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Python integration

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@steffi7574 steffi7574 released this 18 Mar 18:42
· 15 commits to master since this release

Quandary can now be executed from within a python environment.

The python interpreter launches processes to execute the C++ code in the background. Compare the user guide and examples. The python integration adds some additional functionality over the C++ code, such as automatic computation of the required number of time steps, automatic choice of the carrier frequencies, and it allows for custom Hamiltonian models to be used (system and control Hamiltonian operators).

Other improvements:

  • The main C++ executable is now called 'quandary' (rather than good old 'main').
  • Two additional optimization regularization techniques are now available: One to penalize the overall energy of the control pulses, and one to penalize state variations. Compare the user guide.
  • More examples for both the C++ code and the python integration have been added.
  • Constructor of the optimproblem has been remodeled and cleaned up.
  • Unit changed for output of control pulses in control.dat, being in the frequency domain now (same unit as the user input for the transition frequencies, GHz, MHz, ...)