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Newton School Assignments

Newton School Assignments is the repository which contains the assignments of Newton School November Batch 3. Here is the list of assignments with their links to the code


  • These codes might not be optimum, the purpose is only to pass the test cases.
  • Try to solve these asignments by your own first, then go for these codes.
  • You don't need to go to the whole file structure of this repository, scroll down and click the assignment name it will take you to the code.
  • The below list is sorted according to the Newton assignments tab.

Status of Assignments and links to the codes

  • '✔️' : Means assignment Completed and avaliable
  • '❌' : Means assignment not avaliable yet

  1. React Router, Using Stateful Lists, Understanding "Keys", Adding Dynamic Styles, ... - Post Class

    1. Golf: Part-2
    2. ✔️ Relatives List React
    3. React Router easy
    4. React Router Medium

  2. ✔️ React State & Events, Lifting The State Up, Updating State That Depends On The P ... - In Class

    1. ✔️ Holiday List React Plans for holiday?

  3. ✔️ React Handling Side Effects, What are "Side Effects" & Introducing useEffect, Us ... - Post Class

    1. ✔️ React Pagination

  4. ✔️ Stack [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Greater is better
    2. ✔️ Stack implemetation using linked list
    3. ✔️ Nearest Smaller Element
    4. ✔️ Stock Span Problem
    5. ✔️ Stack operations
    6. ✔️ Height Problem
    7. ✔️ Infix to Postfix
    8. ✔️ Array implementation of stack

  5. ✔️ ArrayList and Linked List [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Delete the Kth node from the end
    2. ✔️ Print the Linked List
    3. ✔️ Intersection of two linked list
    4. ✔️ Palindrome List
    5. ✔️ Merge two sorted linked list
    6. ✔️ Deletion in Doubly Linked List
    7. ✔️ Reversing a double linked list

  6. ❌ STL [Post Class]

    1. ❌ Bubble sort in pair array
    2. ❌ Largest subarray of 0's and 1's
    3. ✔️ Subarray with given sum
    4. ❌ Floor and Ceil
    5. ❌ Maximum subarray sum modulo M
    6. ✔️ Addition of Common Elements
    7. ❌ Mutating Array
    8. ❌ Pair Sum Existence-Revisited
    9. ✔️ Max freq
    10. ✔️ Pair Sum in vector
    11. ❌ Smaller elements
    12. ✔️ Remove duplicates from array

  7. ✔️ Strings[Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Palindrome
    2. ✔️ Repeating Character - First Appearance Leftmost
    3. ✔️ String Sum
    4. ✔️ Anagram
    5. ✔️ Longest Distinct characters in string
    6. ✔️ Reverse
    7. ✔️ Is palindrome?
    8. ✔️ Longest Common Prefix in an Array
    9. ✔️ Odd characters
    10. ✔️ Pangram Checking

  8. Simple Array Sorting and its implementation [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Sort 0's 1's and 2's
    2. ✔️ Shopping
    3. ❌ Maximum Force
    4. ✔️ Bubble Sort (descending order)
    5. ✔️ Selection Sort
    6. ✔️ Implementing Insertion sort
    7. ✔️ Implementing Bubble Sort
    8. ✔️ Implementing Merge Sort

  9. ✔️ 2-D Matrix

    1. ✔️ Good Cells
    2. ✔️ A Boolean Matrix Problem
    3. ✔️ Row with maximum 1's

  10. ✔️ Functions [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Help Sherlock

  11. ✔️ 1-D Array [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Buildings
    2. ✔️ Is this repeated? (Contest)
    3. ✔️ Simple Arrangement
    4. ✔️ Alternate Sum product
    5. ✔️ Replace element

  12. Linear Search and Binary Search [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Square Root Of an Integer
    2. ❌ K- sum
    3. ❌ Min Cut Tree
    4. ✔️ Minimum Element in Sorted and Rotated Array

  13. Linear Search and Binary Search [In Class]

    1. ✔️ Searching an element in a sorted array
    2. ❌ Kth Smallest Difference
    3. ❌ Shipping Parcels

  14. ✔️ Functions & Recursion

    1. ✔️ Candy Crush
    2. ✔️ Number of ways
    3. ✔️ Fibonacci Numbers
    4. ✔️ Sum of digits
    5. ✔️ Sum of Product of Digits of a given number

  15. ✔️ Development Enviornment Setup, Fundamentals of java [In Class]

    1. ✔️ Focal length of Spherical Mirror
    2. ✔️ Cuboid Perimeter

  16. ✔️ Children prop (Concept of Composition), Organizing Component Files, Component fu ...

    1. ✔️ Nested List

  17. ✔️ 2-D Matrix [In Class]

    1. ✔️ Max sum column
    2. ✔️ Diagonal Sum

  18. ✔️ 1-D Array [In Class]

    1. ✔️ Sum and Mean
    2. ✔️ Increasing array
    3. ✔️ Average me

  19. ✔️ Control Structures and Loops [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Newton School Problem
    2. ✔️ Triangle (right angle)
    3. ✔️ Pattern Printing

  20. ✔️ Loops [Post Class]

    1. ✔️ Single Digit
    2. ✔️ Armstrong Number

  21. ✔️ Objected Oriented Programming [In Class]

    1. ✔️ Clases in java

  22. ✔️ Functions & Recursion [In Class]

    1. ✔️ Power function
    2. ✔️ Tower of Hanoi
    3. ✔️ Factorial - Recursion

  23. ✔️ (15 Feb 2022) JS Practise Contest

    1. ✔️ Todo List - Js
    2. ✔️ JS Reverse

  24. ✔️ (8 Feb 2022) JS Contest - 2

    1. ✔️ Youtube Likes
    2. ✔️ Hot or Cold: Part-1
    3. ✔️ Grocery list
    4. ✔️ Javascript Prototypes
    5. ✔️ Js Error Handling


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