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Edge-centric time series analysis

Code to reproduce the analysis and figures in:

Leonardo Novelli and Adeel Razi (2021). A mathematical perspective on edge-centric functional connectivity. arXiv:2106.10631.

System requirements and instructions for use

The MATLAB code has been tested using MATLAB(R2020b) on both Linux and Windows. To run the demo on the small simulated dataset provided, just clone or unzip the repository and run main.m. Restricting the analysis to 10 parcels (default) will only take a few seconds on a standard laptop, while analysing all 200 parcels will take up to a few hours and 10GB of RAM. The main script will iteratively call efc_single_subject.m and finally call plots.m to generate the figures summarising the analysis results. To run the code on your own dataset, simply replace example_data.mat with your own 3D array (n_regions x time_steps x subjects).

