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Releases: Laisky/go-utils

v4.10.0: refactor: Update alert system with rate limiting, options, and gorout…

17 Jul 06:02
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  • a6d7f90 (HEAD -> v4-dev, tag: v4.10.0, origin/v4-dev, origin/v4, v4) refactor: Update alert system with rate limiting, options, and goroutine sender
  • 34dbeb2 feat: Remove unused HMACSha256 function and update dependencies
  • 85f8e5e refactor: Remove unused HMACSha256 function and update dependencies
  • 5223baa refactor: Improve RSA encryption and signing functions
  • 6db1895 refactor: Improve RSA encryption and signing functions
  • f1902ab feat: Add RSAEncryptByOAEP and RSADecryptByOAEP functions for RSA encryption
  • cb4eba7 feat: Add RSAEncryptByOAEP and RSADecryptByOAEP functions for RSA encryption
  • 8c3b633 fix: Implement high-level support for URL opening
  • eb19077 fix: Refactor and enhance alert system: add rate limiting, options, and goroutine sender
  • 2c2f2b4 feat: Implement Rate Limiter for Alert System
  • 811401f fix: Improve error handling and logging in graphql mutation requests
  • d034336 feat: cache implementation with FIFO package and add LRU cache benchmark.
  • 4495663 fix: Refactor X509 CRL Handling with New Function X509CrlOptions2Tpl; Update Converter
  • c3c2dd4 feat: Refactor and extend certificate parsing and conversion functions in crypto package
  • cab4ae1 feat: crypto/smtongsuo & crypto/x509 for improved SM2, ECDSA, Ed25519 & SM3 support
  • 187c234 test: Update crypto/smtongsuo_test.go with SM2/RSA encryption tests
  • d81a576 feat: Add SM2 encryption/decryption & testing in crypto module
  • ebff789 fix: Add public key algorithm support and testing to crypto/tongsudo
  • ad63dbc fix: Improve OID handling and certificate parsing in crypto/smtongsuo
  • a8478af fix: Update crypto/smtongsuo.go for improved security
  • 597e4dc fix: Improve Certificate Handling and Testing in Crypto Module
  • 80d4e56 fix: Add certificate validation and testing improvements in crypto/smtongsuo
  • 4842338 feat: Add certificate chain verification and Sm4Baisc encryption to smtongsuo
  • 4a5544e feat: Add GetPubkeyFromCertPem function and cert validation to smtongsuo
  • e43c91d feat: Add custom binary search function to algorithm package and improve crypto SMTPSuo regex parsing
  • 469a7e5 fix: Add NotBefore and NotAfter fields to X509CertificateOutput in smtongsuo
  • 9f8168a feat: add GetEnvInsensitive
  • cd071c3 (tag: v4.9.1) fix: Refactor GoroutineTest methods to support cancellation
  • c6898a7 chore: Update dependencies and add certificate chain verification tests
  • a0186cf fix: Update error handling and add SM2 certificate test case to Pem2Certs function
  • 0db3028 fix: Improve crypto module with SM2/RSA cross algorithm support, X509 certificate improvements, and refactoring
  • f90360d fix: use parent's signature algorithm as default when sign csr
  • 613a461 (tag: v4.9.0) feat: Add SHA512 signing and validation for Ed25519
  • 4c11f4a style: Remove arguments and deprecate insecure protocols
  • 42a1d40 feat: Adopt Kyber crypto library and Schnorr signatures
  • b70387c refactor: Upgrade cache implementation and introduce TtlCache
  • 3b46076 feat: Refactor: Update various dependencies
  • 7842941 feat: Integrate Tongsuo SM2 algorithm
  • 9a990fa test: Add SM2 SM3 signature verification tests
  • 904fac0 refactor: Rename Sm4 functions and add interoperability test
  • 97b42b1 test: Update GMSSL test module and add SM3 hash algorithm tests
  • 2a6d28e refactor: Switch to using Sm2Sm3 for SM Tongsuo signing and verification
  • 26e0a84 feat: Implement Tongsuo X509 and SM4/SM2/SM3 algorithms
  • 9380c4b feat: Configure GZip decompress size limit and add build info formatting
  • 6a8cbb0 refactor: Use 'slices.Contains' in 'utils'
  • c6cf083 test: Add functions to convert between CSR and PEM formats
  • cb33f2b feat: Add SAN to certificate signing request
  • 3cf71e8 feat: Use DER instead of base64 output format for csr
  • fb91b02 feat: Generate CSRs in base64 format
  • 73bcd25 feat: Convert X.509 sign CSR options to OpenSSL config file
  • a3f6016 feat: Refactor TongSuo for certificate generation
  • 4e0ac97 refactor: Use crypto salt in Gzip compression
  • 0135bf4 feat: Add Gzip compression and decompression functions
  • 677a959 chore: Upgrade* dependencies
  • cb47167 fix: Implement SM2 and SM3 for TLS
  • cb19d41 test: Improve parallelism in utils_test.go
  • 9e3378b test: Increase default wait time to handle clock manipulation
  • 9b23258 test: Adjust clock behavior in utils test
  • 20b2b6d test: Disable parallelism for the TLS tests

v4.8.0: feat: Enhance certificate signing request output

16 Jan 03:42
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  • 2edf9e3 feat: Enhance certificate signing request output
  • f8747b2 feat: Add Ed25519 algorithm for signing and verification
  • 9fc9907 docs: Warn about potential precision loss when parsing milliseconds
  • f3bf190 feat: Extend time parsing to include truncation
  • a96184e feat: Add function to compare two time instances
  • 8f7e21f chore: Migrate SMTongsuo cipher to BoringCrypto
  • ab3ab7b fix: Remove trailing spaces from certificates
  • f7a9ea7 feat: Split PEM certificate chain into individual X.509 certificates
  • 73ac024 feat: Add slice filtering utility function

v4.7.3: test: Introduce generics to ExpCache

05 Jan 04:49
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  • b96962b test: Introduce generics to ExpCache
  • 849c0b5 test: Enhance multiple test file parallelism and behavior
  • abb2680 test: Improve testing and benchmarking of x509 and aes libraries
  • de20394 refactor: Deprecate functions in the common and jsoniter modules
  • 3bb39e8 feat: Introduce function to convert numbers to roman numerals

v4.7.2: style: Add a newline at the end of PEM conversions

03 Jan 07:45
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  • 1ef7494 style: Add a newline at the end of PEM conversions
  • 9fd4713 fix: support certs chain in pem without line breaker
  • de2c36b feat: Add new functions to generate private key and certificate
  • 8877c39 fix: Restructure certificate info function
  • b90654a ci: Update Go version used in test workflow
  • 81b682f feat: Add functionalities to manipulate X.509 certificate signing requests
  • 6933d5a fix: X509Cert2OpensslConf support sans
  • d18a894 feat: Expand X.509 certificate request options
  • eec1bf4 feat: Refactor SM4 and AES crypto implementations
  • 28393b8 feat: Add SM4 encryption and HMAC calculation
  • 08726fd (tag: v4.7.1) fix: CombineSortedChain
  • c67ee7c refactor: Refactor and move utilities from common to utils

v4.7.0: feat: Add support for generating Ed25519 private keys and certificates

21 Dec 07:03
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  • 1428285 feat: Add support for generating Ed25519 private keys and certificates
  • 78294b1 feat: add SM Tongsuo
  • 038816c feat: Refactor SMTongsuo generation to support certificate validity
  • 83df41c feat: Refactor X509 certificate generation and testing
  • 725d909 fix: cert sign
  • dd722ec feat: add X509Cert2OpensslConf
  • a9b01d0 fix: Update x509 package for certificate maximum path length support
  • fb0a9fb revert: remove gmsm
  • d282cc7 refactor: Refactor cryptographic package imports and dependencies
  • e012a88 feat: add sm2 support
  • 844aee0 refactor: Refactor AES encryption logic
  • 12c478e test: Refactor and optimize code for nested maps in utils_test.
  • defd35b feat: add RemoveEmptyVal
  • a807526 chore: Update dependencies for Go modules
  • 83f6dcf test: add benchmark for UniqueStrings
  • b2ec266 perf: improve UniqueStrings' performance
  • 606fdba feat: Implement reverse function and test case
  • 7bf37d0 refactor: Update cryptography key agreement terminology and file names
  • 3649401 fix: Refactor key agreement functions and tests
  • 82c7c72 feat: Update key agreement functionality in crypto package
  • 86666c9 feat: add ECDH
  • 1b5b938 refactor: Refactor generic types and use pointers in sync and utils files
  • 282912a chore: Add and nilaway ./... to Makefile
  • 84bfca8 refactor: Refactor sleep function to use context cancellation
  • a1c9be4 docs: Improve security and update comments for crypto kms


21 Dec 07:03
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  • 1d1cb79 (tag: v4.6.0) feat: add RegexNamedSubMatch2
  • fbe719a feat: Add base64 encoding and decoding functions for EncryptedData
  • f90f3c8 feat: add ParseUUID7
  • 16c9a64 feat: add AEADEncryptBasic and AEADDecryptBasic to deal with iv and tag manually
  • bfbb931 feat: Refactor JSON package and tests
  • 5cf9534 chore: Refactor JSON handling and move utility functions
  • 054359d feat: Update JSON package and dependencies
  • 3e010e9 refactor: Modify the UUID generation method
  • 652686e test: Improve test coverage and parallelize hashing tests
  • 6b94747 feat: Add UUID version 7 support and tests
  • 818ab6c feat: Refactor panic handling functions in utils package
  • b47629f feat: upgrade modified zap to support hook embedded fields
  • 0e17fe3 feat: Refactor HTTP package for improved Jaeger tracing ID handling
  • 1bb02fa refactor: Refactor Jaeger tracing ID handling in HTTP package
  • 3de5849 feat: Implement Jaeger tracing functionality in HTTP package
  • a2e66bd feat: add default tracing key
  • 56fa246 style: fix linter

v4.5.0: feat: add `RunCMD2`

24 Aug 05:59
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  • de5e26f feat: add RunCMD2
  • ed40e56 feat: add NewECDSAPrikeyAndCert
  • 568c0fd fix: Improve user prompts and formatting in terminal functions
  • 671bf04 chore: Update dependencies and fix import statements
  • e30bde1 docs: Improve documentation and fix bug in tls_test
  • 0778353 docs: add some comment
  • 0f20cb7 fix: fix some corner case for JoinFilepath
  • 4a27974 fix: defend zip-slip in FilepathJoin
  • 71adb92 feat: add FilepathJoin
  • 468fcd1 perf: remove-dup concurrently
  • 1766541 feat: Refactor and improve code across multiple files
  • 1a75f84 chore: Enable multiple linters in .golangci.lint.yml
  • 745d510 feat: add CloseWithLog and FlushWithLog
  • acb18f7 refactor: Refactor code by removing unused imports and adding a new decoder variable
  • 8024ff3 feat: add some convert tools for x.509 CRL
  • 75a4d4d docs: Improve crypto package for wider PKI system use
  • ba457b0 test: Increase TLS test coverage and import packages.
  • f6778f1 feat: support 1pondo and carib's file format
  • 55b9487 refactor: Refactor file naming conventions for consistency
  • 9b51353 feat: Update AV filename conversion logic and tests
  • d8e9276 feat: Refactor file path handling in rename feature
  • b7f452d feat: Refactor command to improve naming conventions
  • 416c401 feat: Refactor file handling and add new tests
  • 9c87305 test: Increase security measures in crypto module.
  • 083c8b0 refactor: Refactor and update crypto and testing functions
  • fb7c254 test: add more test case

v4.3.0: refactor: Refactor JSON usage throughout project

28 May 01:22
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  • d84c293 (HEAD -> v4-dev, tag: v4.3.0, origin/v4-dev) refactor: Refactor JSON usage throughout project
  • d49dd31 feat: Refactor x509 certificate options and functions
  • fdf8abc refactor: Improve readability and functionality of x509 and CSR handling.
  • e42c068 refactor: Refactor TLS functionality and add CSR information command.
  • b4fba62 feat: add Input
  • e26d11c refactor: Refactor JSON Marshaling and Unmarshaling to Support Comments.

v4.2.1: test: Clarify Shamir secret sharing algorithm implementation

16 May 05:32
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- Improve documentation of Shamir's secret sharing algorithm
- Add test case for combining parts with a different key
- Remove unnecessary offset addition from parts dictionary


14 Mar 07:26
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  • fdeaa43 (HEAD -> v4-dev, tag: v4.1.0, origin/v4-dev, origin/v4, v4) feat: Cert2Der support multiple certs
  • c39f3d1 test: add test case
  • 8469f97 refact: kms
  • 5762346 feat: add EncryptedData
  • 017cc9c feat: add kms
  • 0f341ce feat: add AEADEncrypt
  • 6886a59 docs: add comments
  • ca0c585 feat: add PasswordHash
  • a9c8fd8 feat: add WithHTTPTlsConfig
  • 844e3ae feat: add shamir
  • 0763355 feat: add WithHTTPClientProxy