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MVP Features List

Peter Mai edited this page Jan 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Minimum Viable Product

1. Hosting on Heroku

  • Hosted on a live link that never sleeps

2. New account creation, login, and demo login

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try out the site
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (creating drinks and reviews, or check-in)

3. Drinks

  • Logged in Users can create drinks
  • Logged in Users can view all drinks
  • Logged in Users can edit their drinks
  • Logged in Users can delete their drinks

4. Reviews

  • Logged in Users can create Reviews
    • Logged in Users can create Reviews of Drinks freely
    • Logged in Users can also create Reviews of establishments/locations if they've Checked-In
  • Logged in Users can view Reviews
  • Logged in Users can edit their Reviews
  • Logged in Users can delete their Reviews

5. Check-Ins

  • Logged in Users can Check-In at an establishment/location

6. Dashboard and Profile

  • Logged in Users can see their Profile page
  • Logged in Users can see others' Profile pages
  • A User's Profile Page will contain all of the User's Check-Ins, Reviews, and Drinks

7. Production-level README

  • Brief explanation of what the app is and does
  • How to start development environment
  • Technologies used
  • Link to live site
  • Link to Wiki docs
  • Discussion of two features that show off technical abilities
  • Discussion of two challenges faced and how they were solved
  • Code snippets to highlight the best code

8. Bonus - Friendships

  • Allow Users to connect as Friends

9. Bonus - Search

  • Users can search the site for drinks and establishments/locations

10. Bonus - Venues

  • Venues/Establishments/Locations can have their own page
  • A Venue's page will include:
    • Drinks served
    • Reviews posted
    • Check-Ins

11. Bonus - Badges

  • Users can get Badges from Venues/Establishments
  • Users can get Badges from Drinks/Number of Drinks
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