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Next.js starter

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This project uses Next.js 13 app directory structure with TypeScript. The data layer uses Drizzle ORM to interface with PostgreSQL/MySQL. Emails are sent via Resend and written using react-email. UI components utilize Radix UI and Tailwind CSS.



  • Serverless API routes and functions
  • Type safety with TypeScript
  • Declarative db schema with Drizzle ORM
  • PostgreSQL and MySQL support
  • Email sending with Resend
  • Email templates written in React with react-email
    • Open localhost:3000/emails to preview email templates and send test emails
  • Radix UI components
  • Tailwind CSS styling
  • Optimized with bun builds

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Install dependencies with bun install
  3. Configure environment variables
  4. Run dev server with bun run dev
  5. Create components in app directory
  6. Define API routes in app/api
  7. Write email templates in emails directory
  8. Build database schema in db folder


  • app: Next.js pages, layouts, API routes
  • components: React components
  • emails: Email templates
  • db: Database schema and config
  • styles: Global styles
  • utils: Shared utility functions

Database client

Run bun run db:studio and open to view the database in the browser.


The app can be easily deployed on Vercel or any Node.js platform.

Let me know if you would like me to modify or expand this README further.

Apply migrations to database

# Drizzle Kit
# Vercel Postgres requires SSL "?sslmode=require"
export DATABASE_URL="postgres://<user>:<password>@<host>/<dbname>?sslmode=require" && npx drizzle-kit push:pg --config=drizzle.config.ts
