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2.11.1 - A few minor fixes (but less fearsome build process)

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@lupestro lupestro released this 03 Feb 20:33
· 7 commits to main since this release
  • [BUGFIX] (StormDarkwood) Fixed Dragonbane lighting back to what it should be. (It's in meters, not grids.)
  • [BUGFIX] (spikedshrike) Flashlight angle on SWADE was bugged - 3 degrees shipped should be 6 degrees (for 10:1 beam) or possible 53 degrees (for cone) - seeking clarification.
  • [BUGFIX] (Lupestro) After consultation with others, fixed GURPS beam angles from 3 to 6 degrees as well.
  • [INTERNAL] Adding build and release automation to make process of delivering a new version closer to "pull the lever"