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Development Host (EC2)

jrosgiralt edited this page Jan 13, 2014 · 4 revisions

We have a new EC2 server that we are able to dedicate to development. Feel free to use it! So now there are two ways to develop Labdoo code:

(1) You can download the Labdoo code in your local computer and work locally. This is useful if you need speed, low latency, and if you need to work offline (e.g., when traveling).

(2) You can also work from the EC2 server (below i provide the login info). This is useful when you want to demo something to other developers or for staging code prior to production as we will do in the future, or simply if you don't want to use your local machine.

So here is how you access the development machine:

$ chmod 400 key-dev.pem $ ssh -i key-dev.pem

If you don't have the key-dev.pem file, let me know and i will email to you.

(the URL ec2-23-22-194-7 is ephemeral and could change in the future, but we would let you know if that happens--although it should change seldomly)

A preferred way to work is for you to clone your own development snapshot of Labdoo. In the EC2 host, we have a general installation at /var/chroot as usual and you can clone it as explained here:

When cloning it, a good option is to use your name as alias. So for instance, we currently have two clones, one for Dashamir and one for Jordi:

One important thing is that to make any of the above URLs work, please add the naming resolution to your /etc/hosts. The IP address of our server can be derived from the EC2 url above and it is: 23-22-194-7

So to make the above URL work, add the following lines to your local /etc/hosts file:

You can also add the following to have access to the root (non-cloned) snapshot of Labdoo:

After cloning, you can for instance checkout your own development branch and operate git/drush as usual.

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