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Mosaic - Collage Group's Design System

Mosaic is a design system library created for Collage Group, built with Storybook, CRA, Typescript, and Material UI as its foundation. It provides customizable, pre-built React components that can be combined to create modern and responsive user interfaces.

Getting Started

Clone the repository.

git clone

Install dependencies

npm install

Run Storybook

npm run storybook


This library follows the Atomic design pattern: Atoms, Molecules, and Organisms.

Atoms: These are the smallest building blocks of the UI, such as buttons, inputs, and labels.

Molecules: These are groups of atoms bonded together to form a functional unit, such as a form element with a label, input, and validation message.

Organisms: These are groups of molecules combined to form a more complex, standalone UI section, like a header, footer, or a complete form.


This is how are components are organized.

  └─ components/
      ├─ atoms/
      ├─ molecules/
      └─ organisms/

This is an example of a component inside a building block.

  └─ components/
      ├─ atoms/
      |   ├─ Button/
      |   |   ├─ Button.tsx
      |   |   ├─ Button.stories.tsx
      |   |   ├─ Button.stories.mdx
      |   |   └─ index.tsx
      |   └─ ...

Naming Conventions

Component names should be PascalCase and descriptive.

Keep names relatively short, but they must be still clear.

Component names should be consistent across atoms, molecules, and organisms.

Development - Creating New Components

A new component should exist in its folder following the above-mentioned conventions. That folder should have the following:

  • A file creating the component. ex: Button.tsx. This file will house your atom, molecule, or organism.
  • A template file or multiple template files. ex: Button.stories.tsx and/or Button.stories.mdx. mdx stands for markdown. Storybook lets you use a markdown file to explain components and their uses further.

After creating a component, you will have to export it out multiple levels until you reach src/index.ts. Please be explicit and export each type and component you make. Only use export default if there is only a single item you are exporting. Here's an example of being explicit:

  • Box.tsx
export type BoxProps = MuiBoxProps;

export const Box = (props: BoxProps): React.JSX.Element => (
  <MuiBox {...props} />
  • Box/index.ts
export { Box } from './Box';
export type { BoxProps } from './Box';