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2) Installing with Basis

Maxim Umansky edited this page Nov 22, 2019 · 6 revisions

On those machines where Basis is installed (e.g., Singe and Grendel at LLNL) one can install UEDGE with Basis. Furthermore, one can make a static executable there and subsequently ship it to compatible Linux systems.

On Grendel,

  • cd uedge/builder
  • dsys clean
  • dsys config –g std/linux_grendel
  • dsys build
  • dsys load

The flag -g for debug version, -o for optimized version. On Singe, use linux_singe instead of linux_grendel. To make a static version on Grendel (not possible on Singe), use linux_mds_static.

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