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HM Land Registry Digital Street Proof of Concept - CorDapp

This is a CorDapp for demonstrating a simple transfer of ownership on Corda, including smart contracts and digital signatures.

Directory Structure

Directory Description
/config contains log4j configs
/cordapp-common module defining common/reusable pieces of code
/cordapp-contracts-states module defining states, contracts, data Models and ORM schemas
/cordapp-flows module defining corda flows
/gradle contains the gradle wrapper, which allows the use of gradle without installing it yourself and worrying about which version is required
/lib contains the quasar jar which rewrites our CorDapp’s flows to be checkpointable
/src contains end to end integration test of CorDapp

Running the nodes from the terminal


Please refer to the Getting set up instructions.

You will also need a running instance of Title API within the Digital Street development Environment

Building the CorDapp

Note: The HMLR CorDapp depends on land title data from the external Title API service. The API URL has to be set as a gradle property (as shown in the commands below), or by modifying

  • Open a terminal window in the digital-street-cordapp directory
  • Build the test nodes with our CorDapp using the following command:
    • Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew deployNodes -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/
    • Windows: gradlew.bat deployNodes -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/

Running the CorDapp

Start the nodes by running the following command from the root of the digital-street-cordapp folder

  • Unix/Mac OSX: kotlin-source/build/nodes/runnodes
  • Windows: call kotlin-source\build\nodes\runnodes.bat

This will start 6 Corda Nodes

  • HMLR
  • Conveyancer1
  • Conveyancer2
  • Lender1
  • SettlingParty
  • Notary

Running the Unit tests

Note: The flow-tests depends on land title data from the external Title API service. The API URL has to be set as a gradle property (as shown in the commands below), or by modifying

Note: Instructions for running JUnit tests from an IDE.

  • Open a terminal window in the digital-street-cordapp directory
  • Run the test cases using the following command
    • Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew test -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/
    • Windows: gradlew.bat test -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/

Running the end to end Integration test

Note: The flow-tests depends on land title data from the external Title API service. The API URL has to be set as a gradle property (as shown in the commands below), or by modifying

  • Open a terminal window in the digital-street-cordapp directory
  • Run the integration test case using the following command
    • Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew clean integrationTest --info -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/
    • Windows: gradlew.bat clean integrationTest --info -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/

End-to-End CorDapp flow description

The integration test script covers the end to end journey of the CorDapp as described below:


  • A Seller's Conveyancer requests HMLR a particular land title which the seller owns

  • This will create a transaction with RequestIssuanceState between the HMLR and the Conveyancer node

         |                          |
         |                          |
         | RequestIssuanceState     |
         |                          |
         |    - titleID             |
         |    - titleIssuer         |
         |    - seller              |
         |    - sellerConveyancer   |
         |    - status              |
         |                          |
         |                          |


  • HMLR will then automatically issue a land title on the Corda ledger by invoking a sub-flow

  • This will create a transaction with new LandTitleState, ProposedChargesAndRestrictionState being issued on the HMLR, Seller's Conveyancer and Seller's Lender nodes

         |                               |
         |                               |
         |  LandTitleState               |
         |                               |
         |    - titleID                  |
         |    - landTitleProperties      |
         |    - titleIssuer              |
         |    - titleType                |
         |    - lastSoldValue            |
         |    - status                   |
         |                               |
         |                                     |
         |                                     |
         |  ProposedChargesAndRestrictionsState|
         |                                     |
         |    - titleID                        |
         |    - ownerConveyancer               |
         |    - buyerConveyancer               |
         |    - restrictions                   |
         |    - charges                        |
         |    - status                         |
         |                                     |  
         |                                     |
         |                                     | 
         |                                     |
         |                                     |
         |  ProposedChargesAndRestrictionsState|
         |                                     |
         |    - titleID                        |
         |    - ownerConveyancer               |
         |    - buyerConveyancer               |
         |    - restrictions                   |
         |    - charges                        |
         |    - status                         |
         |                                     |  
         |                                     |
         |                                     |


  • The Seller's Conveyancer would then request seller's lender to provide consent for discharge
  • This will update the ProposedChargesAndRestrictionState with status = REQUEST_TO_ADD_CONSENT_FOR_DISCHARGE


  • The Seller's Lender would then provide consent for discharge
  • This will update the ProposedChargesAndRestrictionState with status = CONSENT_FOR_DISCHARGE


  • The Seller's Conveyancer would then create a Sales contract with the Buyer's Conveyancer

  • This will create a transaction with new LandAgreementState, PaymentConfirmationState issued on both conveyancer's nodes and SettlingParty node

         |                               |       
         |                               |
         |  LandAgreementState           |
         |                               |
         |    - titleID                  |
         |    - buyer                    |            
         |    - seller                   |                          
         |    - buyerConveyancer         |
         |    - sellerconveyacner        |
         |    - creationDate             |
         |    - completionDate           |
         |    - contractRate             |
         |    - purchasePrice            |
         |    - deposit                  |
         |    - contentsPrice            |
         |    - balance                  |
         |    - titleStateLinearId       |
         |    - specificIncumbrances     |
         |    - titleGuarantee           |
         |    - status                   |
         |                               |
         |                                |
         |                                |
         |  PaymentConfirmationState      |
         |                                |
         |    - titleID                   |
         |    - seller                    |
         |    - buyer                     |
         |    - purchasePrice             |
         |    - landAgreementStateLinearId|
         |    - settlingParty             |
         |    - buyerConveyancer          | 
         |    - status                    |
         |                                | 
         |                                |
         |                                |
         |  PaymentConfirmationState      |
         |                                |
         |    - titleID                   |
         |    - seller                    |
         |    - buyer                     |
         |    - purchasePrice             |
         |    - landAgreementStateLinearId|
         |    - settlingParty             |
         |    - buyerConveyancer          |
         |    - status                    |
         |                                |


  • The Buyer's conveyancer would then provide consent to add a new charge to the land title
  • This will update the ProposedChargesAndRestrictionState with new charge details and status = CONSENT_FOR_NEW_CHARGE


  • The Buyer's conveyancer approves the sales contract
  • This will update the LandAgreementState with status = APPROVED


  • The Seller signs the sales contract
  • A Smart Contract will verify the seller's signature
  • This will update the LandAgreementState with status = SIGNED


  • The Settling Party would then provide confirmation of payment they received from buyer in their escrow account offline
  • This will update the PaymentConfirmationState with status = CONFIRM_PAYMENT_RECEIVED_IN_ESCROW

STEP: 10

  • The Buyer signs the sales contract
  • A Smart Contract will verify the buyer's signature
  • This will update the LandAgreementState with status = COMPLETED

STEP: 11

  • The land gets transferred to the buyer on the completion date if all the constraints in the Smart Contract are met

JUnit test prerequisites

  • Sets up the test working directory (after each clean) using the following command:
    • Unix/Mac OSX: ./gradlew copyConfig -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/
    • Windows: gradlew.bat copyConfig -PtitleApiUrl=http://localhost:8005/v1/titles/
  • Add -javaagent:../../lib/quasar.jar as a VM option.
  • Set the working directory to build/tests.