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Netflix Query

Logo 1Demo 1

Load Netflix in a browser with search options.


All about this program and project.


What is this?

This is a console tool for the Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Android (Termux) command line environment help search for content or just open Netflix in the default browser or in one passed to the program via the -b,--browser switch.


Why did I write this?

A replacement for a usual script I write in various languages in the various environments that heps me automate quick searching for stuff on Netflix when sitting with my laptop while watching stuff with my wife. She'll (or I) will want to know if Netflix has something and I'll sometimes use my script (or Zenity gui) and do a aquick searchF I wrote this as a somewhat more "portable" to have a backend for doing these searches easier.

Where To Get

Download or build.

You can fork this repository and build yourself or you can download it at the current Releases page.

You can (as with any of my projects) fork and build this project yourself in keeping with the provided LICENSE below.


Disclaimers and Warnings

Not Working in Android at the Moment

Please see Testing details expansion (▶).



This has been manually tested in Windows, Linux, and Android, but not MacOs. This is not currently working in Android, but should by design. I just haven't had a chance to look at it yet and it's not that big of a deal at the moment. I do plan to get around to fixing it eventually.

Operating System Tested? Success?
Android 🗙
MacOs 🗙 🗙


Where and how to use this program.

Environment and Information

Windows Logo Linux LogoMacOS LogoAndroid Logo

Where do I use this?

Like any cli tool (or any executable for that matter) this can be used in any available command line program/emulator in Windows like CMD or PowerShell, for example, and should work in most available terminals.

This is a cross-platform program and has been compiled for Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Android (Termux), but the source is readily available and can be more than likely be built for most platforms.

The MacOs version has not been tested well (only in a CI) so if there any issues and you are in a direct MacOs environment and want to fork and work on the project yourself and or contribute to this project then you are free to do so as per the license provided.

Like any portable program in this can either be placed somewhere in your %PATH% and if not then when your run it you'll need to provide the direct path of the executable.

Example Given

     > & 'C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Bin\netflixq.exe' /? 


CMD/PowerShell Examples.

Search for a movie.


MD5 Information

This information is generated in a GitHub Action immediately after the successful build of this project.

Current Windows X86 MD5

X86 MD5

Current Windows X64 MD5

X64 MD5

Current Linux MD5

Linux MD5

Current Debian MD5

Debian MD5

Current MacOs MD5

MacOs MD5

Current Android 32 Bit MD5

Android 32 MD5

Current Android 64 Bit MD5

Android 32 MD5



Logo, the icon for this program. logo2 logo2

Help Screen

Help, screenshot of the help screen. helpscreen helpscreen

Demo Screen

Demonstration. logo2 democreen

License Info

License Excerpt
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Support Me If You Like

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