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Test HDL files remotely

Obi-Ike Nwoke edited this page Feb 21, 2016 · 4 revisions
  • Develop on a chromebook or obscure OS?
  • Want to test hdl files like a 1337 hacker?
  • Don't want to install java locally?

Run the hardware simulator... in the cloud!

cloud9 is a cloud development platform, and since it has java pre-configured, it's easy to run the nand2tetris software.

###About cloud9 The first environment is private, but subsequent environments are open to the public unless you pay for a premium account. Try not to keep any personal data or private keys on there, just to be safe.

Other similar providers like Koding may work too, YMMV.

###What works

  • Hardware simulator works, using command line to compare hdl files to test scripts. This doesn't have all the features of the GUI but might be enough debug.
  • Other tools are untested

###Get set up

  1. Sign up for cloud9 account
  2. Create a workspace. If this is your first, choose the "custom" template with a private workspace.
  3. In your new workspace, open a new terminal tab (⌥t on a mac)
  4. Java should be pre-installed: java -version
  5. Download & extract software: wget && unzip
  6. Follow the command-line usage instructions at

For example, use this syntax to test the "And" gate:

  sh ~/workspace/nand2tetris/tools/ ~/workspace/nand2tetris/projects/01/And.tst
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