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Problem space examples

LeeCampbell edited this page Sep 25, 2012 · 2 revisions

There are a few common problem spaces ranging from the simple to the complex

Grid of data

  • State of the world
  • Hierarchical data
  • Streaming in new rows
  • Scrolling new rows in to view
  • Fast scrolling (with thumb preview or with live data scroll)
  • Saving Column visibility, order and sort preferences

Form entry

  • Tabbing through fields
  • Label selection of fields (by hot key or click)
  • Validation (Field, Form or both) IDataErrorInfo & INotifyDataErrorInfo
  • Default and Cancel buttons (Enter/ESC)

Master header

Ribbon control

Context menus

Streaming data

Pop up windows


Breaking down large complex screens in to rational pieces

How to take a complex screen and break it down in to testable code that can be maintained as legacy code, while avoiding wrapping ourselves up in more scaffolding code than business code.