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93 lines (80 loc) · 2.94 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (80 loc) · 2.94 KB


Inspired by Laradock


  • Install Laravel
  • Clone this repo into sibling directory
  • Create ssh keys
    • php-fpm/id_rsa_vm
    • php-fpm/
    • /C/Users/larry/.ssh/id_rsa_vm.ppk (puttygen'd) Used in PHPStorm for keyless connection
  • cd phpdock
  • docker-compose -d up nginx mariadb
  • Visit: http://laravel/

Start ssh in container docker-compose exec -d php-fpm service ssh start



  • Name: laravel
  • Connection:
    • Type: SFTP
    • SFTP host: laravel (set domain in hosts to point to docker IP)
    • Port: 22
    • Root path: /var/www/laravel
    • User name: root
    • Auth type: Key pair (OpenSSH or PuTTY)
    • Private key file: C:\Users\larry\id_rsa_vm.ppk (created a puttygen ppk)
    • Web server root URL: http://laravel
  • Mappings
    • Local Path: C:\_dk\laravel Deployment: \
    • Local Path: C:\_dk\laravel\public Deployment: \

Languages & Frameworks / PHP

  • Developement environment
    • PHP language level 7
    • Interpreter: laravel (7.0.7)
      • Interpreters
        • Name: laravel
        • Remote
          • Remote: Deployment configuration
          • Deployment configuration: sftp laravel
          • Deployment Host URL: ssh://root@laravel:22
        • General
          • PHP executable: /usr/local/bin/php
          • (i) PHP version: 7.0.7 Debugger: Xdebug 2.4.2
          • (i) Configuration file: /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
    • Path mappings
      • From deployment configuration
        • Local Path: C:/_dk/laravel Deployment: /var/www/laravel
        • Local Path: C:/_dk/laravel/public Deployment: /var/www/laravel/public

Languages & Frameworks / PHP / Debug

  • Xdebug
    • Debug port: 9000 [x] Can accept external connections

Languages & Frameworks / PHP / Servers

  • Name: laravel
  • Host: laravel : Port 80 Debugger Xdebug [x] Use path mappings
  • File/Directory: C:\_dk\laravel Absolute: /var/www/laravel
  • File/Directory: C:\_dk\laravel\tests Absolute: /var/www/laravel/tests

Languages & Frameworks / PHP / PHPUnit

  • Interpreter: laravel
  • Path mappings:
    • Local Path: C:/_dk/laravel Deployment: /var/www/laravel
    • Local Path: C:/_dk/laravel/public Deployment: /var/www/laravel/public
  • PHPUnit library
    • [x]Use Composer autoloader
    • Path to script: /var/www/laravel/vendor/autoload.php
  • Test Runner
    • [x] Default configuration file: /var/www/laravel/phpunit.xml

Run Debug/Debug Configurations

  • PHPUnit:
    • Name: ExampleTest
    • [x] Class
    • Class: ExampleTest
    • File: C:\_dk\laravel\tests\ExampleTest.php
    • Test Runner options: --colors --tap --verbose --debug (Probably unnecessary )

Run Test with Debugging

  • Open: C:\_dk\laravel\tests\ExampleTest.php
  • Set breakpoint on line: $this->visit('/')
  • Press: Shift-F9
    • SHOULD be stopped on breakpoint!


MIT License (MIT)