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Calculational and Utility

This section of the API manual describes some calculational and utility functions that can be used to compute things such as facelists or catentate an array of strings into a single string for simple output with DBWrite().

There are also functions to compute a DBmaterial object from dense volume fraction arrays and vice versa.

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  • Summary: Calculate an external facelist for a UCD mesh.

  • C Signature:

    DBfacelist *DBCalcExternalFacelist (int nodelist[], int nnodes,
        int origin, int shapesize[],
        int shapecnt[], int nshapes, int matlist[],
        int bnd_method)
  • Fortran Signature:

    integer function dbcalcfl(nodelist, nnodes, origin, shapesize,
       shapecnt, nshapes, matlist, bnd_method, flid)

    returns the pointer-id of the created object in flid.

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    nodelist Array of node indices describing mesh zones.
    nnodes Number of nodes in associated mesh.
    origin Origin for indices in the nodelist array. Should be zero or one.
    shapesize Array of length nshapes containing the number of nodes used by each zone shape.
    shapecnt Array of length nshapes containing the number of zones having each shape.
    nshapes Number of zone shapes.
    matlist Array containing material numbers for each zone (else NULL).
    bnd_method Method to use for calculating external faces. See description below.
  • Returned value:

    DBCalcExternalFacelist returns a DBfacelist pointer on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBCalcExternalFacelist function calculates an external facelist from the zonelist and zone information describing a UCD mesh. The calculation of the external facelist is controlled by the bnd_method parameter as defined in the table below:

    bnd_method Meaning
    0 Do not use material boundaries when computing external faces. The matlist parameter can be replaced with NULL.
    1 In addition to true external faces, include faces on material boundaries between zones. Faces get generated for both zones sharing a common face. This setting should not be used with meshes that contain mixed material zones. If this setting is used with meshes with mixed material zones, all faces which border a mixed material zone will be include. The matlist parameter must be provided.

    For a description of how the nodes for the allowed shapes are enumerated, see DBPutUcdmesh.

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  • Summary: Calculate an external facelist for a UCD mesh containing ghost zones.

  • C Signature:

    DBfacelist *DBCalcExternalFacelist2 (int nodelist[], int nnodes,
        int low_offset, int hi_offset, int origin,
        int shapetype[], int shapesize[],
        int shapecnt[], int nshapes, int matlist[], int bnd_method)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    nodelist Array of node indices describing mesh zones.
    nnodes Number of nodes in associated mesh.
    lo_offset The number of ghost zones at the beginning of the nodelist.
    hi_offset The number of ghost zones at the end of the nodelist.
    origin Origin for indices in the nodelist array. Should be zero or one.
    shapetype Array of length nshapes containing the type of each zone shape. See description below.
    shapesize Array of length nshapes containing the number of noes used by each zone shape.
    shapecnt Array of length nshapes containing the number of zones having each shape.
    nshapes Number of zone shapes.
    matlist Array containing material numbers for each zone (else NULL).
    bnd_method Method to use for calculating external faces. See description below.
  • Returned value:

    DBCalcExternalFacelist2 returns a DBfacelist pointer on success and NULL on failure.

  • Description:

    The DBCalcExternalFacelist2 function calculates an external facelist from the zonelist and zone information describing a UCD mesh. The calculation of the external facelist is controlled by the bnd_method parameter as defined in the table below:

    bnd_method Meaning
    0 Do not use material boundaries when computing external faces. The matlist parameter can be replaced with NULL.
    1 In addition to true external faces, include faces on material boundaries between zones. Faces get generated for both zones sharing a common face. This setting should not be used with meshes that contain mixed material zones. If this setting is used with meshes with mixed material zones, all faces which border a mixed material zone will be included. The matlist parameter must be provided.

    The allowed shape types are described in the following table:

    Type Description
    DB_ZONETYPE_BEAM A line segment
    DB_ZONETYPE_POLYGON A polygon where nodes are enumerated to form a polygon
    DB_ZONETYPE_QUAD A quadrilateral
    DB_ZONETYPE_POLYHEDRON A polyhedron with nodes enumerated to form faces and faces are enumerated to form a polyhedron
    DB_ZONETYPE_TET A tetrahedron
    DB_ZONETYPE_HEX A hexahedron

    For a description of how the nodes for the allowed shapes are enumerated, see DBPutUcdmesh.

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  • Summary: Utility to catentate a group of strings into a single, semi-colon delimited string.

  • C Signature:

    void DBStringArrayToStringList(char const * const *strArray,
        int n, char **strList, int *m)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    strArray Array of strings to catenate together. Note that it can be ok if some entries in strArray are the empty string, "" or NULL (0).
    n The number of entries in strArray. Passing -1 here indicates that the function should count entries in strArray until reaching the first NULL entry. In this case, embedded NULLs (0s) in strArray are, of course, not allowed.
    strList The returned catenated, semi-colon separated, single, string.
    m The returned length of strList.
  • Description:

    This is a utility function to facilitate writing of an array of strings to a file. This function will take an array of strings and catenate them together into a single, semi-colon delimited list of strings.

    Some characters are not permitted in the input strings. These are '\n', '\0' and ';' characters.

    This function can be used together with DBWrite() to easily write a list of strings to the a Silo database.

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  • Summary: Given a single, semi-colon delimited string, de-catenate it into an array of strings.

  • C Signature:

    char **DBStringListToStringArray(char *strList, int n,
        int handleSlashSwap, int skipFirstSemicolon)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg name Description
    strList A semi-colon separated, single string. Note that this string is modified by the call. If the caller doesn't want this, it will have to make a copy before calling.
    n The expected number of individual strings in strList. Pass -1 here if you have no aprior knowledge of this number. Knowing the number saves an additional pass over strList.
    handleSlashSwap a boolean to indicate if slash characters should be swapped as per differences in windows/linux file systems.
    This is specific to Silo's internal handling of strings used in multi-block objects. So, you should pass zero (0) here. skipFirstSemicolon
    a boolean to indicate if the first semicolon in the string should be skipped. This is specific to Silo's internal usage for legacy compatibility. You should pass zero (0) here.
  • Description:

    This function performs the reverse of DBStringArrayToStringList.

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  • Summary: Free an array of strings

  • C Signature:

    void DBFreeStringArray(char **strArray, int n)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    strArray the array of strings to be freed (some members can be NULL)
    n If n>0, n is the number of char* pointers in strArray. If n<0, strArray is treated as NULL-terminated. That is, entries in strArray are freed until the first NULL entry is encountered.
  • Returned value:


  • Description:

    This function simplifies freeing of an array of strings constructed from DBStringListToStringArray. If n>0, if strArray contains NULL entries, it will handle this condition. If n<0, strArray is treated as NULL-terminated. That is, entries in strArray are freed until the first NULL entry is encountered.

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  • Summary: Walk a UCD mesh guessing and adding shapetype info

  • C Signature:

    int DBAnnotateUcdmesh(DBucdmesh *m)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    m A pointer to a DBucdmesh object
  • Returned value:

    Returns 1 when one or more zones/shapes were annotated and 0 if not annotation was performed. Returns -1 if an error occurred.

  • Description:

    Walks a DBucdmesh data structure and guesses and adds shapetype info based on ndims and shapesizes and node counts of the individual shapes. This is useful for taking an old-style DBZonelist object which did not include the shapetype member populating it based on some simple heuristics.

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  • Summary: Join two strings representing paths into a single path

  • C Signature:

    char * DBJoinPath(char const *first, char const *second)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    first The first path relative to which the second path will be joined
    second The second path to be combined into the first.
  • Returned value:

    The joined path string or NULL if an error occured. The caller should free() the string.

  • Description:

    The goal of this method is to take an existing string representing a path and a second string representing another path relative to the first path and then combine them into a single path.

    Input Result
    DBJoinPath("foo","bar") "foo/bar"
    DBJoinPath("foo","./bar") "foo/bar"
    DBJoinPath("foo","../bar") "bar"
    DBJoinPath("foo","/bar") "/bar"
    DBJoinPath("/foo","/bar") "/bar"
    DBJoinPath("/foo","../bar") "/bar"
    DBJoinPath("foo/bar/baz","../../bin") "foo/bin"
    DBJoinPath("foo/bar/baz",".././/..//bin") "foo/bin"

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  • Summary: Compare doubles within absolute or relative tolerance

  • C Signature:

    int DBIsDifferentDouble(double a, double b, double abstol,
            double reltol, double reltol_eps)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    a First double to compare
    b Second double to compare
    abstol Tolerance to be used for absolute difference. Set to a negative value to ignore this tolerance.
    reltol Tolerance to be used for relative difference. Set to a negative value to ignore this tolerance.
    reltol_eps Epsilon value to be used in alternative relative tolerance difference. Set to a negative value to ignore this.
  • Returned value:

    0 if the difference between a and b is below tolerance. Otherwise 1. This cannot fail

  • Description:

    Determines if a and b are the same or different based on an absolute or relative tolerances passed in. Its easies to see how the function behaves by having a look at the actual code...

    :start-at: "int DBIsDifferentDouble("
    :end-at: "return a!=b;"


  • Summary: Compare long longs within absolute or relative tolerance

  • C Signature:

    int DBIsDifferentLongLong(long long a, long long b, double abstol,
            double reltol, double reltol_eps);
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    a First long long to compare
    b Second long long to compare
    abstol Tolerance to be used for absolute difference. Set to a negative value to ignore this tolerance.
    reltol Tolerance to be used for relative difference. Set to a negative value to ignore this tolerance.
    reltol_eps Epsilon value to be used in alternative relative tolerance difference. Set to a negative value to ignore this.
  • Returned value:

    0 if the difference between a and b is below tolerance. Otherwise 1. This cannot fail

  • Description:

    Same as DBIsDifferentDouble() except for long long type.

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  • Summary: Compute dense material volume fraction arrays from a DBmaterial object

  • C Signature:

    int DBCalcDenseArraysFromMaterial(DBmaterial const *mat, int datatype,
            int *narrs, void ***vfracs);
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    mat Input DBmaterial object
    datatype Desired data type (DB_FLOAT or DB_DOUBLE) of returned vfracs arrays.
    narrs Returned number of vfracs arrays
    vfracs Allocated and returned array of volume fractions for each material.
  • Returned value:

    0 on successful completion. -1 if an error is encountered.

  • Description:

    Traverse a Silo DBmaterial object and return a collection of dense, DB_ZONECENTERED volume fraction arrays, one array of volume fractions for each material. The order of the arrays in the returned vfracs is one-to-one with the order of the matnos member of the DBmaterial object. The order of zone-centered volume fractions in any given vfracs[i] array is one-to-one with matlist member of the DBmaterial obje ct.

    The representation is dense because there is a float (or double) for every zone and every material. Even when a zone is clean in a material, the representation stores a 1 for the associated vfracs entry and 0's for all other entries.

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  • Summary: Build a DBmaterial object from dense volume fraction arrays

  • C Signature:

    DBmaterial *DBCalcMaterialFromDenseArrays(int narrs, int ndims, int const *dims,
                   int const *matnos, int dtype, DBVCP2_t const vfracs)
  • Fortran Signature:

  • Arguments:

    Arg Name Description
    narrs the number of volume fraction arrays in vfracs
    ndims the number of dimensions in the vfracs arrays
    dims the size in each dimension of the vfracs arrays
    matnos the material numbers
    dtype the datatype of the vfracs arrays (either DB_FLOAT or DB_DOUBLE)
    vfracs the dense volume fraction arrays
  • Returned value:

    A DBmaterial object holding equivalent volume fraction information of the arrays or NULL if an error occurred.

  • Description:

    Performs the reverse operation of DBCalcDenseArraysFromMaterial. Often, the DBmaterial representation is a much more efficient storage format and requires far less memory.

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