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Rawe Ceek bot

Discord bot that sends F1 and F2 session times each monday race week, in Norwegian (can easily be changed).

Uses F1 api and scrapes F2 timings from Each loop the bot checks if today is a race week, then it checks if it has already posted this week. In this case it updates the times and edits the embed, if it hasn't then it posts a new embed. If there is no race week it posts a different embed. The reason for updating the times and editing the embed is because the F2 times are not always given, they can be currently undefined given as "TBC".

To implement a new language (default messages are sent in norwegian) edit embed titles and descriptions in the two create embed functions in, also edit the weekday titles in util.print_all_days(), and lastly edit the language argument implementation in util.get_all_week_info().

It also sends norwegian timezone, which can be changed by changing the conversion in util.print_day_sessions() (remember to do it seperately for the f1 and f2 sessions).

The bot needs multiple string values given in a json default 'discord_data.json'. Inside the template ' template_discord_data.json' is the default key strings used.


  • Python >= 3.9.0.
  • See requirements.txt for package/module requirements.


Clone the repo

git clone

Install the dependencies

cd Rawe-ceek-bot
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup the discord bot

This bot script needs three things to run: the discord bot token, the bot user ID, and the channel ID of whatever channel it should send in. Creating the discord bot from the discord developer portal you can follow discord's guide here. After creating your bot and inviting it to your server, make sure you get its token from the 'Bot' submeny on discord's dev portal, and then also the bot's id under the submeny 'OAuth2' -> 'General': 'Client id'.

Then, in the repo directory, create a data/discord_data.json file from the template data/template_discord_data.json and fill in the following required values: "bot_token", "bot_id", "channel_id". To get your channel id you may have to enable developer mode on discord, then right click the channel and copy its id.


Run the bot script


"Rawe ceek??"

See Rawe ceek origin


Discord bot that sends F1 and F2 session times each race week






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