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RIT IGME-590/580:
Seminar/Production Studio in Games & Tourism
Spring 2018, Dubrovnik Course Syllabus

Weekly Journals

Each week there will be some combination of lectures, presentations, readings, in-class activities, and/or group work. You will be expected to maintain a journal in which you discuss the week's materials and activities--either as a Google Doc (with access granted to me), or as one or more entries on the class blog. Journal entries are due by 8am on Sunday. You will receive a weekly grade on this, although the grades may only be posted every 2-3 weeks.

If you are using Google Docs, you can either create a folder and include separate documents for each weekly entry, or you can create a single document with headings for each week. (If you do a single document, it's helpful if you add links at the top to each heading)

Because the journal entries are a significant component of your grade, and take the place of tests and/or quizzes, I expect them to be detailed and thoughtful, and to show me that you have a good understanding of that week's materials. A good journal entry will not just repeat content from the week's materials and activities, but will also discuss what you learned, and link that learning to the directly to the readings, presentations, and/or activities. Once you begin work on your games, I expect that you will also discuss what's working or not working for your teams, from both a process and a content standpoint.

Each journal entry will receive one of four possible grades: Unacceptable/Missing (0%), Poor (70%), Good (85%), and Excellent (100%). If your journal entry is submitted late, without prior permission from me, you cannot receive a grade of Excellent on it.

Here are my expectations for each grade. While they are broken down in the rubric, I do not assess each component separately--the grade is for the overall quality of the entry.

  Excellent Good Poor
Content Provides thoughtful connections between the concepts covered in class and in readings, and their application to game design and development. Shows evidence of having read and understood all readings, and attended all classes. Includes personal context and experience, in both text and visual form, rather than repetition of course materials. Offers novel insights into the week's topics. Draws connections to material in other classes (past or current). Well-organized. Discusses the week's presentations, activities, and readings, with some connections drawn between the materials. Provides some insights into the material. Addresses only some of the week's material, and/or repeats ideas from the material without drawing connections or adding insight. Provides little or no connection between the week's materials and personal experience.
Effort Goes beyond the basic requirements, and shows considerable care and effort. Meets all of the requirements. Does not meet all of the requirements.
Mechanics Excellent grammar, syntax, spelling, and use of punctuation. (I do take into account whether English is your native language.) Minimal errors Significant errors