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Lean's edited this page May 8, 2024 · 11 revisions


You can check the configurations here and see what each configuration does, to access the configurations files you can find it in modfolder/assets/config/


If you are a developer and want to know how to make a integration, patch or compatibility with LevelUP check the integration & compatibility section

Earning experience

You can earn experience just playing the game normally, breaking woods, killing creatures, mining, etc.


Increases all types of damages you deal in others creatures and players, you can earn it by killing entities, the type of entity should give you more experience, the stronger the entitity more experiency you will earn


Using bows will increase the damage, precision and the arrows will get less chance to be destroyed on use


The art of using knifes, using knifes to harvest entities will increase the knife experience, you should have the knifes damages increased and the entity drop increased when harvesting, dealing damage with knifes also increase the knife experience.


Using the spear will increase the damage of throwing the spear, precision and the normal spear hit.


Breaking trees and breaking wood will increase the axe levels, with good levels you will break woods and trees much faster, also the axe damage will be increased, you also earn experience by dealing damage with axes.


Mining ores and stones will increase the pickaxe experience, with good levels you will earn more ore drops from ores and have much faster mining speed, you also earn experience by dealing damage with pickaxes and mining ores gives you more experience.


Digging soils and derivateds will increase the shovel experience, the mining speed and the damage, you also earn by dealing damage with shovels.


Increase the drop rate from crops, you will earn experience by harvest crops in the final stage or penultimate stage, but be aware the penultimate will have the experience decreased, you can still earn experience by tilling soils.


Earn more servings quantity and more fresh days when cooking, earn experience by simple cooking in firepit.


Increase the player health and regeneration by getting damaged.

Leather Armors

Receive less damage using leather armors, the more level you have and more armors do you have equipped the more reduction you will receive

Chain Armors

Receive less damage using chain armors, the more level you have and more armors do you have equipped the more reduction you will receive


The level for your tools like axe, pickaxe, shovel, have a chance to not use durability depending on your level, for example if you have a pickaxe level 20 you probably have 25% o chance of not using durability. (default)


For server administration or single player tests, there some commands to handle the experience from players, you can look at command section