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IDE like Task List for Vim buffers. Implemented using :lvimgrep with Markers via Vim signs.

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*TagmaTasks.txt* IDE like Tasks for Vim
                             For Vim version 7.x.
                  Last Changed: Wed Feb 27 03:16 PM 2013 EST
                        By Lorance Stinson AT Gmail...

Contents:					*tagmatasks*
	Description				|tagmatasks-description|
	Installation				|tagmatasks-installation|
	Commands				|tagmatasks-commands|
	Key Mappings				|tagmatasks-mappings|
	Settings				|tagmatasks-settings|
	Task Marks				|tagmatasks-marks|

DESCRIPTION					*tagmatasks-description*

Displays tasks for the current buffer using the Vim |location-list| window.
Based on the task lists from other IDEs. Will also display marks next to each
task line using the Vim |signs| feature.

The Task List is generated using the |lvimgrep| command. See that command for
specifics on how the Task List is generated

A Task List can also be generated for a list of files. This mode uses
|vimgrep| and the |quickfix-error-lists| window. The file list can be
anything |vimgrep| accepts. The error list window will always be opened when
generating a Task List for a file list.

INSTALLATION					*tagmatasks-installation*

Copy the files to your ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles directory.
If using a package manager like pathogen place the whole directory in the
bundle directory.

COMMAND						*tagmatasks-commands*

Commands created for user use.

:TagmaTasks					*TagmaTasks*
	Generate the Task List.
	Depending on settings will:
		Display the task window, optionally jumping to the first task.
		Mark each line the task appears on.

	A list of files can be passed to grep across. If a file list is passed
	the |quickfix| error list is used in place of the location list for
	the current buffer. The error list window is always opened
	automatically. The other TagmaTask commands will not affect the error
	list window.
	Examples: >
	TagmaTasks *.pl ; Task List for all .pl files.
	TagmaTasks *	; Task List for all files in the current directory.
	TagmaTasks **/* ; Task List for all files including subdirectories.

:TagmaTaskMarks					*TagmaTaskMarks*
	Display the Task Marks.

:TagmaTaskClear					*TagmaTaskClear*
	Clear the Task Marks.

:TagmaTaskToggle				*TagmaTaskToggle*
	Toggle the Task Window.

MAPPINGS					*tagmatasks-mappings*

There are several global mappings for generating the Task List and controlling
the Task Marks. When the Task List is generated key mappings are also
generated for the buffer for jumping between tasks. See |tagmatasks-settings|
for information on controlling the key mappings.

Note:	The |Leader| key is normally set to "\".

<Leader>tt					<Plug>TagmaTasks
	Generate the Task List. Depending on settings will display the Task
	Window, jump to the first Task and mark the lines for each Task. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tt <Plug>TagmaTasks

<Leader>tc					<Plug>TagmaTaskClear
	Clear the marks for each Task. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tc <Plug>TagmaTaskClear

<Leader>tm					<Plug>TagmaTaskMarks
	Display the marks for each Task. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tm <Plug>TagmaTaskMarks

<Leader>tw					<Plug>TagmaTaskToggle
	Toggle the Task Window opened and closed.
	Works as expected when inside the Task Window.
	Note:	When the task window is closed the buffer is wiped. >
		map <silent> <Leader>tw <Plug>TagmaTaskToggle

The following mappings are defined in the buffers that Task Lists are
generated for.

[t						|:lprevious|
	Jump to the previous Task.

]t						|:lnext|
	Jump to the next Task.

[T						|:lfirst|
	Jump to the first Task.

]T						|:llast|
	Jump to the last Task.

SETTINGS					*tagmatasks-settings*

	Automatically update the Task List when the buffer is written or the
	file is modified.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable.>
		let g:TagmaTasksAutoUpdate = 1

	The height of the Task List Window.
	Defaults to 5 rows. >
		let g:TagmaTasksHeight = 1

	Update the Task List when the cursor is not moved for a while.
	This could potentially slow Vim down. Not recommended.
	Defaults to 0. Set to 1 to enable. >
		let g:TagmaTasksIdleUpdate = 0

	Jump to the first task when generating the list.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaTasksJumpTask = 1

	Create the 'Jump' key mappings for the '[' and ']' keys.
	See |tagmatasks-mappings| for details.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaTasksJumpKeys = 1

	Create the marks when generating the Task List.
	See |tagmatasks-marks| for details.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaTasksMarks = 1

	Open the Task List Window after creating the Task List.
	Defaults to 1. Set to 0 to disable. >
		let g:TagmaTasksOpen = 1

	Key map prefix for all commands. To disable the global key mappings
	set this to the empty string ''.
	Defaults to '<Leader>t'. <Leader> is normally '\'. >
		let g:TagmaTasksPrefix = '<Leader>t'

	Task Tokens to search for when generating the Task List.
	The Tokens must NOT contain a '/' or the plugin will fail.
	Defaults to FIXME, TODO, NOTE, XXX and COMBAK. >
		let g:TagmaTasksTokens = ['FIXME', 'TODO', 'NOTE', 'XXX', 'COMBAK']

	|Regexp| to search for tasks. Replaces the tokens defined in
	The |regex| must NOT contain a '/' or the plugin will fail.
	Defaults to an empty string. >
		let g:TagmaTasksRegexp = '\<TODO\|TASK\>'

TASK MARKS					*tagmatasks-marks*

Marks are displayed next to each line that has a Task Token on it. These marks
are ordered by significance. The Markers are highlighted by significance. With
FIXME marked as an error. TODO and NOTE are highlighted as search results. All
other Tokens have normal highlighting.

 Token  | Marker | Highlight
 FIXME  | TF     | Error
 TODO   | TT     | Search
 NOTE   | TN     | Search
 XXX    | TX     | Normal
 OTHER  | T=     | Normal

 vim:ts=8 sw=8 sts=8 noet tw=78 ft=help:


IDE like Task List for Vim buffers. Implemented using :lvimgrep with Markers via Vim signs.






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