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A healthchecker for Anycasted services.

anycast-healthchecker monitors a service by doing periodic health checks and based on the result instructs Bird daemon to either advertise or withdraw the corresponding route. As a result Bird will only advertise routes for healthy services.

You'll have to configure Bird properly in order to interface with anycast-healthchecker. The configuration is detailed later in this document.

anycast-healthchecker is a Python program, it uses the daemon library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process and threading to run multiple service checks in parallel.

Anycast is a network address scheme where traffic from a sender has more than one potential receivers, but only one of them receives it. Routing protocols, BGP or OSPF, decide which one of the potential receivers will actually receive traffic based on the topology of the network. The main attribute which contributes to the decision is the distance in terms of hops between the sender and the receiver. The nearest receiver to a sender always receives the traffic and this only changes if something changes on the network, another receiver closest to the sender appears or current receiver disappears.

The three drawings below exhibit how traffic is routed between a sender and multiple potential receivers when something changes on network.




These potential receivers use BGP or OSPF by running an Internet Routing daemon, Bird or Quagga, to simultaneously announce the same destination IP address from different places on the network. Due to the nature of Anycast receivers can be located on any network across a global network infrastructure.

Anycast doesn't balance traffic as only one receiver attracts traffic from senders. For instance, if there are two receivers which announce the same destination IP address in certain location, traffic will be distributed across those two receivers unevenly as senders can be spread across the network in an uneven way and the main criteria for choosing were to route traffic is the distance between the sender and receiver.

Anycast is being used as a mechanism to switch traffic between and within data-centers for the following main reasons:

  • the switch of traffic occurs without the need to enforce a change to the clients

In case of loss of a service in one location, traffic to that location will be switched to another data-center without any manual intervention and most importantly without pushing a change to the clients which you don't always control.

  • the switch happens within few milliseconds

The same technology can be used for balancing traffic using Equal-Cost Multi-Path.

ECMP routing is another network technology where traffic can be routed over multiple paths. In the context of routing protocols, path is the route a packet has to take in order to be delivered to a destination. Because these multiple paths have the same cost (in terms of hops), traffic is balanced across them. This provides the possibility to perform load-balancing of traffic across multiple servers. Routers are the devices which perform load-balancing of traffic and most of them use a deterministic way to select the server based on the following four properties of IP packets:

  • source IP
  • source PORT
  • destination IP
  • destination PORT

Each unique combination of values for those four properties is called network flow. For each different network flow a different destination server is selected so traffic is evenly balanced across all servers. These servers run an Internet Routing daemon in the same way as with Anycast case but with the major difference that all servers receive traffic. The main characteristic of this type of load-balancing is that is stateless. Router balances traffic to a destination IP address based on the quadruple network flow without the need to understand and inspect protocols above Layer 3. As a result it is very cheap in terms of resources and very fast at the same time. This is commonly advertised as traffic balancing at wire-speed.

The current release of anycast-healthchecker supports only the Bird daemon which you have to configure in a specific way. Thus, it is mandatory to explain very briefly how Bird handles advertisements for routes.

Bird maintains a routing information base (RIB) and various protocols import/export routes to/from it. The diagram below illustrates how Bird advertises routes for IPs assigned to the loopback interface to the rest of the network using BGP protocol. Bird can also import routes learned via BGP/OSPF protocols, but this part of the routing process is irrelevant to the functionality of anycast-healthchecker.


A route is always associated with a service which runs locally on the box. The Anycasted service is a daemon (HAProxy, Nginx, Bind etc) which processes incoming traffic and listens to an IP (Anycast Service Address) for which a route exists in RIB and it's advertised by Bird.

As it is exhibited in the above diagram a route is advertised only when:

  1. The IP is assigned to the loopback interface.
  2. direct protocol from Bird imports a route for that IP in RIB.
  3. BGP/OSPF protocols export that route from RIB to a network peer.

The route associated with the Anycasted service must be either advertised or withdrawn based on the health status of the service, otherwise traffic will always be routed to the local node regardless of the status of the service.

Bird provides filtering capabilities with the help of a simple programming language. A filter can be used to either accept or reject routes before they are exported from RIB to the network.

We have a list of IP prefixes (<IP>/<prefix length>) stored in a text file. IP prefixes that are not included in the list are filtered-out and they do not get exported from RIB to the network. The white-list text file is sourced by Bird upon startup, reload and reconfiguration. The following diagram illustrates how this technique works:


This configuration logic allows a separate process to update the list by adding or removing IP prefixes and triggering a reconfiguration of Bird in order to advertise or withdraw routes. anycast-healthchecker is that separate process. It monitors Anycasted services and based on the status of the health checks updates the list of IP prefixes.

Bird doesn't allow the definition of a list with no elements and when that happens Bird will emit an error and refuse to start. Because of this anycast-healthchecker makes sure that there is always an IP prefix in the list, see dummy_ip_prefix configuration option in Daemon section.

Because anycast-healthchecker is very much tied in with Bird daemon, we first explain the configuration of Bird. We will then cover the configuration of anycast-healthchecker (including the configuration for the health checks) and finally we'll describe the options for invoking the program from the command line.

Below is an example configuration for Bird which establishes the logic described in How anycast-healthchecker works. It is the minimum configuration required to interface with Bird and anycast-healthchecker.

The most important part is the line export where match_route();. It forces all routes to pass from the match_route function before they are exported:

include "/etc/bird.d/*.conf";
protocol device {
    scan time 10;
protocol direct direct1 {
    interface "lo";
        debug all;
        export none;
        import all;
template bgp bgp_peers {
    bfd on;
    debug all;
    import none;
    export where match_route();
    local as 64815;
protocol bgp BGP1 from bgp_peers {
    disabled no;
    description "Peer-BGP1";
    neighbor as 64814;

The match_function (/etc/bird.d/match-route.conf) looks up the IP prefix of the route in a list and accepts the export if it finds a matching entry:

function match_route()
    return net ~ ACAST_PS_ADVERTISE;

The list of IP prefixes ACAST_PS_ADVERTISE is defined in /etc/bird.d/anycast-prefixes.conf:


anycast-healthchecker uses the popular INI format for it's configuration files. This is an example configuration file for the daemon (anycast-healthchecker.conf):

interface            = lo

pidfile              = /var/run/anycast-healthchecker/
bird_conf            = /etc/bird.d/anycast-prefixes.conf
bird_variable        = ACAST_PS_ADVERTISE
bird_reconfigure_cmd = sudo /usr/sbin/birdc configure
loglevel             = debug
log_maxbytes         = 104857600
log_backups          = 8
log_file             = /var/log/anycast-healthchecker/anycast-healthchecker.log
stderr_file          = /var/log/anycast-healthchecker/stderr.log
stdout_file          = /var/log/anycast-healthchecker/stdout.log
dummy_ip_prefix      =

The daemon doesn't need to run as root as long as it has sufficient privileges to modify the Bird configuration (anycast-prefixes.conf) and trigger a reconfiguration of Bird by running birdc configure. In the above example we use sudo for that purpose (sudoers file has been properly configured).

Below are the default settings for all service checks, see Configuring checks for services for and explanation of the parameters.

pidfile:a file to store the pid of the daemon
bird_conf:a file with the bird_variable which contains IP prefixes allowed to be exported
bird_variable:the name of the variable in bird_conf
bird_reconfigure_cmd:a command to trigger a reconfiguration of Bird
loglevel:log level
log_file:where to log messages to
log_maxbytes:maximum size in bytes for log files
log_backups:number of old log files to maintain
stderr_file:a file to redirect standard error to
stdout_file:a file to redirect standard output to
dummy_ip_prefix:an IP prefix in the form <IP>/<prefix length> which will alway be present in the bird_variable to avoid having an empty list.
NOTE:The dummy_ip_prefix must not be used by a service, assigned to the loopback interface and configured anywhere on the network as anycast-healthchecker does not perform any checks for it.
NOTE:Make sure that no other process modifies the file set in bird_conf as this file is managed by anycast-healthchecker.

The configuration for a single service check is defined in one section. Here is an example:

check_cmd = /usr/bin/curl -A 'anycast-healthchecker' --fail --silent
check_interval = 10
check_timeout = 5
check_fail = 2
check_rise = 2
check_disabled = false
on_disabled = withdraw
ip_prefix =

The name of the section becomes the name of the service check and appears in the log files for easier searching of error/warning messages.

check_cmd:the command to run to determine the status of the service based on the return code. Complex health checking should be wrapped in a script file. Output is ignored.
check_interval:how often to run the check (seconds)
check_timeout:timeout for the check command to complete (seconds)
check_fail:a service is considered DOWN after this many consecutive unsuccessful health checks
check_rise:a service is considered HEALTHY after this many consecutive successful health checks
check_disabled:true disables this check, false enables it
on_disabled:what to do when check is disabled, either withdraw or advertise
ip_prefix:IP prefix associated with the service. It must be assigned to the interface set in interface parameter
interface:the name of the interface that ip_prefix is assigned to
NOTE:anycast-healthchecker emits a warning when ip_prefix isn't assigned to interface and doesn't remove the ip_prefix from bird_variable as direct protocol removes route from RIB. It also marks the service as DOWN.

You can squeeze multiple sections in one file or provide one file per section.

Daemon CLI usage:

% anycast-healthchecker --help
A simple healthchecker for Anycasted services.

    anycast-healthchecker [-f <file> -d <directory> -c ] [-p | -P]

    -f, --file <file>  configuration file with settings for the daemon
                       [default: /etc/anycast-healthchecker.conf]
    -d, --dir <dir>    directory with configuration files for service checks
                       [default: /etc/anycast-healthchecker.d]
    -c, --check        perform a sanity check on configuration
    -p, --print        show default settings for daemon and service checks
    -P, --print-conf   show configuration
    -v, --version      show version
    -h, --help         show this screen

You can launch the daemon by supplying a configuration file and a directory with configuration for service checks:

% anycast-healthchecker -f ./anycast-healthchecker.conf -d ./anycast-healthchecker.d

At the root of the project there is System V init and a Systemd unit file for proper integration with OS startup tools.

From Source:

sudo python install

Build (source) RPMs:

python clean --all; python bdist_rpm

Build a source archive for manual installation:

python sdist
  1. Bump version in anycast_healthchecker/

  2. Commit above change with:

    git commit -av -m'RELEASE 0.1.3 version'
  3. Create a signed tag, pbr will use this for the version number:

    git tag -s 0.1.3 -m 'bump release'
  4. Create the source distribution archive (the archive will be placed in the dist directory):

    python sdist
  5. pbr will update ChangeLog file and we want to squeeze them to the previous commit thus we run:

    git commit -av --amend
  6. Move current tag to the last commit:

    git tag -fs 0.1.3 -m 'bump release'
  7. Push changes:

    git push;git push --tags

I would love to hear what other people think about anycast_healthchecker and provide feedback. Please post your comments, bug reports and wishes on my issues page.

At the root of the project there is a script which you can use for testing purposes. It does the following:

  1. Creates the necessary directory structure under $PWD/var to store configuration and log files
  2. Generates configuration for the daemon and for 2 service checks
  3. Generates bird configuration(anycast-prefixes.conf)
  4. Installs anycast-healthchecker with python3.4 install, requires python virtualenvironment, use the excellent tool virtualenvwrapper
  5. Assigns 4 IPs (10.52.12.[1-4]) to loopback interface
  6. Checks if bird daemon runs but it doesn't try to start if it's running
  7. Starts the daemon as normal user and not as root

Requirements for running and having a workable setup

  1. python3.4 installation available
  2. Bird installed and configured as it is mentioned in Bird configuration
  3. sudo access to run sudo birdc configure
  4. sudo access to assign IPs on the loopback interface

The following people have contributed to project with feedback, commits and code reviews

  • Károly Nagy (@charlesnagy)
  • Nick Demou (@ndemou)

Apache 2.0

This program was originally developed for With approval from, the code was generalised and published as Open Source on github, for which the author would like to express his gratitude.

Project website:

Author: Pavlos Parissis <>


A healthchecker for Anycasted services







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  • Python 87.3%
  • Shell 12.7%