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Small reverse-proxy which translates gRPC unary methods calls to FastCGI requests (primarily for PHP-FPM).


Unfortunately, PHP can't serve as a gRPC server. But it can generate client code and request / response structures. In this way, for processing simple RPC calls it is enough to transfer body of the message, which it will decode, execute business logic and return a serialized response.

Work scheme:

  • (proxy) Accept a gRPC request;
  • (proxy) Get the body from it, which is serialized Protobuf message;
  • (proxy) Send FastCGI request to PHP-FPM with serialized request body;
  • (php) Read the body and route(PATH) from incoming request;
  • (php) Prepare the result;
  • (php) Serialize it and send it back;
  • (proxy) Read the response, prepare gRPC response and send it to the gRPC request issuer;



  • Go 1.8+


  • go get -u
  • ./grpc-to-fpm

Debug mode

For verbose logging, you can send SIGUSR2 signal to the process to enable debug mode.



By default, configuration must be stored in "grpc-to-fpm.yml".


instancename: my-php-service              # Service name; Primarily for logs
host: ":50051"                            # Host for our 'gRPC' server
debug: false                              # Default debug mode

    host: localhost                       # PHP-FPM address
    port: 9000                            # PHP-FPM port
    scriptpath: /home/myuser/app/handlers # Path of PHP script
    scriptname: index.php                 # Name of PHP script
    returnerror: true                     # Enable passing of PHP errors to the gRPC request issuer

# Optional. Graylog configuration
  host: graylog.localhost
  port: 12201

# Optional. Key and certificate if you want to use TLS
keyFile: localhost.key
crtFile: localhost.pem

All of these configuration variables can be overriden with ENV variables.

For example: CONFIGOR_KEYFILE=localhost.key

PHP script example

If our service definition looks like this:

syntax = 'proto3';

package api.customer;

service CustomerService {
    rpc getSomeInfo(GetSomeInfoRequest) returns (GetSomeInfoResponse) {}

message GetSomeInfoRequest {
    string login = 1;

message GetSomeInfoResponse {
    string first_name = 1;
    string second_name = 2;

then our php handler will look like this:

// Full gRPC method name in format:
// package.service-name/method-name
$route = $_GET['r'];

// Protobuf-serialized request message body
$body = file_get_contents("php://input");

try {
    // We can throw some errors here...
    if (rand(0, 1)) {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Some error happened!");

    // Use structures generated by protobuf plugin to decode request and encode response
    $request = new GetSomeInfoRequest;

    $customer = findCustomer($request->getLogin());

    $response = (new GetSomeInfoResponse)

    // Send response to the client
    echo $response->serialize();
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
    // Valid gRPC status code
    // All statuscodes is available in:
    $errorCode = 13;

    header("X-Grpc-Status: ERROR");
    header("X-Grpc-Error-Code: {$errorCode}");
    header("X-Grpc-Error-Description: {$e->getMessage()}");