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Tiredness is a value attached to every player.
Your current Tiredness level can be seen within your inventory by hovering over the "Zzz" icon.

The tiredness display

When your Tiredness level reaches 100%, you will be able to sleep. At 0 - 99%, you will recieved a "You may not rest now; You are not tired enough" message when attempting to use a bed.

Too tired text

After successfully sleeping, your tiredness will be reset to 0%.
The maximum level of Tiredness is 500%.


When your tiredness level reaches 300% (by default), Phantoms have a chance to spawn on you.
As your tiredness level increases, more Phantoms will spawn at once.


Sleep Rework adds two new types of potion:


Liveliness will decrease your Tiredness gain by 0.5x (by default) per potion level.
Liveliness Potions can be brewed with an Awkward Potion and a Honeycomb.


Drowsiness will increase your Tiredness gain by 2x (by default) per potion level.
Drowsiness Potions can be brewed by corrupting a Liveliness Potion with a Fermented Spider Eye

Wake Up Effects

Upon successfully sleeping you will gain a Regeneration potion effect (by default) for a short time.

Sleep Timeout

On a server, you may not be able to successfully sleep. To fix this, after 20 seconds, you will have rested enough to reset your tiredness without resetting the day time.


Feeling cheaty?
/tiredness @a 100 set will set your tiredness level to 100%
/tiredness @a 50 set will set your tiredness to 50%

/tiredness @a 10 add will add 10% to your current tiredness
/tiredness @a 36 add will add 36% to your current tiredness