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Skebby Symfony5 bundle

This is an unofficial Symfony5 bundle for the Skebby sms service provider.


The suggested installation method is via composer:

$ composer require leandro980/skebby-bundle


Enable the bundle in config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    // ...
    Szopen\SkebbyBundle\SkebbyBundle::class => ['all' => true],

In your config/packages/skebby_bundle.yaml:


  # Add your Skebby account credentials
  username: 'yourskebbyusername'
  password: 'yourskebbypassword'
  # Skebby provides two kinds of authentication:
  #   - Getting a Session Id that expires in 5 minutes if no request is sent
  #   - Getting a Token always valid
  # Allowed values are: 
  #   - token (default)
  #   - session
  # auth_type: 'token'
  # You can choose which kind of sms send between:
  #   - "GP" for Classic+ (limited to 1530 chars, delivery warranty, delivery report)
  #   - "TI" for Classic (limited to 1530 chars, delivery warranty)
  #   - "SI" for Basic (limited to 160 chars, no delivery warranty)
  # message_type: 'TI'
  # You can also add a default sender alias used to send SMS.
  # This overrides the default alias set in Skebby account but must be one of the alias 
  # already registered. 
  # If the message type allows a custom TPOA and the field is left empty, the user’s preferred TPOA
  # is used. Must be empty if the message type does not allow a custom TPOA.
  # default_sender_alias: ""

Simple Symfony Usage

You have access to the SkebbyManager service in your controller.

Check your account status

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Manager\SkebbyManager;

// ..

 * @Route("/skebby/status", name="skebby.status")
public function statusAction(SkebbyManager $skebby)

    $s = $skebby->getStatus();

    return $this->render('skebby/index.html.twig', [
        'status' => $s,

SkebbyManager::getStatus returns a Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Response\Status

Send an SMS

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Manager\SkebbyManager;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Data\Recipient;

// ..

 * @Route("/skebby/send", name="skebby.sendsms")
public function sendSmsAction(SkebbyManager $skebby)

    $sms = $skebby->createDefaultSms('Hello, this is a test message',
    [new Recipient('3331234567'), new Recipient('3207654321')]);

    $response = $skebby->sendSms($sms);

    return $this->render('skebby/index.html.twig', [
        'response' => $response,

SkebbyManager::sendSms returns a Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Response\SmsResponse


The Skebby bundle uses a set of clients classes that perform their specific API calls. The SkebbyManager is a service that wraps all the clients methods. Please refer to Official Skebby Developer Documentation for further info.


You can choose which kind of authentication to use by AuthenticatorFactory class.

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;


// Token authentication
$auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('token')
// Session authentication
// $auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('session')

// Used to authenticate in later API calls
$arrayAccess = $auth->login('username', 'password');

Session authentication lasts 5 minutes if no API call is performed.


Class dedicated to the User/Account API calls.

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\UserClient;


// Token authentication
$auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('token')

$userClient = new UserClient('username', 'password', $auth);

You can read more on methods comments of Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\UserClient


Class dedicated to the Sms API calls.

Sending a Simple Sms.

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\SmsClient;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Data\Recipient;


// Token authentication
$auth = AuthenticatorFactory::create('token')

$smsClient = new SmsClient('username', 'password', $auth);

// Creating an sms
// You must choose which kind of SMS type to send 
$sms = new Sms(Sms::SMS_CLASSIC_KEY);

// Add a message
// SmsClient choose wich kind of encoding to use, between UCS2 and GSM, 
// authomatically parsing the message.
// It also counts chars available based on encoding, if the ength of the message exceeds the limit
// it raises a MessageLengthException
$sms->setMessage("Hello, this is a GSM encoded message");
// Substitutes message
$sms->setMessage("Hello, this is a UCS2 encoded message because of ç char");

// Set sender
// You can add sender only if your not using BASIC SMS and the aliasis registered to your account

// Creating and adding a Recipient
// When you create a "Recipient" it parses the phone number, if it's not valid it raises
// a \libphonenumber\NumberParseException 
$recipient = new Recipient("+393211234567");

// Sending SMS
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendSms($sms);
// You can choose to allow invalid recipients (that means that an invalid recipient 
// won't block the entire operation) and if you want have the remaining sms and credit
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendSms($sms, 
    true, // Allow invalid recipients
    true, // Return remaining
    true, // Return credit

You can send Sms to groups. In this case the recipients must be of type Group

use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Auth\AuthenticatorFactory;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\SmsClient;
use Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Data\Group;


// Creating and adding a recipient
$recipient = new Group("groupname");

// Sending SMS
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendGroupSms($sms);
// You can choose to allow invalid recipients (that means that an invalid recipient 
// won't block the entire operation) and if you want have the remaining sms and credit
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendGroupSms($sms, 
    true, // Allow invalid recipients
    true, // Return remaining
    true, // Return credit

Sending messages with parameters is also possible. You can't send parametric sms to groups

// Adds a message with parameters
// The system recognizes the parameters in the text 
$sms->setMessage('Hello ${name}, i know your surname is ${surname}');

// Creating and adding a Recipient with parameters
$recipient = new Recipient("+393211234567");
$recipient->addVariable('name', 'John');
$recipient->addVariable('surname', 'Dorian');

// Sending SMS
// If just a Recipient does'nt contains all the parameters defined in message 
// it raises a MissingParameterException 
$smsResponse = $smsClient->sendSms($sms);

You can read more on methods comments of Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Client\SmsClient


This class is configured as a Symfony5 service and wraps all the clients methods. It adds the SkebbyManager::createDefaultSms that returns an Sms using all the default parameters configured in the yaml file.

$sms = $skebby->createDefaultSms('Hello, this is a test message');
$sms->addRecipient(new Recipient("+393211234567"));
// You can also add recipients in constructor
$sms = $skebby->createDefaultSms('Hello, this is a test message',
    [new Recipient('3331234567'), new Recipient('3207654321')]);

You can read more on methods comments of Szopen\SkebbyBundle\Model\Manager\SkebbyManager


MIT License, please see LICENSE for more information.