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Experiments with an IO system written in Haskell.
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David Himmelstrup committed Mar 30, 2014
1 parent a0efdbc commit d67f93d
Showing 1 changed file with 267 additions and 0 deletions.
267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions ExplicitIO.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification, NoImplicitPrelude, Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module ExplicitIO where

import Prelude (Show(..), Monad(..), undefined, String, (++) )

import qualified Data.IORef as Prelude
import qualified Prelude
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe as Prelude

{-# NOINLINE threadList #-}
threadList :: Prelude.IORef [AnyIOPrim]
threadList = Prelude.unsafePerformIO (Prelude.newIORef [])

pushThread :: IOPrim a -> Prelude.IO ()
pushThread prim = Prelude.modifyIORef threadList (\lst -> AnyIOPrim prim : lst)

popThread :: Prelude.IO AnyIOPrim
popThread = do
threads <- Prelude.readIORef threadList
case threads of
[] -> Prelude.error "No more threads."
(x:xs) -> do
Prelude.writeIORef threadList xs
return x

data Bool = True | False
deriving (Show)

execIO :: IO a -> Prelude.IO a
execIO io = runIOPrim (runIO io Unit)

newtype IO a = IO { runIO :: forall r. (a -> IOPrim r) -> IOPrim r }

instance Monad IO where
return a = IO (\cont -> cont a)
(>>=) f g = IO (\cont -> runIO f (\a -> runIO (g a) cont))

terminate :: Bool -> IO ()
terminate False = return ()
terminate True = IO (\_ -> Terminate)

data AnyIOPrim = forall r. AnyIOPrim (IOPrim r)

data IOPrim a where
Unit :: a -> IOPrim a
Terminate :: IOPrim a
NewIORef :: a -> IOPrim (IORef a)
ReadIORef :: IORef a -> IOPrim a
WriteIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IOPrim ()
Bind :: IOPrim a -> (a -> IOPrim b) -> IOPrim b
--CFFI :: String -> [PrimType] -> IO PrimType
-- BlockingFFI
-- NonBlockingFFI

-- Basic I/O
PutStrLn :: String -> IOPrim ()

-- -- libuv
ASyncSpawn :: forall a. IOPrim a -> IOPrim ()
Yield :: IOPrim a

-- Exception handling
ThrowIO :: SomeException -> IOPrim a
--ThrowTo :: ThreadId -> SomeException -> IOPrim a
Catch :: (SomeException -> IOPrim a) -> IOPrim a -> IOPrim a

runIOPrim :: IOPrim a -> Prelude.IO a
runIOPrim prim =
case prim of
Unit a -> return a
Terminate -> Prelude.error "Terminate"
NewIORef a -> Prelude.newIORef a
ReadIORef ref -> Prelude.readIORef ref
WriteIORef ref a -> Prelude.writeIORef ref a
Bind f g -> do
a <- runIOPrim f
runIOPrim (g a)

PutStrLn str -> Prelude.putStrLn str

ASyncSpawn prim -> do
Prelude.putStrLn "Spawn"
pushThread prim
Yield -> do
thread <- popThread
Prelude.putStrLn "Yield"
case thread of
AnyIOPrim prim -> runIOPrim prim >> runIOPrim Yield

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn str = IO (\cont -> PutStrLn str `Bind` cont)

-- Assume IORefs
type IORef a = Prelude.IORef a

newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef a = IO (\cont -> NewIORef a `Bind` cont)

readIORef :: IORef a -> IO a
readIORef ref = IO (\cont -> ReadIORef ref `Bind` cont)

writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
writeIORef ref a = IO (\cont -> WriteIORef ref a `Bind` (\_ -> cont ()))

data MVar a = MVar (IORef (MVarContent a))
data MVarContent a =
MVarReaders [a -> AnyIOPrim] |
MVarWriters a [(a,AnyIOPrim)]

newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar a)
newEmptyMVar = IO (\cont ->
NewIORef (MVarReaders []) `Bind` \ref ->
cont (MVar ref)

takeMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
takeMVar (MVar ref) = IO (\cont ->
ReadIORef ref `Bind` \content ->
case content of
MVarReaders lst ->
let lst' = (\a -> AnyIOPrim (cont a)) : lst in
WriteIORef ref (MVarReaders lst') `Bind` \_ ->
MVarWriters a [] ->
WriteIORef ref (MVarReaders []) `Bind` \_ ->
cont a
MVarWriters a ((a',x):xs) ->
WriteIORef ref (MVarWriters a' xs) `Bind` \_ ->
cont a

putMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
putMVar (MVar ref) a = IO (\cont ->
ReadIORef ref `Bind` \content ->
case content of
MVarReaders [] ->
WriteIORef ref (MVarWriters a []) `Bind` \_ ->
cont ()
MVarReaders (x:xs) ->
WriteIORef ref (MVarReaders xs) `Bind` \_ ->
case x a of
AnyIOPrim t ->
ASyncSpawn t `Bind` cont
MVarWriters orig lst ->
WriteIORef ref (MVarWriters orig ((a, AnyIOPrim (cont ())) : lst)) `Bind` \_ ->

spawn :: IO () -> IO ()
spawn io = IO (\cont -> ASyncSpawn ((runIO io Unit)) `Bind` cont)

testProgram :: IO ()
testProgram = do
ref <- newEmptyMVar
spawn (putMVar ref True)
val <- takeMVar ref
putStrLn ("Boolean: " ++ show val)

testYield :: IO Bool
testYield = IO (\cont -> Yield)

testReturn :: IO Bool
testReturn = return True

fn = do
v <- store ...
a <- fnA v
b <- fnB v
return a+b
fn = \cont ->
store ... (\v ->
fnA v (\a ->
fnB v (\b ->
cont (a+b)
fn = \cont ->
store_fn ... cont
store_fn ... cont =
if no heap
mark_root cont
let v = ...
fn_fnA v cont
fn_fnA v cont =
let a = ...
fn_fnB v a cont
fn_fnB v a cont =
let b = ...
cont (a+b)
gc_alloc :: (Ptr -> IO a) -> Int -> IO a
foreign import "prim cont" unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a
mkContinuation :: ((a -> IOPrim r) -> IOPrim r) -> a
unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO io = mkContinuation $ \cont ->
runIO io cont

unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
unsafeCoerce = undefined

data Any

data SomeException = forall x. Show x => SomeException x

throw :: SomeException -> a
throw = undefined

-- Primitive.
--foreign import ccall mkContinuation :: ((a -> IOPrim r) -> IOPrim r) -> a
mkContinuation :: ((a -> IOPrim r) -> IOPrim r) -> a
mkContinuation = undefined

unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO io = mkContinuation (\cont -> runIO io cont)

ioFromPure cont = runIO getLine cont
data Addr = Addr
gc_alloc :: (Addr -> IOPrim a) -> IOPrim a
gc_alloc cont = undefined

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