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Font Scaling Guide

LaughingLeader edited this page Oct 16, 2018 · 3 revisions


  1. Download FontForge.
  2. Download Norbyte's Pak Extractor Tool
  3. Using the Pak Extractor Tool, extract Divinity Original Sin 2\DefEd\Data\Game.pak.
  4. Wherever you extracted Game.pak, navigate to this directory: Public\Game\GUI\fonts and copy the following files:
    • QuadraatOffcPro.ttf
    • QuadraatOffcPro-Bold.ttf
    • QuadraatOffcPro-Italic.ttf
    • wts11.ttf
  5. Create the following pathway (by creating the missing folders) in the DOS2 DE Data directory: Divinity Original Sin 2\DefEd\Data\Public\Game\GUI\fonts
  6. Paste the font files you copied in step 4 into this new fonts directory.


Font Overrides

Font Scaling

The following steps can be applied to each font (.ttf) file:

  1. Open FontForge.
  2. Open the font you want to scale.
  3. CTRL+A to select everything.
  4. Click Element -> Transformations -> Transform... (Shorcut CTRL + \)
    Opening the Transform Menu
  5. Select the following options, and click OK:
    Transforming the Font
  6. Ignore whatever warnings/errors you may get. When the transforming is done, click File -> Generate Fonts...
  7. Copy the following generation options, and name your font the same name as the original file: Generating the Font
  8. Repeat for the other fonts.

Comparison Screenshots

Font Size Comparison

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