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Welcome to the Botania repository.

Botania is a Minecraft tech mod themed around natural magic. It's inspired by other magic mods, such as Thaumcraft or Blood Magic.

The current iteration of Botania is made possible thanks to the massive help by the part of williewillus, who ported the mod from 1.8 through to the present day, so go buy him a beer or something, I dunno, he's pretty cool.

Botania is licensed under the Botania License

Maven info

Maven artifacts are located here, each folder representing a version.

Note: As of 1.16, intermediate (non-release) Maven builds are no longer persisted. That is, you must either depend on a released version of Botania, e.g. 1.16.2-407, or specifically opt in to the bleeding-edge build of the next version. For example, 1.16.2-408-SNAPSHOT would be the current bleeding edge version of future version 1.16.2-408.

Note that -SNAPSHOT versions can be broken from time to time, and you are strongly discouraged from using them unless you are helping dogfood, test, or contribute to Botania. They may also be pruned from time to time to save disk space on the server. Do not rely on -SNAPSHOT versions for anything important!

In Forge, add the following to your build.gradle

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    // 1.14+
    compileOnly fg.deobf("vazkii.botania:Botania:[VERSION]:api")
    runtimeOnly fg.deobf("vazkii.botania:Botania:[VERSION]")

Mixin Troubleshooting

Read this if you get crashes when depending on Botania and trying to launch in-dev. Botania uses Mixins to implement various features. This may cause issues when depending on Botania in-dev, since ForgeGradle/MixinGradle do not yet properly support this in-dev like Fabric does. As a workaround, disable refmaps by defining the mixin.env.disableRefMap JVM argument to true.

Making a Release

  1. Pull from remote, test all changes, and commit everything.
  2. git tag -a release-<VERSION>. All Botania versions must follow the version format <MC-VER>-INT, so it'll probably look like git tag -a release-1.16.3-407.
  3. In the Git editor that pops up, write the changelog. Finish the tag process (usually by saving and closing the editor).
  4. Copy the changelog to the webpage version under web/changelog.txt.`
  5. Run ./gradlew incrementBuildNumber --no-daemon to increment the build number of the next release. Commit this and the changelog.
  6. Push: git push origin master --tags
  7. Go to Jenkins and wait for the tag you just pushed to be compiled and built
  8. Download the JAR and submit it to CurseForge
  9. Push the website: ./ <remote username>. If you don't provide a remote username to ssh into the webserver, it'll take your current login name.

Working with GameTest

  1. Create a structure if wanted:
    1. Run /test create to generate a test platform of the desired size. IMPORTANT: All tests should size themselves appropriately to ensure they don't interfere with other tests. E.g. a test testing a block with max radius 8 should leave at least 8 blocks of room on all sides.
    2. Build the test setup then save the structure, without a namespace. Then run /test export <thename>.
    3. The command will print the location of the saved .snbt file in run/gameteststructures.
    4. Copy the file to src/main/resources/data/botania/gametest/structures.
  2. Create a class in src/main/java/vazkii/botania/test. Fill it with methods annotated with @GameTest, see the other tests for examples.
  3. List the class in the fabric-gametest entrypoint in Botania's fabric.mod.json.


  • The @GameTest annotation takes a batch argument. Any tests in the same batch run in parallel. Tests in different batches will not run together.
  • Please keep 5 blocks of padding in the N/S/E/W directions of all tests that have mana pools, spreaders, or flowers in them. This prevents them interfering with the tests about seeing whether flowers bind to the closest spreader, if Gametest happens to put them next to each other.
  • If your test has a lot of air blocks in it, use structure voids to keep the filesize down. If you forget, run a regex find-and-replace on the snbt file, replacing .*minecraft:air.*\n with the empty string.

To run tests in-game: open the game normally, make sure you're not standing near anything you care about, and use /test runall. (Gametest uses a default superflat with Generate Structures, doMobSpawning, and doWeatherCycle all disabled as its testing environment.)

To run tests headlessly (all of these do the same thing):

  • Use the Minecraft Game Test run configuration in your IDE.
  • Launch the server with the argument -Dfabric-api.gametest=1.
  • Use ./gradlew runGameTest. (Github Actions does this)

After running tests headlessly, the testing world will be saved to run/world. Copy this directory into run/saves and it will appear as a save file in singleplayer.


A magic themed tech mod for Minecraft based on nature and plant life.







No packages published


  • Java 98.5%
  • Hack 0.6%
  • GLSL 0.3%
  • PHP 0.3%
  • ZenScript 0.2%
  • CSS 0.1%