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Examples of SOLID principles compared to bad design

SOLID Principles is an acronym of five principles.

  1. S - Single Responsibility Principle
  2. O - Open/Closed Principle
  3. L - Liskov’s Substitution Principle
  4. I - Interface Segregation Principle
  5. D -Dependency Inversion Principle

Every class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by this class.

Example. Class Car has the following information:

  • Model name, year of issue which should be from 2010 to 2019
  • You can print details about a car object
bad design good design
Car class contains properties
and a method
A car itself cannot print. Create another class Printer
with a method which takes Car object as a parameter
SRP bad design SRP good design

Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

Example. Class Reporting has the following information:

  • You can create report about a car object in both pdf and docx formats
bad design good design
Reporting class contains property
and a method PrintData which cosists of
multiply if-else.
Make method PrintData virtual and
create two derived classes to override this method
OCP bad design OCP good design

Derived classes should extend base classes not change it.

Example: Base class Vehicle contains two methods of calculating a rent of vehicle and getting information about it.
Classes Bus and Car inherit from Vehicle but there is no ability to rent a Bus.

bad design good design
Trying to instantiate a list of Vehicle type and
add both *Car and Bus objects to it will lead to error
Create two interfaces instead of class Vehicle and
let Car implement both and Bus - only IVehicle
LSP bad design LSP good design

Classes should not depend on methods they do not use.

Example. Two classes with similar functionaly Bus and Car:

  • You can print details about a vehicle
  • You can add new car but not a new bus.
bad design good design
Car and Bus classes implement IVehicle
interface with two methods
You cannot add a new bus, so Bus class should not
implement IVehicle interface. In this case divide IVehicle
into two interfaces with different methods
ISP bad design ISP good design

High-level classes should not depend on low-level classes.

Example. Classes which can send notifications by e-mail.

bad design good design
Class Email and Notification are associated
with each other. Class Notification creates
an instance of Email. What to do if
there would be a need of WhatsApp
and mobile phone notofications?
Create an interface IMessenger,
make class Email implement it and
create a field of this type in class Notification
DIP bad design DIP good design

+++ Dependency Injection


S.O.L.I.D. principles VS bad design







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