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LSudarshan edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the SilverlightProfiler wiki!

This is an attempt to build a profiler for silverlight.

It works by instrumenting the code compile time. You can run it by pointing the command line tool at the xap and also give it arguments to indicate what assemblies and what types to instrument. You can use regex to give the patterns.
The tool will then go and instrument appropriate classes and methods. Go ahead and start your application. You should use CTRL+1 to start the profiler and CTRL+2 to stop it.


  • VS 2010
  • Silverlight tools
  • ruby and the rake gem as the build script is in rake

How to get started

  • Clone the git url
  • go to silverlightprofiler directory and run rake. This should build and runs tests to make sure the profiler will work.
  • The deploy folder contains the necessary binaries.
  • Run the following command
    • Instrument “main Silverlight Assembly” “location of xap” “assembly patterns to instrument” “Class patterns to instrument”
    • A concrete example : SilverlightProfiler.exe SilverlightTestApplication E:\InstrumentedSilverlightTestApplication.xap SilverlightTestApplication !Test
    • The above example is basically saying look at the xap which has the main silverlight assembly called SilverlightTestApplication. We need to instrument just this assembly and instrument all classes which dont have the pattern Test in their name.
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