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Lawrence Livermore National Lab 🌄 Self Supervised Learning Repo

This is source related to our self-supervised paper appearing in CVPR 2018. For more information take a look at the Github Wiki page. Just click on the Wiki tab.

What you Need

These scripts are a wrapper around Caffe. So, you need Caffe. Once you've installed it, you will probably have everything you need to run this source. These include Caffe itself, Python 2.x 🐍 , OpenCV, Numpy and Pyplot.

Get Thee Some Data

The source code will do the self-supervised training. The patches have been preprocessed for you. You can take a peek in . There are patches with and without chroma blurring. The training and testing lists are in Numpy/Pickle format to save space. The training and validation images should be extracted into a directory structure that mirrors the standard ImageNet ILSVRC2012 directory structure. If your image dir is patches each of the training directories nXXXXXXXX should be in patches/train. All validation images should just be shoved into one dir patches/val .

How to Run

1️⃣ Edit python/ and set paths in project_home, path_prefix and gpus. These are the only ones you must edit. Set gpus based on the number you want to run. In a single GPU environment, just set it to [1]. You can choose different network models that are in the caffe_data directory. Each one is named train_val_network_triple.caffenet. For comparison with our results in tables 2,3 and 4 , using the CaffeNet model is suitable to test on VOC and Linear tests. You should run the AlexNet-Custom network to compare with our CUB and CompCars results from table 1. You can use ResCeption and Inception networks to compare with table 5.

2️⃣ Run python/ The first time you run it, it will create a copy in a project directory. If you are in a cluster environment, you can run the Slurm script instead.

3️⃣ Run the script just created in py_proj. If the paths are correct, things should run and start to train. Take as look at the Wiki. This has cool pictures of how it should look if it's training correctly.

4️⃣ The figures it creates should also be saved in the figures directory.

5️⃣ The trained caffe models will be saved in py_proj/my_project/caffe_model

How to Test

CUB and CompCars

We have provided the Cub birds 🐥 and Comp Cars 🚗 data processed as we used it. These are in: The network models are in caffe_data named train_val_network_single.caffenet. You don't need python to run these. You can just use the direct Caffe command line.

VOC Tests

You should be able to plug the trained model into Detection and Classification tests without too much difficulty.

1️⃣ Try classification with an initial learning rate of 0.000025

2️⃣ Try detection with an initial learning rate of 0.0005

3️⃣ Segmentation requires a few tweaks. We cannot transfer fc6 and fc7 via surgery. So we have to init them when we run segmentation. By default, the would not init these layers. You can download a model that does this from Notice this also has a bunch of pretrained models you can try out. You still need to run surgery even though you are not transferring fc6 and fc7.

Linear Tests

This runs pretty straightforward. In is variant linear training network that uses CaffeNet. It also chops off calls to python graphing layers so it can be run in multi GPU mode. Other than that, it's the same as the default model.

Design Concepts

The source has several design choices which determine why certain things were done this way or that.

1️⃣ The Python source wraps around Caffe rather than using python layers. This is because Python layers in Caffe do not support multiple GPU execution. This allows us preprocess data and even use a multi process prefetcher to speed up image loading.

2️⃣ We are running in a cluster environment. This is why it creates a project copy when you run it. This also keeps experiments in their own tidy folder. You can look back to check how something actually ran. This is also why we load raw images rather than a lmdb.


Deep Learning Self-Supervised source code related to Mundenk et al. CVPR 2018








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