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This repo contains the code for the 13th project of the JS-React traineeship

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Table of contents

  1. Front-End
    1.1 Front-End stack
    1.2 Libraries used
    1.3 Front-End installation guide
    1.4 Launching the project
    1.5 Other commands

  2. Back-End
    2.1 Back-End installation guide
    2.2 Starting the server
    2.3 Routes and endpoints
    2.4 Other information

  3. Miscellaneous
    3.1 Folder-app structure
    3.2 Naming conventions
    3.3 Trivial information

1. Front-End

1.1 Front-End stack

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Next.js

HTML5 Sass TypeScript React NextJs

1.2 Libraries used

  • Jest with: React Testing Library
  • Redux with: React-Redux, Redux Toolkit and Immer
  • TanStack Query a.k.a React Query

Jest Redux TanStack Query(React Query)

1.3 Front-End installation guide

The project uses Node packages and uses npm, so the installation of Node.js in your IDE is required

Install Node.js

Once Node.js has been successfully added to your IDE, you'll need to:

  1. Fork the Front-End repository
  2. Clone it locally with with git clone

Afterwards you'll need to install all the project dependencies with npm install

1.4 Launching the project

For the Front-end, you will need to compile the Next.js app with the command:

npm run dev

1.5 Other commands

This app has 2 other executable scripts:

  1. To run all tests with Jest and get a code coverage percentage:
npm run test
  1. To run a test with Jest on a particular file:
npm  run  test -- [file-name].tsx --silent=false --coverage=false

2. Back-End

2.1 Back-End installation guide

The Back-End also uses Node.js, if it's still not installed in your IDE, here's the link:

Install Node.js

Along with MongoDB Community Server to use the database

Install MongoDB Community Server

Just like for the Front-end, you will need to repeat the same steps

  1. Fork the Back-End repository
  2. Clone it locally with with git clone

Once installed, you'll need to populate the database with:

npm run populate-db

2.2 Starting the server

In order to launch the Back-end server, you'll need to run nodemon with this command:

npm run dev:server

2.3 Routes and endpoints

To use the API routes, you must use this base URL: https://localhost:3001/api/v1/

The API of this server is separated in 2 routes

  • The user/ route:
HTTP Verb Endpoints Parameters Payload of the request Possible code statuses Payload of the response Description of the body
POST /user/login/ - {
"email": string,
"password": string
200: OK

400: Invalid fields

500: Internal Server Error
"token": string
Gives a JSON Web Token when the user fills the
form fields correctly
POST /user/signup/ - {
"email": string,
"password": string,
"firstName": string,
"lastName": string
200: OK

400: Invalid fields

500: Internal Server Error
"message": string,
"email": string,
Creates the user in the database and sends back an id and an email
POST /user/profile - {
"header": {
"Authorization": string
200: OK

400: Invalid fields

500: Internal Server Error
{ "status": number,
"message": string,
"body": { "email": string, "firstName": string, "lastName": string, "createdAt": Date, "updatedAt": Date, "id": string }
Retrieves the profile data of the user
PUT /user/profile - {
"header": { "Authorization": string}
"firstName": "Tony",

"lastName": "Stark"}
200: OK

400: Invalid fields

500: Internal Server Error
{ "status": number,
"message": string,
"body": { "email": string, "firstName": string, "lastName": string, "createdAt": Date, "updatedAt": Date, "id": string }
Modifies the first and/or last name of the user
  • The transactions/ route:
HTTP Verb Endpoints Parameters Payload of the request Possible code statuses Payload of the response Description of the body
POST /user/:accountId/transactions accountId: ID of the bank account {
"Authorization": string

accountId: string
200: OK

400: Bad request

401: Unauthenticated

403: Unauthorized

404: Not found

500: Internal error
transactionId: string,
date: Date,
description: string,
amount: number,
balance: number
Returns an array of all the transactions
containing their
- transaction ID
- their date
- their description
- their amount
-the account balance after the transaction
POST /user/:accountId/transactions/:transactionId accountId: ID of the bank account

transactionId: ID of the transaction
"header": {
"Authorization": string
accountId: string,
transactionId: string
200: OK

400: Bad request

401: Unauthenticated

403: Unauthorized

404: Not found

500: Internal error
transactionId: string,
description: string,
amount: number,
balance: number,
transactionType: number,
category: string,
notes: string
Returns an object of a particular transaction
containing more information about it such as:

- the type of transaction

- the category

- the notes left by the account owner
POST /user/:accountId/transactions/:transactionId/other accountId: ID of the bank account

transactionId: ID of the transaction
"header": {
"Authorization": string
accountId: string,
transactionId: string,
notes: string,
201: Created

400: Bad request

401: Unauthenticated

403: Unauthorized

404: Not found

500: Internal error
message: string
Returns a message saying if the infos were
successfully added or not
PUT /user/:accountId/transactions/:transactionId/other accountId: ID of the bank account

transactionId: ID of the transaction

category: string,
notes: string
201: Created

400: Bad request

401: Unauthenticated

403: Unauthorized

404: Not found

500: Internal error

message: string
Returns a message saying if the infos were
successfully changed or not
DELETE /user/:accountId/transactions/:transactionId/other accountId: ID of the bank account

transactionId: ID of the transaction
"Authorization": string
accountId: string,
transactionId: string,
category: boolean,
notes: boolean,
200: OK

400: Bad request

401: Unauthenticated

403: Unauthorized

404: Not found

500: Internal error

message: string
Returns a message saying if the infos were
successfully deleted or not

2.4 Other information

To view a more detailed installation guide, you can go on the repository of the Back-End of the project

3. Miscellaneous

3.1 Folder app structure

Here's the current folders structure for the application

|– argent-bank/
|  |
|  |– ...
|– P10-Bank-API
|  |
|  |– ...

3.2 Naming conventions

  • File and folder names: kebab-case

    example: helper-functions.tsx

  • CSS: kebab-case


--bg-primary: red;
  • JS: camelCase, ⁣PascalCase and SNAKE_CASE
  1. For variable names: camelCase
  2. For class and component names: PascalCase
  3. For contextualized constants names: SNAKE_CASE


let dataValues = [{value: 5}, {value: 2}];

class Service{...}

function Header(){...}

const MAX_32_BIT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER = 2_147_483_647;

3.3 Trivial information

This project:

  • Has a responsive design
  • Has a dark/light theme
  • Has a Swagger API documentation is available in this address: http://localhost:3001/api-docs/#/
  • Uses SSR (Server-side rendering)
  • Uses the 7-1 pattern for SASS


This repo contains the code for the 13th project of the JS-React traineeship






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