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C/C++ API Fuzzing

To be updated.


Before building this project, you need to build LLVM-7 from source. For instructions on building LLVM, please refer to here.

To build this project, you need a cmake installation available. The recommended minimum version of cmake is 3.10.

Steps to Build

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd caf

Then create a build directory at the root directory of this repository:

mkdir build
cd build

Then execute the following command to configure the project using cmake:

cmake -DLLVM_BUILD_DIR=/path/to/llvm/build/tree ..

Then you can build the project using the following commands:

cmake --build .

CMake Options Available

Some CMake options are available when configuring and generating build scripts. They can be passed to cmake using the -D flag, in the form -D<name>[=<value>], e.g. -DLLVM_BUILD_DIR=.... The following table lists all available options:

Name Required Notes
LLVM_BUILD_DIR Yes Path to the root directory of the LLVM build tree



All available documents are maintained under docs/. Doxygen documents are also available, to generate a copy of doxygen documents, execute the following command in the root directory of this project:


Then doxygen documents will be available under docs/doxygen.

Editor Plugin

It's recommended to use clangd while developing. To prepare a compile_commands.json file, which is essential for clangd, at the root directory of this project, execute the following commands at the root directory of this project:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 [Other CMake Options] ..
cp compile_commands.json ../

[Other CMake Options] are those options available during regular build process.

For more information on using clangd, please refer to here.


Fuzzing Language APIs written in C/C++






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