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718 lines (551 loc) · 39.4 KB


File Type Proxy
EigenPodManager.sol Singleton Transparent proxy
EigenPod.sol Instanced, deployed per-user Beacon proxy
DelayedWithdrawalRouter.sol Singleton Transparent proxy
succinctlabs/EigenLayerBeaconOracle.sol Singleton UUPS Proxy

The EigenPodManager and EigenPod contracts allow Stakers to restake beacon chain ETH which can then be delegated to Operators via the DelegationManager.

The EigenPodManager is the entry point for this process, allowing Stakers to deploy an EigenPod and begin restaking. While actively restaking, a Staker uses their EigenPod to validate various beacon chain state proofs of validator balance and withdrawal status. When exiting, a Staker uses the DelegationManager to undelegate or queue a withdrawal from EigenLayer.

EigenPods serve as the withdrawal credentials for one or more beacon chain validators controlled by a Staker. Their primary role is to validate beacon chain proofs for each of the Staker's validators. Beacon chain proofs are used to verify a validator's:

  • EigenPod.verifyWithdrawalCredentials: withdrawal credentials and effective balance
  • EigenPod.verifyBalanceUpdates: effective balance (when it changes)
  • EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawals: withdrawable epoch, and processed withdrawals within historical block summary

See /proofs for detailed documentation on each of the state proofs used in these methods. Additionally, proofs are checked against a beacon chain block root supplied by Succinct's Telepathy protocol (docs link).

High-level Concepts

The functions of the EigenPodManager and EigenPod contracts are tightly linked. Rather than writing two separate docs pages, documentation for both contracts is included in this file. This document organizes methods according to the following themes (click each to be taken to the relevant section):

Important State Variables

  • EigenPodManager:
    • mapping(address => IEigenPod) public ownerToPod: Tracks the deployed EigenPod for each Staker
    • mapping(address => int256) public podOwnerShares: Keeps track of the actively restaked beacon chain ETH for each Staker.
      • In some cases, a beacon chain balance update may cause a Staker's balance to drop below zero. This is because when queueing for a withdrawal in the DelegationManager, the Staker's current shares are fully removed. If the Staker's beacon chain balance drops after this occurs, their podOwnerShares may go negative. This is a temporary change to account for the drop in balance, and is ultimately corrected when the withdrawal is finally processed.
      • Since balances on the consensus layer are stored only in Gwei amounts, the EigenPodManager enforces the invariant that podOwnerShares is always a whole Gwei amount for every staker, i.e. podOwnerShares[staker] % 1e9 == 0 always.
  • EigenPod:
    • _validatorPubkeyHashToInfo[bytes32] -> (ValidatorInfo): individual validators are identified within an EigenPod according to their public key hash. This mapping keeps track of the following for each validator:
      • validatorStatus: (INACTIVE, ACTIVE, WITHDRAWN)
      • validatorIndex: A uint40 that is unique for each validator making a successful deposit via the deposit contract
      • mostRecentBalanceUpdateTimestamp: A timestamp that represents the most recent successful proof of the validator's effective balance
      • restakedBalanceGwei: set to the validator's balance.
    • withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei: When a Staker proves that a validator has exited from the beacon chain, the withdrawal amount is added to this variable. When completing a withdrawal of beacon chain ETH, the withdrawal amount is subtracted from this variable. See also:

Important Definitions

  • "Pod Owner": A Staker who has deployed an EigenPod is a Pod Owner. The terms are used interchangeably in this document.
    • Pod Owners can only deploy a single EigenPod, but can restake any number of beacon chain validators from the same EigenPod.
    • Pod Owners can delegate their EigenPodManager shares to Operators (via DelegationManager).
    • These shares correspond to the amount of provably-restaked beacon chain ETH held by the Pod Owner via their EigenPod.
  • EigenPod:
    • _podWithdrawalCredentials() -> (bytes memory):
      • Gives abi.encodePacked(bytes1(uint8(1)), bytes11(0), address(EigenPod))
      • These are the 0x01 withdrawal credentials of the EigenPod, used as a validator's withdrawal credentials on the beacon chain.

Depositing Into EigenLayer

Before a Staker begins restaking beacon chain ETH, they need to deploy an EigenPod, stake, and start a beacon chain validator:

To complete the deposit process, the Staker needs to prove that the validator's withdrawal credentials are pointed at the EigenPod:


function createPod() external onlyWhenNotPaused(PAUSED_NEW_EIGENPODS) returns (address)

Allows a Staker to deploy an EigenPod instance, if they have not done so already.

Each Staker can only deploy a single EigenPod instance, but a single EigenPod can serve as the withdrawal credentials for any number of beacon chain validators. Each EigenPod is created using Create2 and the beacon proxy pattern, using the Staker's address as the Create2 salt.

As part of the EigenPod deployment process, the Staker is made the Pod Owner, a permissioned role within the EigenPod.


  • Create2 deploys EigenPodManager.beaconProxyBytecode, appending the eigenPodBeacon address as a constructor argument. bytes32(msg.sender) is used as the salt.
  • EigenPod.initialize(msg.sender): initializes the pod, setting the caller as the Pod Owner and activating restaking for any validators pointed at the pod.
  • Maps the new pod to the Pod Owner (each address can only deploy a single EigenPod)


  • Caller MUST NOT have deployed an EigenPod already
  • Pause status MUST NOT be set: PAUSED_NEW_EIGENPODS

As of M2:

  • EigenPods are initialized with restaking enabled by default (hasRestaked = true). Pods deployed before M2 may not have this enabled, and will need to call EigenPod.activateRestaking().


function stake(
    bytes calldata pubkey, 
    bytes calldata signature, 
    bytes32 depositDataRoot

Allows a Staker to deposit 32 ETH into the beacon chain deposit contract, providing the credentials for the Staker's beacon chain validator. The EigenPod.stake method is called, which automatically calculates the correct withdrawal credentials for the pod and passes these to the deposit contract along with the 32 ETH.


  • Deploys and initializes an EigenPod on behalf of Staker, if this has not been done already
  • See EigenPod.stake


  • Pause status MUST NOT be set: PAUSED_NEW_EIGENPODS
  • See EigenPod.stake
function stake(
    bytes calldata pubkey,
    bytes calldata signature,
    bytes32 depositDataRoot

Handles the call to the beacon chain deposit contract. Only called via EigenPodManager.stake.


  • Deposits 32 ETH into the beacon chain deposit contract, and provides the pod's address as the deposit's withdrawal credentials


  • Caller MUST be the EigenPodManager
  • Call value MUST be 32 ETH
  • Deposit contract deposit method MUST succeed given the provided pubkey, signature, and depositDataRoot


function verifyWithdrawalCredentials(
    uint64 oracleTimestamp,
    BeaconChainProofs.StateRootProof calldata stateRootProof,
    uint40[] calldata validatorIndices,
    bytes[] calldata validatorFieldsProofs,
    bytes32[][] calldata validatorFields

Once a Pod Owner has deposited ETH into the beacon chain deposit contract, they can call this method to "fully restake" one or more validators by proving the validator's withdrawal credentials are pointed at the EigenPod. This activation will mean that the ETH in those validators:

  • is awarded to the Staker/Pod Owner in EigenPodManager.podOwnerShares
  • is delegatable to an Operator (via the DelegationManager)

For each successfully proven validator, that validator's status becomes VALIDATOR_STATUS.ACTIVE, and the sum of restakable ether across all newly-proven validators is provided to EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate, where it is added to the Pod Owner's shares. If the Pod Owner is delegated to an Operator via the DelegationManager, this sum is also added to the Operator's delegated shares for the beacon chain ETH strategy.

For each validator the Pod Owner wants to verify, the Pod Owner must supply:

  • validatorIndices: their validator's ValidatorIndex (see consensus specs)
  • validatorFields: the fields of the Validator container associated with the validator (see consensus specs)
  • stateRootProof: a proof that will verify stateRootProof.beaconStateRoot against an oracle-provided beacon block root
  • validatorFieldsProofs: a proof that the Validator container belongs to the associated validator at the given ValidatorIndex within stateRootProof.beaconStateRoot
  • oracleTimestamp: a timestamp used to fetch a beacon block root from EigenPodManager.beaconChainOracle

Beacon chain proofs used:


  • For each validator (_validatorPubkeyHashToInfo[pubkeyHash]) the validator's info is set for the first time:
    • validatorIndex is recorded
    • mostRecentBalanceUpdateTimestamp is set to the oracleTimestamp used to fetch the beacon block root
    • restakedBalanceGwei is set to the validator's effective balance
  • See EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate


  • Caller MUST be the Pod Owner
  • Pod MUST have enabled restaking
  • All input array lengths MUST be equal
  • oracleTimestamp:
    • MUST be greater than or equal to the timestamp of the first slot in the epoch following mostRecentWithdrawalTimestamp
    • MUST be no more than VERIFY_BALANCE_UPDATE_WINDOW_SECONDS (~4.5 hrs) old
    • MUST be queryable via EigenPodManager.getBlockRootAtTimestamp (fails if stateRoot == 0)
  • BeaconChainProofs.verifyStateRootAgainstLatestBlockRoot MUST verify the provided beaconStateRoot against the oracle-provided latestBlockRoot
  • For each validator:
    • The validator's status MUST initially be VALIDATOR_STATUS.INACTIVE
    • BeaconChainProofs.verifyValidatorFields MUST verify the provided validatorFields against the beaconStateRoot
    • The aforementioned proofs MUST show that the validator's withdrawal credentials are set to the EigenPod
  • See EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate

As of M2:

  • Restaking is enabled by default for pods deployed after M2. See activateRestaking for more info.

Restaking Beacon Chain ETH

At this point, a Staker/Pod Owner has deployed their EigenPod, started their beacon chain validator, and proven that its withdrawal credentials are pointed to their EigenPod. They are now free to delegate to an Operator (if they have not already), or start up + verify additional beacon chain validators that also withdraw to the same EigenPod.

The primary method concerning actively restaked validators is:


function verifyBalanceUpdates(
    uint64 oracleTimestamp,
    uint40[] calldata validatorIndices,
    BeaconChainProofs.StateRootProof calldata stateRootProof,
    bytes[] calldata validatorFieldsProofs,
    bytes32[][] calldata validatorFields

Anyone (not just the Pod Owner) may call this method with one or more valid balance update proofs to record beacon chain balance updates in one or more of the EigenPod's validators.

A successful balance update proof updates the EigenPod's view of a validator's effective balance. If the validator's effective balance has changed, the difference is sent to EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate, which updates the Pod Owner's shares. If the Pod Owner is delegated to an Operator, this delta is also sent to the DelegationManager to update the Operator's delegated beacon chain ETH shares.

Note that if a validator's effective balance has decreased, this method will result in shares being removed from the Pod Owner in EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate. This may cause the Pod Owner's balance to go negative in some cases, representing a "deficit" that must be repaid before any withdrawals can be processed. One example flow where this might occur is:

  • Pod Owner calls DelegationManager.undelegate, which queues a withdrawal in the DelegationManager. The Pod Owner's shares are set to 0 while the withdrawal is in the queue.
  • Pod Owner's beacon chain ETH balance decreases (maybe due to slashing), and someone provides a proof of this to EigenPod.verifyBalanceUpdates. In this case, the Pod Owner will have negative shares in the EigenPodManager.
  • After a delay, the Pod Owner calls DelegationManager.completeQueuedWithdrawal. The negative shares are then repaid out of the withdrawn assets.

For the validator whose balance should be updated, the caller must supply:

  • validatorIndex: the validator's ValidatorIndex (see consensus specs)
  • stateRootProof: a proof that will verify stateRootProof.beaconStateRoot against an oracle-provided beacon block root
  • validatorFieldsProofs: a proof that the Validator container belongs to the associated validator at the given ValidatorIndex within stateRootProof.beaconStateRoot
  • validatorFields: the fields of the Validator container associated with the validator (see consensus specs)
  • oracleTimestamp: a timestamp used to fetch a beacon block root from EigenPodManager.beaconChainOracle

Beacon chain proofs used:


  • Updates the validator's stored info:
    • restakedBalanceGwei is updated to the newly-proven effective balance
    • mostRecentBalanceUpdateTimestamp is set to the oracleTimestamp used to fetch the beacon block root
  • See EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate


  • Balance updates should only be made before a validator has fully exited. If the validator has exited, any further proofs should follow the verifyAndProcessWithdrawals path.
    • This is to prevent someone from providing a "balance update" on an exited validator that "proves" a balance of 0, when we want to process that update as a withdrawal instead.
  • oracleTimestamp:
    • MUST be no more than VERIFY_BALANCE_UPDATE_WINDOW_SECONDS (~4.5 hrs) old
    • MUST be newer than the validator's mostRecentBalanceUpdateTimestamp
    • MUST be queryable via EigenPodManager.getBlockRootAtTimestamp (fails if stateRoot == 0)
  • validatorFields[0] MUST be a pubkey hash corresponding to a validator whose withdrawal credentials have been proven, and is not yet withdrawn (VALIDATOR_STATUS.ACTIVE)
  • BeaconChainProofs.verifyStateRootAgainstLatestBlockRoot MUST verify the provided beaconStateRoot against the oracle-provided latestBlockRoot
  • BeaconChainProofs.verifyValidatorFields MUST verify the provided validatorFields against the beaconStateRoot
  • See EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate

Withdrawal Processing

The DelegationManager is the entry point for all undelegation and withdrawals, which must be queued for a time before being completed. When a withdrawal is initiated, the following method is used:

When completing a queued undelegation or withdrawal, the DelegationManager calls one of these two methods:

If a Staker wishes to fully withdraw their beacon chain ETH (via withdrawSharesAsTokens), they need to exit their validator and prove the withdrawal prior to completing the queued withdrawal. They do so using this method:

Some withdrawals are sent to their destination via the DelayedWithdrawalRouter:


function removeShares(
    address podOwner, 
    uint256 shares

The DelegationManager calls this method when a Staker queues a withdrawal (or undelegates, which also queues a withdrawal). The shares are removed while the withdrawal is in the queue, and when the queue completes, the shares will either be re-awarded or withdrawn as tokens (addShares and withdrawSharesAsTokens, respectively).

The Staker's share balance is decreased by the removed shares.

This method is not allowed to cause the Staker's balance to go negative. This prevents a Staker from queueing a withdrawal for more shares than they have (or more shares than they delegated to an Operator).

Entry Points:

  • DelegationManager.undelegate
  • DelegationManager.queueWithdrawals


  • Removes shares from podOwner's share balance


  • podOwner MUST NOT be zero
  • shares MUST NOT be negative when converted to int256
  • shares MUST NOT be greater than podOwner's share balance
  • shares MUST be a whole Gwei amount


function addShares(
    address podOwner,
    uint256 shares
    returns (uint256)

The DelegationManager calls this method when a queued withdrawal is completed and the withdrawer specifies that they want to receive the withdrawal as "shares" (rather than as the underlying tokens). A Pod Owner might want to do this in order to change their delegated Operator without needing to fully exit their validators.

Note that typically, shares from completed withdrawals are awarded to a withdrawer specified when the withdrawal is initiated in DelegationManager.queueWithdrawals. However, because beacon chain ETH shares are linked to proofs provided to a Pod Owner's EigenPod, this method is used to award shares to the original Pod Owner.

If the Pod Owner has a share deficit (negative shares), the deficit is repaid out of the added shares. If the Pod Owner's positive share count increases, this change is returned to the DelegationManager to be delegated to the Pod Owner's Operator (if they have one).

Entry Points:

  • DelegationManager.completeQueuedWithdrawal
  • DelegationManager.completeQueuedWithdrawals


  • The podOwner's share balance is increased by shares


  • podOwner MUST NOT be zero
  • shares MUST NOT be negative when converted to an int256
  • shares MUST be a whole Gwei amount


function withdrawSharesAsTokens(
    address podOwner, 
    address destination, 
    uint256 shares

The DelegationManager calls this method when a queued withdrawal is completed and the withdrawer specifies that they want to receive the withdrawal as tokens (rather than shares). This can be used to "fully exit" some amount of beacon chain ETH and send it to a recipient (via EigenPod.withdrawRestakedBeaconChainETH).

Note that because this method entails withdrawing and sending beacon chain ETH, two conditions must be met for this method to succeed: (i) the ETH being withdrawn should already be in the EigenPod, and (ii) the beacon chain withdrawals responsible for the ETH should already be proven.

This means that before completing their queued withdrawal, a Pod Owner needs to prove their beacon chain withdrawals via EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawals.

Also note that, like addShares, if the original Pod Owner has a share deficit (negative shares), the deficit is repaid out of the withdrawn shares before any native ETH is withdrawn.

Entry Points:

  • DelegationManager.completeQueuedWithdrawal
  • DelegationManager.completeQueuedWithdrawals



function withdrawRestakedBeaconChainETH(
    address recipient, 
    uint256 amountWei

The EigenPodManager calls this method when withdrawing a Pod Owner's shares as tokens (native ETH). The input amountWei is converted to Gwei and subtracted from withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei, which tracks Gwei that has been provably withdrawn (via EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawals).

As such:

  • If a withdrawal has not been proven that sufficiently raises withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei, this method will revert.
  • If the EigenPod does not have amountWei available to transfer, this method will revert


  • Decreases the pod's withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei by amountWei / GWEI_TO_WEI
  • Sends amountWei ETH to recipient


  • amountWei / GWEI_TO_WEI MUST NOT be greater than the proven withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei
  • Pod MUST have at least amountWei ETH balance
  • recipient MUST NOT revert when transferred amountWei
  • amountWei MUST be a whole Gwei amount


function verifyAndProcessWithdrawals(
    uint64 oracleTimestamp,
    BeaconChainProofs.StateRootProof calldata stateRootProof,
    BeaconChainProofs.WithdrawalProof[] calldata withdrawalProofs,
    bytes[] calldata validatorFieldsProofs,
    bytes32[][] calldata validatorFields,
    bytes32[][] calldata withdrawalFields

Anyone (not just the Pod Owner) can call this method to prove that one or more validators associated with an EigenPod have performed a full or partial withdrawal from the beacon chain.

Whether each withdrawal is a full or partial withdrawal is determined by the validator's "withdrawable epoch" in the Validator container given by validatorFields (see consensus specs). If the withdrawal proof timestamp is after this epoch, the withdrawal is a full withdrawal.

  • Partial withdrawals are performed automatically by the beacon chain when a validator has an effective balance over 32 ETH. This method can be used to prove that these withdrawals occurred, allowing the Pod Owner to withdraw the excess ETH (via DelayedWithdrawalRouter.createDelayedWithdrawal).
  • Full withdrawals are performed when a Pod Owner decides to fully exit a validator from the beacon chain. To do this, the Pod Owner should follow these steps:
    1. Undelegate or queue a withdrawal (via the DelegationManager: "Undelegating and Withdrawing")
    2. Exit their validator from the beacon chain and provide a proof to this method
    3. Complete their withdrawal (via DelegationManager.completeQueuedWithdrawal).

If the Pod Owner only exits their validator, the ETH of the pod owner is still staked through EigenLayer and can be used to service AVSs, even though their ETH has been withdrawn from the beacon chain. The protocol allows for this edge case.

Beacon chain proofs used:


  • For each proven withdrawal:
    • The validator in question is recorded as having a proven withdrawal at the timestamp given by withdrawalProof.timestampRoot
      • This is to prevent the same withdrawal from being proven twice
    • If this is a full withdrawal:
      • Any withdrawal amount in excess of MAX_RESTAKED_BALANCE_GWEI_PER_VALIDATOR is immediately withdrawn (see DelayedWithdrawalRouter.createDelayedWithdrawal)
        • The remainder (MAX_RESTAKED_BALANCE_GWEI_PER_VALIDATOR) must be withdrawn through the DelegationManager's withdrawal flow, but in the meantime is added to EigenPod.withdrawableRestakedExecutionLayerGwei
      • If the amount being withdrawn is not equal to the current accounted-for validator balance, a shareDelta is calculated to be sent to (EigenPodManager.recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate).
      • The validator's info is updated to reflect its WITHDRAWN status, and restakedBalanceGwei is set to 0
    • If this is a partial withdrawal:


  • All input array lengths MUST be equal
  • oracleTimestamp MUST be queryable via EigenPodManager.getBlockRootAtTimestamp (fails if stateRoot == 0)
  • BeaconChainProofs.verifyStateRootAgainstLatestBlockRoot MUST verify the provided beaconStateRoot against the oracle-provided latestBlockRoot
  • For each withdrawal being proven:
    • The time of the withdrawal (withdrawalProof.timestampRoot) must be AFTER the EigenPod's mostRecentWithdrawalTimestamp
    • The validator MUST be in either status: ACTIVE or WITHDRAWN
      • WITHDRAWN is permitted because technically, it's possible to deposit additional ETH into an exited validator and have the ETH be auto-withdrawn.
      • If the withdrawal is a full withdrawal, only ACTIVE is permitted
    • The validator MUST NOT have already proven a withdrawal at the withdrawalProof.timestampRoot
    • BeaconChainProofs.verifyWithdrawal MUST verify the provided withdrawalFields against the provided beaconStateRoot
    • BeaconChainProofs.verifyValidatorFields MUST verify the provided validatorFields against the beaconStateRoot


function createDelayedWithdrawal(
    address podOwner,
    address recipient

Used by EigenPods to queue a withdrawal of beacon chain ETH that can be claimed by a recipient after withdrawalDelayBlocks have passed.


  • Creates a DelayedWithdrawal for the recipient in the amount of msg.value, starting at the current block


  • Caller MUST be the EigenPod associated with the podOwner
  • recipient MUST NOT be zero


function claimDelayedWithdrawals(
    address recipient,
    uint256 maxNumberOfDelayedWithdrawalsToClaim

// (Uses `msg.sender` as `recipient`)
function claimDelayedWithdrawals(
    uint256 maxNumberOfDelayedWithdrawalsToClaim

After withdrawalDelayBlocks, withdrawals can be claimed using these methods. Claims may be processed on behalf of someone else by passing their address in as the recipient. Otherwise, claims are processed on behalf of msg.sender.

This method loops over up to maxNumberOfDelayedWithdrawalsToClaim withdrawals, tallys each withdrawal amount, and sends the total to the recipient.


  • Updates the recipient's delayedWithdrawalsCompleted
  • Sends ETH from completed withdrawals to the recipient



System Configuration


function updateBeaconChainOracle(IBeaconChainOracle newBeaconChainOracle) external onlyOwner

Allows the owner to update the address of the oracle used by EigenPods to retrieve beacon chain state roots (used when verifying beacon chain state proofs).


  • Updates EigenPodManager.beaconChainOracle


  • Caller MUST be the owner


function setWithdrawalDelayBlocks(uint256 newValue) external onlyOwner

Allows the DelayedWithdrawalRouter to update the delay between withdrawal creation and claimability.

The new delay can't exceed MAX_WITHDRAWAL_DELAY_BLOCKS.


  • Updates DelayedWithdrawalRouter.withdrawalDelayBlocks


  • Caller MUST be the owner
  • newValue MUST NOT be greater than MAX_WITHDRAWAL_DELAY_BLOCKS

Other Methods

This section details various methods that don't fit well into other sections.

Stakers' balance updates are accounted for when the Staker's EigenPod calls this method:

For pods deployed prior to M2, the following methods are callable:

The EigenPod also includes two token recovery mechanisms:


function recordBeaconChainETHBalanceUpdate(
    address podOwner,
    int256 sharesDelta

This method is called by an EigenPod during a balance update or withdrawal. It accepts a positive or negative sharesDelta, which is added/subtracted against the Pod Owner's shares.

If the Pod Owner is not in undelegation limbo and is delegated to an Operator, the sharesDelta is also sent to the DelegationManager to either increase or decrease the Operator's delegated shares.

Entry Points:

  • EigenPod.verifyWithdrawalCredentials
  • EigenPod.verifyBalanceUpdates
  • EigenPod.verifyAndProcessWithdrawals



  • Caller MUST be the EigenPod associated with the passed-in podOwner
  • sharesDelta:
    • MUST NOT be 0
    • If negative, sharesDelta MUST NOT remove more shares than the Pod Owner has
    • MUST be a whole Gwei amount


function activateRestaking()

Note: This method is only callable on pods deployed before M2. After M2, restaking is enabled by default.

activateRestaking allows a Pod Owner to designate their pod (and any future ETH sent to it) as being restaked. Calling this method first withdraws any ETH in the EigenPod via the DelayedWithdrawalRouter, and then prevents further calls to withdrawBeforeRestaking.

Withdrawing any future ETH sent via beacon chain withdrawal to the EigenPod requires providing beacon chain state proofs. However, ETH sent to the pod's receive function should be withdrawable without proofs (see withdrawNonBeaconChainETHBalanceWei).


  • Sets hasRestaked = true
  • Sets the pod's nonBeaconChainETHBalanceWei to 0 (only incremented in the fallback function)
  • Updates the pod's most recent withdrawal timestamp to the current time
  • See DelayedWithdrawalRouter.createDelayedWithdrawal


As of M2: restaking is automatically activated for newly-deployed EigenPods (hasRestaked = true). However, for EigenPods deployed before M2, restaking may not be active (unless the Pod Owner has called this method).


function withdrawBeforeRestaking() 

Note: This method is only callable on pods deployed before M2. After M2, restaking is enabled by default.

Allows the Pod Owner to withdraw any ETH in the EigenPod via the DelayedWithdrawalRouter, assuming restaking has not yet been activated. See EigenPod.activateRestaking for more details.



As of M2: restaking is automatically activated for newly-deployed EigenPods, making this method uncallable for pods deployed after M2. However, for EigenPods deployed before M2, restaking may not be active, and this method may be callable.


function withdrawNonBeaconChainETHBalanceWei(
    address recipient,
    uint256 amountToWithdraw

Allows the Pod Owner to withdraw ETH accidentally sent to the contract's receive function.

The receive function updates nonBeaconChainETHBalanceWei, which this function uses to calculate how much can be withdrawn.

Withdrawals from this function are sent via the DelayedWithdrawalRouter, and can be claimed by the passed-in recipient.




function recoverTokens(
    IERC20[] memory tokenList,
    uint256[] memory amountsToWithdraw,
    address recipient

Allows the Pod Owner to rescue ERC20 tokens accidentally sent to the EigenPod.


  • Calls transfer on each of the ERC20's in tokenList, sending the corresponding amountsToWithdraw to the recipient


  • tokenList and amountsToWithdraw MUST have equal lengths
  • Caller MUST be the Pod Owner