing outer shell"
    DBCSG_PLANE_X 1 -2.5 "housing front"
    DBCSG_PLANE_X 2 2.5 "housing back"
    DBCSG_CYLINDER_PPR 3 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0. 0.0, 3.0 "housing cavity"
    DBCSG_SPHERE_PR 4 0.0, 0.0, 49.5, 50.0 "fin top side"
    DBCSG_SPHERE_PR 5 0.0. 0.0, -49.5, 50.0 "fin bottom side"

    The code below writes this CSG mesh to a silo file

    float *coeffs = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -2.5,
                     1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0,
                     0.0, 0.0, 49.5, 50.0, 0.0.
                     0.0, -49.5, 50.0};
    DBPutCsgmesh(dbfile, "csgmesh", 3, typeflags, NULL,
        coeffs, 25, DB_FLOAT, "csgzl", NULL);

    The table below describes the contents of the regionlist, written in the DBPutCSGZonelist call.

    typeflags regid leftids rightids notes
    DBCSG_INNER 0 0 -1 creates inner sphere region from boundary 0
    DBCSG_INNER 1 1 -1 creates front half-space region from boundary 1
    DBCSG_OUTER 2 2 -1 creates back half-space region from boundary 2
    DBCSG_INNER 3 3 -1 creates inner cavity region from boundary 3
    DBCSG_INTERSECT 4 0 1 cuts front of sphere by intersecting regions 0 &1
    DBCSG_INTERSECT 5 4 2 cuts back of sphere by intersecting regions 4 & 2
    DBCSG_DIFF 6 5 3 creates cavity in sphere by removing region 3
    DBCSG_INNER 7 4 -1 creates large sphere region for fin upper surface from boundary 4
    DBCSG_INNER 8 5 -1 creates large sphere region for fin lower surface from boundary 5
    DBCSG_INTERSECT 9 7 8 creates lens-shaped fin with razor edge protruding from sphere housing by intersecting regions 7 & 8
    DBCSG_INTERSECT 10 9 0 cuts razor edge of lens-shaped fin to sphere housing

    The table above creates 11 regions, only 2 of which form the actual zones of the CSG mesh. The 2 complete zones are for the spherical ring housing and the lens-shaped fin that sits inside it. They are identified by region ids 6 and 10. The other regions exist solely to facilitate the construction. The code to write this CSG zonelist to a silo file is given below.

    int nregs = 11;
    int *leftids={0,1,2,3,0,4,5,4,5,7,9};
    int *rightids={-1,-1,-1,-1,1,2,3,-1,-1,8,0};
    int nzones = 2;
    int *zonelist = {6, 10};
    DBPutCSGZonelist(dbfile, "csgzl", nregs, typeflags,
        leftids, rightids, NULL, 0, DB_INT,
        nzones, zonelist, NULL);

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a CSG mesh zonelist from a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBcsgzonelist *DBGetCSGZonelist(DBfile *dbfile,
        const char *zlname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    zlname Name of the CSG mesh zonelist object to read
  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a DBcsgzonelist structure on success and NULL on failure.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a CSG mesh variable to a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutCsgvar(DBfile *dbfile, const char *vname,
        const char *meshname, int nvars,
        const char * const varnames[],
        const void * const vars[], int nvals, int datatype,
        int centering, DBoptlist const *optlist);
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputcsgv(dbid, vname, lvname, meshname,
       lmeshname, nvars, var_ids, nvals, datatype, centering,
       optlist_id, status)
    integer* var_ids (array of "pointer ids" created using dbmkptr)
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    vname The name to be associated with this DBcsgvar object
    meshname The name of the CSG mesh this variable is associated with
    nvars The number of subvariables comprising this CSG variable
    varnames Array of length nvars containing the names of the subvariables
    vars Array of pointers to variable data
    nvals Number of values in each of the vars arrays
    datatype The type of data in the vars arrays (e.g.DB_FLOAT, DB_DOUBLE)
    centering The centering of the CSG variable DB_ZONECENT orDB_BNDCENT)
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in this object when it is written to the Silo file. Use NULL if there are no options
  • Description:

    The DBPutCsgvar function writes a variable associated with a CSG mesh into a Silo file. Note that variables will be either zone-centered or boundary-centered.

    Just as UCD variables can be zone-centered or node-centered, CSG variables can be zone-centered or boundary-centered. For a zone-centered variable, the value(s) at index i in the vars array(s) are associated with the ith region (zone) in the DBcsgzonelist object associated with the mesh. For a boundary-centered variable, the value(s) at index i in the vars array(s) are associated with the ith boundary in the DBcsgbnd list associated with the mesh.

    Other information can also be included via the optlist:

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_LABEL char* Character strings defining the label associated with this variable NULL
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_UNITS char* Character string defining the units associated with this variable NULL
    DBOPT_USESPECMF int Boolean DB_OFF orDB_ON) value specifying whether or not to weight the variable by the species mass fraction when using material species data DB_OFF
    DBOPT_ASCII_LABEL int Indicate if the variable should be treated as single character, ascii values. A value of 1 indicates yes, 0 no. 0
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES char** A null-pointer terminated array of pointers to strings specifying the pathnames of regions in the mrg tree for the associated mesh where the variable is defined. If there is no mrg tree associated with the mesh, the names specified here will be assumed to be material names of the material object associated with the mesh. The last pointer in the array must be null and is used to indicate the end of the list of names. See DBOPT_REGION_PNAMES NULL
    DBOPT_CONSERVED int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that must be conserved under various operations such as interpolation. 0
    DBOPT_EXTENSIVE int Indicates if the variable represents a physical quantity that is extensive (as opposed to intensive). Note, while it is true that any conserved quantity is extensive, the converse is not true. By default and historically, all Silo variables are treated as intensive. 0
    DBOPT_MISSING_VALUE double Specify a numerical value that is intended to represent "missing values" in the x or y data arrays. Default isDB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET DB_MISSING_VALUE_NOT_SET

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read a CSG mesh variable from a Silo file

  • C Signature:

    DBcsgvar *DBGetCsgvar(DBfile *dbfile, const char *varname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer
    varname Name of CSG variable object to read
  • Returned value:

    A pointer to a DBcsgvar structure on success and NULL on failure.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a material data object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutMaterial (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *meshname, int nmat, int const matnos[],
        int const matlist[], int const dims[], int ndims,
        int const mix_next[], int const mix_mat[],
        int const mix_zone[], void const *mix_vf, int mixlen,
        int datatype, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputmat(dbid, name, lname, meshname,
       lmeshname, nmat, matnos, matlist, dims, ndims,
       mix_next, mix_mat, mix_zone, mix_vf, mixlien, datatype,
       optlist_id, status)
    void* mix_vf
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the material data object.
    meshname Name of the mesh associated with this information.
    nmat Number of materials.
    matnos Array of length nmat containing material numbers.
    matlist Array whose dimensions are defined by dims and ndims. It contains the material numbers for each single-material (non-mixed) zone, and indices into the mixed data arrays for each multi-material (mixed) zone. A negative value indicates a mixed zone, and its absolute value is used as an index into the mixed data arrays.
    dims Array of length ndims which defines the dimensionality of the matlist array.
    ndims Number of dimensions in matlist array.
    mix_next Array of length mixlen of indices into the mixed data arrays (one-origin).
    mix_mat Array of length mixlen of material numbers for the mixed zones.
    mix_zone Optional array of length mixlen of back pointers to originating zones. The origin is determined by DBOPT_ORIGIN. Even if mixlen > 0, this argument is optional.
    mix_vf Array of length mixlen of volume fractions for the mixed zones. Note, this can actually be either single- or double-precision. Specify actual type in datatype.
    mixlen Length of mixed data arrays (or zero if no mixed data is present). If mixlen > 0, then the "mix_" arguments describing the mixed data arrays must be nonNULL.
    datatype Volume fraction data type. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the material object written into the Silo file. See the table below for the valid options for this function. If no options are to be provided, use NULL for this argument.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    Note that material functionality, even mixing materials, can now be handled, often more conveniently and efficiently, via a Mesh Region Grouping (MRG) tree. Users are encouraged to consider an MRG tree as an alternative to DBPutMaterial(). See DBMakeMrgtree.

    The DBPutMaterial function writes a material data object into the current open Silo file. The minimum required information for a material data object is supplied via the standard arguments to this function. The optlist argument must be used for supplying any information not requested through the standard arguments.

    The following table describes the options accepted by this function.

    Optlist options:

    Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
    DBOPT_CYCLE int Problem cycle value. 0
    DBOPT_LABEL char* Character string defining the label associated with material data NULL
    DBOPT_MAJORORDER int Indicator for row-major (0) or column-major (1) storage for multidimensional arrays. 0
    DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for mix_zone. Zero or one. 0
    DBOPT_TIME float Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_DTIME double Problem time value. 0.0
    DBOPT_MATNAMES char** Array of strings defining the names of the individual materials NULL
    DBOPT_MATCOLORS char** Array of strings defining the names of colors to be associated with each material. The color names are taken from the X windows color database. If a color name begins with a'#' symbol, the remaining 6 characters are interpreted as the hexadecimal RGB value for the color NULL
    DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
    DBOPT_ALLOWMAT0 int If set to non-zero, indicates that a zero entry in the matlist array is actually not a valid material number but is instead being used to indicate an 'unused' zone. 0

    The model used for storing material data is the most efficient for VisIt, and works as follows:

    One zonal array, matlist, contains the material number for a clean zone or an index into the mixed data arrays if the zone is mixed. Mixed zones are marked with negative entries in matlist, so you must take abs(matlist[i]) to get the actual 1-origin mixed data index. All indices are 1-origin to allow matlist to use zero as a material number.

    The mixed data arrays are essentially a linked list of information about the mixed elements within a zone. Each mixed data array is of length mixlen. For a given index i, the following information is known about the i'th element:

    mix_zone[i] : The index of the zone which contains this element. The origin is determined by DBOPT_ORIGIN.

    mix_mat[i] : The material number of this element

    mix_vf[i] : The volume fraction of this element

    mix_next[i] : The 1-origin index of the next material entry for this zone, else 0 if this is the last entry.

    Figure 0-6: Example using mixed data arrays for representing material information

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read material data from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBmaterial *DBGetMaterial (DBfile *dbfile, char const *mat_name)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    mat_name Name of the material variable to read.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBmaterial structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetMaterial function allocates a DBmaterial data structure, reads material data from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a material species data object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutMatspecies (DBfile *dbfile, char const *name,
        char const *matname, int nmat, int const nmatspec[],
        int const speclist[], int const dims[], int ndims,
        int nspecies_mf, void const *species_mf, int const mix_spec[],
        int mixlen, int datatype, DBoptlist const *optlist)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputmsp(dbid, name, lname, matname,
       lmatname, nmat, nmatspec, speclist, dims, ndims,
       species_mf, species_mf, mix_spec, mixlen, datatype, optlist_id,
    void *species_mf
  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the material species data object.
    matname Name of the material object with which the material species object is associated.
    nmat Number of materials in the material object referenced by matname.
    nmatspec Array of length nmat containing the number of species associated with each material.
    speclist Array of dimension defined by ndims and dims of indices into the species_mf array. Each entry corresponds to one zone. If the zone is clean, the entry in this array must be positive or zero. A positive value is a 1-origin index into the species_mf array. A zero can be used if the material in this zone contains only one species. If the zone is mixed, this value is negative and is used to index into the mix_spec array in a manner analogous to the mix_mat array of the DBPutMaterial() call.
    dims Array of length ndims that defines the shape of the speclist array. To create an empty matspecies object, set every entry of dims to zero. See description below.
    ndims Number of dimensions in the speclist array.
    nspecies_mf Length of the species_mf array. To create a homogeneous matspecies object (which is not quite empty), set nspecies_mf to zero. See description below.
    species_mf Array of length nspecies_mf containing mass fractions of the material species. Note, this can actually be either single or double precision. Specify type in datatype argument.
    mix_spec Array of length mixlen containing indices into the species_mf array. These are used for mixed zones. For every index j in this array, mix_list[j] corresponds to the DBmaterial structure's material mix_mat[j] and zone mix_zone[j].
    mixlen Length of the mix_spec array.
    datatype The datatype of the mass fraction data in species_mf. One of the predefined Silo data types.
    optlist Pointer to an option list structure containing additional information to be included in the object written into the Silo file. Use a NULL if there are no options.
  • Returned value:

    DBPutMatspecies returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutMatspecies function writes a material species data object into a Silo file. The minimum required information for a material species data object is supplied via the standard arguments to this function. The optlist argument must be used for supplying any information not requested through the standard arguments.

    It is easiest to understand material species information by example. First, in order for a material species object in Silo to have meaning, it must be associated with a material object. A material species object by itself with no corresponding material object cannot be correctly interpreted.

    So, suppose you had a problem which contains two materials, brass and steel. Now, neither brass nor steel are themselves pure elements on the periodic table. They are instead alloys of other (pure) metals. For example, common yellow brass is, nominally, a mixture of Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) while tool steel is composed primarily of Iron (Fe) but mixed with some Carbon (C) and a variety of other elements.

    For this example, lets suppose we are dealing with Brass (65% Cu, 35% Zn), T-1 Steel (76.3% Fe, 0.7% C, 18% W, 4% Cr,1% V) and O-1 Steel (96.2% Fe, 0.90% C,1.4% Mn, 0.50% Cr, 0.50% Ni, 0.50% W). Since T-1 Steel and O-1 Steel are composed of different elements, we wind up having to represent each type of steel as a different material in the material object. So, the material object would have 3 materials; Brass, T-1 Steel and O-1 Steel.

    Brass is composed of 2 species, T-1 Steel, 5 species and O-1 Steel, 6. (Alternatively, one could opt to characterize both T-1 Steel and O-1 Steel has having 7 species, Fe, C, Mn, Cr, Ni, W, V where for T-1 Steel, the Mn and Ni components are always zero and for O-1 Steel the V component is always zero. In that case, you would need only 2 materials in the associated material object.)

    The material species object would be defined such that nmat=3 and nmatspec={2,5,6}. If the composition of Brass, T-1 Steel and O-1 Steel is constant over the whole mesh, the species_mf array would contain just 2 + 5 + 6 = 13 entries...

  BrassT1 SteelO1 Steel
species_mf .65 .35 .763 .007 .18 .04 .001 .962 .009 .014 .005 .005 .005
element Cu Zn Fe C W Cr V Fe C Mn Cr Ni W
index [1]{.lime-background} 2 [3]{.lime-background} 4 5 6 7 [8]{.lime-background} 9 10 11 12 13

If all of the zones in the mesh are clean (e.g. not mixing in material) and have the same composition of species, the speclist array would contain a [1]{.lime-background} for every Brass zone (1-origin indexing would mean it would index species_mf[0]), a [3]{.lime-background} for every T-1 Steel zone and a [8]{.lime-background} for every O-1 Steel zone. However, if some cells had a Brass mixture with an extra 1% Cu, then you could create another two entries at positions 14 and 15 in the species_mf array with the values 0.66 and 0.34, respectively, and the speclist array for those cells would point to [14]{.lime-background} instead of [1]{.lime-background}.

The speclist entries indicate only where to start reading species mass fractions from the species_mf array for a given zone. How do we know how many values to read? The associated material object indicates which material is in the zone. The entry in the nmatspec array for that material indicates how many mass fractions there are.

As simulations evolve, the relative mass fractions of species comprising each material vary away from their nominal values. In this case, the species_mf array would grow to accommodate all the variations of combinations of mass fraction for each material and the entries in the speclist array would vary so that each zone would index the correct position in the species_mf array.

Finally, when zones contain mixing materials the speclist array needs to specify the species_mf entries for each of the materials in the zone. In this case, negative values are assigned to the speclist entries for these zones and the linked-list like structure of the associated material (e.g. mix_next, mix_mat, mix_vf, mix_zone args of the DBPutMaterial() call) is used to traverse them.

To create a completely empty matspecies object, the caller needs to pass a dims array containing all zeros. In this case, the speclist and mix_speclist args are never dereferenced and no data for these are written to the file or returned by a subsequent DBGetMatspecies() call. Alternatively, the caller may have what amounts to an empty species object due to nspecies_mf==0. However, in that situation, the caller is unfortunately still required to pass fully populated speclist and, if mixing is involved, mix_speclist arrays. Worse, the only valid values in these arrays are zeros. In this case, the resulting matspecies object isn't so much empty as it is homogeneous in that all materials consist of only a single species.

The following table describes the options accepted by this function:

Option Name Value Data Type Option Meaning Default Value
DBOPT_MAJORORDER int Indicator for row-major (0) or column-major (1) storage for multidimensional arrays. 0
DBOPT_ORIGIN int Origin for arrays. Zero or one. 0
DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI int Specify a non-zero value if you do not want this object to appear in menus of downstream tools 0
DBOPT_SPECNAMES char** Array of strings defining the names of the individual species. The length of this array is the sum of the values in the nmatspec argument to this function NULL
DBOPT_SPECCOLORS char** Array of strings defining the names of colors to be associated with each species. The color names are taken from the X windows color database. If a color name begins with a'#' symbol, the remaining 6 characters are interpreted as the hexadecimal RGB value for the color. The length of this array is the sum of the values in the nmatspec argument to this function NULL

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Read material species data from a Silo database.

  • C Signature:

    DBmatspecies *DBGetMatspecies (DBfile *dbfile,
        char const *ms_name)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    ms_name Name of the material species data to read.
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBmatspecies structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetMatspecies function allocates a DBmatspecies data structure, reads material species data from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Write a derived variable definition(s) object into a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    int DBPutDefvars(DBfile *dbfile, const char *name, int ndefs,
        const char * const names[], int const *types,
        const char * const defns[], DBoptlist cost *optlist[]);
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbputdefvars(dbid, name, lname, ndefs,
       names, lnames, types, defns, ldefns, optlist_id,

    character*N names (See dbset2dstrlen) character*N defns (See dbset2dstrlen)

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name Name of the derived variable definition(s) object.
    ndefs number of derived variable definitions.
    names Array of length ndefs of derived variable names
    types Array of length ndefs of derived variable types
    defns Array of length ndefs of derived variable definitions.
    optlist Array of length ndefs pointers to option list structures containing additional information to be included with each derived variable. The options available are the same as those available for the respective variables.
  • Returned value:

    Returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBPutDefvars function is used to put definitions of derived variables in the Silo file. That is variables that are derived from other variables in the Silo file or other derived variable definitions. One or more variable definitions can be written with this function. Note that only the definitions of the derived variables are written to the file with this call. The variables themselves are not in any way computed by Silo.

    If variable references within the defns strings do not have a leading slash ('/') (indicating an absolute name), they are interpreted relative to the directory into which the Defvars object is written. For the defns string, in cases where a variable's name includes special characters (such as / . { } [ ] + - = ), the entire variable reference should be bracketed by < and > characters.

    The interpretation of the defns strings written here is determined by the post-processing tool that reads and interprets these definitions. Since in common practice that tool tends to be VisIt, the discussion that follows describes how VisIt would interpret this string.

    The table below illustrates examples of the contents of the various array arguments to DBPutDefvars for a case that defines 6 derived variables.

    names types defns
    "totaltemp" DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR "nodet+zonetemp"
    "<stress/sz>" DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR "-<stress/sx>-<stress/sy>"
    "vel" DB_VARTYPE_VECTOR "{Vx, Vy, Vz}"
    "speed" DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR "magntidue(vel)"
    "dev_stress" DB_VARTYPE_TENSOR "{ {<stress/sx>,<stress/txy>,<stress/txz>},
    { 0, <stress/sy>,<stress/tyz>},
    { 0, 0, <stress/sz>} }"

    The first entry (0) defines a derived scalar variable named "totaltemp" which is the sum of variables whose names are "nodet" and "zonetemp". The next entry (1) defines a derived scalar variable named "sz" in a group of variables named "stress" (the slash character ('/') is used to group variable names much the way file pathnames are grouped in Linux). Note also that the definition of "sz" uses the special bracketing characters (<) and (>) for the variable references due to the fact that these variable references have a slash character (/) in them.

    The third entry (2) defines a derived vector variable named "vel" from three scalar variables named "Vx", "Vy", and "Vz" while the fourth entry (3) defines a scalar variable, "speed" to be the magnitude of the vector variable named "vel". The last entry (4) defines a deviatoric stress tensor. These last two cases demonstrate that derived variable definitions may reference other derived variables.

    The last few examples demonstrate the use of two operators, {}, and magnitude(). We call these expression operators. In VisIt, there are numerous expression operators to help define derived variables including such things as sqrt(), round(), abs(), cos(), sin(), dot(), cross() as well as comparison operators, gt(), ge(), lt(), le(), eq(), and the conditional if(). Furthermore, the list of expression operators in VisIt grows regularly. Only a few examples are illustrated here. For a more complete list of the available expression operators and their syntax, the reader is referred to the Expressions portion of the VisIt user's manual.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Get a derived variables definition object from a Silo file.

  • C Signature:

    DBdefvars DBGetDefvars(DBfile *dbfile, char const *name)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    name The name of the DBdefvars object to read
  • Returned value:

    Returns a pointer to a DBdefvars structure on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBGetDefvars function allocates a DBdefvars data structure, reads the object from the Silo database, and returns a pointer to that structure. If an error occurs, NULL is returned.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Inquire the mesh name associated with a variable.

  • C Signature:

    int DBInqMeshname (DBfile *dbfile, char const *varname,
        char *meshname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    varname Variable name.
    meshname Returned mesh name. The caller must allocate space for the returned name. The maximum space used is 256 characters, including the NULL terminator.
  • Returned value:

    DBInqMeshname returns zero on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBInqMeshname function returns the name of a mesh associated with a mesh variable. Given the name of a variable to access, one must call this function to find the name of the mesh before calling DBGetQuadmesh or DBGetUcdmesh.

{{ EndFunc }}


  • Summary: Inquire the mesh type of a mesh.

  • C Signature:

    int DBInqMeshtype (DBfile *dbfile, char const *meshname)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    dbfile Database file pointer.
    meshname Mesh name.
  • Returned value:

    DBInqMeshtype returns the mesh type on success and -1 on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBInqMeshtype function returns the type of the given mesh. The value returned is described in the following table:

    Mesh Type Returned Value
    Multi-Block DB_MULTIMESH
    Pointmesh DB_POINTMESH
    Quad (Collinear) DB_QUAD_RECT
    Quad (Non-Collinear) DB_QUAD_CURV

{{ EndFunc }}