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Scaling Equilibrium Propagation to Deep ConvNets by Drastically Reducing its Gradient Estimator Bias

This repository contains the code producing the results of the paper "Scaling Equilibrium Prop to Deep ConvNets by Drastically Reducing its Gradient Estimator Bias".
This implementation of EP makes extensive use of PyTorch automatic differentiation capability. We recommand the reader to look first at the class MLP of to understand how this implementation works, the convolutional architecture has the same structure but is naturally wordier. The dynamics of neurons as well as the EP update rule is obtained by automatic differentiation of the primitive function Phi.

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Setting up the environment

Run the following command lines to set the environment using conda:

conda create --name EP python=3.6
conda activate EP
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch


When setting the flags --todo 'train' --save, a results folder will be created at results/(EP or BPTT)/loss/yyyy-mm-dd/hh-mm-ss with a plot of the train and test accuracy updated at each epoch, and an histogram of neural activations. The best performing model is saved at and the checkpoint for resuming training at checkpoint.tar. To resume training, simply rerun the same command line with the flag --load-path 'results/.../hh-mm-ss' and set the epoch argument to the remaining number of epochs. When the training is over, the final model and checkpoint are saved at and final_checkpoint.tar (they usually differ from the best model).

Training a recurrent CNN on CIFAR-10 with symmetric connections

  • For the results on the MSE Loss function (relevant arguments --loss 'mse'):
# EP with one-sided gradient estimate
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --betas 0.0 0.5 --loss 'mse' --save --device 0 
# EP with random sign gradient estimate
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --random-sign --betas 0.0 0.5 --loss 'mse' --save --device 0 
# EP with symmetric gradient estimate
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --thirdphase --betas 0.0 0.5 --loss 'mse' --save --device 0 
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'BPTT' --loss 'mse' --save --device 0 
  • For the training using the Cross Entropy Loss function (relevant arguments --loss 'cel' --softmax):
# EP with symmetric gradient estimate
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 25 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --betas 0.0 1.0 --thirdphase --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0 
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 25 --mbs 128 --alg 'BPTT' --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0 
  • For the Crossentropy Loss training using dropout run :
# EP with symmetric gradient estimate and dropout
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --dropouts 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 25 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --betas 0.0 1.0 --thirdphase --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0 

To run BPTT with dropout a GPU with more than 10Gb RAM is required.

# BPTT dropout
python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --dropouts 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 25 --mbs 128 --alg 'BPTT' --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0

Training a recurrent CNN on CIFAR-10 with asymmetric connections

EP with different updates between forward and backward weights:

python --model 'VFCNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --betas 0.0 1.0 --thirdphase --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0

EP with same update between forward and backward weights:

python --model 'VFCNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'EP' --betas 0.0 1.0 --thirdphase --same-update --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0


python --model 'VFCNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --channels 128 256 512 512 --kernels 3 3 3 3 --pools 'mmmm' --strides 1 1 1 1 --paddings 1 1 1 0 --fc 10 --optim 'sgd' --lrs 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.05 --wds 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 3e-4 --mmt 0.9 --lr-decay --epochs 120 --act 'my_hard_sig' --todo 'train' --T1 250 --T2 30 --mbs 128 --alg 'BPTT' --loss 'cel' --softmax --save --device 0


To evaluate a model, simply change the flag --todo to --todo 'evaluate' and specify the path to the folder the same way as for resuming training. Train and Test accuracy will be appended to the hyperparameters.txt file.

python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --todo 'evaluate' --T1 250 --mbs 200 --thirdphase --loss 'mse' --save --device 0 --load-path 'results/test'

Comparing EP and BPTT

EP updates approximates ground truth gradients computed by BPTT. To check if the theorem is satisfied set the --todo flag to --todo 'gducheck'. With the flag --save enabled, plots comparing EP (dashed) and BPTT (solid) updates for each layers will be created in the results folder.

python --model 'CNN' --task 'CIFAR10' --data-aug --todo 'gducheck' --T1 250 --T2 15 --mbs 128 --thirdphase --betas 0.0 0.1 --loss 'mse' --save --device 0 --load-path 'results/test'

More command lines

More command line are available at in the check folder of this repository, including training MLP on MNIST. See the bottom of the page for a summary of all the arguments in the command lines.

Summary table of the command lines arguments

Arguments Description Examples
model Choose MLP or CNN and Vector field. --model 'MLP', --model 'VFMLP',--model 'CNN',--model 'VFCNN'
task Choose the task. --task 'MNIST', --task 'CIFAR10'
data-aug Enable data augmentation for CIFAR10. --data-aug
lr-decay Enable learning rate decay. --lr-decay
scale Multiplication factor for weight initialisation. --scale 0.2
archi Layers dimension for MLP. --archi 784 512 10
channels Feature maps for CNN. --channels 128 256 512
pools Layers wise poolings. m is maxpool, a is avgpool and i is no pooling. All are kernel size 2 and stride 2. --pools 'mmm' for 3 conv layers.
kernels Kernel sizes for CNN. --kernels 3 3 3
strides Strides for CNN. --strides 1 1 1
paddings Padding for conv layers. --paddings 1 1 1
fc Linear classifier --fc 10 for one fc layer, --fc 512 10
act Activation function for neurons --act 'tanh','mysig','hard_sigmoid'
todo Train or check the theorem --todo 'train',--todo 'gducheck'
alg EqProp or BackProp Through Time. --alg 'EP', --alg 'BPTT'
check-thm Check the theorem while training. (only if EP) --check-thm
T1,T2 Number of time steps for phase 1 and 2. --T1 30 --T2 10
betas Beta values beta1 and beta2 for EP phases 1 and 2. --betas 0.0 0.1
random-sign Choose a random sign for beta2. --random-sign
thirdphase Two phases 2 are done with beta2 and -beta2. --thirdphase
loss Loss functions. --loss 'mse',--loss 'cel', --loss 'cel' --softmax
optim Optimizer for training. --optim 'sgd', --optim 'adam'
lrs Layer wise learning rates. --lrs 0.01 0.005
wds Layer wise weight decays. (None by default). --wds 1e-4 1e-4
mmt Global momentum. (if SGD). --mmt 0.9
epochs Number of epochs. --epochs 200
mbs Minibatch size --mbs 128
device Index of the gpu. --device 0
save Create a folder where the accuracys are plotted upon training and the best model is saved. --save
load-path Resume the training of a saved simulations. --load-path 'results/2020-04-25/10-11-12'
seed Choose the seed. --seed 0


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