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To use

Clone to your machine, run bundle, set up the databases (instructions below), run rackup and then on the browser go to localhost:xxxx (xxxx being the port number on rackup ie 4567)

To set up the database

  1. Connect to psql
  2. Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE makers_bnb;
  3. Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c makers_bnb;
  4. Run the queries we have saved in db/migrations

To set up the test database

  1. Connect to psql
  2. Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE makers_bnb_test;
  3. Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c makers_bnb_test;
  4. Run the queries we have saved in db/migrations

Headline specifications

  • Any signed-up user can list a new space.
  • Users can list multiple spaces.
  • Users should be able to name their space, provide a short description of the space, and a price per night.
  • Users should be able to offer a range of dates where their space is available.
  • Any signed-up user can request to hire any space for one night, and this should be approved by the user that owns that space.
  • Nights for which a space has already been booked should not be available for users to book that space.
  • Until a user has confirmed a booking request, that space can still be booked for that night.


  • Users should receive an email whenever one of the following happens:
  • They sign up
  • They create a space
  • They update a space
  • A user requests to book their space
  • They confirm a request
  • They request to book a space
  • Their request to book a space is confirmed
  • Their request to book a space is denied
  • Users should receive a text message to a provided number whenever one of the following happens:
  • A user requests to book their space
  • Their request to book a space is confirmed
  • Their request to book a space is denied
  • A ‘chat’ functionality once a space has been booked, allowing users whose space-booking request has been confirmed to chat with the user that owns that space
  • Basic payment implementation though Stripe.


Owner can list one or more spaces. / Owner can add space with name, description and ppn. / Owner should be able to offer a range of dates where their space is available.

Holiday maker can view spaces. / Holiday maker can click on individual space for more information. / Holiday maker can click on individual space to make enquiry

User Stories

As a user, so I can sign up I would like a sign up page to store name, pwd, email

As a user, so i can see all the listings, I would like to see a list of all spaces

As a user, so I can post my space(s), I would like to submit my listing with a name, description, ppn and dates

As a user, so I can see more information on the space, I would like to click on a specific listing

As a user, so I can make an enquiry, I would like to email the space owner

As a user, so I can see my account info, I want to be able to visit my profile page

As a user, so I can view all my listings, I want to be able to see all profile page

As a user, so I can make changes to my listings, I want to be able to edit my listings

As a user, so I can make remove a listing, I want to be able to delete it from my profile page

Domain Model

Object | Message Listing | .initialize Name Description PPN | .all ** | .create ** | .update | .delete | .find

User | .all | .create


Database: makers_bnb makers_bnb_test

Tables: Listings: id primary key / foreign key(user id)/ name/ description/ price User table: id primary / name/ username/ email/ password Dates table?: Domain

Agreed working day

(i.e. stand-ups/ pull requests/ retros)



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