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Releases: Ladder99/fanuc-driver

Release Docker/Windows 32bit -- version 0.7

17 Nov 17:29
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What's new in version 0.7:


  1. Built against d538eef.
  2. Linux Docker images available here.
  3. Sample MTConnect devices file and Agent configuration available here.
  4. Older but still relevant installation video is available here.

Release Docker -- version 0.6.5

29 Mar 16:35
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What's new in version 0.6.5:

  • Upgraded from .NET Standard 6.0 to .NET Standard 7.0.
  • Stateful alarm and operator messages data collectors and transformers.
  • Extended configuration for data collectors.
  • Updated MTConnect.NET library to 5.4.1, resolving duplicate Conditions.
  • Embedded modified SparkplugNET library to support Ignition.
  • Resolve deadlocks when shutting down application host due to threaded Focas message pump.


  1. Built against f905690.
  2. Linux Docker images available here.
  3. Sample MTConnect devices file and Agent configuration available here.
  4. Older but still relevant installation video is available here.

Windows 32bit -- version 0.6

06 Feb 01:21
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What's new in version 0.6:

  • Additional data collectors.
  • Extended configuration for data collectors.
  • Filtering of paths, axes, and spindles.
  • Maintain Focas connection handle across scans, reducing time required to collect data.
  • Pretty print generated MTConnect device model.
  • Updated MTConnect.NET library to 5.0.0, resolving missing DataItems.


  1. Built against 0f0d6fd.
  2. .NET Standard 6.0 Runtime must be installed prior to running fanuc.exe.
  3. Exclude fanuc.exe process or containing folder from antivirus real-time scan for improved system performance.
  4. Linux Docker images available here.
  5. Sample MTConnect devices file and Agent configuration available here.
  6. Older but still relevant installation video is available here.

Windows 32bit -- version 0.5

03 Aug 19:03
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Watch Windows installation procedure video.
Watch what's new in version 0.2.

What's new in version 0.5:

  • Upgraded from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET Standard 6.0
  • More complete outputs for MQTT, SparkplugB, InfluxDB, and MTConnect


  1. Built against 886a5a3.
  2. .NET Standard 6.0 Runtime must be installed prior to running fanuc.exe.
  3. Exclude fanuc.exe process or containing folder from antivirus real-time scan for improved system performance.
  4. Linux Docker images available here.
  5. Sample MTConnect devices file and Agent configuration available here.

Windows 32bit -- version 0.2

28 Feb 19:57
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Watch Windows installation procedure video.
Watch what's new in version 0.2.


  1. Built against aad808a.
  2. .NET Core 3.1 Runtime must be installed prior to running fanuc.exe.
  3. Exclude fanuc.exe process or containing folder from antivirus real-time scan for improved system performance.
  4. Linux Docker images available here.
  5. Sample MTConnect devices file available here.

Windows 32bit -- version 0.1

16 Feb 08:12
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Watch Windows installation procedure video.


  1. .NET Core 3.1 Runtime must be installed prior to running fanuc.exe.
  2. Exclude fanuc.exe process or containing folder from antivirus real-time scan for improved system performance.
  3. Linux Docker images available here.