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Mux Gate

Jason Bazalar edited this page Mar 2, 2016 · 17 revisions

The following will show you how to go about solving the Multiplexor (aka Mux) Gate using a Canonical strategy.

Canonical Representation

Mux (Multiplexor) Truth Table

a  b sel | out
0  0  0  | 0
0  1  0  | 0
1  0  0  | 1 *
1  1  0  | 1 *
0  0  1  | 0
0  1  1  | 1 *
1  0  1  | 0
1  1  1  | 1 *

Truth Table to Canonical Representation

From the Mux truth table above we see that there are four instances where the output is equal to 1:

a  b  sel
1  0  0
1  1  0 
0  1  1
1  1  1

We can then start setting up the canonical representation of these:

100 OR 110 OR 011 OR 111

Which then gets translated into the following:

a'b's OR ab's OR 'abs OR abs   // 100 becomes a'b's, 110 becomes ab's, etc.
a'b's + ab's + 'abs + abs      // replace OR with a plus sign
  • a for a, b for b, s for sel
  • ' (single quote) in front of a letter to denote NOT
  • + to denote OR


We can then group them together and start to simplify them:

a'b's + ab's + 'abs + abs
( a'b's + ab's ) + ( 'abs + abs )
( a's('b+b) ) + ( 'abs + abs ) // Left side has a's in common, we bring those out
( a's('b+b) ) + ( bs('a+a) )   // Right side has bs (lol) in common, we can bring those out
( a's(1) ) + ( bs(1) )         // 'b+b = 1 as does 'a+a = 1
( a's ) + ( bs )               // a's(1) = a's, same idea for bs.
a's + bs                       // a and not s OR b and s
aNot(s) + bs
And(a,Not(s)) + And(b,s)
Or( And(a,Not(s)) , And(b,s) ) // Final simplification

HDL code

From the last line in the last section (Final Simplification) we see that we'll need:

Not(s) = nots
And(a,nots) = and1
And(b,s) = and2
Or(and1,and2) = out

So we can construct it as follow:

CHIP Mux {
IN a, b, sel;
OUT out;

