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🧫 FAIR metrics for Rare Disease research

Test Metrics

An API to deploy FAIR metrics tests for the research on Rare Disease community.

FAIR metrics tests are API operations which test if a subject URL is complying with certain requirements defined by a community, they usually check if the resource available at the subject URL complies with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).

This API is deployed publicly at

🗃️ It can be used with the following FAIR evaluation services::

This FAIR Metrics tests API has been built with the FAIR test python library.

🧑‍💻 Deploy the API

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd RD-FAIRmetric-F4

🐳 Development with docker (recommended)

From the root of this repository, run the command below, and access the OpenAPI Swagger UI on http://localhost:8000

docker-compose up

The API will automatically reload on changes to the code.

🐍 Development without docker

Note: it has been tested only with Python 3.8

Install dependencies from the source code:

pip install -e .

Start the API locally on http://localhost:8000

uvicorn main:app --reload

🚀 In production with docker

We use the file to define the production deployment configuration.

To start the stack with production config:

docker-compose -f up -d

We use a reverse nginx-proxy for docker to route the services.

✅ Test the Metrics API

The tests are run automatically by a GitHub Action workflow at every push to the main branch.

Add tests using the test_test parameter in each metric test in the metrics folder.

Run the tests locally with docker-compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up --force-recreate

You can enable more detailed logs by changing the command: in the docker-compose.test.yml file to use pytest -s