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Todo Bash

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Linux Utility Command Line Utility Bash Utility

A Linux (command line) 'TODO' AppImage, function, and script.




I wrote this as a temporary option until I write my Fortran version. This still works great as is if you prefer a script.


Use the script and AppImage in the exact same way.

@Usage:	todo [INDEX]...
     	todo [OPTIONS [INDEX|ITEM]...]...
List, add, or remove todo items.

	-h,--help	This help message.
	-r,--remove	Remove an item by INDEX number. 
	-a,--add	Add an item by ITEM.
	-q,--quiet	No error messages.
	Integers	Index number of item.
	String		Todo ITEM.
		List all items in todo list.
	todo 1
		List 1st ITEM in todo list. 
	todo -a "Something to do"
		Add a todo item.
	todo -r 1
		Remove item at index #1.


Install the script and AppImage in the exact same way.

  1. Download the script file: [todo] or get it from the official release page:
  1. How to use:
    1. Place the script anywhere in your $PATH directories and/or...
    2. Execute/Run or Source the file:
      1. Run like any other script/file:
       $ /path/to/todo --help
       $ # or in directory:
       $ ./todo -a "Do this thing"
       $ # or if in $PATH
       $ todo -r 1 
      1. Or source the file with Completion:
       $ . /path/to/todo
       $ # or
       $ source /path/to/todo
       $ # or if in $PATH or directory:
       $ . todo 
  2. Change the file permissions to be executable:
chmod u+x /path/to/script/file # for you only
# or
chmod +x /path/to/script/file # for any user
  1. If you only use the fucntion you can copy & paste the following line (also found in the script) without the comment '#' to any of your script/config/.dotfiles to enable Bash Completion:
complete -W '-h --help -r --remove -a --add -q --quiet' todo

Installation - Alternate

  1. Copy & paste the function from the script file to your own function/script/config file.

  2. Repeat the same process as above for Bash Completion.


Bash Todo Help

Bash Todo Demo

Function & Bash Completion

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This file can be sourced or executed.
# More information below at the "Execution" section

# Todo Function
function todo(){
	local conf="${HOME}/.config/.todo"
	local iterVal mode array
	[[ -f "${conf}" ]] ||
	cat /dev/null > "${conf}"
	sed -i '/^\s*$/d' "${conf}"
	sed -i '/^$/d' "${conf}"
	case "$1" in
		-h|--help)	mode=0 ;;
		-r|--remove)	mode=1 ;;
		-a|--add)	mode=2 ;;
		*[0-9]*)	mode=3 ;;
		-q|--quiet)	mode=4 ;;
		*)		mode=5 ;;
	if [[ "${mode}" =~ ^[0-5]$ ]]; then
		if [[ "${mode}" -eq 0 ]]; then
			cat << EOF

@Usage:	todo [INDEX]...
     	todo [OPTIONS [INDEX|ITEM]...]...
List, add, or remove todo items.

	-h,--help	This help message.
	-r,--remove	Remove an item by INDEX number. 
	-a,--add	Add an item by ITEM.
	-q,--quiet	No error messages.
	Integers	Index number of item.
	String		Todo ITEM.
		List all items in todo list.
	todo 1
		List 1st ITEM in todo list. 
	todo -a "Something to do"
		Add a todo item.
	todo -r 1
		Remove item at index #1.

		elif [[ "${mode}" -eq 1 ]]; then
			sed -i -e "${2}d" "${conf}"
		elif [[ "${mode}" -eq 2 ]]; then
			echo "$2" >> "${conf}"
		elif [[ "${mode}" -eq 3 ]]; then
			readarray -t array < "${conf}"
			echo "${array[$((${1} - 1))]}"
			readarray -t array < "${conf}"
			if [[ ${#array[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
				[[ ${mode} -ne 4 ]] &&
				echo "No items in the TODO list."
			for iterVal in "${!array[@]}"; do
				echo "[$((${iterVal} + 1))]:${array[${iterVal}]}"

# Test if this file is being sourced or executed.
$(return >/dev/null 2>&1)
# If file is sourced the enable Bash Completion
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
	complete -W '-h --help -r --remove -a --add -q --quiet' todo
# If not sourced the run the function with possible params.
	todo "$@"

File Links

File Description
Bash Script Script File
AppImage Compiled AppImage.

Project Links

Link Description
Official Project Page The themed version of this page.
Project Page This repository page.
Current Releases The release files in "Continuous Build".

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.