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Streaming Aware neural network models


Summary about this work is presented at paper Streaming keyword spotting on mobile devices

Streaming aware neural network models are important for real time response, high accuracy and good user experience. In this work we designed keras streaming wrappers and streaming aware layers. By streaming we mean streaming inference, where model receives portion of the input sequence (for example 20ms of audio), process it incrementally and return an output(for example classification result). Non streaming means that model has to receive the whole sequence (for example 1 sec) and then return an output. We applied this lib for keyword spotting (KWS) problem and implemented most popular KWS models:

  • dnn - deep neural network based on combination of fully connected layers;
  • dnn_raw - an example of dnn model on raw audio features;
  • gru - gated recurrent unit model;
  • lstm - long short term memory model;
  • cnn - convolutional neural network;
  • tc_resnet - temporal convolution with sequence of residual blocks;
  • crnn - combination of convolutional layers with RNNs(GRU or LSTM);
  • ds_cnn - depth wise convolutional neural network;
  • svdf - singular value decomposition filter neural network (sequence of 1d depthwise conv and 1x1 conv);
  • svdf_resnet - svdf neural network with residual connections;
  • att_rnn - combination of attention with RNN(bi directional LSTM);
  • att_mh_rnn - extended version of att_rnn with multihead attention;
  • mobilenet - reduced version of mobilenet vision/imagenet model, but with 1d temporal conv;
  • mobilenet_v2 - reduced version of mobilenet_v2 vision/imagenet model, but with 1d temporal conv;
  • xception - reduced version of xception vision/imagenet model;
  • inception - reduced version of inception vision/imagenet model;
  • inception_resnet - reduced version of inception_resnet vision/imagenet model;

They all use speech feature extractor, which is easy to configure as MFCC, LFBE or raw features (so user can train own speech feature extractor). We explored latency and accuracy of the streaming and non streaming models on mobile phone and demonstrated that models outperform previously reported accuracy on public data sets. This lib also can be applied on other sequence problems such as speech noise reduction, sound detection, text classification...

Experimentation steps

NN model conversion from non streaming mode (which is frequently used during training) to streaming can require manual model rewriting. We address this by designing a Keras based library which allows automatic conversion of non streaming models to streaming one with no or minimum efforts. We achieve this in several steps:

  1. Train model using non streaming TensorFlow (TF) graph representation.
  2. Automatically convert model to streaming and non streaming inference modes. Conversion to streaming inference mode includes TF/Keras graph traversal and buffer insertion for the layers which have to be streamed.
  3. Convert Keras model to TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) and quantize if needed.
  4. Run TFLite inference on phone.

We build this library with the speech feature extractor being a part of the model and also part of the model conversion to inference mode with TFLite. It allows to simplify model testing on mobile devices: the developer can simply pass audio data into the model and receive classification results.

We built streaming wrapper for layers (such as conv,flatten) and streaming aware layers (for GRU and LSTM). It allows us to design Keras models, train them and automatically convert them to streaming mode.

Experimental results

All experiments are listed in folder "experiments". It contains:

  • kws_experiments_paper - experiments presented in paper
  • kws_experiments_q - quantized model presented in paper
  • kws_experiments_30k - models with 30k parameters.

Streamable and non streamable models

Below we plot performance of models from kws_experiments_paper, kws_experiments_q and kws_experiments_30k. It is only a subset of the models with selected parameters. In the graphs below, model size is a size of TFLite module including both speech feature extractor and neural network.

  • Accuracy/Latency[ms]. Latency of processing the whole 1sec audio.

alt text

  • Accuracy/Model size[KB].

alt text

  • Latency[ms]/Model size[KB].

alt text

Streaming models

  • Accuracy/Latency[ms]. Latency of processing 20ms audio packet (in streaming mode).

alt text

  • Accuracy/Model size[KB].

alt text

Migration to Streaming Aware neural network models

For migration of existing keras model to streaming one, developer need to replace RNNs by streaming aware RNNs. Streaming aware LSTM and GRU of this lib are fully compatible with keras api. Remaining layers, which are doing data processing in time dimension, has to be wrapped by Stream wrapper, as it is shown below:

Standard keras model:

output = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(...)(input)
output = tf.keras.layers.Flatten(...)(output)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(...)(output)

Streaming aware model:

output = Stream(cell=tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(...))(input)
output = Stream(cell=tf.keras.layers.Flatten(...))(output)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(...)(output)

Current limitation:

Some models are not supported in streaming mode:

  • Bidirectional RNN kind of models such as att_rnn, att_mh_rnn require access to the whole sequence.
  • Pooling and striding in time dimension is not supported in streaming mode. So models such as mobilenet, mobilenet_v2, xception, inception, inception_resnet, tc_resnet are not streamable in this library now. It is only a design decision and can be enabled in the future.


KWS model in streaming mode is executed by steps:

  1. Receive sample(packet), for example audio data from microphone.
  2. Feed these data into KWS model
  3. Process these data and return detection output
  4. Go to next inference iteration to step 1 above. Most of the layers are streamable by default for example activation layers: relu, sigmoid; or dense layer. These layers does not have any state. So we can call them stateless layers.

State management

Where state is some buffer with data which is going to be reused in the next iteration of the inference. Examples of layers with states are LSTM, GRU.

Another example of layers which require state are convolutional and pooling: To reduce latency of convolutional layer we can avoid recomputation of the convolution on the same data. To achieve it, we introduce a state buffer of the input data for a convolutional layer, so that convolution is recomputed only on updated/new data sets. We can implement such layer using two approaches:

  1. with internal state - conv layer keeps state buffer as internal variable. It receives input data, updates state buffer inside of the conv layer. Computes convolution on state buffer and returns convolution output.
  2. with external state - conv layer receives input data with state buffer as input variables. Then it computes convolution on state buffer and returns convolution output with updated state buffer. The last one will be fed as input state on the next inference iteration.

A stateful model can be implemented using stateless graph (above example 2.) because some inference engines do not support updates of the internal buffer variables.

This lib allow us to do several types of conversions:

  1. Non streaming model to stateful KWS models with internal state, such models receive input speech data and return classification results.
  2. Non streaming model to stateful KWS models with external state, such models receive input speech data and all states buffers required for model's layers and return classification results with updated states buffers.

Models can run in several modes:

  1. Non streaming training 'Modes.TRAINING'. We receive the whole audio sequence and process it

  2. Non streaming inference 'Modes.NON_STREAM_INFERENCE'. We use the same neural net topology as in training mode but disable regularizers (dropout etc) for inference. We receive the whole audio sequence and process it.

  3. Streaming inference with internal state 'Modes.STREAM_INTERNAL_STATE_INFERENCE'. We change neural net topology by introducing additional buffers/states into layers such as conv, lstm, etc. We receive audio data in streaming mode: packet by packet. (so we do not have access to the whole sequence). Inference graph is stateful, so that graph has internal states which are kept between inference invocations.

  4. Streaming inference with external state 'Modes.STREAM_EXTERNAL_STATE_INFERENCE'. We change neural net topology by introducing additional input/output buffers/states into layers such as conv, lstm, etc. We receive audio data in streaming mode: packet by packet. (so we do not have access to the whole sequence). Inference graph is stateless, so that graph has not internal state. All states are received as inputs and after update are returned as output state

Further information

Summary about this work is presented at paper Streaming keyword spotting on mobile devices All experiments on KWS models presented in this paper can be reproduced by following the steps described in kws_streaming/experiments/kws_experiments_paper.txt. Models were trained on a desktop (Ubuntu) and tested on a Pixel4 phone.

Code directory structure:

  • colab - examples of running KWS models
  • data - data reading utilities
  • experiments - command lines for model training and evaluation
  • layers - streaming aware layers with speech feature extractor and layer tests
  • models - KWS model definitions
  • train - model training and evaluation

Below is an example of evaluation and training DNN model:

Evaluation and training a DNN model.

Set up data sets:

Download and set up path to data set V1 and set it up

mkdir data1
mv ./speech_commands_v0.01.tar.gz ./data1
cd ./data1
tar -xf ./speech_commands_v0.01.tar.gz
cd ../

Download and set up path to data set V2 and set it up

mkdir data2
mv ./speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz ./data2
cd ./data2
tar -xf ./speech_commands_v0.02.tar.gz
cd ../

We would suggest to explore training, validation and testing data in colab 'kws_streaming/colab/check-data.ipynb'

Set up models:

Download and set up path to models trained and evaluated on data sets V1

mkdir models1
mv ./ ./models1
cd ./models1
unzip ./
cd ../

Download and set up path to models trained and evaluated on data sets V2

mkdir models2
mv ./ ./models2
cd ./models2
unzip ./
cd ../

Run only model evaluation:

python -m kws_streaming.train.model_train_eval \
--data_url '' \
--data_dir ./data1/ \
--train_dir ./models1/dnn/ \
--mel_upper_edge_hertz 7000 \
--how_many_training_steps 10000,10000,10000 \
--learning_rate 0.0005,0.0001,0.00002 \
--window_size_ms 40.0 \
--window_stride_ms 20.0 \
--mel_num_bins 40 \
--dct_num_features 20 \
--resample 0.15 \
--alsologtostderr \
--train 0 \
dnn \
--units1 '64,128' \
--act1 "'relu','relu'" \
--pool_size 2 \
--strides 2 \
--dropout1 0.1 \
--units2 '128,256' \
--act2 "'linear','relu'"

Re-train dnn model from scratch on data set V1 and run evaluation:

python -m kws_streaming.train.model_train_eval \
--data_url '' \
--data_dir ./data1/ \
--train_dir ./models1/dnn_1/ \
--mel_upper_edge_hertz 7000 \
--how_many_training_steps 100,100,100 \
--learning_rate 0.0005,0.0001,0.00002 \
--window_size_ms 40.0 \
--window_stride_ms 20.0 \
--mel_num_bins 40 \
--dct_num_features 20 \
--resample 0.15 \
--alsologtostderr \
--train 1 \
dnn \
--units1 '64,128' \
--act1 "'relu','relu'" \
--pool_size 2 \
--strides 2 \
--dropout1 0.1 \
--units2 '128,256' \
--act2 "'linear','relu'"

Re-train dnn model from scratch with quantization on data set V1 and run evaluation:

By default we use mfcc_tf option to specify speech feature extractor. It is based on DFT and DCT, where DFT and DCT are implemented with matrix matrix multiplications. This approach is compatible with any inference engine, but it can increase model size significantly. Post quantization of such model can reduce its accuracy. That is why we also introduced mfcc_op option. In this case speech feature extractor is based on TFLite custom operations. This kind of feature extractor functionally is the same with mfcc_tf, but all DFT, DCT are executed using FFT, so it will be faster and model size will be defined by neural net only. If you specify --feature_type 'mfcc_op', then model will be trained and evaluated in unquantized and quantized form (only post training quantization is supported). With mfcc_op we observed insignificant accuracy reduction of quantized models.

python -m kws_streaming.train.model_train_eval \
--data_url '' \
--data_dir ./data1/ \
--train_dir ./models1/dnn_1/ \
--mel_upper_edge_hertz 7000 \
--how_many_training_steps 100,100,100 \
--learning_rate 0.0005,0.0001,0.00002 \
--window_size_ms 40.0 \
--window_stride_ms 20.0 \
--mel_num_bins 40 \
--dct_num_features 20 \
--resample 0.15 \
--feature_type 'mfcc_op' \
--alsologtostderr \
--train 1 \
dnn \
--units1 '64,128' \
--act1 "'relu','relu'" \
--pool_size 2 \
--strides 2 \
--dropout1 0.1 \
--units2 '128,256' \
--act2 "'linear','relu'"

Some key flags are described below:

  • set "--train 0" to run only model evaluation
  • set "--train 1" to run model training and model evaluation
  • set "--train_dir ./models1/dnn_1/" to a new folder which does not exist, we will create it automatically
  • set "dnn \" to train the dnn model
  • set "--data_dir ./data1/" to use data sets v1

If you interested to train or evaluate models on data sets V2 just set:

  • set --data_dir ./data2/ to use the other data set, and
  • set --train_dir ./models2/dnn/ to avoid overwriting previous results.

Speech feature extraction configs:

Model can be trained with different feature extractors including raw audio. An example of model training on raw audio is presented at models/ (in this case speech feature extractor will be learned). In models/, model does not have speech feature extractor so 'feature_type' will be ignored. All other models have speech feature extractor as a part of the model which can be configured by feature_type: 'mfcc_tf', 'mfcc_op' (in this case 'preprocess' has to be 'raw', so that model receives raw audio and then apply speech feature extractor 'mfcc_tf' or 'mfcc_op'). If you specify 'preprocess' equal 'mfcc' or 'micro', then speech feature extraction is done outside of the model during audio preprocessing (in this case model does not have internal feature extractor and 'feature_type' will be ignored; model receives speech features as input).

This lib supports TFlite speech feature extractors for different hardware: desktop, mobile phone and microcontrollers.

There are several options to run a model on desktop and mobile phone. These options with properties are described below table:

preprocess 'raw';
feature_type 'mfcc_tf'
preprocess 'raw';
feature_type 'mfcc_op'
preprocess 'mfcc';
feature_type is ignored
preprocess 'micro';
feature_type is ignored
Speech feature
part of model part of model not part of model not part of model
Speech feature
based on:
DFT, DFT weights
are part of model
Model size: DFT weights + model weights model weights model weights model weights
Quantization: not implemented post training post training post training
Can run on: desktop,

If speech feature extractor is part of the model then it is convenient for deployment, otherwise user will have to manage speech feature extractor and data streams between model and speech feature extractor. Speech feature extractor based on DFT can be a good option for hardware with no FFT support. Combination of FFT with post training quantization can reduce latency by 2x.

Training on custom data

If you prefer to train on your own data, you'll need to create .wavs with your recordings, all at a consistent length, and then arrange them into subfolders organized by label. For example, here's a possible file structure:

data >
  up >
  down >

You'll also need to tell the script what labels to look for, using the "--wanted_words" argument. In this case, 'up,down' might be what you want, and the audio in the 'other' folder would be used to train an 'unknown' category.

To pull this all together, you'd run:

python -m kws_streaming.train.model_train_eval \
--data_dir ./data \
--wanted_words up,down \

Above script will automatically split data into training/validation and testing.

If you prefer to split the data on your own, then you should set flag "--split_data 0" and prepare folders with structure:

data >
  training >
    up >
    down >
  validation >
    up >
    down >
  testing >
    up >
    down >
  _background_noise_ >

To pull this all together, you'd run:

python -m kws_streaming.train.model_train_eval \
--data_dir ./data \
--split_data 0 \
--wanted_words up,down \

Description of the content of the model folder models1/dnn_1:

├── accuracy_last.txt - accuracy at the last training iteration (for debugging)
├── best_weights.index  - best model weights, these weights are used for
|       model evaluation with TF/TFLite for reporting
├── flags.json - flags which were used for model training (include all model parameters settings, paths all of it)
├── flags.txt - the same as flags.json just in txt
├── graph.pbtxt - TF graph non streaming model representation
├── labels.txt - list of labels used for model training
├── last_weights.index - weights of the model at last training iteration (used for debugging)
├── logs
│   ├── train
│   │   └── events.out.tfevents... - tranining loss/accuracy on every minibatch
│   └── validation
│       └── events.out.tfevents... - validation loss/accuracy on every eval step
├── model_summary.txt - model topology in non streaming mode
├── non_stream - (optional)TF non streamable model stored in SavedModel format
│   ├── assets
│   ├── model_summary.txt
│   ├── saved_model.pb
│   └── variables
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── variables.index
├── quantize_opt_for_size_tflite_non_stream - quantized non stream TFlite model, works with options:
|   |        (preprocess 'raw'; feature_type 'mfcc_op')
|   |        (preprocess 'mfcc')
|   |        (preprocess 'micro')
│   ├── model_summary.txt
│   ├── non_stream.tflite - quantized non streaming TFlite model
│   └── tflite_non_stream_model_accuracy.txt  - accuracy of quantized TFlite model
├── quantize_opt_for_size_tflite_stream_state_external - quantized streamimg TFlite model, works with options:
|   |        (preprocess 'raw'; feature_type 'mfcc_op')
|   |        (preprocess 'mfcc')
|   |        (preprocess 'micro')
|   |        Not all models can be streamed (check models desription above)
│   ├── model_summary.txt - model topology in streaming mode with external state
│   ├── stream_state_external.tflite - quantized streaming TFlite model
│   ├── tflite_stream_state_external_model_accuracy_reset0.txt - accuracy of TFLite streaming model
|   |       with external state
|   |       State of the model is not reseted before running inference.
|   |       So we can see how internal state is influencing accuracy in long run.
|   |       We report this accuracy in the paper for streaming models
│   └── tflite_stream_state_external_model_accuracy_reset1.txt - accuracy of TFLite streaming model with external
|            state. State of the model is reseted before running inference.
|            So it is equivalent to non streaming inference (state is not kept between testing sequences).
├── stream_state_internal - (optional)TF streaming model stored in SavedModel format
│   ├── assets
│   ├── model_summary.txt - model topology in streaming mode with internal state
│   ├── saved_model.pb
│   └── variables
│       ├──
│       ├──
│       └── variables.index
├── tf - evaluation of tf float model in both streaming and non streaming modes
│   ├── model_summary_non_stream.png - non streaming model graph (picture)
│   ├── model_summary_non_stream.txt - - non streaming model graph (txt)
│   ├── model_summary_stream_state_external.png - streaming model graph with external states (picture)
│   ├── model_summary_stream_state_external.txt - streaming model graph with external states (txt)
│   ├── model_summary_stream_state_internal.png - streaming model graph with internal states (picture)
│   ├── model_summary_stream_state_internal.txt - streaming model graph with internal states (txt)
│   ├── stream_state_external_model_accuracy_sub_set_reset0.txt - accuracy of streaming model with external state
|   |       on subset of testing data (it is used to validate that TF and TFLite inference gives the same result).
|   |       Do not use this accuracy for reporting because it is computed 
|   |       on subset of testing data (on 1000 samples)
|   |       State of the model is not reseted before running inference.
|   |       So we can see how internal state is influencing accuracy in long run.
│   ├── stream_state_external_model_accuracy_sub_set_reset1.txt - accuracy of streaming model with external state
|   |       on subset of testing data (it is used to validate that TF and TFLite inference gives the same result).
|   |       Do not use this accuracy for reporting because it is computed 
|   |       on subset of testing data (on 1000 samples)
|   |       State of the model is reseted before running inference.
|   |       So it is equivalent to non streaming inference (state is not kept between testing sequences).
│   ├── tf_non_stream_model_accuracy.txt - accuracy of non streaming model tested with TF
│   ├── tf_non_stream_model_sampling_stream_accuracy.txt - accuracy of non streaming model tested with TF
|   |       Input testing data are shifted randomly in range: -time_shift_ms ... time_shift_ms (for debugging)
│   └── tf_stream_state_internal_model_accuracy_sub_set.txt - accuracy of streaming model with internal state
|           on subset of testing data.
|           Do not use this accuracy for reporting because it is computed
|           on subset of testing data (on 1000 samples)
|           State of the model is not reseted before running inference.
|           So we can see how internal state is influencing accuracy in long run.
├── tflite_non_stream - TF non streaming model is converted to TFLite and stored here
│   ├── model_summary.txt - model topology in non streaming mode
│   ├── non_stream.tflite - TFLite non streaming model
│   └── tflite_non_stream_model_accuracy.txt - accuracy of TFLite non streaming model (reported in paper)
├── tflite_stream_state_external - TF streaming model with external state is converted to TFLite and stored here
│   ├── model_summary.txt - model topology in streaming mode with external state
│   ├── stream_state_external.tflite - TFLite streaming model with external state
│   ├── tflite_stream_state_external_model_accuracy_reset0.txt - accuracy of TFLite streaming model
|   |       with external state
|   |       State of the model is not reseted before running inference.
|   |       So we can see how internal state is influencing accuracy in long run.
|   |       We report this accuracy in the paper for streaming models
│   └── tflite_stream_state_external_model_accuracy_reset1.txt - accuracy of TFLite streaming model
|           with external state. State of the model is reseted before running inference.
|           So it is equivalent to non streaming inference (state is not kept between testing sequences).
└── train - check points of tf.keras model weights after every evaluation step
    ├── 0weights_400.index
    ├── ...
    ├── 9027weights_....index
    └── checkpoint