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Lyra Permissionless 1.6.8

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@wizd wizd released this 07 Aug 08:37
· 2810 commits to master since this release

what's new:

  1. changed wallet storage. now you can specify a password to the wallet. this will improve security.
  2. improved authorizing algorithm to gain more safety for blockchain.


this release has breaking changes that need the blockchain reset. please follow the following steps to upgrade:

  1. before, backup your wallet's private key. you may have to backup all your wallet's private key.
  2. upgrade to this release (1.6.8)
  3. restore your wallet by the private key you backup in step 1.
  4. for node operator, the mongodb database need to be cleaned in mongodb's commandline:

use lyra

  1. remove ~/.lyra/testnet/Consolidation.json

thanks to all node operators. btw, all funds have been resent to the address request. if anyone does not get the token, please contact me by telegram.